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International Journal of Project Management xx (2011) xxx – xxx

Fuzzy adaptive decision making model for selection balanced risk allocation
Garshasb Khazaeni a , Mostafa Khanzadi a,⁎, Abas Afshar a, b

School of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), P. O. Box: 16765-163, Narmak, Tehran, Iran
Center of Excellence on Enviro-Hydro Informatics, Iran

Received 19 April 2011; received in revised form 6 October 2011; accepted 20 October 2011


The unbalanced allocation of risks among the contracting parties is an important decision leading to increase of the total cost of a specific pro-
ject and affects the overall relationship between the contracting parties. Due to common risk allocation decision-making process is based on ex-
periential knowledge, is subjective and implicit. This paper presents a fuzzy adaptive decision making model for selection of balanced risk
allocation which transforms the linguistic principles and experiential expert knowledge into a more usable and systematic quantitative-based anal-
ysis by using the fuzzy logic. The objectives of balanced risk allocation are developed based on the concept of Competence-Tendency trade-off.
The proposed model integrates fuzzy logic qualitative approach and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) adaptive capabilities to evaluate allocation of
project risks and determine best party to bear each one. Results from this model show its high capability in addressing most proper risk allocation
with least contingency applied to the owner.
© 2011 Elsevier Ltd. APM and IPMA. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Contract risk management; Risk allocation; Fuzzy logic; AHP

1. Introduction in success of project management that insures the balance of liabil-

ities and gains among project parties. It is claimed that a significant
Modern and complex construction projects are supposed to portion of the considerable cost wastage identified within the last
have inherent risks due to the contribution of many contracting 20 years by the Construction Industry Institute may be attributed
agents such as owners, designers, contractors, subcontractors, sup- to unbalanced risk allocation in contracts. This has been cited in
pliers, etc. The construction risks can hardly ever be eliminated; various examples of risk allocation analysis in the construction in-
they may be transferred or shared from one party to another dustry and the underlying causes of disputes conducted in Canada
through contract clauses (Andi, 2006). Although many owners and the United States (Zaghloul and Hartman, 2003).
put as much financial risk as possible on the contractor; a balan- Generally specified, all risks originally reside with the
cing of the risk should be sought between the owner and his con- owner and transfer to another party should entail fair compen-
tractor or designer in order to utilize the incentive value of bearing sation (Kartam and Kartam, 2001). Unbalanced allocation of
risk while minimizing a contingency charged for accepting the risk risks forces owners paying more than necessary, as a result of
(Gordon, 1994). Therefore, proper allocation should be definite by bid contingencies, delays to project utilization and unanticipat-
balance of parties' interests. Balanced risk allocation identifies ed involvement in dispute resolution by owner's staffs, as well
and distributes liability associated with risk events in order to pro- as consultants and attorneys (Smith, 1992). Balanced allocation
portionally distribute the possible prospect loss or gain of project. of risks requires all parties understand risk responsibilities, risk
Thus the balance of risk allocation becomes an important matter event consequences and risk management capabilities.
However contracting parties usually have different risk un-
⁎ Corresponding author. derstandings, which cause disagreements over risk allocation
E-mail addresses: (G. Khazaeni), accountability (Hartman and Snelgrove, 1996). Decision (M. Khanzadi), (A. Afshar). makers regularly have contrasting concerns that are recognized
0263-7863/$ - see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. APM and IPMA. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Khazaeni, G., et al., Fuzzy adaptive decision making model for selection balanced risk allocation, International Journal of Project
Management (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ijproman.2011.10.003
2 G. Khazaeni et al. / International Journal of Project Management xx (2011) xxx–xxx

