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Republic of the Philippines


Purok 2, Brgy. Talobatib, Labo, Camarines Norte – 4604, Philippines


B S A B E 4 A
1. Which are not sources of water pollution
a) Agricultural c) Industrial
b) Domestic d) Commercial
Answer: D

2. Shall set, revise and enforce drinking water quality standard?

b) DOA d) DOH
Answer: D

3. Formulate guidelines for the re-use of wastewater for irrigation and other agricultural uses and for
the prevention, control and abatement of pollution from agricultural and aquaculture activities?
a) DOH c) DOH
b) DPWH d) DOA

Answer. D

4. It is the study of the basic principle and ways of utilizing agricultural waste derived from on-farm
and off-farm operation.
a) Agricultural Utilization c) Agricultural Waste Process
b) Agricultural Waste Utilization d) Agricultural Process
Answer: B

5. It is the natural biological process, carried out under controlled conditions, which converts
organic material into a stable humus like products.
a) Fertilizer c) Fertilizer
b) Compost d) Organic Fertilizer
Answer: B

6. Composting system that uses worm to decompose the biodegradable materials.

a) Vermi-Compost c) Bio Fertilizer
b) Fertilizer d) Organic Fertilizer
Answer: A

7. These are at the lowest elevation of a pen.

a) Gutters c) Flush alley
b) Slatted floor d) Scrape alley
Answer: A

8. An aerobic form of decomposition, primarily by microbes.

a) Composting c) Aerated lagoon
b) Utilization d) Dilution
Answer: A

9. Liquid and slurry manure can be moved by gravity if sufficient elevation differences are available
or can be established.
a) Gravity flow pipes b) Equipment
c) Pumps d) Push off ramps
Answer: A

10. An agricultural waste management consist of six basic functions?

a) True c) Both a and b
b) False d) None of the above
Answer: A

11. It is a function designed to reduce the pollution potential of the waste, including physical,
biological and chemical treatment.
a) Production c) Collection
b) Storage d) Treatment
Answer: D

12. This refers to the initial capture and gathering of the waste from the point of origin or disposition
to a collection point.
a) Transfer c) Treatment
b) Collection d) Storage
Answer: B

13. This type of waste can be turned into soil enhancers or conditioners.
a) Residual c) Biodegradable
b) Recyclable d) Non-biodegradable
Answer: C

14. This refers to a waste management activity that focuses on the treatment of waste to turn them
into products for other use or to make them raw materials for the production of another product.
a) Reduce c) Recycle
b) Recover d) Reuse
Answer: C

15. This is the practice of minimizing the amount of waste that an individual generates.
a) Reduce c) Recycle
b) Reuse d) Refuse
Answer: B

16. It is defined as the accumulated moist animal excrement that does not undergo decomposition or
a) Slurry c) Solid Waste
b) Waste d) Manure
Answer: D

17. The part of total solids driven off as volatile gases when heated to 600 degrees celcius.
a) Volatile solids c) Grit
b) Waste d) NOTA
Answer: A
18. Liquid waste, partially or completely treated, flowing out of a reservoir, basin, or wastewater
treatment plant.
a) Volatile c) Effluent
b) Waste management d) AOTA
Answer: C

19. It is a measure of the suspended and dissolved solids in water.

a) Volatile solid c) Total solid
b) Fixed solid d) Suspended solid
Answer: C

20. It refers to the measure of organic and inorganic substances within a liquid in an ionized,
molecular, and colloidal or suspended form.
a) Volatile solid c) Total solid
b) Dissolved solid d) Suspended solid
Answer: B

21. It refers to small solid particles which remain in suspension in water as a colloid or due to the
motion of the water.
a) Volatile solid c) Total solid
b) Dissolved solid d) Suspended solid
Answer: D

22. Type of waste that generated from farming activities. These substances ate mostly biodegradable.
a) Industrial waste c) Agricultural waste
b) Fishery waste d) Municipal Solid waste
Answer: C

23. Descriptive name of waste that has 95% or more, exhibit qualities very much like water.
a) Liquid waste c) Slurry
b) Solid waste d) Semi-Solid waste
Answer: A

