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Brought to you by ZB1Subs | Translators: tawiji, _xinglei, rosinurl, HannahJune,

gabriellachiner, taellanghae | Timers: rosinpitch, sarahz, bin, jeongjjangz,

gyuvices, _xinglei | Typesetter: rosinpitch | Encoder: jeongjjangz

ZH: Hi!!

ZH: Happy birthday to you~

ZH: Happy birthday, happy- Hahaha.

ZH: Yes.

ZH: Hello!

ZH: Welcome to Hao’s party room, ZE_ROSES.

ZH: I came early because I wanted to see ZE_ROSES as soon as possible.

ZH: I did well, right?

ZH: Oh, there’s a lot of comments.

ZH: "I love you~"

ZH: "Happy birthday."

ZH: "Happy birthday haha."

In Chinese

ZH: And-

ZH: “I followed you.” Thank you.

ZH: We also followed.

ZH: They’re really passionate.

ZH: “Hao, happy bday!”

ZH: Thank you~

ZH: There’s a lot of ZE_ROSES already celebrating my birthday,

ZH: and I wanted to give them a present too,

ZH: so I’ve prepared a song.

Someone You Loved - Lewis Capaldi

Now the day bleeds\Ninto nightfall

And you're not here \Nto get me through it all

I let my guard down \Nand then you pulled the rug

I was getting kinda used to \Nbeing someone you loved

ZH: Woah, you’re really good, Zhang Hao.

ZH: I hope everyone has a happy day with my song.

ZH: Now then I’ll read the questions ZE_ROSES-

ZH: -sent.

ZH: “Really, just Zhang Hao himself”.

ZH: What does ‘just Zhang Hao himself’ mean?

ZH: Oh, there’s a lot of people actually following us.

ZH: It’s so touching.

ZH: Yes, so…

ZH: I have this, the questions.

ZH: A lot of ZE_ROSES have sent questions so I’m very surprised.

ZH: I will read just a few of them.

ZH: One of them is mine~

‘And I’ lyrics

ZH: First, the blue one.

ZH: “What has made Hao the happiest lately?”

ZH: Ayy, you know it.

ZH: Last week, at The Show and Show Champion,

ZH: we got first place.

ZH: Thanks to ZE_ROSES, we were very touched.

ZH: And I slightly cried.

ZH: I was... really happy.

ZH: Really, really happy.

ZH: I’m still happy now.

ZH: Until this moment too.

ZH: Yes, so, the second-

ZH: Ah, before that, I’ll…

ZH: I’ve prepared some props.

ZH: Wait a minute.

ZH: Is this right?

ZH: Okay, the second one!

ZH: “Of all the members’ presents,

ZH: which one are you looking forward to the most?"

ZH: This afternoon…

ZH: This afternoon, we were filming something,

ZH: and Ricky passed by my side and said,

ZH: “Hyung, you can look forward to my present.”

ZH: So...

ZH: I think Ricky’s present is going to be fun…

ZH: I’ll look forward to it.

ZH: And next to me… Who’s this?

ZH: What’s your name?

ZH: Kim Gyuvin!

ZH: He also raised his hand,

ZH: so I’ll also look forward to Gyuvin’s present.

ZH: Okay, next!

ZH: “To ZE_ROSES who have important exams ahead!

ZH: Does CSAT No.1 genius Hao have any study tips?"

ZH: Study tips!

ZH: Ah, to be honest...

ZH: When I went to school,

ZH: I always wanted to go home and sleep.

ZH: Even now too,

ZH: I’m someone who wants to get off work quickly.

ZH: So, if you’re desperate to go home…

ZH: If you’re desperate about your bed, you can concentrate

ZH: on everything you have to do.

ZH: Like… “I’ll do everything well

ZH: and then I’ll go home and rest comfortably.”

ZH: If you think like this, you’ll do everything well.

ZH: Okay, next!

ZH: “Language genius Jjangguri!

ZH: Please let ZE_ROSES know any Korean words

ZH: you’ve learned recently!”