as the objectives of risk allocation and are unable to find a party Abednego and Ogunlana (2006), Lam et al. (2007) Gao and
that complies all these objectives (Medda, 2007). Therefore, Jiang (2008), Jin and Doloi (2008), Loosemore and McCarthy
there is an urgent need for a decision support system to guide (2008), and Xu et al. (2010). Since all these risk allocating prin-
decision maker through conflicting objectives. As far as au- ciples commonly use natural language in the application and
thors' literature review is concerned, none of the previous stud- heavily rely on the qualitative judgment of experts, the problem
ies have considered the balance between concern and objectives of this kind of decision making process is its implicitness (Lam
of parties within risk allocation process and don't provide a et al., 2007). As Hartman and Snelgrove (1996) had shown di-
quantitative model to identify balanced allocation of risks with- vergence of perception among different parties in construction
in multi-parties' projects. contracts may impose significant variation on the risk alloca-
The main objective of this paper is to quantitatively address tion decision.
the balanced allocation of risks to the appropriate contracting However, few, if any, research studies focus on exploring a
party in the construction industry. Based on a Fuzzy AHP quantitative model for risk allocation (Xu et al., 2010), such as
method, this paper intends to introduce a numerical model to Lam et al. (2007) providing a quantitative model for risk alloca-
identify the most appropriate party to bear a risk within least tion by utilizing linguistic principles and qualitative expert
contingency. A hierarchical structure is introduced and a knowledge through Fuzzy set theory, Medda (2007) modeling
fuzzy adaptive model was used that selects the most proper al- risk allocation process with a final offer arbitration game ap-
location of risk among contracting parties. It aims to support the proach, Jin and Zhang (2010) modeling risk allocation in PPP
decision making in risk allocation such that risks can be trans- projects by using artificial neural network, and Xu et al.
ferred to those project parties who can best manage them with (2010) developing a fuzzy synthetic evaluation model for deter-
a fair compensation. As linguistic criteria and qualitative expert mining an equitable risk allocation. However, these studies just
knowledge are the essential component of the risk allocation focus on the main contract and capability to handle risk alloca-
process (Lam et al., 2007), the fuzzy set theory which relates tion between two parties (e.g. owner and contractor). These
to quantification and reasoning of natural language is utilized studies either deem the risk allocation process as one that is
in the model structure. only affected by management capabilities and lacks theoretical
foundations or empirical evidence to support their submissions
2. Literature review (Jin and Zhang, 2010). It would seem that all too often the allo-
cation of risks is affected by agents' risk attitudes (Thomas
Risk allocation practices in construction projects have been et al., 2003) as well as by its management capabilities (Jin
found highly variable, intuitive, subjective and unsophisticated and Zhang, 2010). In reality the owner is merely gaining the il-
(Ng and Loosemore, 2007). Given its critical effect on project lusion of risk transfer, since it is likely that the risk will be
success, several studies have been conducted to explore how transferred back to them in the form of higher risks, risk pre-
to select proper risk allocation (Jin and Zhang, 2010). Most of miums and project problems (Ng and Loosemore, 2007). The
these studies have developed a framework for appropriate risk process of risk allocation should be analyzed as a bargaining
allocation on the basis of questionnaire survey, such as Ameri- process between project parties when confronted with opposing
can Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) conducting a question- objectives in the allocation of risks (Medda, 2007). The best al-
naire survey to identify the proper allocation of risks (Kangari location of risk will depend on how the parties price the risk,
(1995)), Kartam and Kartam (2001) proposing appropriate whether this is reasonable for the owner and how it compares
risk allocation on the perspective of the largest Kuwait contrac- to the potential risk (in cost and probability terms) if retained
tors, and Bing et al. (2005) conducting a questionnaire survey by the owner (Ng and Loosemore, 2007). The introduced risk
to explore preferences in risk allocation in PPP/PFI projects in allocation model aims to support the decision making in risk al-
the UK. El-Sayegh (2008) addresses the proper allocation of location such that the concerns of unbalancing among interest
risks to the appropriate contracting party in the UAE construc- of parties can be addressed.
tion industry. The appropriate distribution of risks needs the The proposed model provides a quantitative model through
array of risks and the resources and capabilities of the parties fuzzy AHP approach by utilizing fuzzy set theory to quantifica-
to a contract to be thoroughly analyzed and understood (Ng tion and reasoning of linguistic principles and qualitative expert
and Loosemore, 2007). Although most of these static frame- knowledge. In several prior publications, fuzzy AHP method
works agree on the general allocation of risks, it is very impor- was applied to establish decision support models, such as
tant to realize the limitation of such frameworks that they Ravanshadnia et al. (2010a) presenting a construction project-
hardly can be adapted to different project context and cover in- selection model by applying a multistage fuzzy multi-attribute
terest of different parties. decision making (MADM) method to determine whether one
In the model based on questioner surveys, however, there is should offer or not offer a tender, Zhang and Zou (2007) devel-
also a divergence of perception due to attitude of the parties oping a fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (AHP) model for the
(Barnes, 1983) and bias in personal judgment (Lam et al., appraisal of the risk environment pertaining to the JV imple-
2007). In order to guide decision maker into selecting proper al- mentation in procuring construction projects, Ravanshadnia
location, some studies have suggested that principles or criteria et al. (2010b) proposing a fuzzy AHP model for engineering
should be adopted as the basis for allocating risks, such as partner selection, Nieto-Morote and Ruz-Vila (2010) presenting
Abrahamson (1973), Loyd (2001), Thomas et al. (2003), a risk assessment methodology based on the fuzzy AHP, and

Please cite this article as: Khazaeni, G., et al., Fuzzy adaptive decision making model for selection balanced risk allocation, International Journal of Project
Management (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ijproman.2011.10.003
G. Khazaeni et al. / International Journal of Project Management xx (2011) xxx–xxx 3

Zayed et al. (2008) designing an assessment model for the ef- developing objectives of risk
fect of the sources of risk on highway construction projects allocation
using analytic hierarchy process (AHP). However, quantitative
risk allocation model via fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process
Constructing hierarchical criteria
(AHP) is rarely reported in the literature.
structure to measure objectives

3. Proposed decision making model

Conducting fuzzification-
converting linguistic terms into
This study focuses on the risk allocation, as a main phase of
membership functions
risk management process in any contract. By understanding
risks through the identification phase, then, parties should com-
promise on the most proper party to undertake the responsibil- calculating priority weights by
ity of each risk in the allocation process. The owner of the risk, extent analysis Fuzzy AHP
to whom a risk is allocated, is assumed as responsible for man-
agement and financial consequences of the risk (Uff, 1995).
Identifying n risks in a project, decision maker should select including expert knowledge
best parties among m parties to bear each risk by decision ma- through Delphi method
trix [X]:
p1 pj pm participant Evaluation in applied
2 3 project
r1 x11 x1m
½X ¼ 6 7 ð1Þ
ri 4 xij 5
rn n
x1 xmn
caculating fuzzy Value appropriatness
and introducing Proper Risk
where xji represents the allocation of risk i to party j that varies
Allocation Pattern
by 0 or 1. n is the number of risk and m is the number of party
to whom the risk is allocated.
For balanced risk allocation purposes, the fuzzy AHP meth- Evaluation of the model by
od effectively has been used to select the most proper allocation Balanced Allocation Index (BAI)
of risks with respect to party's ability to control the risk and
proposed contingency cost. This paper intends to propose and Fig. 1. Flowchart of Fuzzy AHP risk allocation procedure.
test a decision support system for risk allocation under these
two main objectives.
This decision support system mainly consists of the following would be (1) whether the receiving party has the competence
steps: (1) identification and classification criteria to measure the to assess the risk fairly and the expertise necessary to control
conflicting objectives of risk allocation; (2) fuzzification by con- or minimize it; and (2) whether the shift of the risk from the
verting linguistic terms into membership functions; (3) evaluating owner to another party will result in savings to the owner and
the allocation criteria by fuzzy AHP method; (4) calculating pri- the public (Fisk, 1997). However these objectives regularly
ority weights of criteria by extent analysis; (5) participants are fi- have contrasting result and you may be unable to find a party
nally evaluated to calculate the total allocation fuzzy value. The that complies all named criteria. In other words, the risk-
finalized model will be applied to a mega infrastructure project allocated agent from which the risk originates and thus who is
and then the capability of model evaluated by introducing the bal- best able to control it, may not be able to control the risk in
ance allocation index (BAI) and compared with some allocation the most efficient way and at the lowest cost (Medda, 2007).
pattern initiated in previous works. Fig. 1 illustrates a flowchart Allocation criteria have been structured realizing two con-
for the proposed risk allocation procedure. More detailed descrip- flicting objectives: Competence of participants to manage a
tion of the allocation step will be followed. risk properly and its tendency to bear it in minimum cost. An
expert Delphi team is organized in support of the model formu-
3.1. Identify risk allocation hierarchical criteria lation. The team involves some project managers from owners,
consultants and contractors with over 15-year experience in the
This section presents scheme to identify allocation criteria to construction industry in managerial levels. Reviewing the pre-
be used in subsequent section, selecting best party to bear a vious works (Abednego and Ogunlana, 2006; Abrahamson,
risk. It is generally accepted that the risks in a project should 1973; Lam et al., 2007; Loosemore and McCarthy, 2008;
be apportioned to those parties who can best manage them Loyd, 2001; Thomas et al., 2003; Xu et al., 2010) and through
(Macdonald, 2001), however this principle is too unilateral to discussion with Delphi team, risk allocation criteria are identi-
determine proper risk allocation. The main concern or objective fied in three levels considering the Competence-Tendency
of owner in allocation process, regardless of the ability of the trade-off as main concept of balanced allocation. Hierarchical
party to manage the risk, is the cost of this risk transfer. The framework of risk allocation criteria is illustrated in Fig. 2. By
principal objectives of the owner to balance risk allocation this framework, two conflicting objectives of owner can be

