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1. Which of the following is the muta on when two breaks occur in one chromosome and
some mes the region between the breaks rotates 180 degrees before rejoining with the two
end fragments?
a. Reciprocal transloca on
b. Robertson transloca on
c. inser onal transloca on
d. Inversion
e. Dele on

1. Which tumor has arisen in mesenchymal ssue, such as bone, muscle, or connec ve ssue?
a. Sarcomas
b. Carcinomas
c. Leukemia
d. Lymphoma
e. Adenosarcomas

2. Which mechanism does not cause tumor suppressor gene inac va on?
a. Point Muta ons
b. DNA methyla on
c. Viral integra on
d. Loss of heterozygosity
e. High immune system ac va on

3. Which of the following gene muta on is breast Cancer associated with?

a. RBI
b. HBB
d. BRCA1

4. What are the environmental factors that cause cancer called?

a. Carcinogen
b. malignant factor
c. Invasive factor
d. Metasta c factor
e. Recombinant factor

6. What is the incorrect expression associated with the change in cell necrosis?
a. Random DNA fractures occur
b. The cell swells and undergoes lysis
c. Nuclear chroma n is dispersed
d. Inflamma on does not occur
e. Due to ATP deficiency, there is an ion pump deficiency

7. Although the changes as a result of a muta on, which of the following muta ons does not
have an observable?
A. Silent muta ons
B. Non-sense muta ons
C. Missense muta ons
D. Dele on
E. Frameshi muta ons

8. Which of the following is wrong about cancer?

a. they secrete growth factors that s mulate angiogenesis
b. Growth is not affected by growth factors.
c. they are gene cally stable.
d. apoptosis is blocked.
e. the cell cycle does not work normally.

9. Which of the intracellular s muli does not affect apoptosis?

a. Factors associated with DNA damage
b. Withdrawal of growth factors
c. Mechanical Trauma
d. Fas Ligand (FasL.)
e. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)

10. which of the following is not one of the events that cause the ac va on of proto-
a. Point Muta ons
b. Chromosomal transloca ons
c. Gene amplifica ons
d. High level of ac vity of the immune system
e. Viral Integra on

11. Which of the following are not the causes of apoptosis?
a. For the comple on of the organiza on in the development process
b. To balance cell prolifera on with cell death
c. To control the size of ssues and organs of organisms
d. For the elimina on of harmful cells in the organism
e. Breakdown of cells due to thermal effects

12. Which of the following causes a frameshi muta on?

a. the Transi on
b. Replacing pyrimidine with purine
c. Inser on of a nucleo de
d. Silent muta on
e. dele on of three nucleo des

13. What is the term used for defining the organism's gene c cons tu on?
a. Genotype
b. phenotype
c. Expression
d. Dominant
e. Muta on

14. which of the following is not the func onal product of proto-oncogenes?
a. Growth Factor
b. Growth Factor Receptor
c. Transcrip on Factor
d. Intracellular kinases
e. Proteins that regulate apoptosis

15. What is the name given to the type of muta on that occurs when a different amino acid is
introduced instead of an amino acid in protein synthesis?
a. Dele on
b. Missense muta on
c. Nonsense m muta on
d. Frameshi muta on
e. Inser on

16. Which of the following is the term that describes when cancer has spread to another area of
the body?
a. Phenotype
b. Clonal
c. Benign
d. Metastasis
e. Loss of heterozygosity


17. Which of the following is the type of transloca on that occurs as a result of centric fusion
between acrocentric chromosomes
a. Reciprocal transloca on
b. Robertson Type Transloca on
c. Inser onal transloca on
d. Inversion
e. Dele on

18. Which of the following statements about hereditary cancer is false?

a. They inherit autosomal dominant
b. They occur as autosomal recessive
c. They occur at an advanced age
d. They can affect more than one organ
e. More than one family member is affected

19. What is the probability that sons with the disease as a result of X-linked recessive
inheritance will pass the disease gene on to their sons?
a. %0
b. %25
c. %50
d. %75
e. 100%

20. The defini on of "encoded amino acid does not change even though the code is changed as
a result of muta on" includes the following muta ons. can be said for
a. silent muta ons
b. Single base change muta ons
c. Nonsense muta ons
d. Missense muta ons
e. Frameshi muta ons

21. All sons of a sick father are sick, but daughters are normal, which of the following
inheritance pa ern belongs to?
a. X-linked dominant inheritance
b. X-linked recessive inheritance
c. autosomal recessive inheritance
d. Y dependent inheritance
e. Autosomal dominant inheritance

22. What is recessive allele?

a. It is the allele that manifests itself phenotypically in heterozygous genotype as well
as in homozygous genotype.
b. An allele that manifests itself phenotypically only in the heterozygous genotype.
c. Allele that manifests phenotypically only in the homozygous genotype
d. A physical expression of a feature
e. The sum of the genes a person has

23. The concept of Heteroplasmy is valid for which of the following types of inheritance?
a. Autosomal recessive
b. Autosomal dominant
c. X-linked recessive
d. Mitochondrial inheritance
e. X-linked dominant

24. Which of the following is not required for an ordinary Polymerase Chain Reac on?
a. Primers
b. DNA polymerase
c. dNTPler
d. RNA polymerase
e. MgCl2

25. Which of the following anomalies is a balanced chromosomal anomaly?
a. Inser on
b. Ring chromosome
c. Isochromosome
d. Duplica on
e. Dele on

26. Which of the following is not one of the aneuploidy forma on mechanisms?
a. Endomitosis
b. Non-Disjunc on
c. Anafaz lavoine
d. Lagging in anaphase
e. None

27. Which of the following enzyme is involved in the synthesis of complementary DNA (cDNA)?
a. RNA polymerase
b. Reverse transcriptase
c. DNA polymerase
d. Topoisomerase
e. DNA primase

28. Which of the following gene c analysis methods is an amplifica on method?

a. PCR
b. Western blot
d. Northern blot
e. Karyotyping

29. In an autosomal dominant inherited disease, what is it called when the disease is mild in
some individuals and severe in others?
a. Penetrans
b. Decreased penetra on
c. Gene c an spasm
d. Variable expressivity
e. Recessive

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