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Given Data

Contract duration = 150 Days

Agreement start Date = Mar 05,2019

Expected completion Date = Aug 01,2019

Actual Completion Date = Dec 12 2019

Total Contract Price = PHP 3,340,753.51

First calculate total number of calender days of delay of the project which is to be calculated from
Aug02, 2019 to Dec 12 , 2019

August = 30 days

September = 30 days

October = 31 days

November = 30 days

December = 12 days

Total = 30+30+31+30+12 = 133 days

Total number of days for which liquidated damages to be paid = 133 days
As per PO, the contractor shall pay the owner an amount equal to 1/10 of 1% of Total contract price for
every calendar day

Liquidated damage for 1 Day = 1/10*1%*(3340753.51)

= (1/10)*(1/100) *(3340753.31)

= PHP 3340.75

Therefore for 133 days

Liquidated damage =3340.75*133 = PHP 444319.75

But as per agreement conditions Liquidated damage should not exceed 10% of Total Contract price

= 10%*(3340753.51) = PHP 334075.35

As the actual Liquidated damage amount PHP 444319.75 should not exceeds agreemnt condition
liquidated damage amount PHP 334075.35 .

So the applicable Liquidated damage to be imposed by the owner to the contractor is = PHP 334075.35

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