Please cite this article as: Khazaeni, G., et al., Fuzzy adaptive decision making model for selection balanced risk allocation, International Journal of Project
Management (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ijproman.2011.10.003
4 G. Khazaeni et al. / International Journal of Project Management xx (2011) xxx–xxx


Risk management Tendency to Cost

Competency Saving

Assess Control Manage Attitude Benefit Contigency

Tools Ability to Sustain Advantage

Identifiction Profit seeking Perimum Charge
Accessability the Sequence Achivement

Resource for Adventure

Forseen Expertise loss Escape Claim
Contigency Attitude

Evalution Athority Security Bond Reputation Quality Effect

Fig. 2. Hierarchical structure of risk allocation riteria.

measured through the third level quantifiable and detailed cri- Ogunlana, 2006), and claims rise through the project or double
teria in order to select the most proper party for managing a payment because of poor quality of work (Fisk, 1997).
risk. Utilizing Delphi method, the selected criteria have been ver-
According to Fig. 2, a party has more competence to manage ified by some construction experts. They have been asked to
a risk when he can assess the risk accurately (Loosemore and verify the importance of each criterion in evaluating whether
McCarthy, 2008); control the risk to prevent its occurrence a party is able to bear the risk properly. The less important cri-
(Loyd, 2001); and nonetheless he can manage its consequence teria are omitted, and the remaining criteria are arranged in the
if it happens (Lam et al., 2007). In order to assess a risk, the criteria hierarchical framework.
owner of a risk needs to identify the risk (Loosemore and
McCarthy, 2008), foresee its likelihood (Thomas et al., 2003) 3.2. Fuzzification of risk allocation criterion
and evaluate its effect on the project goal (Lam et al., 2007).
Also to control a risk needs accessibility to tools for magnitude The decision maker should identify few measurable indica-
of a risk (Loosemore and McCarthy, 2008); expertise tors in each criterion. In order to evaluate the criterions, expert
(Abednego and Ogunlana, 2006) and authority (Loyd, 2001) knowledge is applied through linguistic indicators. In applica-
to utilize these tools. If the risk event occurred, he should sus- tions it is often convenient to work with triangular fuzzy num-
tain the sequence and have resources to indemnify the probabil- bers (TFNs) because of their computational simplicity, and they
ity loss of others (Abednego and Ogunlana, 2006). In all are useful in promoting representation and information proces-
management stages, the owner of the risk should communicate sing in a fuzzy environment. Triangular fuzzy numbers can be
with other party. defined as a triplet (l, m, u). The parameters l, m, and u respec-
In this criteria framework is also assumed that the attitude tively, indicate the smallest possible value, the most promising
and benefits (Xu et al., 2010) of the owner of the risk identify value, and the largest possible value that describe a fuzzy event
the contingency within the shift of the risk (Loosemore and (Ertugrul and Karakaşoglu, 2008).
McCarthy, 2008). If a participant seeks more profit or insures A triangular fuzzy number x is a fuzzy number denoted as
with some security bonds, it will be more capable to bear a cer- x = (l, m, u) where a, b and c are real numbers and l b m b u.
tain risk (Abrahamson, 1973). A party has also more tendencies The linguistic appropriateness allocation set for measure indica-
to bear a risk when he gains more benefit from managing it by tors for the pair-wise comparisons is {Equal or not important,
himself (Xu et al., 2010). He can benefit from bearing a risk by Weak important, Moderate important, Strong important, Ex-
achieving direct advantage (Xu et al., 2010), and raise his rep- treme important}. Fig. 3 shows the membership function of lin-
utation in or escaping from a probability loss (Lam et al., 2007). guistic variables, and Table 1 explains the numerical values of
Eventually shifting any risk to another party imposes some con- the membership functions.
tingency to the owner (Thomas et al., 2003). This contingency If we define, two positive triangular fuzzy numbers (l1, m1,
can be in the form of extensive premium in bid (Abednego and u1) and (l2, m2, u2) then; by the extension principle mentioned

Please cite this article as: Khazaeni, G., et al., Fuzzy adaptive decision making model for selection balanced risk allocation, International Journal of Project
Management (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ijproman.2011.10.003
G. Khazaeni et al. / International Journal of Project Management xx (2011) xxx–xxx 5

Table 2
Fuzzy pair-wise comparison for first criteria (risk assessment).
C1 (risk assessment) C1
m1 m2 m3
m1(risk identification) E M W− 1
m2 (risk foreseen) M− 1 E M
m3 (risk evaluation) W M− 1 E
E, Equal or Not important; W, Weak important; M, Moderate important; S,
Strong important; X, Extreme important.
Fig. 3. Membership functions for importance of the measure indicators.