24. Agricultural liquid waste consists of _______ and _______ resulting from the production of
livestock and poultry; and processing of crops, livestock and poultry.
a) Solid waste and slurry c) Liquid waste and slurry
b) Liquid waste and solid waste d) None of the above
Answer: C

25. The "strength" of sewage is characterized primarily by its

a) BOD (Biochemical Oxygen c) Suspended solids and BOD
Demand) and turbidity d) MPN (Most Probable Number) and
b) Turbidity and odour coliform count
Answer: A

26. The BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) of wastewater is determined by

a) Evaporating the sample and c) Heating the sample for 5 days and
weighting the residue then measuring the DO (Dissolved
b) Filtering the sample and weighing Oxygen).
the trapped solids d) Measuring the DO consumed in a
diluted sample after 5 days.
Answer: D

27. Bar screens and grit chambers are used

a) Online in primary wastewater c) Very rarely due to applications of
treatment plants. modern technology.
b) In most municipal wastewater d) Online in advanced wastewater
treatment plants. treatment plants.
Answer: B

28. It is a chemical disinfection method that uses various types of chlorine or chlorine-containing
substances for the oxidation and disinfection of what will be the potable water source.
a) Chlorination c) Chlorine
b) Chemical Oxygen d) NOTA
Answer: A

29. The illegal disposal of waste on land not certified to store and/or receive it.
a) Landfill c) Fly-tipping
b) Incineration d) Humus
Answer: C

30. Any kind of misplaced waste left lying in an inappropriate open or public place.
a) Mixed waste c) Refuse
b) Recyclables d) Litter
Answer: D

31. It means any solid, semi-solid or liquid waste or residue generated from a wastewater treatment
plant, water supply treatment plant, or water control pollution facility, or any other such waste
having similar characteristics and effects
a) Water body c) Sludge
b) Wastewater d) Septage
Answer: C

32. It means the lowest amount of concentration of toxic pollutants which may cause chronic or long-
term acute or lethal conditions or effects to the aquatic life or health of persons or which may
adversely affect designated water uses
a) Water body c) Pollutant
b) Wastewater d) Toxic amount
Answer: D

33. It processes where fungi digest the carbons not degraded during composting and further stabilize
the nutrients.
a) Curing b) Composting
c) Bulking agent d) Leachate
Answer: A

34. Which statement is true regarding algae in a facultative pond?

a) During the day, algae use oxygen to c) In the presence of sunlight, algae
produce carbon dioxide. use carbon dioxide to lower the pH.
b) In the afternoon, algae use oxygen d) During the day, algae use carbon
to lower the pH. dioxide in the wastewater to release
Answer: D

35. When would you expect the lowest concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) in a facultative
a) Noon c) Sunrise
b) 3 PM d) Sunset
Answer: C

36. Why is the volatile acid/alkalinity ratio important at a wastewater treatment plant?
a) Helps maintain proper operation of c) It is an important indicator of a
the sedimentation process. problem developing in the digester.
b) Used to control the pH of the d) It is commonly used to adjust the
influent in the pretreatment facility. acidity in the chlorination facility
e) .
Answer: C

37. Part of total solids passing through the filter in a filtration procedure
a) Agricultural liquid waste c) Agricultural solid waste
b) Dissolved solid d) Fixed solids
Answer: B

38. Liquid waste, partially or completely treated, flowing out of a reservoir, basin, or wastewater
treatment plant
a) Effluent c) Agricultural liquid waste
b) Influent d) Dissolved solid
Answer: A

39. Part of total solids remaining after volatile gases driven off at 600o C
a) Fixed solids c) Dissolved solid
b) Total solids d) Volatile solids
Answer: A

40. A mandates Local Government Units to divert at least 25 percent of their solid waste into
recycling and composting, and away from disposal sites.
a) RA 9003
b) RA 9275
c) Liquid waste act of 2000
41. А роtеntіаllу harmful аnd dаngеrоuѕ tуре оf rubbіѕh thаt іѕ nоt ѕаfе fоr humаnѕ nоr fоr thе
еnvіrоnmеnt. Ѕресіаl рrесаutіоnѕ ѕhоuld bе tаkеn whеn іt'ѕ dіѕроѕеd оf.
a) Hazardous Waste c) Extremely Hazardous Waste
b) Food waste d) Household Hazardous Waste
Answer: A

