2023.1 - IM Marketing Plan

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Due Last Friday of classes before finals week, May 24. 11:59 pm.

Hand in through Virtual Sabana



Write a marketing plan on one of the following 1 topics

1. Make a marketing plan that can be international between 2 countries which deal with:
1. Use a service from the hospitality industry coming from one of the chosen countries ( Brazil,
Indonesia, Japan, Turkey,, India, Scandinavia) to your home country
2. Launch a sustainable apparel and outdoor gear (no food) from your home country into one of
the chosen countries (Brazil, Indonesia, Japan, Turkey,, India, Scandinavia).
3. Bring a lifestyle brand to your home country or from your home country to one of the chosen
countries. (Brazil, Indonesia, Japan, Turkey, India, Scandinavia)
Banned topics

● Glastonbury Festival
● Harry Potter
● Tomorrowland
● Wayu/Guayu mochilla bags
● Hammocks
● Sombrero vueltiao
● Anything illegal or involving sex
● Bulgari


All plans are individual or groups of 2 (no 3 or more).The project is a minimum of 25 pages for groups; 15 pages
for individuals (exclusive of charts and graphs, executive summary and addendums). Shorter submissions will
receive a failing grade of 0. NO CHAT GRPS // Use leads to 0 grade

1). All material must be unique to this course. You cannot use marketing plans from previous classes or from Feria
Empresarial (these are self plagiarism).

Format: Verdana or Calibri 11pt, 1.5 spacing, page Margins 1" on all sides (top, bottom, left, right)
2) Required elements:

Charts, graphs, marketing tools: you are required to MAKE at least four charts, graphs, and/or tables in
the project, besides the text. You must make at least 3 on your own directly related to the project. You
must use at least three of the following:
● empathy map,
● target customer profile,
● strategic canvas
● perception map (video in tutorial)
● customer journey
● Brand Prism
● BCG Matrix
● Weighted Swot
● Value Proposition Canvas
The author of the paper must make all charts and graphs. Charts, tables, and graphs that are cut and I
consider paste from the Internet plagiarized. Remember, you must have 15 or 25 pages of text, and in
addition at least three charts or graphs, and addendums.
Must use Euromonitor/Passport from Unisabana library in your paper.
Advertising Brief. You must make an advertising brief and include it as an addendum to the marketing
Budget. A budget is required
Project management tools: you must include the 10 elements of the PMI Project management
knowledge areas included in the table or in text.
NO work from other classes, simple SWOTS, or work produced by ChatGPR as it is considered plagiarism

3) Citation:

No more than 20% of the paper can be quotations or paraphrases of source material. All references, quotations,
and paraphrases must be cited using APA in-line format [example: (Langdon, 2014)]

4) Bibliography:

You must have a bibliography at the end of the paper written in APA format (Not Annotated). There must be at
least 6 references. No bibliography received a grade of 0.

5) English conventions: Proficiency in English is required by the international business department. Thus, an
inability to write in proper English is not accepted. I will make deductions for excessive, inaccurate English using
the following scale.
a) 0-10 errors: no penalty
b) 11-15 errors: .5 deduction from the grade of the entire project
c) 16-20 errors: 1.0 deduction from the grade of the entire project
d) 21-25 errors: 1.5 deduction from the grade of the entire project
e) 26-30 errors: 2.0 deduction from the grade of the entire project
f) 31 or more errors will signify an inability to properly manage the English language for the purposes of a
business course conducted in English. Thus, 2.5 deductions from the grade of the entire project.

Area Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Unacceptable

Instructions Significantly Exceed Exceeds Standards Follows Standards Missing small Missing large
Standards Asked for Asked for in Asked for in Standards Asked for Standards Asked for
in instructions instructions instructions in instructions in instructions or
writing on the
incorrect topic or
areas without

Content/ Content and Content and Content and Content and Content and
presentations far presentations far presentations meet presentations falls presentations fail to
exceed expectations exceed expectations expectations in short of explain areas of the
(40%) in template and are in template and are template expectations in plan or content is
one of the best 5 on one of the best 10% template; minimum lacking
the section on the section effort is obvious.

Implementation Implementation is Excellent Meets expectation Areas of the Implementation

exceptional and implementation asked for in the implementation plans is
could be ready to plan with most areas template plan are lacking or unacceptable
implement in an covered not fully addressed
actual project and insufficient to
immediately be able to

Depth (20%) Plan far exceeds Plan exceeds Plan meets standard Plan is missing Plan is completed
standards asked for standards asked for asked for in in standard asked for with minimal effort
in template and is in instructions instructions in instructions and thought.
one of the top 5 in
the section
PMI/ Implementation chart

PMI Knowledge Area Marketing Plan Details

Integration Management

Scope Management

Schedule Management

Cost Management

Quality Management

Resource Management

Communications Management

Risk Management

Procurement Management

Stakeholder Management
Project Description Details
Charts, Graphs, and - Create at least four charts, graphs, and/or tables in the project, excluding the
Marketing Tools text.<br>- Make a minimum of three charts directly related to the project.<br>-
Utilize at least three of the following:;Empathy Map;Target Customer
Profile;Strategic Canvas;Perception Map (video in tutorial) ;Customer
Journey;Brand Prism;VRIO;BCG Matrix;Weighted SWOT;CAGE Analysis;Value
Proposition Canvas<br>- All charts and graphs must be created by the author of
the paper to avoid plagiarism.
Euromonitor/ - Incorporate data and insights from Euromonitor/Passport available through the
Passport Research Unisabana library in your paper.<br>- Utilize relevant industry reports, market
analysis, or consumer behavior data to strengthen your marketing plan and
support your recommendations.
Advertising Brief - Develop an advertising brief for the marketing plan.<br>- Include the
advertising brief as an addendum to the marketing plan document.<br>- Provide
clear instructions and specifications for the advertising campaign, outlining
objectives, target audience, messaging, channels, and creative guidelines.
Budget - Prepare a detailed budget for the marketing plan.<br>- Include estimated costs
for various marketing activities such as advertising, promotions, market
research, production, and distribution.<br>- Ensure the budget aligns with the
proposed marketing strategies and objectives, and consider any financial
constraints or limitations.
Project - Incorporate the 10 elements of the PMI Project Management Knowledge Areas
Management Tools into the text of the marketing plan or a separate table.<br>- Address each
knowledge area and demonstrate its application in managing and executing the
marketing plan effectively.<br>- Ensure the project management approach is
clear and aligned with industry best practices.
Original Work - Avoid using work from other classes or simple SWOT analyses in the marketing
plan to maintain originality.<br>- Refrain from incorporating work produced by
ChatGPT or any other AI model, as it may be considered plagiarism.<br>- Ensure
that all content and analysis presented in the plan is the author's own work and
properly cited when referencing external sources.
Page Length - The marketing plan should have a minimum of 15 or 25 pages of text, excluding
charts, graphs, tables, and addendums.<br>- Strive for a comprehensive and
detailed analysis, ensuring all key aspects of the marketing plan are adequately
Lifestyle Brand Table


Who the audience is

The desirable lifestyle they want

The method to communicate this lifestyle

The associations it will align with

The experiences it will provide

How to help them achieve it

Marketing Plan Template 1

Australian Government

Marketing Plan Template 2

The Business Victoria Marketing Plan Template


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