criteria set. Therefore, 18 extent analysis values for one party

can be obtained, with the following signs:
by Zadeh (1965), the important fuzzy arithmetic operations of
any two triangular fuzzy numbers, used in this study, follow M11 ; …; M jk ; …; M m
18 ; k ¼ 1; 2; …; 18: ð5Þ
these operational laws:
where M jk ðj ¼ 1; 2; …; mÞ all are TFNs. The steps of Extent
ðl1 ; m1 ; u1 Þ þ ðl2 ; m2 ; u2 Þ ¼ ðl1 þ l2 ; m1 þ m2 ; u1 þ u2 Þ ð2Þ
Analysis are given in Appendix 1.
From Table 2, according to extent analysis synthesis values
ðl1 ; m1 ; u1 Þ⋅ðl2 ; m2 ; u2 Þ ¼ ðl1 ⋅l2 ; m1 ⋅m2 ; u1 ⋅u2 Þ ð3Þ with respect to project manager technical competency are cal-
culated like in Eq. (11):
ðl1 ; m1 ; u1 Þ−1 ≈ð1=u1 ; 1=m1 ; 1=l1 Þ: ð4Þ
Sm1 ¼ ð5:0; 6:3; 8:2Þ⊗ð1=22:5; 1=16:7; 1=11:7Þ ¼ ð0:222; 0:378; 0:703Þ
A comprehensive pair-wise comparison matrix is built by
Sm2 ¼ ð4:3; 6:2; 8:1Þ⊗ð1=22:5; 1=16:7; 1=11:7Þ ¼ ð0:193; 0:371; 0:698Þ
Delphi team for allocation criteria. The members of the group
have been carefully selected. The selected experts had a high Sm3 ¼ ð2:3; 4:2; 6:1Þ⊗ð1=22:5; 1=16:7; 1=11:7Þ ¼ ð0:104; 0:251; 0:527Þ:
degree of knowledge and previous experience in construction
projects and were familiar with risk management procedure. From Table 2, these fuzzy values are compared by using
The team consists of experts from project managers, owner rep- Eq. (15), and these values are obtained:
resentatives, supervisors, construction managers and risk man-
V ðSm1 ≥Sm2 Þ ¼ 1:0; V ðSm1 ≥Sm3 Þ ¼ 1:0;
agement groups. The members of the risk allocation group are
encouraged to identify the importance of each criterion. Pair- V ðSm2 ≥Sm1 Þ ¼ 1:0; V ðSm2 ≥Sm3 Þ ¼ 1:0;
wise comparison values are formed as linguistic TFNs. For ex-
ample pair-wise comparison between technical competencies is V ðSm3 ≥Sm1 Þ ¼ 0:7; V ðSm3 ≥Sm1 Þ ¼ 0:7:
shown in Table 2. In a similar way, other fuzzy values of technical competen-
cies respectively in Table 2 are compared to continue this
3.3. Priority weights of criteria step. As shown in Table 3, priority weights are calculated by
using Eq. (16) from Table 2.
The Extent Fuzzy AHP method is utilized to handle priority From Table 3, the normalized priority weight vectors are
weights from fuzzy comparison matrices, which was originally calculated by using Eq. (18):
introduced by Chang (1996). Let M = {m1, …, mk, …, m18} be
allocation criteria set and 18 is the number of allocation criteria. W 1 ¼ ð0:372; 0:366; 0:262ÞT
For selecting best party for a certain risk r i, m options should be
distinguished by comparing all m parties regarding 18 criteria The absolute weight of measurements is calculated by mul-
of third level. Then, each party is taken and extent analysis tiplying relative weight of measurements into upper level cri-
for each criterion is performed, respectively. Let yj = { y1j, y2j, teria; and presented in Table 4.
y3j, …, y18j} be an option set of evaluating party j by all 18 cri-
teria, and W = {w1, w2, w3, …, w18} be an importance weight of 3.4. Participant evaluation

The proposed model would be run individually for each risk

Table 1 to select best participant to bear the certain risk. For any certain
Numerical values for importance of the measure indicators.
Table 3
Degree of importance Linguistic variable Positive TFN
Priority weights of technical competencies.
1 Equal or not important (1,1,1) definite value
3 Weak important (1,3,5)
Degree of possibility m1 m2 m3
5 Moderate important (3,5,7) d′(m1) 1 1.0 1.0
7 Strong important (5,7,9) d′(m2) 1.0 1 1.0
9 Extreme important (7,9,9) d′(m3) 0.70 0.70 1.0

Please cite this article as: Khazaeni, G., et al., Fuzzy adaptive decision making model for selection balanced risk allocation, International Journal of Project
Management (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ijproman.2011.10.003
6 G. Khazaeni et al. / International Journal of Project Management xx (2011) xxx–xxx

Table 4
The weight of third level allocation criteria.
Objectives Relative weight Criteria Relative weight Measurements Relative weight Absolute weight
Risk management competency 0.5 Risk assessment 0.22 m1 Identification 0.37 0.04
(O1) (C1) m2 Foreseen 0.37 0.04
m3 Evaluation 0.26 0.03
Risk control 0.43 m4 Tools Accessibility 0.45 0.10
(C2) m5 Expertise 0.21 0.05
m6 Authority 0.35 0.07
Risk management 0.34 m7 Ability to sustain the sequence 0.34 0.06
(C3) m8 Resource for contingency 0.45 0.08
m9 Stakeholder communication 0.21 0.04
Tendency to cost saving 0.5 Attitude 0.29 m10 Profit seeking 0.60 0.09
(O2) (C4) m11 Adventure attitude 0.09 0.01
m12 Security bond 0.30 0.04
Benefit 0.30 m13 Advantage achievement 0.30 0.05
(C5) m14 Loss escape 0.60 0.09
m15 Reputation 0.09 0.01
Contingency 0.41 m16 Premium charge 0.45 0.09
(C6) m17 Claiming 0.35 0.07
m18 Quality effect 0.21 0.04

risk of project, the decision maker should establish a linguistic 2010b). The final decision for allocation of risk i (x i) is the par-
pair-wise comparison by evaluating the appropriateness of each ticipant who gains maximum value of ultimate appropriateness
participant with regard to eighteen criteria (m1–m18). The ag- (Wang et al., 2008):
gregation of these appropriateness values through AHP method
demonstrates how a certain participant complies with the com- f kj
i k¼1
mon set of objectives of risk allocation. Therefore the partici- Fj¼ k ¼ 1; …; 18 ð8Þ
pant with biggest value would be selected as the most proper wk
party (Wang et al., 2008).
Regarding allocation criteria, decision maker is asked to
compare all participants (p1, …,pj, …,pm) in linguistic language. 8  
< xi ¼ 1 F i j ¼ max F k 1 ; …; F k j ; …; F k m
Again extent analysis is utilized (according to Appendix 1) to  : ð9Þ
: xi ¼ 0 F i j ≠ max F k 1 ; …; F k j ; …; F k m
handle priority of options (ykj) from fuzzy comparison matrices. j

