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LEVEL: 300


SESSION: 2020/2021




27th of DECEMBER 2021 – 25th of MARCH 2022


1 LAWAL R,B 208222

Department of Industrial and Production Engineering,
University of Ibadan,
23RD November 2022.
The Director,
Industrial Training Coordinating Centre (ITCC),
University of Ibadan,
Dear Sir,


I, LAWAL RIDWAN BOLAJI, with matriculation number 208222, of the department of

Industrial and Production Engineering, hereby write to inform you of the success of my twelve
(12) weeks of Students’ Work Experience Programme as scheduled for the 2021/2022 session,
and submission of the report. The Students' Work Experience Programme, which began on
December 27, 2021 and ended on March 25, 2022 at IQ Academy in Ibadan, Oyo State, where
I was assigned. There was a two-week break in between due to the start of the new academic
session. I later resumed my training after my academic progress was halted due to Academic
Staff Union industrial action. As a result, the total number of weeks spent on training is equal
to 10 weeks.

I hereby submit this submission letter, along with my student work experience training report
and log book, as required for successful completion of the Students' Work Experience
Programme. This includes a detailed report summarizing the experiences and knowledge
gained during the program. I am grateful for the Industrial Training Coordinating Centre's
efforts in making the Students' Work Experience Programme a reality.

Yours Faithfully,


2 LAWAL R,B 208222


All praise and thanks go to Almighty God - The Lord of the universe for seeing me through
this industrial training. My heartfelt appreciation also goes to my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawal,
and my siblings. Your assistance throughout the training period was invaluable. I pray that
Almighty God continues to answer your prayer.

My heartfelt gratitude also goes to the entire management and staff of IBN QAYYIM, IQ
Academy, particularly the director, Architect Yusuf Lawal, for his concern and words of advice
and encouragement throughout my training, as well as other colleagues.

I would also like to express my gratitude to my personal trainer, Engr. Mr. Rafiu Wasiu (a.k.a
Picosoft). Your exceptional method of influencing knowledge is unrivalled. I beseech
Almighty God to continue to ease your burdens in His infinite mercy.

3 LAWAL R,B 208222

Table of Contents
SUBMISSION LETTER ........................................................................................................... 2

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................................... 3

Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................... 4

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................... 7

1 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION TO SIWES AND IQ ACADEMY............................... 8

1.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 8

1.2 AIMS OF SIWES ........................................................................................................ 8

1.3 OBJECTIVES OF SIWES .......................................................................................... 8

1.4 ABOUT IQ ACADEMY ........................................................................................... 10

1.5 IQ Quality Objectives................................................................................................ 10

2 CHAPTER 2: COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN (CAD) ................................................... 12

2.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 12

2.2 HISTORY OF CAD .................................................................................................. 12

2.3 HOW DOES COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN WORK? ........................................... 12

2.4 EXAMPLES OF CAD SOFTWARE ........................................................................ 14

2.4.1 AUTOCAD: ....................................................................................................... 14

2.4.2 SolidWorks: ....................................................................................................... 14

2.4.3 FreeCAD: ........................................................................................................... 15

2.4.4 TinkerCAD: ....................................................................................................... 16

2.4.5 Inventor: ............................................................................................................. 16

2.5 Types of CAD ........................................................................................................... 17

2.5.1 2D CAD ............................................................................................................. 17

2.5.2 2.5D CAD .......................................................................................................... 18

2.5.3 3D CAD ............................................................................................................. 18

2.5.4 CAD using neutral file formats .......................................................................... 19

4 LAWAL R,B 208222

2.5.5 CAD using native file formats ........................................................................... 20

2.6 AREAS WHERE CAD ARE MOSTLY APPLIED ................................................. 20

2.7 CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................... 20


3.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 21

3.2 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES ........................................................................... 21

3.2.1 HTML ................................................................................................................ 22

3.2.2 CSS .................................................................................................................... 23

3.2.3 PHP .................................................................................................................... 24

3.2.4 JAVASCRIPT .................................................................................................... 25

3.3 Front-End Frameworks and Libraries ....................................................................... 25

3.3.1 BOOTSTRAP .................................................................................................... 25

3.3.2 MATERIAL DESIGN ....................................................................................... 27

3.3.3 JQUERY ............................................................................................................ 27

3.4 BACKEND FRAMEWORKS .................................................................................. 29

4 CHAPTER 4: PRODUCTIVITY SUITES ...................................................................... 30

4.1 DEFINITION ............................................................................................................ 30

4.2 COMPUTER BASED SUITE ................................................................................... 30

4.3 ONLINE BASED SUITE.......................................................................................... 31

4.4 MICROSOFT 365 AND GOOGLE WORKSPACE ................................................ 31

4.5 CLOUD STORAGE .................................................................................................. 32

4.6 ADVANTAGES OF PRODUCTIVITY SUITE....................................................... 32

▪ CENTRALIZED CONTROL ................................................................................... 32

▪ MOBILITY ............................................................................................................... 33

▪ SIMPLICITY ............................................................................................................ 33

4.7 CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................... 33

5 LAWAL R,B 208222

5 CHAPTER 5: RECOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSION ....................................... 35

5.1 CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................... 35

5.2 RECOMMENDATION ............................................................................................ 35

REFERENCE ........................................................................................................................... 37

APPENDICES ......................................................................................................................... 38

TABLE OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................... 38

6 LAWAL R,B 208222

This industrial training report summarizes the experience I gained during my three months of
industrial training at IQ Academy in Bodija, Ibadan, Oyo State.