42. A method that industries use to break down waste and distribute it into the environment through
ash, water and air.
a) Landfill c) Incineration
b) Litter d) Disposal
Answer: C

43. Scattered pieces of waste intended for disposal. It consists of solid materials usually larger than
62 mm.
a) Composting c) Curbside Collection
b) Debris d) Collection
Answer: B

44. It produces large amounts of waste, some of which are suitable for land application.
a) Food Processing facilities d) Agricultural chemical Waste
b) Agricultural Waste Management Management
c) Food Processing Waste
Answer: A

45. It uses as a feed supplement and an energy source through methane production.
a) Swine waste c) Cow waste
b) Poultry waste d) Goat waste
Answer: A

46. It defines as the ratio of the weight of water to the total weight of the wet waste.
a) Moisture content c) Volume
b) Fixed solid d) Total solid
Answer: A

47. Composting system that uses worm to decompose the biodegradable materials.
a) Fertilizer c) Fertilizer
b) Vermi compost d) Organic fertilizer
Answer: B

48. This is when all the combustible components are gasified and all the carbon is burned to carbon
dioxide, all the hydrogen is converted to water, and sulfur to Sulphur dioxide.
a) Combustion c) Gasification
b) Complete Combustion d) Pyrolysis
Answer: B

49. What is the air admitted to or with the fuel to create combustion?
a) Primary air b) Incomplete air
c) Complete combustion d) Air Fuel Combustion
Answer: A

50. This is the bacteria that require free elemental oxygen for their growth.
a) Aerobic c) Aerobic Organism
b) Aerobic Bacteria d) Biological Oxygen Demand
Answer: B

51. It is separated organic fraction of household waste; consists of yard and food waste.
a) Biogenic Waste c) Charcoal Fine
b) Biological Oxygen Demand d) Charcoal
Answer: A

52. Organic residues, or a mixture of organic residues and soil, which have been piled, moistened,
and allowed to undergo biological decomposition for use as a fertilizer.
a) Composting c) Composting Amendments
b) Compost d) Composting Municipal
Answer: B

53. The waste generated from stores, and offices is known as:
a) Domestic waste c) Industrial waste
b) Commercial waste d) Agricultural waste
Answer: B

54. The waste generated from industries during the manufacturing of products is:
a) Domestic waste c) Industrial waste
b) Commercial waste d) Agricultural waste
Answer: C

55. The waste generated from planting, harvesting, and dead plants is known as:
a) Domestic waste c) Industrial waste
b) Commercial waste d) Agricultural waste
Answer: D

56. _____ produced in confinement are grown either on paved lots or pasture.
a) lamb or sheep c) goat or lamb
b) sheep or goat d) cow and goat
Answer: B

57. Many agricultural enterprises use large amounts of ____?

a) Agricultural chemicals c) Agricultural solid waste
b) Agricultural waste d) Agricultural liquid waste
Answer: A

58. The most common use of the nutrients in swine waste is through _____ application.
a) Water c) Soil
b) Air d) Land
Answer: D

59. This where liquid waste, partially or completely treated flowing of a reservoirs, basin, or
wastewater treatment plant.
a) Secondary treatment c) Influent
b) Effluent d) Primary treatment
Answer: B

60. A controlled decomposition of organic matter by micro - organisms, mainly bacteria and fungi
into a humus like product.
a) Compost mix c) Windrow composting
b) Composting amendment d) Composting
Answer: D

61. A system of clay layers or geosynthetic membranes used to contain leachate and reduce or
prevent contaminant flow to groundwater.
a) Lagoon c) Liners
b) Holding ponds d) Storage
Answer: C

62. It refers to the initial capture and gathering of the waste from the point of origin or deposition to a
collecting point.
a) Production c) Storage
b) Collection d) Transfer
Answer: B

63. It refers to the movement and transportation of the waste throughout the system.
a) Production c) Storage
b) Collection d) Transfer
Answer: D

64. It is any function designed to reduce the pollution potential or modify the physical characteristics
of the waste, such as moisture and TS content, to facilitate more efficient and effective handling.
a) Production c) Storage
b) Collection d) Treatment
Answer: D

