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Standing on the shoulders of giants: the MAKING A CORRECT DIAGNOSIS

After theoretical studies training involves

value of teaching, leadership learning how to secure a correct diagnosis.

A skilful orthopaedic surgeon should be
able to make a correct diagnosis in most
and support cases by listening to the history and prop-
erly examining the patient. However, this
can sometimes be difficult, and valuable
John Bartlett,1,2 Per Anders Renström  ‍ ‍,3 Gary G Poehling,4 diagnostic tools have been developed,
Roland Peter Jakob,5 Barry Tietjens,6 Giancarlo Puddu,7 Ramon Cugat,8 such as MRI, ultrasound and different
Peter Thomas Myers  ‍ ‍,9 Jose F Huylebroek10 types of arthroscopy.
Even with the fantastic development of
easy during medical study and appren- helpful diagnostic tools, the clinical exam-
ticeship towards becoming a specialist; ination is still extremely important. Early
most of us are never given the discipline tests such as drawer tests were developed
of guidance, instruction and tutoring. to test for integrity or rupture of cruciate
This may be compared with becoming a ligaments. Special tests for knee, ankle,
school teacher, who mostly go through muscle, shoulder and other injuries were
structured studies of several years’ developed.
duration. Pedagogics has not been well Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury
known in our medical world. Scien- has always fascinated the ISAKOS member-
tific teaching has been absent as well. ship because of its complexity. The pivot
Successful education has depended very shift test was described by MacIntosh and
much on the support of practising expe- Galway2 (1973) with Ron Losee3 being
rienced clinical surgeons assuming the involved independently in the observation
role of educators. of this phenomenon. This test is consid-
Most orthopaedic surgeons find enor- ered to be the true diagnostic test for ACL
mous pleasure in doing their work not the instability. A good teacher was needed to
least because they feel that they are well demonstrate these tests. Roli Jakob had
educated. Most of us have gone to work described how he as a fellow in Toronto,
with a smile as we expect an interesting Canada (1973–1975), was looking over
and rewarding day. However, our task is the shoulders of David MacIntosh and
‘If I have seen further it is by standing on complex. We need to have clinics to see Bob Jackson. David guided his hands
the shoulders of giants’. This is a quote and examine patients, make rounds at the when learning to elicit a pivot shift. Roli
attributed to Sir Isaac Newton in a letter wards when needed and do what we often and many with him consider this the most
to Robert Hooke in 1675, where he like the most—operate. Many also spend important one-­to-­one manual skill to be
recognises that the learning of a skill is time in research and education. taught to a young orthopaedic surgeon
incremental. However, this statement was The amount of surgical knowledge to interested in sports. Joseph Torg described
previously recorded as a saying of Bernard impart and the technical skill to train are in 19764 the Lachman test, which soon
of Chartres, a French medieval scholar of ever increasing, although some newly became the routine test to indicate an ACL
the 12th century.1 developed technical devices make the task injured knee. Lachman was Torg’s mentor.
Teaching the techniques of ortho- nowadays less time-­ consuming. Today,
paedic surgery to young doctors is not so young people are often also learning in
groups. Most doctors get great educa- OPEN KNEE SURGERY
Orthopaedics, Warringal Private Hospital, Heidelberg, tion but the one-­to-­one teaching which Don O’Donoghue (1901–1992) inten-
Victoria, Australia
2 was common earlier is remembered sively studied sports injuries, which at
Orthopaedics - Retired, University of Melbourne,
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia with affection by many of the older the time were considered ‘self-­ inflicted
Center Sports Trauma Research and Education, surgeons. With this editorial, we want wounds’. In 1950, he described ‘O’Dono-
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
to tell younger surgeons how valuable ghue’s Unhappy Triad’5 of combined ACL,
Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, Department the personal one-­to-­one teaching with an medial ligament and medial meniscus
of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, Wake Forest
Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Winston Salem, experienced and knowledgable teacher in tears. He published ‘The Treatment of
North Carolina, USA the field could be. This special teacher– Injuries to Athletes’ in 19736 with moti-
Orthopedics, University of Berne, Bern, Switzerland young doctor relationship has shaped our vation being ‘I try to fix them so they can
Eastwood Orthopaedic Clinic and Unisports Sports generation. play’. Albert Trillat (1910–1988) founded
Medicine, Auckland, New Zealand
7 Arthroscopy, knee surgery and sports a school of knee surgery7 which ensured
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Centre, Rome, Italy
Catalan Soccer Federation Health Services, Insituto medicine - that is, the topics of focus for that Lyon would remain one of the knee
Cugat, Garcia Cugat Foundation, Barcelona, Spain the International Society of Arthroscopy, capitals of the world. They were strong
Department of Knee Surgery, Brisbane Orthopaedic Knee surgery and Orthopaedic Sports personalities and became the true giants
and Sports Medicine Centre, Brisbane, Queensland, medicine (ISAKOS), include a multitude of the time.