Industrial and production engineering is a broad field that includes more than just product
manufacturing. Operational Research, Applied Ergonomics and Industrial Health and Safety,
Simulation of Production Activities, Process Design, Advanced Manufacturing Technology,
Design and Manufacturing Engineering, Engineering Project Management and
Implementation, and Automation and Robotics are all areas of specialization in the field.

During my training, I was able to learn the following course-related skills: interaction with
some Computer Aided Design (CAD) applications, database management, customer services,
building a virtual billing system for schools, leveraging productivity suite to make work easier
and faster, web development, and teamwork to achieve a valuable service.

This report will look at computer-aided design (CAD) software, web development, and
productivity suites. This report also discusses the technical skills acquired during the training
period, which justified the scheme's relevance in providing students with the technical skills
required to thrive in the real world.

7 LAWAL R,B 208222


Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a programme which was established
by ITF in 1973 under the direct coordination of the Nigeria Universities Commission (NUC),
National Commission for College of Education (NCCE), and National Board for Technical
Education (NBTE) to solve the problem of lack of adequate practical skills required for
employment in industries by Nigerian graduates of tertiary institutions. Participation in
Industrial Training is a well-known educational strategy. Classroom studies are integrated with
learning through hands-on work experiences in a field related to the student’s academic
program and career goals. Successful internships foster an experiential learning process that do
not only promotes career preparation but provides opportunities for learners to develop skills
necessary to become leaders in their chosen professions. One of the primary goals of the
SIWES is to help students integrate leadership development into the experiential learning
process. Students are expected to learn and develop basic non-profit leadership skills through
a mentoring relationship with innovative non-profit leaders. By integrating leadership
development activities into the Industrial Training experience, ITF hope to encourage students
to actively engage in non-profit management as a professional career objective. Participation
in SIWES has become a necessary pre-condition for the award of Diploma and Degree
certificates in specific disciplines in most institutions of higher learning in the country. The
scheme is a tripartite programme involving the students, the Universities and the Industries (the
employers of labour).


SIWES is aimed at promoting the much-desired technological know-how for the advancement
of the nation by exposing students to machines and equipment, professional work methods and
ways of safeguarding the work area as well as the workers in industries and other organizations.


The following are some of the objectives of SIWES:

1. To provide students the opportunity to test their interest in a particular career before
permanent commitments are made.

2. To develop skills in the application of theory to practical work situations.

8 LAWAL R,B 208222
3. To provide students the opportunity to test their aptitude for a particular career before
permanent commitments are made.

4. To develop skills and techniques directly applicable to their careers.

5. To aid students in adjusting from college to full-time employment.

6. To prepare SIWES students in entering into full-time employment in their area of

specialization upon graduation.

7. To help SIWES students acquire good work habits.

8. To help SIWES students develop employment records/references that will enhance

employment opportunities.

9 LAWAL R,B 208222


IQ ACADEMY is an academy that gives each learner a distinct advantage. The academy has
been successful in training students from all over the world in-demand technology skills such
as robotics, IoT machine learning, data science, 3D printing, and full stack software
engineering. Adults are not the only ones who can learn at IQ Academy. Children as young as
five years old are being trained in the aforementioned skills.

It is a quintessential full-fledged citadel to blended knowledge of Islamic tenets as an academy

that valued knowledge and placed a high priority on proper moral upbringing. The academy
believes that each child has a unique potential that must be explored through the lens of Islam
and as diverse as beneficial knowledge can be in the twenty-first century.

Learners have access to a hybrid of the best traditional educational curricula. They aim to raise
ethical lifelong learners who are devoted to their Deen above all else and who are worthy
ambassadors of the country and beyond, who are self-made in all beneficial worldly endeavours
with a sense of responsibility at the Academy.

Quran studies, Cambridge and tech are major programs offer in IQ academy. However, the
tech is their selling point, having the relevance of a future in a world that is fast moving towards
automation and less reliance on human intervention across all disciplines and fields of
beneficial engagements.

Architect YUSUFF LAWAL, who holds a B.Sc in architecture from Obafemi Awolowo
University (OAU), is the company's director. He has combined expertise in the field and used
his formidable skills to make significant contributions to the structural development of the state
and other parts of Nigeria. He has also influenced many students who are confident in working
with professionals from a variety of fields, who are also educators or trainable individuals with
an eye for excellence, finesse, and high-quality standards, expertise, and experience, and who
are open to innovative practice.

