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1.Linda was very nervous,which made her look like a bashful girl. (CAME)


2.As soon as the funds ran out,they had to abandon the scheme. (PETERED)

->The instant

3.Why did you reveal my plan to Kathy? (BREATHED)


4.David was responsible for the family business as soon as his father retired.


5.Your encouragement helped to make things less grievous after such a heavy loss.

->It was

6.Tina was crazy about stamps,so she spends lots of money on them every month.

->Had it

7.He tried hard but couldn’t compensate for what he had done. (AMENDS)


8.Experts think that all dogs evolved from the wolves. (DESCENDED)

->All dogs

9.We didn’t learn he still managed to live with very little money as a waiter until
later. (EKED)

->Not until
10.Nobody is certain if the project will be permitted to continue. (GO-AHEAD)

->It’s still touch

ĐỀ 1 (PAGE 31)

1.”Because of this new evidence I have no alternative but to release you”,the judge
told the accused. (LIGHT)

->”............................................................................................ I have not alternative

but to release you”,the judge told the accused.

2.It is important to know the difference between a joke and a lie. (DRAW)

->It is important to know ................................................................. between a joke

and a lie.

3.The government recommends a balance of reward and punishment when dealing

with young offenders. (STICK)

->The government favours a .................................................................... to young


4.Let’s all work together,and we’ll finish the job very quickly. (NEXT)

->We’ll have this job done ......................................................... if we cooperate.

5.He was really jealous when he saw his brother’s new car. (GREEN)

->He was ................................................................... to see his brother’s new car.

6.It’s sad,but unemployment is unlikely to go down this year.


7.People believe that the Chinese invented paper in 105 A.D.


8.It’s a pity that you wrote that letter.

9.He decided to repair the thing himself and not to take it back to the shop.


10.I’m sure it wasn’t Mrs.Elton you saw because she’s in Bristol.

->It can’t .........................................................................................................

ĐỀ 2 (PAGE 44)

1.It’s believed that the school prestige has improved immensely in the last few
decades. (MEASURE)

->The school prestige

2.If I were him,I would return home no later than 11 o’clock.

->It is advised that ................................................................................... latest.

3.It was rash of Jimmy to react so aggressively that his wife felt heartbroken.

->Had Jimmy

4.Tony regretted criticising his friend’s business plan so strongly. (POURED)


5.Harry didn’t realize who the lady was until she moved forward into the light.


6.The whole affair has been a set of misfortunes from the beginning. (CHAPTER)

->From start

7.You were so pessimistic about what happened. (VIEWED)

->You should

8.Come what may,you should look on the bright side. (CHIN)

->No matter what

9.Nobody is sure if the scheme will be allowed to go ahead. (GREEN)

->It is still in

10.This patient’s condition is rather worrying if you look at his medical history.


ĐỀ 3 (PAGE 55)

1.Thomas was not given details of the company’s new projects. DARK


2.In the area,Thailand is much better than all other countries in football.


3.I’m afraid our problems are just beginning. ICEBERG


4.The final version of the plan was quite different from the initial draft.


5.I expected the film to be good,but it wasn’t at all. LIVE


6.You must do something to make sure this doesn’t happen again. STEPS


7.Even though I admire his courage,I think he is foolish.


8.He sounds as if he has spent all his life abroad.

->He gives
9.His recent behaviors are outrageous.

->The way

10.My salary is half what I would be in the job I was offered in January.


ĐỀ 4 (PAGE 66)

1.Sam was so crazy about stampt that he spents lots of money on them every moth.

->So strong

2.The impression most people have of Kathy is that he is an honest person.

->Kathy comes

3.It’s impossible to predict how long it will take the business to make a great deal
of profit. (TELLING)


4.She cannot make her mind up about whether to stay up or sleep.

->She was torn

5.His argument was irrelevant to the case being discusssed.

->His argument had nothing

6.The father was over the moon when his son was born.

->The father was as pleased ........................................................................ birth of

his son.

7.I don’t mind if you stay at my house tonight. (PUTTING)

->I’m not averse .........................................................................

