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Arrange é seguido por to + infinitivo.

Arrange To + Infinitivo

are arranging to meet

arranged to go

They are arranging to meet with him next Wednesday at the

They are arranging to meet with him next Wednesday at the fish market.
Eles estão se organizando para se encontrar com ele na próxima quarta-
feira, na peixaria.

We arranged to go to Madrid with our friends on Thanksgiving Day.

Nós nos organizamos para ir à Madri com nossas amigas no dia de Ação de
Susan arranged to surprise him for his birthday next weekend.
Susan se organizou para surpreender no aniversário dele, no próximo fim
de semana.
He is arranging to feed his dog tonight at seven o'clock when he gets home.
Ele está se organizando para alimentar seu cachorro hoje à noite às 19h,
quando chegar em casa.

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Pretend é seguido por to + infinitivo.

Pretend To + Infinitivo

is pretending to forgive

pretended to yawn

She is pretending to forgive me after I broke the lamp in her room.

Ela está fingindo me perdoar após eu ter quebrado a lâmpada do quarto
He pretended to yawn when he was bored at the party last weekend.
Ele fingiu bocejar quando estava entediado na festa no fim de semana
My friend pretended to vomit, but he wasn't sick. He doesn't like seafood.
Meu amigo fingiu vomitar, mas não estava doente. Ele não gosta de frutos
do mar.
The boy pretends to cry when his parents say he cannot go to the park.
O menino finge chorar quando seus pais dizem que ele não pode ir ao

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Refuse é seguido por to + infinitivo.

Refuse To + Infinitivo

refused to answer

refuse to put

He refused to answer his mobile phone because he is at work.

He refused to answer his cell phone because he is at work.
Ele se recusou a atender seu celular porque está no trabalho.

They refuse to put their names on the piece of paper.

Elas se recusam a colocar seus nomes no pedaço de papel.
We refused to organise the meeting until she got in the building.
We refused to organize the meeting until she got in the building.
Nós nos recusamos a organizar a reunião até que ela entrasse no prédio.

She refused to send the envelope until she was able to put her letter in it.
Ela se recusou a enviar o envelope até ser capaz de colocar sua carta dentro

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Manage é seguido por to + infinitivo.

Manage To + Infinitivo

managed to communicate

managed to admit

She managed to communicate with me on the internet when her mobile

phone broke.
She managed to communicate with me on the internet when her cell
phone broke.
Ela conseguiu se comunicar comigo na internet quando seu celular quebrou.

My brother managed to admit he took the dessert from my plate.

Meu irmão conseguiu admitir que tomou a sobremesa do meu prato.

I managed to find a cheap printer to buy on the internet for my cousin.

Eu consegui encontrar uma impressora barata para comprar na internet
para minha prima.

My friend managed to remember that he put his shoes in the wardrobe

My friend managed to remember that he put his shoes in the closet
Meu amigo conseguiu recordar que colocou seus sapatos no armário

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Like é seguido por to + infinitivo.

Like To + Infinitivo

like to swim

like to talk

You are afraid of sharks so you don't like to swim in the ocean.
Você tem medo de tubarões, então não gosta de nadar no oceano.
David doesn't like to talk with Brandon or Julie on the phone, does he?
David não gosta de falar com Brandon ou Julie no telefone, ele gosta?

Karen likes to play tennis with her friends, but she is not very good at it.
Karen gosta de jogar tênis com os amigos dela, mas não é muito boa nisso.

Do you like to go fishing in the winter? I prefer when it is sunny in the

Você gosta de ir pescar no inverno? Eu prefiro quando está ensolarado no

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