PARC LEOPOLD, Sports Medecine Orthopaedic Center, of complex areas. The road to becoming Orthopaedic sports medicine really
Brussels, Belgium an accomplished orthopaedic surgeon developed during the 1970s. Knee surgery
Correspondence to Dr John Bartlett, Orthopaedics,
requires many years of learning and was at this time mostly open surgery
Warringal Private Hospital, Heidelberg, VIC 3101, training with good and well-­ educated involving the menisci, which often were
Australia; ​R.​J.​Bartlett@​bigpond.​com teachers available along the way. removed. Many of the young emerging
126 Bartlett J, et al. J ISAKOS May 2021 Vol 6 No 3 Copyright © 2021 ISAKOS
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine surgeons asked him, ‘If I could put this through a Science and long-­term experience must
started to openly repair and reconstruct keyhole and take pictures inside a room it always guide the development of the
the ACL. This surgery required skill and would be great’. orthopaedic surgery field. With this in
good teachers were really needed. The Diagnostic arthroscopic investiga- mind, may we especially acknowledge two
surgery could take 1.5–3.0 hours, often tion, especially of the meniscus, emerged great clinical surgeons and scientists who
with a >15 cm long skin incision, postop- quickly around the beginning of the 1970s. were largely responsible for the ‘K’ and
erative cast immobilisation and significant Everybody had to take courses and were the ‘OS’ in ISAKOS—Ken de Haven and
pain. guided by skilful teachers such as Robert Peter Fowler.
It is difficult to excite the modern Jackson, Jan Gillquist, Ejnar Eriksson Ken de Haven11 in 1975 was working
surgeon performing major procedures on and Lanny Johnson. The use of video at the Cleveland Clinic with H Royer
an outpatient basis whose sense of wonder cameras and TV did not emerge until the Collins and John Bergfeld when he was
is only aroused by the old principles of end of the 1970s, when John McGinty appointed Director of Athletic Medicine
rest and immobilisation,but some of us became instrumental. After David Dandy9 at the University of Rochester, New York.
recall those days of 6 weeks in a cast with published his article on arthroscopic Ken was most recognised for his research
dismay. ACL surgery in 1982, the field exploded. on meniscus repair but much loved for his
This was not easy surgery and required teaching, leadership and wisdom. As pres-
training together with experienced ident of the International Society of the
surgeons. After the knee, arthroscopic Knee (ISK), Ken had a pivotal role in the
To learn how to operate requires mostly
surgery has expanded into most synovial formation of ISAKOS.
on-­site support by a good teacher with
joints—hand, elbow, shoulder, hip and In the spirit of his mentor Jack
patience. To learn one-­ to-­
one from a
ankle—and even spine. Now we also have Kennedy, Peter Fowler12 from London,
master surgeon is a special treat. It also
extra-­articular soft-­tissue endoscopy and Ontario became a world leader in Ortho-
requires some follow-­ up. Per Renstrom
tendoscopy pioneered by Niek van Dijk, paedic Sports Medicine and in particular
relates a story from Goteborg, Sweden,
when he was learning around 1973–1974: (The Netherlands).10 surgery of the knee, but also in swimming
It has often been young innovative shoulder problems. Perhaps no-­ one has
‘When I was doing some open knee
surgery an associate professor came into surgeons who have developed the new
educated more young surgeons than Pete
the operating theatre. He grabbed a chair techniques. This was the case concerning
and he is revered by his former students
and sat down behind me. He started to ACL surgery during the 1970s. When
and fellows. He is one of Canada’s most
ask questions about what I was doing, reflecting on the state of wrist arthros-
decorated doctors and had the historical
what structure I was holding with my pair copy, Gary Poehling recalls from 1985: ‘…
honour of being the first President of
of forceps. He went through structure by that knee arthroscopy was so contentious
structure. After that I never forget how when first introduced because the younger
important it is to always understand what surgeons were the primary advocates and
we are doing’. we (with Terry Whipple and James Roth) HOW CAN WE REMEMBER GREAT
At this time, nobody became a skilful wanted the acceptance to come from more ISAKOS TEACHERS/LEADERS?