65. This consist of liquid waste and slurry resulting from the production of livestock and poultry; and
processing of crops, livestock and poultry.
a) Agricultural liquid waste c) Effluent
b) Aerobic d) Liners
Answer: A

66. Accumulated moist animal excrement that does not undergo decomposition or drying; it includes
feces and urine which may be mixed with bedding material, spilled feed or soil.
a) Slurry c) Volatile solids
b) Manure d) Sludge
Answer: B

67. Lagoons that can function as aerobic or anaerobic depending on the environment.
a) Fixed solids c) Disinfection
b) Grit d) Facultative lagoons
Answer: D

68. What is the equation used to calculate moisture content (%)?

wet weight−dry weight

a) MC %= x 100
wet weight
dry weight−wet weight
b) MC %= x 100
wet weight
c) MC %=wet weight −dry weight x 100
wet weight −dry weight
d) MC %= x 100
dry weight

For questions 68-69

69. The testing laboratory reports the manure’s volatile solids on a dry basis are 70%. What is the
percentage d.w carbon content of the sample?
a) 38% c) 39%
b) 38.6% d) 39.4%
70. The manure has a moisture content of 80 percent. What is the percentage of carbon contained in
the manure on a wet basis?
a) 5.7% c) 10.2%
b) 9% d) 10.8%

Solutions and answer key

wet weight −dry weight
67. (A.) MC %= x 100
wet weight

68. % C d . w=0.55 x % VS d . w
¿ 0.55 x 70 %
% C d . w=39 % (C.)

69. % C w . b=C d . w x
39 x
% C w . b=5.9 % (B.)
71. Which of the integrated waste management is reduced on an individual level?
a) Source reduction c) Disposal
b) Recycling d) Burning
Answer: A

72. Which gas produced in open dumps b) Methane

from the decomposition of c) Propene
biodegradable waste? d) None of these
a) Ethane
Answer: B

73. What plan should we make to the disposal of solid waste?

a) Integrated waste management plan c) Reducing of waste management
b) Recycling of waste management plan
plan d) Use of waste management plan
Answer: A

74. _____________ is the process of reclaiming raw materials and reusing them to create new
a) Reducing c) Recycling
b) Repurposing d) Composting
Answer: C

75. The conversion of organic waste into a substance that helps us grow crops and makes soil
healthier is:
a) Composting c) Biodegradation
b) Recycling d) Incineration
Answer: A

76. Why are composting and recycling beneficial?

a) Reduces the amount of waste c) Increases waste
b) Makes us rich d) Make new things
Answer: A

77. A clay material used in patching vents or holes of charcoal kilns to regulate amount of air inside
the chamber during the carbonization.
a) Claypan c) Clay Slurry
b) Clay Tile d) AOTA
Answer: C

78. A man-made aquatic ecosystem containing emergent hydrophytic vegetation, designed and
managed to treat wastewater.
a) Constructed Wetland c) Pond basin
b) Waste Container d) Disposal Site
Answer: A
79. The waste strips ripsawed from the edges of boards, dimension, and other wood items to produce
square-edged products.
a) Ecoregion c) Deposition
b) Edgings d) NOTA
Answer: B

80. The major component of charcoal. This represents the coke minus the ash and volatile matter.
a) Fixed Carbon c) Ashe value
b) Phosphorus d) Black point
Answer: A
81. Refers to low moisture silage (35-55% moisture)
a) Haylage c) Semi-solid
b) Slurry d) AOTA
Answer: A
82. An act systematically integrates the concept of climate change in various phases of policy
formulation, development plans, poverty reduction strategies and other development tools and
techniques by all agencies and instrumentalities of the government.
a) RA 9729 c) RA 9792
b) RA 9739 d) NOTA
Answer: A
83. A manure testing laboratory reports that the manure has a nitrogen content of 11.5 percent d.w.
The manure sampled contained 85 percent moisture. Compute the nutrient level in wet basis.
a) 1.766% c) 1.85%
b) 1.725% d) 2%


nutrient level , db(100−%MC )

nutrient level , w . b=
nutrient level , w . b=

84. Referring to problem 83, calculate the pounds of nitrogen per ton of manure as it will be
transferred for utilization
a) 33 lb/ton c) 30 lb/ton
b) 34.5 lb/ton d) NOTA
N N 1,725
lb =1ton × 2,000 ×
ton ton 100
=34.5 lb/ton