1.5 IQ Quality Objectives

For the understanding that education and training at Ibn Qayyim (IQ) Academy is a continuous
process that evolves in response to the needs of the time and is renewed in light of sound Islamic
knowledge and experience. To that end, they develop educational and quality objectives based
on the Qur'an and Sunnah that will maximize students' moral attitudes while also developing
their communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity skills in line with 21st

10 LAWAL R,B 208222

century skills. In order to improve, we will review these objectives on a regular and ongoing



11 LAWAL R,B 208222


CAD is also sometimes called “computer-aided design and drafting” (CADD). Using
computer-based software to assist in design processes is known as computer-aided design.
Various kinds of engineers and designers regularly utilize CAD software. Two-dimensional (2-
D) drawings and three-dimensional (3-D) models can both be produced using CAD software.

By making designs simple to share, review, simulate, and edit using 3D CAD, you can quickly
bring new, unique items to market. When it comes to the conventional “pencil on paper”
method of engineering and design, known as manual drafting, CAD software has supplanted
the T-squares and protractors employed by past designers.


The first commercial numerical-control programming system, PRONTO, created by Dr.

Patrick J. Hanratty in 1957, is credited with giving rise to computer-aided design (CAD).
SKETCHPAD, developed by Ivan Sutherland in 1960 at MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory, proved
the viability and fundamentals of computer-aided technical sketching.

Because the machines were so expensive when CAD was first developed, it was not precisely
a viable business option. Engineers may now employ CAD files that accurately depict the
object’s dimensions and attributes thanks to the development of minicomputers and
microprocessors in the latter half of the 20th century and the resulting increase in computing
power, particularly after the rise of cloud computing.

In 1971, Hanratty developed a program called ADAM. It was described as the “first
commercially available integrated, interactive graphics design, drafting, and manufacturing
system.” Approximately nine in 10 of CAD programs find their roots in ADAM.

Hanratty upgraded ADAM over time, enabling it to run on 16-bit, and later 32-bit computers.
With a name change to AD-2000 along with more machining and surfacing capabilities, the
program became a hit.


A standard CAD system requires the installation of a CAD software package and, occasionally,
a graphics card on your computer to work. The graphics kernel is the brains of a CAD software

12 LAWAL R,B 208222

application. The graphical user interface (GUI) is another crucial component of CAD software.
The GUI is used to display the CAD geometry and collect user input.

Developing computer models with geometrical constraints is known as computer-aided design

(CAD). These models often provide a three-dimensional representation of a component or a
whole system on a computer screen. Developers can easily modify the model by altering the
suitable parameters, which makes life easier for designers and engineers.

This indicates that the characteristics and relationships we feed into geometry, shape and size
are controlled. If you use solid geometric modelling, which requires that you apply material
first, the geometric will respond to forces similarly to real objects.

The mouse and keyboards are often used as input devices, and trackballs and digitizers are also
occasionally utilized. The GUI transfers the input from the input devices to the graphics kernel
in an appropriate format. The graphics kernel creates the geometric entities and instructs the
graphics card to show them on the GUI.

Design engineers may plan and create their work on a computer screen with CAD, print it, and
save it for upcoming revisions. The objects of traditional drafting are represented by CAD
software for a mechanical design using either vector-based visuals or, in some cases, raster
graphics that show the overall appearance of planned things. It involves more than simply
forms, though.

According to application-specific norms, the CAD output must express information, such as
materials, procedures, measurements, and tolerances, just like hand drafting of technical and
engineering drawings. The software also considers the interactions between various materials
and stakeholders, which is particularly important as more specifics are added to the drawings
by subcontractors.


13 LAWAL R,B 208222


Developers have helped to create different CAD software. Each software has its own unique
features. These often-used software tools can assist one in creating construction documentation,
exploring design concepts, visualizing ideas through photorealistic renderings, and simulating
how a design would function in real life. Let’s take a look at the five best CAD software to use:

2.4.1 AUTOCAD:

One of the first CAD software to hit the market was AutoCAD from Autodesk, which has a
strong reputation in several industries. This CAD program is used for 2D and 3D drafting and
design. It can produce designs, equipment layouts, section planes, model documentation, and
more. The secret to success is mastering AutoCAD and other 3D CAD programs. The software
is designed for experts with backgrounds in algorithmic model programming.


2.4.2 SolidWorks:

Professional 3D designers frequently utilize this Dassault Systems product. It is a feature-

based, parametric model. Employers usually look for candidates with SolidWorks knowledge
because it is a well-known mechanical design software with a sizable user base. This 3D
modelling CAD software is widely utilized in the mechanical engineering and design fields. A
variety of capabilities, including tools for design validation or reverse engineering, are included
in the Solid works software.
14 LAWAL R,B 208222

2.4.3 FreeCAD:

FreeCAD is an open-source parametric modeler that excels in all vital CAD applications,
including product design, mechanical engineering, and architecture. Developers used Python
to build the top layers of FreeCAD, which is already equipped with program customization
features. You can use the 2D forms you create with FreeCAD as a starting point to design other
items. It’s a multiplatform (Windows 11, Mac, and Linux), highly customizable, and
extendable piece of software.