ZH: Can I say this?

ZH: Oh… I learned this just now.

ZH: ‘International police’.

ZH: The reason I’ve learned ‘international police’…

Comedian Hwang Jeseong’s line on a skit from Comedy Big League

ZH: Interpol! Interpol! International police!

ZH: I’m Interpol!

ZH: I watched that video,

ZH: So ‘International police’, I’ve learned that word.

ZH: Okay, the last one.

ZH: “Music genius Hao,

ZH: how did you start playing violin

ZH: and what is your favorite song?”

ZH: Well…

ZH: First of all, it makes me feel good that you called me a music genius.

ZH: Thank you.

ZH: And the reason I started playing the violin

ZH: was because when I was young

ZH: the musicians on TV looked so cool,

ZH: so I wanted to play it too.

ZH: I learned for three months then.

ZH: After that, I already had a violin, so I learned again to enter university.

ZH: As for my favorite violin song…

ZH: There’s a song called "The Night of Confession."

ZH: When I was in China attending university, I used to have a part-time job
ZH: and this song was famous there, so...

ZH: It’s a very important song for me.

ZH: Is this very loud? The sound?

ZH: There are still a lot of questions about me,

ZH: but it’s boring if I just open all these (questions),

ZH: so let’s end the Q&A here.

ZH: There are some guests outside that keep wanting \Nto come to the party room,

ZH: so I’ll call them.

ZH: Come in!

KGV: Woah~ \NKJW: Woah!

ZH: Woah!!

ZH: Oh, what’s this? They also have presents!

KJW: We’ve come with presents. \NKGV: There’s also presents~

ZH: Should we put them down?

ZH: They can’t see our faces.

KJW: Yes, I'll put them down then.

ZH: Oh, thank you.

KJW: Should I hold onto them?

KJW: Let’s just put them on the floor for now.

ZH: Please introduce yourselves.


ZH: Oh, (use) this… Why did I give it to you?

KGV: Hello, ZE_ROSES! The cute puppy Kim Gyuvin is here!

KJW: Hello-

ZH: Let’s stop using the mic.

KJW: Hello! I’m the oldest, Kim Jiwoong.

ZH: Yes. Hello~

ZH: Come a bit closer.

ZH: Hello~

ZH: Why’d you bring presents? You didn’t have to.

KGV: No, I just went shopping.\NThey're not yours.

ZH: Oh, is that so?

KJW: It’s Hao’s birthday,

KJW: so we couldn’t come here empty-handed.

KJW: So we’ve brought all the members’ presents with us.

ZH: That’s touching.

KGV: Hao hyung!

ZH: Oh!

KGV: Do you know what kind of presents we prepared?

ZH: No, I don’t know a single thing.

KGV: Oh, really?

KJW: Hao is the only ‘I (introvert)’ in ZB1.

KJW: So all the ‘E (extrovert)’ members have prepared presents

KJW: to also turn him into an ‘E’.

KGV: Then!

ZH: Oh, sh*t!

KGV: Should we start the unboxing?

KJW: Yes!

ZH: Yes, okay.

KGV: Let’s start with this one!

ZH: My ears turned red!

KGV: Let’s start with this one.

ZH: Okay, okay.

KGV: You have to do it, hyung.

KGV: ‘L’amour’. What does this mean?

ZH: Love.

KGV: Really?

KJW: Forever love.

KGV: For real? How did you know that?

ZH: How did you not know that?

ZH: There’s a heart drawn here too.

KJW: What’s this? The heart means…

KJW: it’s the second love.

ZH: Oh, first love.

KJW: Yes.

ZH: Okay, I’ll read it.

ZH: First, the letter.

KGV: Please read it.

ZH: Recording pen.

ZH: Oh! That’s nice.

ZH: “Since Hao hyung is a teacher,

ZH: you’ll have to mark lots of assignments,

ZH: so I’m giving this to you.

ZH: Hao is an ‘I’, but you have to become an ‘E’,

ZH: so you’ll need confidence.