8.Seeing that Tuan was determined to get the job,I knew he is serious about his
future. (BUSINESS)
->In light

9.If you want,you can leave. (LIBERTY)


10.The young lady was angry that no one confessed to having broken her vase.

->The young lady was beside ........................................................................... up to

having broken the vase.

ĐỀ 5 (PAGE 77)

1.Immediately after winning the race,Sandy began training for the next one. (had)

->No sooner

2.Going to and fro with all the cases is what I can’t stand about holidays. (toing)

->It’s all

3.As a result of the bad weather,there may be delay to some international flights.

->Due to the bad weather,

4.Bill changed his ways when he came out of prison. (leaf)

->Bill has

5.The committee had a long discussion but they could not make up their mind.


6.The president’s bodyguards stood behind him watching.


7.Success in the academic field depends on your ability to amass qualifications.

->The more
8.I find his clothes the most irritating about him.

->What most

9.Richard only took over the family business because his father decided to retire

->But for

10.It wasn’t Melanie’s fault that she ended up breaking the law.

->Through no

ĐỀ 6 (PAGE 90)

1.He contributed significantly to the success of the project. (import)


2.He was terribly upset by the news. (blow)

->The news came

3.The new town has made the town center nicer,but public transport could still be
improved a lot. (room)

->The new town has made the town center nicer,but..................................................

to public transport.

4.Trying desperately to compensate for his terrible behaviour,he bought her a

bunch of flowers. (amends)

->In a ............................................................................. his terrible behaviour,he

bought her a bunch of flowers.

5.We decided to stay for longer because we were so thrilled by the plane.


6.The north west of Britain has more rain each year than the southeast.
->The annual

7.They declared war on the pretext of defending their territorial rights.


8.No one stands a chance of beating Mansell in this year’s championship.

->It’s a foregone

9.This house is very different from the little flat we used to live in. (cry)

->This house

10.The spectators got so angry that they had to cancel the football match.


ĐỀ 7 (PAGE 102)

1.When confronted with his crime the accused was unrepentant. (REMORSE)

->The.................................................................................................. crime he had


2.My brother gets a terrible rash every time he eats seafood. (BRINGS)

->Eating............................................................................... a terrible crash.

3.Journalists are expected to work until late at night. (PUT)

->Journalists are expected

4.He had no idea what was going to happen to him when he walked into that room.

->Little................................................................................... him when he walked

into that room.

5.I was determined to take advantage of the experience. (MISSED)

->I would............................................................................................. such an
experience for all the world.

6.Someone must have seen the thieves escaping with the jewels. (MAKING)

->The thieves .................................................................................... with the jewels.

7.In order to discover how the disagreement had started,Mary talked to each child
separately. (ONE)

->Mary talked to the children .....................................................................................

attempt to discover how the disagreement had started.

8.Minnie meant well so you mustn’t be offended by her comments. (AMISS)

->Please........................................................................... because she meant well.

9.There are so many different styles of ethnis cuisine to choose from these days.


->These days,we ................................................................................... when it

comes to ethnic cuisine.

10.Ray agonized over whether he should tell his host that the chicken was
underdone. (QUANDARY)

->Discovering that his chicken was underdone ..........................................................

should he tell his host or not.

ĐỀ 8 (PAGE 114)

1.I was too scared to tell him what I really thought.

->I lacked

2.It’s a widespread assumption that George was wrongly accused.


3.He declared his disapproval of the behaviour of some of his supporters.

->He let it

4.The collision didn’t damage my car much.

->Not a great

5.Although he is 8 years older than her,they were good friends.


6.I presume you are coming to the party Miriam. READ

->Can I................................................................................................... you are

coming to the party Miriam?

7.After a long hard journey,I cheered up when I saw my home. SIGHT

->After a long hard journey,my spirits........................................... of my home.

8.Yvonne did everything she could to ensure the trip was successful. LENGTH

->Yvonne................................................................................. to ensure the success.

9.Russ’s opinions on the new management policies were very different from those
of his fellow workers. ODDS

->Russ................................................................................................. the new

management policies.

10.I tried as hard as I could to make sure that this problem would not arise.