15 LAWAL R,B 208222

2.4.4 TinkerCAD:

A web browser-based 3D modelling tool called Tinkercad is available online and is free to
use. It gained popularity as a tool for making models for 3D printing since it became accessible
in 2011. Constructive solid geometry (CSG), based on this CAD program, enables users to
combine more direct items to produce complicated models. Additional features of Tinkercad
include incorporating electronic circuits and writing programs.


2.4.5 Inventor:

The Autodesk-provided CAD software is a powerful program built specifically for mechanical
design, making it a specialized tool for 3D design, documentation, and product simulation.
With integrated tools for sheet metal, frame, tube, and power design, the software Inventor
combines parametric, direct, free-form, and rule-based design functions. Additionally, this
CAD software facilitates the interchange of ideas via a secure cloud-based service and links
designs with incoming client data.


16 LAWAL R,B 208222

2.5 Types of CAD

Computer-aided design (CAD) consists of two broad types – 2D and 3D. However, it is further
categorized into the following:

2.5.1 2D CAD
Early in the 1970s, 2D CAD, the industry’s first CAD program, was created. At that time, large
aerospace, automotive, and other engineering businesses developed internal technologies to
automate repetitive drafting tasks. To make flat drawings, 2D CAD uses fundamental
geometric shapes like lines, rectangles, circles, etc.

This is the earliest iteration of CAD that most people are familiar with. The use of text,
dimensions, leaders, and tables as annotations on drawings is another feature of 2D CAD
software. 2D CAD is used to design, plan, section, elevation views, and detail structures in the
built environment. Additionally, they convey how various components work together to form
assemblies and offer crucial inspection locations.

A library of geometric images, the capacity to design Bezier curves, splines, and polylines, the
ability to specify hatching patterns, and the ability to generate a bill of materials are all standard
features of 2D CAD systems. AutoCAD, CADkey, CATIA v4, and Medusa are some of the
well-known 2D CAD applications.

17 LAWAL R,B 208222

2.5.2 2.5D CAD
2.5-D CAD is a medium-level CAD between 2D and 3D. Because they depict the depth of the
objects, the prismatic models are produced by this kind of CAD. These items’ components are
geometric shapes, just like in 2D CAD. Even if the object is three-dimensional, there cannot
be any overhanging parts, which is what is meant when a surface is described as 2.5D. The
height of the item (i.e., thickness or depth) at each place is commonly depicted for objects of
this type using a contour map. Although they are on solitary planes, Z levels do exist.

2.5.3 3D CAD
There are several distinct kinds of three-dimensional (3D) CAD software, each designed for a
different application and level of detail. 3D CAD has grown in popularity as a design tool as
computer processing power and graphic display capabilities have improved.

There are numerous versions of three-dimensional (3D) CAD software designed for various
applications and levels of detail. In general, 3D CAD software produces a realistic
representation of the design object, enabling designers to address potential issues earlier and
with lower production costs. Inventor by Autodesk, VX CAD, and CATIA V5 are a few 3D
CAD applications, and there are many software as a service (SaaS) apps for 3D CAD.

This type of computer-aided design can be further subdivided into three categories. Surface modelling:

In contrast to wireframes, these models are produced by joining 3D surfaces. The surface
models are pretty accurate, considering that the background is not visible. Modifying the model
(a relatively complex action in surface modelling software) typically does not have a tree of
operations in surface modelling software. This is different from solid modelling software,
where you can revisit and modify any action in the modelling process without having to begin
the model again. Wireframe modelling:

With lines and arcs, they build skeleton-like models. Wire-frame models are referred to as such
because everything in the background is visible and they appear to be formed of wires. They
are not as well-liked as they formerly were. These models have a skeletal framework
constructed of wires that resembles a whole item.

18 LAWAL R,B 208222

Figure 2.7 3D design Solid modelling:

Solid modelling is helpful because the program can typically calculate object dimensions while
creating it automatically. There are several variations of this. Constructive Solid Geometry
(CSG) CAD follows the same fundamental principles as 2D CAD, i.e., it constructs an item
from prepared solid geometric objects. However, these CAD software are frequently
impossible to modify once they are developed.

2.5.4 CAD using neutral file formats

These file types were developed to allow sharing between various software. As a result,
interoperability is improved, which is essential. A neutral file format that any other software
business may easily understand was required. Operating between several software packages is
possible with CAD agnostic file formats. When you don’t want to spend money on additional
CAD software, it’s pretty helpful.

They dismantle barriers and promote greater levels of collaboration. The most popular today
are the CAD-neutral file types STEP, IGES, 3D PDF, JT, STL, ACIS, PARASOLID, and QIF
file types. These CAD-neutral file formats do a great job of tearing down barriers, but not all
of them are made equal.

19 LAWAL R,B 208222

2.5.5 CAD using native file formats
Native CAD formats are those that are available only in a specific CAD system. File types that
are specific to specific CAD software are referred to as "native CAD Formats". They will
include the most information and be the most precise when compared to Neutral CAD formats
and Geometric Modelling Kernel CAD formats, if you can interpret them.

Only the software that comes with these CAD file types should be used. They are inaccessible
to any other software that makes use of their CAD formats. All CAD design programs make
use of a proprietary file format. Usually, the application that developed these file types is the
only one that can view them.