A set of appropriateness vectors is introduced by following this

method, as follows:
4. Application of the method
n o
Y i ¼ yi kj ; j ¼ 1; 2; …; m and k ¼ 1; 2; …; 18 ð6Þ
An infrastructure project has been proceeding with the de-
where j is the number of participants and k is the number of sign, construction and operation of a Complex Port in Iran by
third level criteria in hierarchical structure, as introduced in 243.6 billion dollar budget. The questionnaire was utilized for
Section 3.1. For risk i, ykji demonstrates how much the partici- gathering expert's knowledge conducted by ASCE during a
pant j complied with the criteria k. conference on construction risk and liability sharing held in
In the present methodology, the linguistic evaluations of ykj Scottsdale, in 1979 as reported by Kangari (1995). The risk
are appointed by the owner as decision maker of allocation pro- events which Delphi expert team identified as more important,
cess. For participant pj, the evaluation of the weighted allocation in this project, are extracted from the ASCE study and applied
criteria ( fkji) is a fuzzy relation equation which is calculated using in the proposed model.
multiplication operator. Assuming a certain risk, the participant's appropriateness is
evaluated regarding each criterion by Delphi team. Pursuing the
fuzzy AHP method introduced in Appendix 1, the application
f kj ¼ yikj d wk ð7Þ of proposed model for a certain risk (e.g. permit and ordinance)
is presented as follows.
where ykji is the appropriateness value of participant j with re- At first expert team is asked to compare participants regard-
gard to measurement k in the case of risk i, and wk is the abso- ing any criteria (m1–m18) by linguistic variables. In Table 5, it
lute weight of criteria k. can be seen that in the case of identification criteria (m1), expert
For the sake of convenience to obtain the relative impor- team assessed that the owner is extreme appropriate (X) than
tance of each layer, the normalized appropriateness vector contractor for the risk of permit and ordinance. It means that
(Fji) is determined by weights of criteria (Ravanshadnia et al., the owner can identify extremely better, the risk of permit

Please cite this article as: Khazaeni, G., et al., Fuzzy adaptive decision making model for selection balanced risk allocation, International Journal of Project
Management (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ijproman.2011.10.003
G. Khazaeni et al. / International Journal of Project Management xx (2011) xxx–xxx 7

Table 5 The priority of options (y) is obtained according to

Linguistic values of “permit and ordinances” risk. Eqs. (16–18):
R1 (permits and ordinances) Owner Shared Contractor
′ ′ ′
m1 (identification) Owner E S X y1′ ¼ ðd ðA1 Þ; d ðA2 Þ; d ðA3 ÞÞT ¼ ð1:0; 0:2; 0:0ÞT
Shared S− 1 E S y1 ¼ ðdðA1 Þ; dðA2 Þ; dðA3 ÞÞT ¼ ð0:863; 0:137; 0:00ÞT :
Contractor X− 1 S− 1 E
m2 (foreseen) Owner E S S As previously identified in Table 4, the importance weight
Shared S− 1 E M− 1 of the criteria m1 has been calculated to be 0.041. The aggrega-
Contractor S− 1 M E tion of criteria's weight (w1) and vector of participant's priority
(y1) are expressed as:
and ordinance than the contractor. While they assess that f 1 ¼ y1 d w1 ¼ ð0:863; 0:137; 0:00Þ:ð0:041Þ ¼ ð0:036; 0:006; 0:00Þ
the owner is more capable to identify this risk than the shared
status, so the owner gets the strong appropriate (S) by compar- By following this procedure (Eqs. (11–18)) for all 18 criteria;
ing to shared status in Table 5. This process is continued until the final appropriate value of each party would be identified as:
all participants are pair-wisely compared by eighteen criteria. X
In Table 6, then, the linguistic variables are replaced by TFN fk
values (according to Table 1). F 11 ¼ k¼1
¼ ð0:036þ0:034þ0:029þ ::::þ0:071þ0:043Þ ¼ 0:91
X18 1
The extent analysis synthesis values for criteria m1 are calcu- wk
lated regarding Eqs. (11) and (12): k¼1
0 1 fk
3 X3 X
3 X
3 .
M11; j ¼ @ l1; j ; m1; j ; u1; j A F 11 ¼ k¼1
¼ ð0:006þ0:00þ ::::þ0:00þ0:00Þ ¼ 0:08
j¼1 j¼1 j¼1 j¼1
X18 1
¼ ðð1 þ 5 þ 7Þ; ð1 þ 7 þ 9Þ; ð1 þ 9 þ 9ÞÞ ¼ ð13; 17; 19Þ k¼1
0 1
3 X3 X
3 X
3 X
M12; j ¼ @ l2; j ; m2; j ; u2; j A fk
¼ ð0:00þ0:007þ ::::þ0:00þ0:00Þ ¼ 0:01:
j¼1 j¼1 j¼1 j¼1 k¼1
F 11 ¼
¼ ðð0:2 þ 1 þ 5Þ; ð0:14 þ 1 þ 7Þ; ð0:11 þ 1 þ 9ÞÞ ¼ ð6:2; 8:1; 10:1Þ X
18 1
0 1 wk
3 X3 X
3 X
M13; j ¼ @ l3; j ; m3; j ; u3; j A k¼1
j¼1 j¼1 j¼1 j¼1

¼ ðð0:14 þ 0:2 þ 1Þ; ð0:11 þ :14 þ 1Þ; ð0:11 þ 0:11 þ 1ÞÞ ¼ ð1:3; 1:3; 1:2Þ Since the owner (p1) gains maximum appropriate value, the
2 3−1 risk of R1 is allocated to it. Final decision for allocation of the
m X3 X
S1 ¼ M1; j ⊗4
Mj; j 5
1 risk R1 is determined by the following vector:
j¼1 j¼1 j¼1
¼ ð13; 17; 19Þ⊗ð1=30:3; 1=26:4; 1=20:5Þ ¼ ð0:4; 0:6; 0:9Þ X 1 ¼ x11 ; x12 ; x13 ¼ ð1; 0; 0Þ:
2 3−1
Xm X3 X
S2 ¼ 1
M2; j ⊗ 4 1 5
Mj; j The vector (X1) expresses that owner who has the biggest ap-
j¼1 j¼1 j¼1 propriateness value would bear the risk of permit and ordinance
¼ ð6:2; 8:1; 10:1Þ⊗ð1=30:3; 1=26:4; 1=20:5Þ ¼ ð0:2; 0:3:0:5Þ (R1). It means the owner may be capable to efficiently manage the
2 3−1
Xm X 3 X
3 risk of “Permits and ordinances” with a minimum cost.
S3 ¼ 1
M3; j ⊗ 4 1 5
Mj; j Proposed model is applied for all remaining risks and appro-
j¼1 j¼1 j¼1
priateness values for owner, contractor and share allocation are
¼ ð1:3; 1:3; 1:2Þ⊗ð1=30:3; 1=26:4; 1=20:5Þ ¼ ð0:0; 0:0; 0:1Þ:
calculated. Decision matrix (Eq. (1)) presents the final result of
allocation process as follows:
These fuzzy values are compared by using Eq. (15):
2 3T
V ðS1 ≥S2 Þ ¼ 1:0; V ðS1 ≥S3 Þ ¼ 1:0; 1; 1; 0; 0; 1; 1; 0; 0; 0; 1; 0; 1; 0; 1
V ðS2 ≥S1 Þ ¼ 2:0; V ðS2 ≥S3 Þ ¼ 1:0; ½X  ¼ 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 1; 1; 0; 0; 1; 0; 0; 0 5 :