85. The testing laboratory reports that the manure’s volatile solids on a dry weight basis are 70
percent. Compute the percentage d.w. carbon content of the sample.
a) 35.8% c) 38.5%
b) 38% d) NOTA

%MC , d w=0.55× VS , d . w
%MC , d w=0.55× 70
=38.5 % d.w

86. Referring to problem above, the manure has a moisture content of 65 percent. Compute the
percentage of carbon contained in the manure on a wet basis.
a) 13.6% c) 13.48%
b) 14% d) NOTA

%MC , wt =%MC , db×
%MC , wt =38.5×
=13.48 %
87. A laboratory sample of manure weighing 300 grams is oven dried. After oven drying, the sample
weighs 66 grams. Following oven drying, the remaining 66 grams is heated to 1,112 °F. After this
heating, 43 grams remain. Calculate the Moisture content
a) 233g c) 366g
b) 244g d) NOTA
MC=wet weight−dry weight
=234 g

88. Problem 87, calculate the MC wet basis

a) 78% c) 77%
b) 87% d) NOTA
% MC = x 100
wet weight
% MC = ×100
89. Problem 87, calculate the Total solid TS%
a) 21% b) 23%
c) 19% d) NOTA
Dry weight
% TS , wb= x 100
wet weight
% MC = x 100
90. Problem 87, calculate the percentage of Volatile solid, VS%
a) 65% c) 65.15%
b) 64.15% d) 65.16%
VS , dryb
VS %= x 100
VS , wetb
VS %= x 100

91. Problem 87, determine the Fixed solid FS

a) 44 g c) 66 g
b) 43 g d) 1,112 °F
92. Problem 87, calculate the Volatile solid
a) 22g c) 23.5g
b) 24g d) NOTA

=23 g

93. Estimate the daily production of manure in m 3/day for a 350 heads swine finishing housing that
has a daily manure production of 5.68 L/day-head?
a) 1.5 m3/day c) 2 m3/day
b) 1.89 m3/day d) 2.1 m3/day
V= 5.68 L/day-head x 350 head
= 1.988 L/day x
1000 L
= 2 m3/day
94. Problem 93, calculate N, given the nutrient content: N= 18.69x10 -3 kg/day-head
a) 6.57 kg/day c) 6.70 kg/day
b) 6.60 kg/day d) 6.54 kg/day
N= 18.69x10-3 kg/day-head x 350 head
= 6.54 kg/day
95. Problem 93, calculate P, given the nutrient content P 2O5 = 30.45x10-3 kg/day-head,
Multiplier: P2O5 = 0.437
a) 4.70 kg/day c) 4.50 kg/day
b) 4.66 kg/day d) 4.51 kg/day
P= P2O5 x P2O5 x No. head
= 30.45x10-3 kg/day-head x 0.437 x 350
= 4.66 kg/day
96. Problem 93, calculate K, given the nutrient content K 2O = 32.73 x10-3 kg/day-head,
Multiplier K2O = 0.83
a) 9.60 kg/day c) 9.51 kg/day
b) 9.65 kg/day d) 9.55 kg/day
K= K2O x K2O x No. head
= 32.73 x10-3 kg/day-head x 0.83 x 350
= 9.51 kg/day
97. The plant used to process animal wastes or manure to produce biogas and sludge consisting of an
inlet/mixing tank, digester, gas chamber, and outlet/sludge tank
a) Split-type Plant c) Biogas Plant
b) Integrated Plant d) Multi-digester Plant
Answer: C
98. Plant consisting of a heat-sealed plastic or rubber bag (balloon), combining digester and
a) Balloon type c) Floating type
b) Fixed type d) Under type
Answer: A
99. It is a various processes that take place among the methanogens, non-methanogens and substrates
fed into the digester as inputs.
a) Mechanization c) Mechanism
b) Methanization d) Methanizing
Answer: B

100. Which of the following are need to consider when selecting a location for biogas plant
a) Biogas plant should be located at a should be lower than elevation of
site with good drainage. animal pen canal.
b) It should be located as near as c) The utilization of biogas should be
possible to the animal pen and near.
Answer: D

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