surgeon without ‘standing on the shoulder’ senior members’. The global pedigree of ISAKOS had its
of a great teacher. The open era of surgery origin with the formation of the Interna-
included many challenges as most of the tional Arthroscopy Association (IAA) in
knee surgery was not well described in the 1974 (president Masaki Watanabe, Japan;
literature and there were not many expe- vice president Bob Jackson, Canada) and
Sports medicine has since the 1970s attracted
rienced surgeons around. Every case was a the International Society of the Knee
very talented doctors, and with good
challenge in itself. We are very grateful to (ISK) in 1977 (president Don O’Dono-
teachers, the field exploded during the 1980s
all the teachers from whom many of the ghue, USA; vice president Albert Trillat,
and 1990s. However, the field was open to
great names today have learnt the basics. France). It was Trillat’s friendship with
some less careful minds. Some secured good
contacts with sports teams and a quick road O’Donoghue and Jack Hughston (USA)13
START OF KNEE ARTHROSCOPIC to fame. The people inside the field know which led to the creation of ISK. They all
SURGERY who are the names that stand for good became inspirational leaders. Giancarlo
Masaki Watanabe (1911–1995) presented quality and also are great teachers. Puddu (Italy) was present at that time as
at SICOT in 1957 a colour film enti- There are also surgeons who became a young surgeon, and has promoted the
tled ‘Arthroscopy’ and then published in famous by suggesting new techniques experiences learnt at this time to today’s
colour, ‘The Atlas of Arthroscopy’.8 In or theories which have been proven not surgeons.
1962, he performed the first arthroscopic to stand the test of time. In the 1970’s, A great educator from the 1970s who
meniscectomy. He has become known as some of us were taught that total menis- should be mentioned is Ian McNab
‘the father of arthroscopy’, together with cectomy was the best way to treat a knee from Toronto, who is described by Roli
his predecessor, Kenji Takagi. Robert as it always grew back. The new technique Jakob as follows: ‘He was such a stimu-
Jackson (1932–2010) travelled to Japan in of arthroscopy got us on the right track. lating shoulder and spine surgeon, a real
1964 on the advice of Ian McNab, who There are parts in the development of gentleman and excellent teacher who
had seen Watanabe in action. Jackson was sports orthopaedic surgery that we are came up with five new ideas every day.
part of the Canadian Medical Team for the not proud of. This is now history and will He enjoyed wakening up young residents
Olympic Games and studied Watanabe’s not be discussed here, but some keep on and foreign fellows around him so that
techniques. It is to him that we owe the coming back. Remember that everything is they learned to ask questions and not just
term ‘keyhole surgery’. A mortuary atten- not always a success story—common sense accept old dogma’. He was a true educator
dant who was also a private investigator usually prevails, which is fortunate. and teacher.
Bartlett J, et al. J ISAKOS May 2021 Vol 6 No 3 127
An organisation is as good as its leaders. always remain high. Today, young doctors work non-­commercially, and license their derivative
As ISAKOS (ISK and IAA) is the world need to be proactive and become more works on different terms, provided the original work
is properly cited, an indication of whether changes
organisation, it has through the years actively involved in professional organisa- were made, and the use is non-­commercial. See: http://​
attracted most of the great people in their tions such as ISAKOS. creativecommons.​org/​licenses/​by-​nc/​4.​0/.
field. Niek van Dijk, the editor of Journal In modern times, there seems to be © International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery
of ISAKOS, has stated that the ‘…world what we can call an ‘industrialisation’ of and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine 2021. Re-­use
leaders contributing to make ISAKOS our profession. Have young orthopaedic permitted under CC BY-­NC. No commercial re-­use.
what it is today can all be found, touched surgeons become more relaxed and more Published by BMJ.
and addressed during our Conferences’. tolerant, more accepting and less critical?
JB and PAR are joint first authors.