❖ 3D printing
❖ Dental industry
❖ Mapping
❖ Fashion
❖ Architecture
❖ Building furniture
❖ Automotive sector
❖ Interior design


Computer-aided design (CAD) is an important field in product engineering and the

manufacturing industry. It enables engineers to develop, test, and optimize their designs in a
safe environment without the need for costly prototypes. In addition, CAD software creates a
documentation trail, records specifications, and allows collaboration between multiple
disciplines and stakeholders in product manufacturing.

During my IT period, I was able to observe how experts used CAD software in the process of
creating a realistic project.

20 LAWAL R,B 208222


With the advent of technologies, a lot of projects can be developed and deployed using a myriad
of technologies. It is important as well to know the right technology to be used for different
projects so as to ensure efficiency, effectiveness, robustness and scalability of the software.

This chapter deals with different technologies that I was able to get myself accustomed to for
the development of various projects that I worked on during the Industrial Training. This
chapter is divided into 4 sub sections, namely:

• Programming languages.
• Front end frameworks and libraries.
• Backend frameworks.
• Computer Aided Design Software (CADs).


Before delving into various programming languages, there is need to discuss the anatomy of
web as regards URL (uniform resource locator).

The Web is made up of billions of resources, each of them linkable. A resource’s exact location
is the key to linking to it. Without an exact address (a Uniform Resource Locator, or URL), you
can’t use the Address bar in a Web browser to visit a Web page directly.

URLs are the standard addressing system for Web resources. Each resource (Web page, site,
or individual file) has a unique URL. URLs work a lot like your postal address.

Each URL component helps define the location of a Web page or resource:

▪ Protocol: Specifies the protocol the browser follows to request the file. The Web page
protocol is http:// (the usual start to most URLs).

21 LAWAL R,B 208222

▪ Domain: Points to the general Web site (such as where the file resides.
A domain may host a few files (like a personal Web site) or millions of files (like a
corporate site, such as
▪ Path: Names the sequence of folders through which you must navigate to get to a
specific file. For example, to get to a file in the evangcentral folder that resides in the
developer’s folder, you use the /developers/evangcentral/ path.
▪ Filename: Specifies which file in a directory path the browser accesses.

Although the URL shown in Figure 1-3 is no longer publicly accessible, it points to the Sun
domain and offers a path that leads to a specific file named bios.html:

3.2.1 HTML

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) was developed by Tim Berners Lee in 1980 as the
standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. With Cascading Style
Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript, it forms a triad of cornerstone technologies for the World Wide

Web browsers receive HTML documents from a web server or from local storage and render
the documents into multimedia web pages. HTML describes the structure of a web page
semantically and originally included cues for the appearance of the document.

HTML can embed programs written in a scripting language such as JavaScript and PHP, which
affects the behavior and content of web pages.

HTML is the mortar that holds a web page together; the graphics, content and other


HTML was used during my IT to ensure that the text and images in a web page was properly
formatted so that the browser will render it to the user’s satisfaction. The link below contains
the folder to some of the project done during the IT.

22 LAWAL R,B 208222


HTML is used to create webpages and provides a wide range of color, objects and layouts. It
is easy to learn and all browsers support HTML.

However, it is only useful to create static and plain web pages. It is not capable of developing
dynamic pages and there is little or no security in HTML as it can be easily manipulated by the

3.2.2 CSS

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) was developed by Håkon Wium Lie in 1996 as a style sheet
language used for describing the presentation of a document and adding beauty to web page
written in a markup language like HTML. CSS is a cornerstone technology of the World Wide
Web, alongside HTML and JavaScript.

CSS is designed to enable the separation of presentation and content, including layout, colours,
and fonts. This separation can improve content accessibility, provide more flexibility and
control in the specification of presentation characteristics, enable multiple web pages to share
formatting by specifying the relevant CSS in a separate .css file, and reduce complexity and
repetition in the structural content.

The name cascading comes from the specified priority scheme to determine which style rule
applies if more than one rule matches a particular element. This cascading priority scheme is


I used CSS during my IT to add beauty to web pages and to design animations that runs on


The main benefit of CSS is that style is applied consistently across a number of web pages.
One command line can control several areas at one time, which is quite advantageous if there
are changes that need to be made. You only need to alter one thing and the rest will follow. In
addition, web designers only need to use a small amount of lines of programming for each
page. And if there are less code, there are fewer lines to read, resulting in a faster load time for
every page.

23 LAWAL R,B 208222

Furthermore, Cascading style sheet not only simplifies website development, but also
maintenance. All the codes are placed on one page, which means making improvements or
changing a few lines will not involve going through several pages. And since a change with a
single line of code is applied across the website, maintenance time and effort are significantly

However, with CSS, what works with one browser may not always work with another. This is
why web developers have to test for compatibility, running the program across multiple
browsers before a website is set live. This is additional stress for the developers.

3.2.3 PHP

HyperText Preprocessor (PHP) was developed by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994 as a server-side

scripting language designed for Web development, but also used as a general-purpose
programming language.