ZH: You’re already confident, but if you–”

Pen: Face jjang! Skills jjang! Charisma Zhang Hao!

KJW: Sorry.\NPen: Face jjang! Skills jjang! Charisma Zhang Hao!

ZH: “If you have to become an ‘E’,

ZH: you’ll also have to be thick-skinned.

ZH: So please press on the pen now.”

KGV: If you press that–!

KJW: Press it.

Pen: Face jjang! Skills jjang! Charisma Zhang Hao!

ZH: Face jjang! Skills jjang! Charisma Zhang Hao!

KJW: That’s right. The voice didn’t come out at the end.

ZH: Wait, this pen. Oh.

ZH: I have to read the letter too, right?

ZH: "Jin Hao! Happy birthday.

KJW: You’ve gained a lot since trainee days

KJW: and grown lots. You’ve worked hard.

KJW: A lot has changed in this one year,

KJW: but what hasn’t changed

KJW: is your love for getting off work early.

KJW: You’re now one year older,

KJW: so show us more hidden charms.

KJW: Though you’re already so charming.

KJW: Love…?"

ZH: Oh!

ZH: "Love you.

ZH: Happy birthday."

In Chinese

KGV: "Happy birthday to you."

In Chinese

ZH: This feels like…

ZH: Jiwoong hyung?

KJW: It’s not me.

ZH: It’s not?\NKJW: Yeah.

ZH: They only addressed me as hyung once. Here.

ZH: Hao hyung. And the rest were just Hao.

KGV: It’s just Hao here.\NZH: Hao hyung. And the rest were just Hao.

ZH: Yeah, it’s just Hao here, and here.

KJW: It’s not me.

KJW: Here it says, “Since trainee days.”

KJW: So it must be someone who knew you as a trainee, right?

KGV: We were trainees on Boys Planet too.

ZH: Yeah. So the trainee part can apply to everyone.

ZH: The gift. Oh, it’s this.

ZH: One more time…

KGV: We didn’t press there.

ZH: Aahhh!

ZH: Interpol, Interpol! International Police!

KJW: Hao’s gonna do it all.

KJW: It’s not coming out.

ZH: It’s not? Is it not there?

KJW: Do it again.\NKGV: That was good.

ZH: Interpol, Interpol! International Police!

KGV: You have to pronounce ‘in’ strongly.

KGV: Like, “In!” In! Interpol!

KJW: Let’s figure this out in the dorm.\NZH: Okay.

KGV: Okay.\NKJW: Okay. This is fun.

KGV: Let’s get a gift from Jiwoong hyung’s side.\NKJW: Sure.

ZH: It’s a carrot.\NKGV: You have to take this, hyung.

ZH: Oh, sorry.

KJW: As for this, let’s do it later.

KJW: Let’s open this Jjangguri. It’s Crayon Shin-chan.

ZH: Oh! Crayon Shin-chan. Who did this?

KJW: I’ll open it for you.

KJW: The card is so big. Did Gyuvin do this?\N

KGV: Nope.

KJW: Please read this. I’ll open this.

ZH: Thank you.

KGV: Made in Korea Art– Oh.

ZH: Please give us an endorsement deal.

KGV: "Dazzling sunglasses.

KGV: Because Jjangguri likes sunglasses.

KGV: Shine wherever you are!"

KGV: To Hao. "When I first became the leader, I was–"

KGV: What's with this guy?

KGV: He's just saying he's the leader.

ZH: Who?

KGV: "I was very confused when I first became leader.

KGV: Thank you sincerely for helping me.

KGV: Just having you by my side gives me strength–"

KGV: Isn't this just Sung Hanbin?

ZH: It's Sung Hanbin!

KJW: I feel like it's Taerae.

KGV: It's Sung Hanbin for sure.

ZH: But Sung Hanbin…

ZH: It feels like Taerae too.\NKJW: Yeah.

KGV: Oh, really?\N

KJW: Yeah.

KGV: It's not a T's temperament at all.

KGV: "Just having you by my side gives me strength."