->I did................................................................................... this problem from


ĐỀ 9 (PAGE 127)

1.The singer has strongly and publicy opposed the war.

->The singer has been a .............................................................. of the war.

2.We carried out market research to see whether the public would like our new car.

->We carried out market research to ....................................................... to our new


3.The rock star made an emotional request for the earthquake victims,which
produced a huge response.

->The rock star’s............................................................ for help for the earthquake

victimes produced a huge response.

4.The team will post accounts of their progress on their website every few days.

->The team will post................................................................. on their progress on

their website.

5.After I had introduced my guests to each other I made a long speech on the
current changes in the computer technologies.


6.George won’t lend his tape recorder to you if you don’t promise to bring it back
by Saturday. UNLESS


7.Jerry had terrible problems with solving the riddle. HARDLY


8.Our representatives have been criticizing the new concept. CRITICAL


9.It doesn’t make any difference if they paint the board white or yellow. MATTER


10.Finally,the new prime minister has been appointed. LAST

ĐỀ 10 (PAGE 139)

1.Going and fro with all the cases is what I can’t stand about holidays.

->It’s all

2.The village shop is now being managed by a national supermarket chain.

->A national supermarket chain has taken

3.This door is an emergency exit and must never be locked for any reason.

->On.................................................................... be locked because it is an

emergency exit.

4.Yolanda’s family persuaded her to enter the competition.

->Yolanda was talked................................................................................. the

competition by her family.

5.So many people were really delighted when the government lost the election.



6.The board has a secret meeting in order to discuss changes in company policy.



7.Peter was in trouble with his boss because he didn’t finish an important project
by the deadline. HOT


8.She told everyone that she had been fired by the company. SACK

->She let
9.Should there be a problem,contact us at all costs. LINE

->In the

10.Although the manager is sluggish,he is a smooth speaker. GIFT


ĐỀ 11 (PAGE 151)

1.Pop stars are corrupted by the adulation of their fans.

->It’s the way

2.What I understand from her words is that it seems neither Cole nor Ledley King
will be going to Japan.


3.The crash victim was beyond help when emergency services reach her.

->There................................................................................. do on reaching the

crash victim.

4.The staff hated Frank’s new policies intensely and so went on strike.


5.The fourth time he asked her to marry him,she accepted.

->Only on

6.He worked very hard but he was unable to earn enough for his living. ENDS


7.Competition is fierce,but Frozen is a firm favourite to win the award for Best
Animation of the year. LOOKS

->In the
8.Her lastest novel isn’t as good as her previous one. PAR

->Her lastest novel

9.She was very angry when her son made changes to her computer without her
permission. TAMPERING

->Her son............................................................................................... stack.

10.She herself admitted to being rather selfish.


ĐỀ 12 (PAGE 163)

1.Absolute secrecy was crucial to the success of the mission.


2.The two sides never looked likely to reach an agreement.

->At no time was

3.He is a complete hypocrite;in public he condemns smokers,yet he smokes a

packet a day himself.


4.Ruth never ask anyone for a loan as she doesn’t like to admit she has financial

->Ruth is

5.He loses his temper at all things,even the slightest one.

->He flies

6.Initially,losing one’s job can seem awful;afterwards it can work out well,for
some people. BLESSING

->Losing one’s job has proved

7.He’s a pleasant man socially,but he’s a tough businessman. BARGAIN

->He’s a pleasant man

8.As a champion swimmer,she will never be better than she is now. PRIME


9.A summary cannot bring out the high quality of this book. JUSTICE


10.The inspector showed us four potential health hazards. DREW


ĐỀ 13 (PAGE 176)

1.It was not until five years had elapsed that the whole truth about the murder came

->Not for another

2.I have frequently made stupid mistakes like that.


3.Don’t tell the boss anything about this. BREATHE


4.It seemed the young man was feeling bitter about his family background.

->The young man appeared

5.He has an obsession about the dishonesty of lawyers. BEE

->He........................................................................................................... dishonesty
of lawyers.