PHP code may be embedded into HTML code, or it can be used in combination with various
web template systems, web content management systems, and web frameworks. PHP code is
usually processed by a PHP interpreter implemented as a module in the web server or as a
Common Gateway Interface (CGI) executable. The web server combines the results of the
interpreted and executed PHP code, which may be any type of data, including images, with the
generated web page. PHP code may also be executed with a command-line interface (CLI) and
can be used to implement standalone graphical applications.

PHP has always been considered ‘loose’ and informal, right from its inception. It was
conceived around 1994, but was only formalized sometime around 1998. However, it has
grown to become very popular among web developers and related firms. It has evolved to the
new Object-Oriented PHP (OOPHP), which uses the Object-Oriented Programming Approach
in web development.


PHP is the most common server-side programming languages used for developing websites in
the world. According to the report released by, 54% of the websites all over the
world were developed by PHP. PHP is easy to learn, compatible with almost all hosting
platforms and has a large support for users.

24 LAWAL R,B 208222

However, PHP is a loosely typed language and has been largely criticized for its security
loopholes, compared to java, python etc. Nevertheless, with many emerging frameworks such
as CodeIgniter, cakePHP, and the “almighty” Laravel, PHP is still a popular choice among
many web developers.


JavaScript, often abbreviated as JS was developed by Brendan Eich in 1995 as a client-side

programming language. It is a language which is also characterized as dynamic, weakly typed
and prototype-based.

Alongside HTML and CSS, JavaScript is one of the three core technologies of the World Wide
Web. JavaScript enables interactive web pages and thus is an essential part of web applications.
The vast majority of websites use it, and all major web browsers have a dedicated JavaScript
engine to execute it.


A lot of functionality in all the web development projects I worked upon wouldn’t have been
successful if JavaScript was not used. I was able to use this language to interact with Firebase
(A database system developed by google) and also for developing hybrid mobile apps.


JavaScript is widely accepted by most of the web browsers so that the interaction at client side
with the user is made more interesting and easier. You can add animations into the page which
either attract attention to a specific part of the page or which make the page easier to use and
responses within the web page can be provided to various actions that your visitor takes so as
to avoid the need to load new web pages to respond.

However, the major disadvantage of JavaScript is that it can be exploited for malicious
purposes on the user’s computer and this is one reason some people choose to disable
JavaScript on their browser.

3.3 Front-End Frameworks and Libraries


Bootstrap was developed by Mark Otto, Jacob Thornton in 2011 as a free and open-source
front-end library for designing websites and web applications. It contains HTML- and CSS-

25 LAWAL R,B 208222

based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface
components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions.

Bootstrap provides a set of stylesheets that provide basic style definitions for all key HTML
components. These provide a uniform, modern appearance for formatting text, tables and form

Bootstrap comes with several JavaScript components in the form of jQuery plugins. They
provide additional user interface elements such as dialog boxes, tooltips, and carousels. They
also extend the functionality of some existing interface elements, including for example an
auto-complete function for input fields. In version 1.3, the following JavaScript plugins are
supported: Modal, Dropdown, Scrollspy, Tab, Tooltip, Popover, Alert, Button, Collapse,
Carousel and Typeahead.

The CSS and the JS file can be included within a Web page by linking to a local copy or to one
of the many copies available from public servers.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap.min.css"/>

<script src="bootstrap.min.js"></script>

It is also possible to include bootstrap directly from a CDN:

<link rel="stylesheet"



Bootstrap is the core design frameworks used in designing a lot of websites because of how
easy it is to use, responsive and flexible it is.


It is very easy and fast to design a website with bootstrap. It also gives the developers the
flexibility to develop. It’s a CSS framework with predefined classes for layout using its grid
system, various CSS components and JavaScript functions. It also offers a 12-column grid
system. The grid system is responsive, that is it adjusts itself depending on the device resolution

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of the client. It can be tailor made according to the specifications of your project. The major
disadvantage of bootstrap is that it is heavy and does not support SASS.


Material Design (codenamed Quantum Paper) is a design language developed in 2014 by

Google. Expanding upon the "card" motifs that debuted in Google Now, Material Design
makes more liberal use of grid-based layouts, responsive animations and transitions, padding,
and depth effects such as lighting and shadows.

Google announced Material Design on June 25, 2014, at the 2014 Google I/O conference.


Similar to its counterpart (bootstrap), it is also easy and fast to design a website with material
design. Material design is known for its responsiveness and excellent UI (User Interface) kit
for flat design as it makes your web applications to look like a mobile app, which is more
friendly to mobile users when they browse on devices of smaller screen sizes.

However, the major disadvantage of material design is that the overuse of images and colors
can be distracting to users trying to get something done.

3.3.3 JQUERY

jQuery was originally released in 2006 as a cross-platform JavaScript library designed to

simplify the client-side scripting of HTML. jQuery's syntax is designed to make it easier to
navigate a document, select DOM elements, create animations, handle events, and develop
Ajax applications. jQuery also provides capabilities for developers to create plug-ins on top of
the JavaScript library.