KJW: The tone here sounds like Taerae.

ZH: Yeah.

KGV: Really?\NZH: And Sung Hanbin doesn't draw this (smiley).

KJW: Open this.\NZH: I'll open this.

ZH: This is nice! I tried this on Boys Planet.

KJW: Oh!

ZH: We have to do that.

Spinning handkerchief dance by Chen Kuanjui in Boys Planet.

\NKGV: In the…\NZH: Change the color!

KJW: Change personality?\NZH: Change the color.

KJW: Oh, the color.\NKGV: Change personality…

ZH: Oh!

ZH: Nice. By the end of the day,

ZH: let's see what I'll have on my head.

KJW: This is interesting.

ZH: It suits you better, hyung.

KGV: There's gold foil here.\NZH: Feels like Taerae's.

ZH: Okay.

KJW: Gold foil.

KGV: Hold on to that, Jiwoong hyung.

KJW: This is very…

KJW: Wow.

KGV: I'm fast, right?\NKJW: Yeah.

KJW: I'll read this.

ZH: Ah…

KJW: Congratulations.

KJW: Three bears.\NZH: It might be copyrighted.

KJW: Oh, right.

KJW: Three bears.

ZH: You have to make me an 'E'.

KJW: A fairy wand.

KJW: "Hao hyung who loves music.

KJW: Please show us how you look as a conductor with this fairy wand."

KJW: "Hao hyung, hello, happy birthday.

KJW: Whenever I see you, I feel like there’s nothing you can’t do.

KJW: I’m so glad that there’s a hyung like that in our team.

KJW: Let’s always smile together while promoting. I love you!”

KGV: What is this?

KJW: He sent these words. I wonder who it is.

ZH: Park Gunwook. Right?

KJW: Oh then Hao, if we get first place at a music show,


KJW: [You should] use this.

ZH: Can we get more wins? Us?

KGV: Why of course.

KJW: Of course. We can do it.

KJW: Wave it.

KGV: What is this?

KGV: Do you two secretly have something without telling me?

ZH: Okay but isn’t this similar to when we do our stage, And I?

Thousands of likes \NAnd I And I

ZH: This one’s my favorite so far!

No exact translation of “sunnyeo,” it is used to describe female mythical


ZH: But here, it says “fairy.” I’m an sunnyeo.

KGV: “Fairy” is kinda…

ZH: Is it not sunnyeo?

KGV: Fantasy..

ZH: Really?

KGV: Kinda like “fairytale.”

KGV: Okay, next present.

ZH: Can someone please continue doing this next to me?

KGV: I’ll do it.

ZH: But the sound…

KJW: This is very… oh, good.

KJW: Anyway, let’s do this one.

ZH: Sounds good.

KJW: Should I try reading it this time?

ZH: Sure.

KGV: Sounds good.

KJW: Oh this also has three bears on it.

ZH: Oh, it’s becoming slightly tighter…

KJW: “Gyuvin, pull the tablecloth.” Oh!

ZH: Teacher!

KJW: Sorry about that.

KGV: The tablecloth…

KJW: Sorry about that!

ZH: It doesn’t open–

KJW: This… This is the reality of the 5th generation.

Roughly $1.50 USD

KGV: Oh! 2,000 won!

ZH: You keep saying dangerous things today.

KGV: Can’t you just open this? Since it’s a lid?

KGV: You could just open it like that.

ZH: What is this?

KGV: Growing cherry tomatoes?

KJW: Oh, woah.

ZH: What kinds of thoughts did this person have to give me this?

KJW: Would you like to read it? This time, let’s have Hao read it.

ZH: Sure.

ZH: This was kind of blocking my view.

ZH: This… try it. You can’t really see, right?

KJW: It’s making me dizzy.

ZH: “Kit for growing tomatoes. I hope you’ll become friends with the tomatoes.”

KJW: That’s very sentimental.

KGV: Why?

ZH: This guy seems kinda strange.

ZH: “To Hao.” Oh! This person wrote in Chinese!