V ðS3 ≥S1 Þ ¼ 0:0; V ðS3 ≥S1 Þ ¼ 0:0: 0; 0; 1; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0; 1; 0; 0; 0; 1; 0

Table 6
TFN values of “permit and ordinances” risk.
R1 (Permits and ordinances) Owner Shared Contractor
m1 (Identification) Owner (1,1,1) (5,7,9) (7,9,9)
Shared (1/5,1/7,1/9) (1,1,1) (5,7,9)
Contractor (1/7,1/9,1/9) (1/5,1/7,1/9) (1,1,1)
m2 (Foreseen) Owner (1,1,1) (5,7,9) (5,7,9)
Shared (1/5,1/7,1/9) (1,1,1) (1/3,1/5,1/7)
Contractor (1/5,1/7,1/9) (3,5,7) (1,1,1)

Please cite this article as: Khazaeni, G., et al., Fuzzy adaptive decision making model for selection balanced risk allocation, International Journal of Project
Management (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ijproman.2011.10.003
8 G. Khazaeni et al. / International Journal of Project Management xx (2011) xxx–xxx

Table 7
Results of the proposed model application for the case study.
Risk description Numerical results of the proposed model Allocation Actual in
decision port complex
Owner Contractor Shared
R1 Permits and ordinances 91 2 7 Owner Owner
R2 Delayed site access or land causation 63 19 18 Owner Undecided
R3 Availability of equipment, material and labor 7 82 11 Contractor Contractor
R4 Productivity of equipment 0 90 10 Contractor Contractor
R5 Defective design 83 3 14 Owner Contractor
R6 Change in work 66 20 14 Owner Contractor
R7 Subsurface conditions 20 25 54 Shared Contractor
R8 Acts of God 37 10 52 Shared Contractor
R9 Accidents/safety 4 84 12 Contractor Contractor
R10 Inflation 71 2 27 Owner Shared
R11 Delayed dispute resolution 32 11 57 Shared Undecided
R12 Delayed payment on contractor and extra 71 2 27 Owner Undecided
R13 Mistake/defective work 0 78 22 Contractor Contractor
R14 Actual quantities of work 72 16 12 Owner Owner

The numerical and detailed results of the application of the allocated these two risks to the owner, but Kartam's survey allo-
proposed model for all risks are presented in Table 7 and com- cated them to contractor. In the proposed method by referring to
pared by actual decision that applied in the port complex. description of criteria within Section 3.1, it can be found that
Table 8 displays the findings from some survey that address the although profit seeking attitude of contractor makes it better to
proper allocation risks in construction industry (El-Sayegh, 2008; bear “Actual quantity of work” (R14) and “Inflation” (R10) risks,
Kangari, 1995; Kartam and Kartam, 2001; Lam et al., 2007). but the owner is more correspondent to assess these risks and
Comparing the finding of Table 8, demonstrates that there has more resource to manage them.
are some rare risks that allocated in same party in all 5 studies. Comparing the result of this model by ASCE finding shows
Table 9 displays the numerical findings from these surveys and some important differences, too. Although ASCE survey allo-
makes available a benchmark to investigate the accuracy and cates the risks of “Subsurface condition”, “Act of God” and
completeness of hierarchical criteria structure presented in this “Delayed dispute resolution” to the owner, but the result of ap-
study. For each option of allocation to owner, contractor or plying the proposed method shifts them to shared status. In the
share, Table 6 addresses the percent appropriateness measure case of the risk of subsurface condition, reviewing detailed cri-
of participants to bear a risk (El-Sayegh, 2008; Kangari, teria evaluated by Delphi expert team shows that although the
1995; Kartam and Kartam, 2001). owner has enough resource for managing and gains more ad-
Within Fig. 4, it can be seen that the findings of ASCE survey vantage from control of the risk, but the contractor has more ex-
(Kangari, 1995) tend to preserve more risk by owner, while re- pertise and authority to control it and has strong willingness
sults of El-Sayegh (2008) study are likely to shift more risk to to bear the risk because of contractor's profit seeking attitude.
other party. Results of the methodology presented in this study So the Fuzzy AHP method has decided to allocate the risk of
are more consistent to finding of Kartam and Kartam (2001), subsurface condition to shared position. The proposed model
however it shows difference in “Actual quantity of work” (R14) also allocated the risks of “Act of God” and “Delayed dispute
and “Inflation” (R10) risks where the presented methodology resolution” to shared status.