6.He was exasperated with being criticized in public all the time. TEETH

->He was fed

7.It’s possible the looming crisis won’t ever actually materialize.

->It’s not beyond

8.I don’t remember much about my mother,but I do remember she was very kind
and loving towards us.

->What little

9.You have said exactly the right thing. NAIL


10.They designed the stadium to make hooliganism impossible. SUCH

->The stadium

ĐỀ 14 (PAGE 188)

1.It was only when the film had ended that I remember to switch off the oven.


2.They think the manuscript was written by a fourteenth century scholar.


->The manuscript

3.Have you seen my glasses anywhere by any chance? HAPPEN

->You........................................................................................................,do you?

4.Whatever happens,you must not go into my office without permission.



5.It’s a good idea to take out a small loan to help start your business. GROUND


6.I’ve become extremely good at missing the rush hour over the last few weeks.

->I’ve got missing the rush hour

7.Although Rudy really didn’t want to play cricket on Sunday,he agreed in the end.


8.I tried to remember what has happened all those years before. CAST


9.My parents are furious with me for getting a tattoo and so have grounded me.

->My parents,who

10.Since the company’s methods were exposed in a newspaper,people have lost

their good opinion of it. DISREPUTE


ĐỀ 15 (PAGE 197)

1.Even though I admire his courage,I think he’s foolish.


2.Experts think that all dogs evolved from wolves.

->All dogs

3.The university didn’t prepare to consider his application due to his lack of right


4.If you find it necessary,you can contact me on this number.


5.Many people nowadays find it increasingly difficult to exist on the money they
earn. ENDS

6.I’ve lost interest in going to the same place all the time. FED UP


7.Mary is proud of being a good cook. PRIDES


8.The rain was coming down in torrents. CATS

->The rain

9.They arrived at their destination alive and kicking. SOUND


10.The police caught the burglar in the process of committing the crime. RED

->The burglar

ĐỀ 16 (PAGE 210)

1.Wash vegetables before eating them.


2.New road developments pose a major threat to these ancient woodlands.

->These ancient

3.You will have to give up the whole idea.

->I have no

4.He had a strong impulse to open the letter.

->He couldn’t resist

5.It can be conclude from the research,heart diseases correlate with smoking.

->The research shows a

6.The diplomat has been arrested because it is believed he has been spying for his
government. SUSPICION
->The diplomat

7.He got up very early this morning. CRACK


8.They remained close friends.despite having had many diffrences. FALLEN


9.I resent the way that she clearly feels herself to be superior to me. NOSE

->I am

10.Fortunately his route took him very near where they lived. LUCK


ĐỀ 17 (PAGE 221)

1.Because of his conviction for fraud,the trainer lost his licence.

->His conviction for fraud

2.My little brother can be so annoying somtimes.

->I am

3.They declared war on the pretext of defending their territorial rights.

->The excuse

4.Whenever you are on a bus,you hear someone talking about snobbery.

->You can’t

5.Pop stars are corrupted by the adulation of their fans.

->It’s the way

6.I don’t think the television’s likely to blow up at any minute. LIKELIHOOD


7.I’m afraid our problems are just beginning. ICEBERG


8.In the area,Thailand is much better than all other countries in football.


9.Thomas was not given details of the company’s new project. DARK


10.I was too scare to tell him what I really thought. LACKED


ĐỀ 18 (PAGE 231)

1.I left without saying goodbye as I didn’t want to disturb the meeting.


2.For further information,please send a self-adressed envelope to the above


->Further information can

3.It shouldn’t have surprised me that my children didn’t like the new,cheaper ice-

->I might

4.The noise made by the children didn’t prevent the baby from sleeping soundly.


5.Don’t run away with the idea that this job is easy. CONCLUSION


6.Russ’s opinions on the new management policies were very different from those
of his fellow worker. ODDS
->Russ.................................................................................................. the new
management policies.

7.The young actress was very nervous before the audition. BUTTERFLIES


8.Magaret is said to be a very good cook. REPUTATION


9.She chooses the kind of hotels she stays in very carefully.

->She’s very fussy

10.The rocketing prices have proved too much for most salaried people. COPE


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