KGV: Oh, Chinese!

In Chinese

ZH: "Some people say the most beautiful things in life are spring and love.

ZH: In my eyes, the most beautiful place is where you are.

ZH: Only be happy, Hao. I love you.”

KJW: Woah, this is crazy. Did they write it themselves?

ZH: This is you, right?

KGV: Isn’t it Ricky?

KJW: It’s not me.

ZH: It doesn’t seem like Ricky’s handwriting.

ZH: No, I feel like it’s you.

KJW: It’s not.

ZH: Really?

KGV: It kinda seems like Jiwoong hyung.

ZH: Are you for real? I really think it’s you.

KGV: Suddenly talking about being friends with tomatoes…

ZH: Saying to be friends with the tomatoes…

ZH: I think it’s (Jiwoong) hyung.

KJW: I wrote it.

ZH: That’s correct, right?

ZH: I have to grow these.

ZH: Hyung, have you tried these?

KGV: Wow, this is true thoughtfulness.

KJW: Yeah.

ZH: You’ve tried these?

KJW: Yeah.

ZH: How do you do it?

KJW: If you grow these yourself… it really… but this is really…

KJW: If you consistently do it, tomatoes really grow like this.

KGV: But hyung, why is this part of the process of turning from an 'I' to an 'E'?

KJW: It’s fun.

ZH: An 'I' cannot be friends with tomatoes.

KGV: No but if you go that… that route, things become dangerous.

KJW: Tomatoes…
KGV: No.

KJW: The tomatoes might like Hao.

ZH: Tomatoes… I eat them, I like them.

KJW: An 'I'…

KJW: We can just end it here.

KGV: Oh really.

ZH: As you grow them every day, you can talk with the tomatoes.

KJW: And tomatoes, they can become your good friends.

ZH: That’s right.

KJW: They’re pretending to sleep in the cup.

ZH: I’ll try it. How long do you have to do these until they grow?

KGV: A month.

ZH: Become more mature?

KGV: Mature…

KJW: Mature? This… uhm…

ZH: A month?

KGV: Isn’t it a month?

KJW: A month.

ZH: Is it written here?

KJW: Should…

ZH: Do we have to try it?

KJW: …we find out together?

ZH: Sounds good. (x2)

KGV: Ah, really.

KJW: Oh but this letter is really precious.

ZH: Did you…

KJW: I wrote this all myself, as a penned letter.

ZH: I saw… “Some people-.” But how did you…?

KJW: I used Naver to search for the nice words.

ZH: You searched well. This is kinda…

ZH: Even as a Chinese person,

ZH: I can see that these are romantic… romantic? Is that right?

KJW: (Yeah), romantic.

ZH: These are romantic words.

KJW: Romantic?

ZH: Romantic words.

KJW: That’s right. I’m quite romantic.

KGV: Now, the next present.

ZH: I’ll make sure to grow them before your birthday.

KGV: All matured. You have to make them mature.

KJW: Then on my birthday, give me a tomato you grew.

ZH: Oh then for hyung’s birthday, should I give you tomatoes as a present?

KJW: I got it.

ZH: That will be kinda…

ZH: I don’t know. \N KJW: You can just give it to me.

KGV: But this present is pretty!

ZH: Oh! This!

ZH: This ribbon!

KGV: Over Me?

ZH: Kinda a bit.

KGV: I understand what you mean.

KGV: This letter I will-

ZH: You should pretend you don’t know.

KGV: I will try to read it!

KGV: "Transformasion set."

Gyuvin misread the note.

KGV: "If you- \NKJW: Transformation set.

KGV: If you do a lot of embarrassing and bashful things,

KGV: I think you will be closer to an 'E'."

KGV: "To Hao.

KGV: Our Hao."

KGV: It says “I am Jiwoong” here?

ZH: Eh? \N KJW: Eh?

KGV: "Hao, as first place, you must have a lot to protect,

KGV: a lot to do, and a lot of hardships as well.

KGV: I know more than anyone else

KJW: This person is really using my tone of speech.