The jQuery library is a single JavaScript file containing all of its common DOM, event, effects,
and Ajax functions. It can be included within a Web page by linking to a local copy or to one
of the many copies available from public servers.

<script src="jquery.js"></script>

It is also possible to include jQuery directly from a CDN:

<script src=”></script>

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jQuery was used as an alternative to javascript during my IT as the code required to be written
to carry out a functionality is lesser compared to the vanilla javascript. In addition, it has a lot
of different animations compared to javascript


Developers find jQuery intuitive and easy to learn -- this library is built on shorter, simpler
code, after all. With simple syntax and open coding standards, developers can shorten the time
it takes to deploy an application or site.

Google and other search engines using page load time as one of the many factors affecting
SEO. (More on that later.) For this, and many other, reasons, every developer should strive to
make code as light and concise as possible.

The best way to do this is to reduce the size of your code. If your site is coded with an HTML
and CSS base, you can easily make uniform adjustments to your code that will reduce the size.
Like CSS, jQuery files are generally stored separately from the Web page itself. This lets
developers make modifications across the entire site through one central repository instead of
search through folder structures. This is a core benefit of CSS coding, and it is a proven success.

However, jQuery takes up a small amount of bandwidth to download for the client/user
of your website.

Other programing languages associated with front-end include:

✓ W3.CSS
✓ JavaScript
✓ ES5
✓ Angular
✓ React
✓ Backbone.js
✓ Ember.js
✓ Redux
✓ Storybook

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✓ GraphQL
✓ Meteor.js
✓ Grunt
✓ Gulp


A full stack web developer is a person who can develop both client and server software.

In addition to mastering HTML and CSS, he/she also knows how to:

▪ Program a browser (like using JavaScript, jQuery, Angular, or Vue)

▪ Program a server (like using PHP, ASP, Python, or Node)
▪ Program a database (like using SQL, SQLite, or MongoDB)

Backend is deals with the creation of the server software. There are certain programming
languages that a backend engineer needs to understand to be able to build a working server
software. Those languages include:

✓ C++
✓ C#
✓ Java
✓ Python
✓ Node.js
✓ Express.js
✓ Ruby
✓ Go
✓ MongoDB

During my IT period, I was introduced to some of these languages. Python, Java, C#, C++.

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A productivity suite, according to PC Magazine, is "a collection of applications that typically

includes at least a word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation graphics program"
( Productivity suites are available for both computers and the internet. Computer-
based versions must be physically downloaded onto your computer, whereas online
productivity suites are accessed through the Internet and do not require installation. The most
common example is the chief products of Microsoft’s productivity suite: Word, Excel, and

Software drives technology and increases productivity in a business or industry. Not to mention
that the software facilitates the use of data by workers/employees to determine company and
customer needs, allows workers to work collaboratively outside of the company, and powers
virtual reality, robotics, and other learning tools.

Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, Google Docs, and Apple's iWork are examples of productivity
suites. The suites are available for a variety of platforms, including Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Figure 4.1: optimal productivity


Productivity suites are available for both the desktop and the web. A computer-based
productivity suite must be physically installed on your office computer using a CD-ROM or
by downloading it from the Internet. The suite comes with an installation wizard that walks
you through the process of configuring and personalizing the suite to your liking. Computer
productivity suites include Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, Corel WordPerfect Office, iWork,

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and Lotus Symphony. The price of these suites varies; the installation and the usage of some
are free.


Online productivity suites are accessed via the Internet and do not require any software to be
installed on your computer. Google Docs, Microsoft Office Web Apps, and Zoho are examples
of online suites. Online productivity suites are available for free on a variety of platforms,
allowing you to conduct business from a remote location without having to connect to your
company's computer network or your office computer. Documents, spreadsheets, and
presentations can all be saved in the online suite's storage space.


Microsoft 365 is the world's standard for office suites, and its usage for both the online and
desktop versions is identical. Since they are cloud-based, online productivity suites can be
accessed from any location with an Internet connection. There is also an online version of the
Microsoft Office suite. Google Workspace is the most popular online productivity suite.

Microsoft 365 Education, according to, can "empower workers to unlock

creativity, promote teamwork, and provide a simple and safe experience in a single, affordable
solution built for working system." Microsoft 365 includes apps that enable creativity, promote
teamwork and collaboration, and provide a simple and secure conducive environment.

The Microsoft productivity suite includes Word, Excel and PowerPoint and Pages, Numbers
and Keynote make up iWork, Apple’s productivity suite for the Mac. Workspace is considered
the productivity suite for Google and includes applications such as Google Docs, Sheets, and


31 LAWAL R,B 208222

The devices that a company chooses to work with often dictate its choice of productivity suite.
For example, if a company district uses Mac computers, their productivity suite is most likely
Apple. It is vital for teachers to have a general understanding of and some experience with all
of the major productivity suites mentioned so that acclimation to the company's working
system goes smoothly.


Cloud Storage is a cloud storage model in which data is stored on remote servers and accessed
over the Internet or through a private network login. Cloud storage can be either free or fee-
based. Google, Apple, and Microsoft are a few of the common cloud storage companies.