Table 8
Comparison of the proposed model results regard to previous works.
Risk description Proposed ASCE Lam et al. Kartam and Kartam El-Sayegh Actual in port
model (79) (2007) (2001) (2008) complex
R1 Permits and ordinances Owner Owner Contractor Owner Undecided Owner
R2 Delayed site access or land causation Owner Owner Owner Owner Undecided Undecided
R3 Availability of equipment, material and labor Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor
R4 Productivity of equipment Contractor Contractor – Contractor Contractor Contractor
R5 Defective design Owner Owner Contractor Owner Shared Contractor
R6 Change in work Owner Owner – Owner – Contractor
R7 Subsurface conditions Shared Owner Owner – – Contractor
R8 Acts of God Shared Owner – Shared – Contractor
R9 Accidents/safety Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor
R10 Inflation Owner Shared Shared Contractor Shared Shared
R11 Delayed dispute resolution Shared Owner – Shared Shared Undecided
R12 Delayed payment on contractor and extra Owner Owner – Owner Undecided Undecided
R13 Mistake/defective work Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor
R14 Actual quantities of work Owner Owner Owner Contractor – Owner

Please cite this article as: Khazaeni, G., et al., Fuzzy adaptive decision making model for selection balanced risk allocation, International Journal of Project
Management (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ijproman.2011.10.003
G. Khazaeni et al. / International Journal of Project Management xx (2011) xxx–xxx 9

Table 9
Numerical results of application proposed model in comparison with previous works.
Risk description Proposed Model ASCE Katam El-Sayegh
Owner Contractor Shared Owner Contractor Shared Owner Contractor Shared Owner Contractor Shared
1 R1 Permits and ordinances 91 2 7 74 26 – 74 12 14 31 31 38
2 R5 Defective design 83 3 14 100 0 – 52 16 32 26 18 55
3 R14 Actual quantities of work 72 16 12 72 28 – 18 72 10 31 18 51
4 R10 Inflation 71 2 27 48 – 52 7 70 23 6.2 38 55
5 R12 Delayed payment on contractor 71 2 27 87 13 – 77 9 14 32 37 31
and extra
6 R6 Change in work 66 20 14 74 26 – 72 10 18 51 11 38
7 R2 Delayed site access or land 63 19 18 100 – – 52 22 26 25 34 42
8 R7 Subsurface conditions 39 45 16 61 39 – – – – – – –
9 R8 Acts of God 37 10 52 78 22 – 15 10 75 – – –
10 R11 Delayed dispute resolution 32 11 57 48 – 52 29 16 55 6.2 25 69
11 R3 Availability of equipment, 7 82 11 21 79 – 0 97 3 0 75 25
material and labor
12 R9 Accidents/safety 4 84 12 13 87 – 0 90 10 3.1 88 9.2
13 R4 Productivity of equipment 0 90 10 0 100 – 0 94 6 0 83 17
14 R13 Mistake/defective work 0 78 22 13 87 – 0 85 15 4.6 65 31

5. Verification of balanced allocation condition or test results indicating the suitability or quantity
or otherwise of the job site or subsurface material for backfill-
In order to verify the balance concept within results of the ing or other uses in carrying out the construction of the work.”
proposed model, the bidder of the project was asked to propose The result of the tender price by bidders (extensive contin-
their bid prices in three risk allocation frameworks, according gency in bid) and interest of loan has been shown in Figs. 5
to the frameworks recommended by ASCE, Katam and this and 6 respectively. Value axis in these figures demonstrated
study. Some lenders were also asked to determine the amount the extra price that bidders or lenders proposed in their proposal
of interest for investment in the project where each framework for accepting certain risk according to each of three allocation
is applied. All risks are assumed to allocate to the owner unless frameworks.
shifted by tender document (Fisk, 1997), so “disclaimers” were Since balance of risk allocation is a critical project success
used for addressing different alternatives of risk allocation. Dis- factor (Gordon, 1994), any risk allocation framework should
claimers are provisions that are placed in written contract doc- be evaluated to verify how balanced they are. In this paper, Bal-
uments in order to limit or exclude an owner liability and ance Allocation Index (BAI) introduced, Eq. (10) as follows, to
often are in the form of costs or expenses incurred by a contrac- compare how much the balance allocation concept is applied to
tor as a result of unforeseen variety of factors including in pro- a risk allocation framework. It provides a rational scale for eval-
ject (Zaghloul and Hartman, 2003). For example to address uating how any risk allocation model is balanced by complying
unforeseen or different subsurface condition risks (R7), the conflicting interests of contracting parties. BAI ratio can be
below wording is used to shift the risk to contractor: measured by the requested loan interest of a lender or investor
“The bidder is not entitled to rely on any data or information to the bid price proposed by contractor to handling the project
included in the bid documents as to the job site or subsurface risks in a certain project. This ratio may vary from a big

Owner Khazaeni
40 El-Sayegh
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
-40 Risk No.

Contractor or Shared

Fig. 4. Trends of results of application proposed model in comparison with previous works.

Please cite this article as: Khazaeni, G., et al., Fuzzy adaptive decision making model for selection balanced risk allocation, International Journal of Project
Management (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ijproman.2011.10.003
10 G. Khazaeni et al. / International Journal of Project Management xx (2011) xxx–xxx

5.00 This Study
4.50 ASCE
4.00 Katam

Fig. 5. Price of bidder's proposal for different allocation pattern.

positive amount to a big negative amount. A bigger positive 6. Conclusion

number for BAI expresses that the framework of risk allocation
is more suitable for the owner, while a bigger negative number In today's multiparty infrastructure construction projects that
causes the risk allocation framework to be more preferred by new and specific risks emerged, need to custom-made risk allocat-
contractor. How this index goes to zero, therefore, can meet ing strategy among the contracting participants based on the bal-
more the interest of contracting party and present more bal- anced allocation principles. In this study, a quantitative-based
anced risk allocation framework. decision model for selection and assignment of balanced risk allo-
cation has been delineated and implemented with an application.
  The presented method can be a convenient alternative to the tradi-
Lender interest
BAI ¼ 1− ð10Þ tional method of selecting how to allocate the risks and provides a
Bidder price
useful tool for decision makers of construction owner that lack ad-
equate experience in selecting the best proper risk allocation posi-
BAI ratio was measured for each three framework and pre- tions, from a number of possible choices. By introducing a new
sented in Table 10 in order to verify whether balanced concept measurement as Balance Allocation Index (BAI) and using some
applied within risk allocation models. According to Table 10, it financial data, the proposed model was analyzed and compared
can be concluded that the allocation framework introduced by by previous study. It was found that the proposed model has pro-
this methodology is more balanced and may provide more stable vided more balanced results and given an accepted and reliable
framework for owner and contractor than the other frameworks. risk management framework to provide a stable contracting.
More balanced framework concluded to a win–win contract The fuzzy adaptive model has been presented in this paper;
and durable transaction toward the success of project. Negative and has developed a hierarchical allocation criteria and mea-
amount of BAI ratio in the ASCE risk allocation framework surement from imprecise linguistic principles and experiential
means that the lenders have less appetite than the contractors to expert knowledge. The model assesses allocation principles
invest in the project. Therefore the owner is expected to have and criteria based on the risk management process and percep-
some difficulty to find a source of finance for the project. tion of parties. By using the extensive analysis, a fuzzy AHP

4.50 This Study
4.00 ASCE
3.50 Katam

Fig. 6. Price of lender's proposal for different allocation pattern.