As time goes by, young surgeons will Have we lost our culture of debating for
become more experienced and will take the orthopaedic conscience? Have we put
over the role of being teachers. Much is enough effort into educating our followers
owed to those who were willing to share and students to become critical thinkers
To cite Bartlett J, Renström PA, Poehling GG, et al. J
ideas with their teaching and leadership, and doubters, independent from today’s ISAKOS 2021;6:126–128.
communication through journals and constraints?
congresses, or simply opening the door of We, the authors have been fortunate J ISAKOS 2021;6:126–128.
opportunity. Any advance is the outcome and have had the honour to be personally doi:10.1136/jisakos-2020-000591
of a team game, and the struggle to educated by great teachers and surgeons. ORCID iDs
improve has taken place in many nations We call them giants for sentimental Per Anders Renström http://​orcid.​org/​0000-​0003-​1898-​
with many contributions from now-­ reasons. We believe that we have really 1954
forgotten people—only a few heroes are stood on the shoulders of great thinkers. Peter Thomas Myers http://​orcid.​org/​0000-​0002-​1796-​
remembered. The J of ISAKOS acknowl- We are very grateful for this. We will
edges some of these heroes in publishing always remember our great teachers. We
‘The Classic’. The Archives Committee also believe that it is still a sign of ulti- REFERENCES
1 Hall JB, Haseldine JP, eds. Attributed to John
has identified some selected leaders as mate success if the student rises above of Salisbury Bishop of Chartres 12th Century
‘Giants’. They will be interviewed in depth the teacher—the way of life, the way of “Metalogicon” Hall. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers,
by ISAKOS and this will be highlighted at progress. 2013.
the next ISAKOS Congress. 2 Galway R, Beaupre A, MacIntosh DL. Pivot shift: a
clinical sign of anterior cruciate insufficiency. J Bone
Contributors  This a group work based on discussions
Joint Surg Br 1972;54:763.
MODERN TIMES at some ISAKOS Archive Committee Meetings since
3 Losee RE, Johnson TR, Southwick WO. Anterior
May 2019. The whole group participated in these.
It is important that we recognise and After agreement with PAR, JB gave suggestions for a
subluxation of the lateral tibial plateau. J Bone Joint
respect the legacy of our great teachers and Surg Am 1978;60:1015–30.
basic outline. RPJ and PAR added to this with several
4 Torg JS, Conrad W, Kalen V. Clinical diagnosis of
role models. A change is the rapid devel- mails. An outline for a manuscript was then written
anterior cruciate ligament instability in the athlete. Am
opment of surgical technology. Today’s by PAR with the support of JB and RPJ. The others
J Sports Med 1976;4:84–93.
have then been more involved again and have given
trainees are more ‘tech-­savvy’ than those 5 O’Donoghue DH. Surgical treatment of fresh injuries to
comments after reading it a couple of times. As chair
in previous years. Young doctors have a the major ligaments of the knee. J Bone Joint Surg Am
of the committee, PAR has taken on the task to get the
1950;32 A:721–38.
lower dependence on traditional text- manuscript to the Journal of ISAKOS.
6 O’Donoghue DM. Treatment of injuries to athletes.
books and paper copies of journals and Funding  The authors have not declared a specific Philadelphia, London, Toronto: Saunders, 1973.
articles, and they have a significantly grant for this research from any funding agency in the 7 Trillat A, Rainaut JJ. Traitement des laxities
higher reliance on PubMed and electronic public, commercial or not-­for-­profit sectors. ligamentaires posttraumatiques Du genou. Rev Chir
access for textbooks and articles. Orthop 1959;45:97–8.
Competing interests  None declared.
8 Watanabe M, Takeda S, Ikeuchi H. Atlas of arthroscopy.
Research will also change the teaching. Patient consent for publication  Not required. Tokyo, Igakushoin, 1957.
Development of cell therapies will grow in 9 Dandy DJ, Jackson RW. Meniscectomy and
Provenance and peer review  Commissioned;
importance. externally peer reviewed. chondromalacia of the femoral condyle. J Bone Joint
Tissue engineering initiated by Lars Surg Am 1975;57:1116–9.
10 van Dijk CN, Scholten PE, Krips R. A 2-­portal
Peterson’s research in the 1980s is leading
endoscopic approach for diagnosis and treatment
to biological repairs rather than replacing of posterior ankle pathology. Arthroscopy
bones with metal. ISAKOS biennial 2000;16:871–6.
congresses, as well as our journal, will 11 De Haven KE. Diagnosis of acute knee injuries. Am J
grow in importance and the pressure to Sports Med 1980;8:9–14.
Open access  This is an open access article distributed 12 Kennedy JC, Fowler PJ. Medial and anterior instability
produce high quality will increase. in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution of the knee. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1971;53:1257–70.
Pressure on young doctors to prop- Non Commercial (CC BY-­NC 4.0) license, which permits 13 Hughston JC. Acute knee injuries in athletes. Clin
erly learn the basics and read science will others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this Orthop 1962;23:114–33.

128 Bartlett J, et al. J ISAKOS May 2021 Vol 6 No 3

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