KGV: that you are doing your best.

KGV: Let’s not be stressed, let’s be happy, I love you.

KGV: Blue heart."

ZH: Oh?

KJW: Using blue things like this is really like me.

ZH: Wait a minute.

ZH: For a bit, I’ll-

KJW: Wow, look at this!

KGV: This is really- \N ZH: The tone of speech is-

KGV: This belt, hyung, is really-

KGV: from those days, hyung!

KGV: This, really hyung, I had a hard time buying this.

KGV: Joker Maximum Drive!

Kamen Rider Joker transformation chant

ZH: But here, “I am Jiwoong”, is this correct?

KJW: Joker!

KGV: It is “I am Jiwoong”.

ZH: Is that correct?

ZH: Is it not “I is Jiwoong?” Will that be fine like that?

KJW: “I am Jiwoong” is the correct one.

ZH: Ah, really? \N KJW: Yes.

ZH: Oh. I felt like it was somehow Mathew.

KGV: Ah, you thought it was Matthew?

KJW: If you wear this, won’t it be kinda like that?

KJW: Should I put it on for you?

ZH: Did you give this one, hyung?

KJW: No. It is not me.

KJW: I’ll put it on for you.

ZH: Yes.

KGV: But, this…

KJW: Put it down like that.

KGV: This...

KGV: Will this fit the waist?

ZH: This thing honestly,

ZH: it's sitting on the top of the nose.

ZH: A bit.

KJW: How do you put this? Like this?

KGV: You’re putting it like this?

KJW: Like this? Is this right?

ZH: I feel like a superman right now.

KGV: People may think you are Superman.

KJW: Isn’t this too big?

ZH: I think... this is too much.

KJW: What is this?

KJW: They didn’t even put batteries in.

KJW: This person has no sense.

ZH: Yah,

ZH: then, isn’t that person Jiwoong hyung?

KJW: This person really has no sense.

KGV: They are saying “question mark?”

The viewers
KJW: Please do “Transform!” once.

ZH: Interpol! Interpol!

ZH: International Police!

ZH: I am the Universe Police!

KJW: I am! I am!

KGV: What were you going to be?

KJW: I am! I am!

KJW: I am! Black knight!

ZH: I don’t think it is Jiwoong hyung.

ZH: Okay.

KGV: Let’s open the next one.

KJW: I’ll be your bodyguard, by your side.

ZH: This one, somehow, wear it.

KGV: Me?

KGV: But, this is-

ZH: You will really get slightly stressed wearing this.

ZH: Right?

KJW: I am somehow more comfortable wearing it?

KGV: Who are you asking, hyung?

ZH: We don’t know where you're looking.

ZH: Hyung can see the outside,

ZH: but for us, we just see ourselves.

KJW: I like this.

KGV: We don’t know if your eyes are either looking left or right.

KJW: Really?\N KGV: Yes.

KJW: I will read the next one.

KGV: Ah, I don’t know.

KJW: "Hao hyung! If you have a camera,

KJW: you can take a picture for memories during your personal time.
KJW: and you can

KJW: ch-"

ZH: Chande.

The gifter misspelled the word.

KGV: Change. (x3)

KJW: "and I think you can change more as an 'E' like this.

KJW: You can also take pictures with sunbaenims with that camera."

KJW: The words-

KGV: Remove your mask.

ZH: But this-

KJW: Suddenly the words,

KJW: it sounds like he has more words to say,

KJW: but it was cut off.

KGV: It’s a hopeful ending.

KGV: “You can also take pictures with sunbaenims with that camera!”

KGV: It was that kind of feeling.

ZH: Can it end like that?

KJW: I think so.

KJW: I will remove this.

ZH: Remove it.

KGV: It would've been better if you did that earlier.

KGV: Then, hyung should read this.

ZH: "To Hao!"

ZH: "Hyung-!"\NKGV: I meant Jiwoong hyung.

ZH: Ah, you meant for Jiwoong hyung.\NKGV: This is for you!