Please cite this article as: Khazaeni, G., et al., Fuzzy adaptive decision making model for selection balanced risk allocation, International Journal of Project
Management (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ijproman.2011.10.003
G. Khazaeni et al. / International Journal of Project Management xx (2011) xxx–xxx 11

Table 10 the judgment matrix and use fuzzy mathematics and fuzzy op-
BAI measurement in three risk allocation pattern. erators in aggregation of weight coefficients and fuzzy evalua-
Allocation pattern This study ASCE Katam tion matrices (Nieto-Morote and Ruz-Vila, 2010). Enhancing
Participant Bidder Lender Bidder Lender Bidder Lender the degree of judgment of decision maker, in Fuzzy AHP a se-
Cost risk transfer 20.22 18.51 18.03 20.71 21.44 17.78 ries of weight vectors in the form of Triangular fuzzy numbers
Balance Allocation Index 8.43% − 14.86% 17.05% will be used to choose final attribute.
A number of methods have been developed to handle fuzzy
comparison matrices. The extent analysis method proposed by
Chang (1996), which derives crisp weights for fuzzy compari-
method was employed to quantitatively analyze the appropri- son matrices, among all the approaches has been employed in
ateness of each contracting party. This method has several ad- quite a number of applications due to its computational simplic-
vantages. Compared to traditional allocation approach in risk ity (Wang et al., 2008). Participants' assessment in AHP meth-
allocation practice which is based on individual's professional odologies comprise some judgments done by means of pair-
judgment; it provides a systematic approach based on balanced wise comparisons that generally present inconsistency prob-
risk allocation principles. In addition to competency for manag- lems in preference information of alternatives (Nieto-Morote
ing the risk in order to assess appropriateness of allocation, the and Ruz-Vila, 2010). This proposed fuzzy risk allocation
hierarchical criteria structure involves tendency of the party to model and utilized Extent Analysis in order to identify proper
bear a risk by attitude, benefit and contingency criteria. risk allocation, and thus it could take into account the inconsis-
By indicating numerically the appropriateness of each party tency of the judgments. In the following, the outlines of extend
to bear a risk in the output, the model can provide a decision analysis method on fuzzy AHP are introduced as given by
support system for the owners in reaching a final decision. It Ertugrul and Karakaşoglu (2008).
does not only reduce time and costs during selection phase, Let Y = {y1, …, yj, …, ym} be an appropriateness set of partic-
but also diminishes the conflict and hidden costs in the imple- ipant set P = {p1, …, pj, …,pm}, and W = {w1, …, wk, …, w18} be
mentation stage. The proposed model can be applied into com- an importance weight of criteria set. Then, each alternative is
plex and multi party contract strategy rather than to risk taken and extent analysis for each criterion is performed, re-
allocation between the owner and the contractor in a traditional spectively. Therefore, 18 extent analysis values for each party
contract arrangement. It can be customized to suit a specific can be obtained, with the following signs:
context or project strategy by adjusting or expanding the risk al-
location criteria, the membership functions of the variables and M1j; j ; …; Mkj; j ; …; M18
j; j ; j ¼ 1; 2; …; m:
the participant's characteristics.
where Mj,k j(k = 1, 2, …, 18) all are TFNs.
Appendix 1. Fuzzy AHP Method The value of fuzzy synthetic extent with respect to the kth
criteria is defined as
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) has been widely used as 2 3−1
a useful Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) tool or X
m Xm X
Sj ¼ Mkj;j ⊗4 Mkj;j 5 : ð11Þ
a weight estimation technique in many areas such as selection, j¼1 j¼1 j¼1
evaluation, planning and development, decision making, fore-
casting, and so on (Vaidya and Kumar, 2006). The traditional P
To obtain M kj; j , the fuzzy addition operation of m extent
AHP requires crisp judgments. However, due to the complexity j¼1
and uncertainty involved in real world decision problems, a de- analysis values for a particular matrix is performed such as:
cision maker (DM) may sometimes feel more confident to pro- 0 1
vide fuzzy judgments than crisp comparisons (Wang et al., X
m Xm X
m X
Mkj; j ¼ @ lj; j ; mj; j ; uj; j A: ð12Þ
2008). j¼1 j¼1 j¼1 j¼1
The Fuzzy Set Theory introduced by Zadeh (1965) is suitable
for dealing with imprecision and uncertainty associated with data As M1 = (l1, m1, u1) and M2 = (l2, m2, u2) are two triangular fuzzy
in risk assessment problems. In a universal set of discourse X, a numbers, the degree of possibility of M1 = (l1, m1, u1) ≤ M2 = (l2,
fuzzy subset A of X is defined by a membership function LA (x), m2, u2) is defined as:
which maps each element x in X to a real number in the interval h  i
V ðM2 ≥M 1 Þ ¼ sup min μ M1 ðxÞ; μ M2 ðyÞ ð13Þ
[0, 1]. The function value of LA (x) signifies the grade of member- y≥x
ship of x in A. When LA (x) is large, its grade of membership of x
in A is strong (Nieto-Morote and Ruz-Vila, 2010). and can be expressed as follows:
Fuzzy AHP is a systematic method to the option selection V ðM2 ≥M 1 Þ ¼ hgt ðM 1 ∩M2 Þ ¼ μ M2 ðdÞ ð14Þ
and justification problem by means of the fuzzy set theory con-
cept and hierarchical structure analysis. The decision maker can 8
> 1; if m2 ≥m1
identify preferences in the form of natural language on the sub- <
0; if l1 ≥u2
¼ l1 −u2 : ð15Þ
ject of the importance of each attribute. In the fuzzy AHP ap- >
: ; otherwise
proach, use fuzzy numbers as the pair-wise comparisons in ðm2 −u2 Þ−ðm1 −l1 Þ

Please cite this article as: Khazaeni, G., et al., Fuzzy adaptive decision making model for selection balanced risk allocation, International Journal of Project
Management (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ijproman.2011.10.003
12 G. Khazaeni et al. / International Journal of Project Management xx (2011) xxx–xxx

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Please cite this article as: Khazaeni, G., et al., Fuzzy adaptive decision making model for selection balanced risk allocation, International Journal of Project
Management (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ijproman.2011.10.003

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