OneDrive is the cloud storage for Microsoft.

Save to OneDrive and access them from any device, anywhere.

Sign in to OneDrive > File > Save As > OneDrive

iCloud is built into every Apple device. All your photos, files, notes, and more are safe, up to
date, and available wherever you are. Works automatically.

Sign into iCloud before trying to share a file from Pages, Numbers or Keynote and pictures.

Free 5GB iCloud storage space (with the ability to purchase more storage)

iCloud for Windows is available to download so you can keep your documents on your PC.



The Productivity Suite provides real solutions to real business challenges rather than just tools.
Silos between applications can seriously impede employees' work, so finding a resource that
centralizes everything is critical for increasing efficiency.

This is an excellent feature of the Productivity Suite. A single console can be used to monitor
all of your tools. Furthermore, these solutions are designed to interact and work together, and
they are always up to date which helps ensure their security and smooth operation.

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Mobility is one of the most important needs of today's employees. There are some employees
who need to move around constantly. In this context, how can we ensure that something as
important as communication flows smoothly when completing a project?

Simple, with the right resources. The Productivity Suite, with its collaboration tools and the
benefits of working in the cloud, enables employees to access their messages, documents,
contacts, and calendar from virtually any computer or mobile device.

Because of this package of services, professionals in the organization can be productive and
work in complete collaboration at any time or place.


Another significant challenge that organizations face is getting everyone in the organization to
adapt to new changes. Fortunately, with a Productivity Suite, you won't have to worry about
your employees struggling to learn and adapt to their new apps.

This package typically includes highly intuitive tools, allowing you to begin using its features
right away.

You won't have to spend time and money implementing and maintaining a highly complex
information system. You will have high availability and reliability with a Productivity Suite
without the associated costs.

Because of this package of services, professionals in the organization can be productive and
work in complete collaboration at any time or place.


Productivity is a measure of economic or business performance that indicates how efficiently

individuals, businesses, industries, and entire economies convert inputs like labour and capital
into outputs like goods or services. It is therefore critical for a company that wishes to thrive
in the global market to leverage the productivity suite.

During my IT period, I was made to appreciate this package when I was tasked with processing
the results of approximately 150 students from various subjects. Instead of the traditional
method, in which I would have to write the result for each student, I used my knowledge of the

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productivity suite. I only obtained the students' data via a Google form, and I was able to
generate the results for each student in a matter of minutes using an excel sheet and Microsoft.

Another interesting part of this is that, I would spend the same minutes if there were thousands
of students.

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Over the years, industrial training has been found to be effective and efficient in closing the
gap between scientific and practical study. The Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme
(SIWES) has not only exposed me to practical work, but it has also given me the opportunity
to interact with senior colleagues in the field, exposing me to industry-based skills required for
a smooth transition from the classroom to real-time practice of the profession. In summary, this
training has introduced me to the following critical areas of development:

a. How to deal and interact with other fellow engineers in the field of industrial and
production engineering.
b. Finding that team work is the most important element in every successful project.
c. Learn that the industrial and production engineer is capable of a lot of work such as
project management and control, ergonomic, Simulation of Production Activities,
Process Design, Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Design and Manufacturing
d. How to execute tasks in a very short time with the aid of some Microsoft software.
e. Plan must be clear and easy to read for those who will use it.


This scheme is undoubtedly eye-opening for students in general. In light of the the knowledge
and experience I gained during my industrial attachment it is imperative for me to mention
some recommendation. The following recommendations are made with the goal of improving
the scheme and maintaining its objectives:

a. The search for an internship position in a well-known establishment continues to be a

major issue for aspiring interns. The Industrial Training Fund (ITF) should investigate
this and encourage businesses to participate in training and providing students with
relevant skills and knowledge.
b. Students should be well-versed in the use of CAD software while in school. Generally,
modern-day engineering has adopted the use of computer software for quite a large
number of functions. So therefore, it will be rather unfortunate if students are lagging
behind in the use of software in their respective fields.

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c. I really enjoy and value the services provided by IQ Academy. However, I believe the
company should provide a guidebook or host an orientation program for new students.
This will assist students in quickly adapting to the company's work system.

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Figure 1.1 ROBOTIC AND AI TRAINING ........................................................................... 11

Figure 1.2:MODELLING A DRONE ..................................................................................... 11

Figure 2.1:PENCIL DRAWING AND COMPUTER DRAWING. ........................................ 13

Figure 2.2: AUTOCAD WORKSPACE OR INTERFACE .................................................... 14

Figure 2.3: SOLIDWORK WORKSPACE OR INTERFACE ................................................ 15

Figure 2.4: FREECAD WORKSPACE OR INTERFACE ..................................................... 15

Figure 2.5: TINKERCAD WORKSPACE OR INTERFACE ................................................. 16

Figure 2.6: INVENTOR WORKSPACE OR INTERFACE ................................................... 16

Figure 2.7 3D design ................................................................................................................ 19

Figure 4.2: PRODUCTIVITY SUITE CHART....................................................................... 31

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