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It's been 2 weeks since we started our OJT, I can clearly remember the day we planned
everything, Dagdagan is the one who suggested to sell halo halo, because it's hot and they have
an ice crasher that we can use. We then wrote everything that we need and brought the
ingredients from the market, we then went to the University to set up the tent and the desk
that we'll use the next day. The first day went well, we arrived there earlier than 7:30 to clean
the place, set the table and set everything that we needed, we were going back and forth at the
market to buy more product, me and Rapin are assigned to rush and buy the ingredients, while
Dagdagan and Isaac will stay and sell, we sold everything, and learned a lot of lesson we should
have brought more so we won't be going to the market back and forth, we realized that it's
cheaper to make every ingredients at home, so we divided the ingredients that we needed to
cook, Rapin will cook the banana and the sweet potato, Dagdagan will cook the sago and I'll
cook the jelly, we also brought more cups, spoon, sugar, and milk, we also decided to buy corn
for Mais Con Yelo since many people were asking for it. Monday is the 2nd Day of our OJT and
more people were at the University that day, since it was the start of business week, we were
all tired that day but we sold everything, before we go home, me and Rapin will go to the
market and buy the ingredients for the next day while Dagdagan and Isaac wash all the storages
we put our ingredients and clean the area, by the time we arrived there, they are done doing
their jobs, me and Rapin will put the ingredients we brought for the next day on the cabinet
under the table that we are using, after that we will go home, after 4:30 pm, when I arrive
home I'll cook the jelly and cut it in the morning. The days went so fast, it's been how many
days 11 To be exact, there were times we had some misunderstandings and problems, lack of
spoon, milk, and cups, there's also the time that our ice crasher broke, lucky Tabago have one.
We then have a 1 week break, we continued our OJT Tuesday April 11, I cook the jelly at night
and then wake up early to cut it, we brought the other ingredients at the market then we
arrived at the University at 7:30 we then cleaned the area, cut the ingredients and put the on
their own tub, I then start to prepare some, for easier and faster service, I get cups line them up
them put the sago, gulaman, banana and the sweet potato, I don't put the beans and pinipig
because some of the customers doesn't like them. Theres not much students at the University
this week because of the exam, that is why we tried to lessen the ingredients that we were
selling, and hoping next week we will get more profit.

Friday, March 17 when we started our OJT, March 16 when we are done planning and buying all
the things that we needed for our Ojt, I arrived at the University, earlier than 7:30 I saw them
cleaning the area so I did it too, we fix everything we needed to fix while talking to each other
what can possibly happen that day. I was amazed to see student and school staffs buying on us,
emptying our ingredients earlier than 4:30, I then go to the market with Hipolito to buy
ingredients, I drive to lindas, to buy milk, then to the market to buy the other ingredients that
we needed then drive again to the University, to put all the things we brought, we then go
home later than 4:30, I then go home and buy banana and sweet potato cook it then cut it at
the University,and swipe the area, this is my routine this past few weeks, 8 hours daily.

I go home exhausted, everytime I am the one who's handling our money, I always count it and
then keep some money for the savings, we also payed the money that we barrowed before, the
money that we used on our free tasting and experimenting, I also keep all the receipts and
record what we sold Daily. When I'm done doing all that I will start to cook the ingredients,
sweet potato and banana I then cut them in the morning, with my groupmate it's either
Dagdagan or Hipolito.

The Munchie's, has a total of 5 members Jeremee Hipolito, Merigrace Rapin, Jhon Paul Dag
Dagan, Romely PeBenito, and Isaac Tabago. Their past plan operation wasn't fallowed, some of
the members doesn't cooperate, sometimes there's only 3 members at the stool, they open the
store they prepare the food cabinet and the table, they wet the floor with water, wash the tools
and pans, Jeremee and John Paul will do all of that while merigrace will stop by at the terminal
to get the product that romely prepared. Jeremee and John Paul will then mix the palamig
while waiting for grace to come, John Paul will buy ice while Jeremee is mixing the chocolate
drink. They put all the products on the cabinet, Customers started to come, merigrace will
collect the order and the payment, Jeremee will cook the product then John Paul will pack the
product and serve it. When the store closes they pack all the things that needs to be washed.

Munchie's operation plan now is to operate with all the members working equally, in order to
do that they will group their selves into 2 members to make their own product, merigrace,
Jeremee and John Paul will make halo halo in Monday and Thursday while putolanggonisa and
gulaman in Tuesday and Wednesday. Isaac and Romely will make Cheese stick, Graham
balls,and Tuna shanghai. G cash cash-in and globe load is also available in Munchie's.
Munchie's will open at exactly 8 am and will be close at exactly 5 pm.

Munchie's will used this new operation plan to have a more effective business with fairness and
full cooperation of it's members. Munchie's will have 5 members working on their stool
everyday unlike the the 1st operation.



Our On-the Job Training or OJT started on the 10th of March 2023, that day was Friday but our
DTR started on 13th of March, Monday.

We changed our product from Puto-Longganisa to Halo-halo since our first product in the first
semester(Puto-Longganisa) did not click and was significantly low on revenue and sales that’s
why we changed our product that fits the hot season in the Philippines, Halo-halo. Actually, the
product Halo-halo was the idea of one of our associate, Jhon Paul Dagdagan and it was an
amazing idea that really satisfies alot of customers in our business area, inside the University of
Northern Philippines.

I was enthusiastic and feeling productive. I haven’t had an absent on my DTR and OJT. I even
provided the needs to our small business like a tent to stay in the shade and ice crusher to
crush ice for our new product, Halo-halo.

I wake up at 6:30 every morning to get ready and will arrive at the business operation area at
7:15 AM to prepare for our operation that starts at the time of 7:30 AM that ends at 4:15 PM,
the remaining 15 minutes will be our time to sweep, clean our dishes and equipments and fix
our area that will finalize the end of our daily operation in our OJT at 4:30 PM. Therefore, our
operation hours equals 8 hours every day.

My main roles in the past month and future months are crushing ice, cleaning and sweeping
our area and washing the dishes and equipments before we close for the day.

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