KJW: "Hyung, you worked hard.

KJW: Your appearance of working hard is very cool,

KJW: and I am very thankful for your sudden moments of cuteness.

KJW: Every time I see those moments, I would laugh and be healed.

KJW: Our... Zhang Hao hyung,

KJW: happy birthday.

KJW: This is hyung's funniest line."

ZH: Oh?

KGV: Yaaaa~ There's the thing that hyung does.

KGV: Ah, "Yaaaa~"

KJW: "Yaaaa~"

ZH: "Yaaaa~"

KGV: That, "Yaaaa~"

ZH: This is Matthew. (x2) \NKGV: So whatever it is, this is Matthew’s.

KJW: When I see this, I think this is Gyuvin’s?

KGV: Me?

KJW: Yes.

KGV: For me-

ZH: Gyuvin, “chande”?

KGV: I think he misspelled it.

ZH: Ah, really?

KGV: That it became “chande".

KGV: It is supposed to be “change”.

ZH: Is this something that cannot be used?

KGV: I think you can use it.

KJW: It’s a gift that can be used, for sure.

ZH: It gives me a feeling that it is plastic.

KJW: Would this person give a camera that can’t be used?

KGV: But for now, 'retro camera' is written in English.

ZH: Oh!

KGV: Then-

KJW: There are no cards inside, so it can’t capture anything.

SD card

KGV: Mashyushang.
Gyuvin wrote ‘Mashyushang’ for Matthew in his Melon Hi-Rising profile.

ZH: Mashyushang.

KGV: Mashyushang. \NZH: There are no cards.

KJW: Just now, there were no batteries.

ZH: Then I’ll buy a card.

KGV: He also wrote “momens of cuteness”.

T/N: He misspelled “moments”

ZH: Oh, is it “moments”?

KGV: ”Momens”… He wrote “momens” so it’s definitely Mashyushang.

KGV: Ah, the “PS” too! This is really-

KJW: It’s Matthew, Matthew.

KGV: This one’s totally…

All: It's definitely Matthew

KGV: Okay, next present.\NZH: Next.

KJW: Oh, this one is quite-

KJW: Candy!

KGV: Oh, candy in my ears~\N

T/N: Baek Jiyoung’s Candy In My Ears

ZH: Baby you're my candy~\NKGV: Who should– Oh, I’ll read it then.\N

T/N: To the tune of Jelly Pop

KJW: Candy in my ears~

KGV: While you’re opening it–

KGV: Oh!

ZH: What?

KGV: Soccer ball!

KGV: “Together with us-

KGV: “Together with us- To-” Eh?

KJW: Oh!

ZH: Oh, this is Park Gunwook.

KGV: No, I think…

ZH: Guess who~

KJW: Guess who~

KGV: This is definitely Han Yujin,

ZH: It looks like Yujin’s.

KGV: but he asked Park Gunwook to sign on the wrapping.

KGV: He told him to draw the eyes prettily.

ZH: Yeah, really seems like it’s a drawing from Park Gunwook.

ZH: This has a brand name. Is it okay to show it?

KGV: “Official Sponsor of the Korea Football Association.”

KGV: “Champs.”

KGV: Oh, well.

KGV: Champs.

ZH: I’ll try it.\NKJW: Yes, okay.\NKGV: I just read Champs.

KGV: “To raise your tension while playing soccer together with us.”

KGV: “Hao hyung who we think we know but we don’t really!

KGV: To our quiet yet loud Hao,

KGV: happy birthday! Be happy everyday and walk only the flower path.”

KGV: Then a black heart–

KJW: Gunwook- I think it's Gunwook.

KGV: I think it's definitely Han Yujin.

KJW: Isn’t it Gunwook’s?

KGV: This is definitely Han Yujin.

ZH: No way it’s anyone else but Yujin.

KGV: The size is an O.

KGV: Ohh, made in China!

ZH: Oh?\NKGV: This is good.

ZH: It’s an… item from my hometown.

KGV: This is really-

ZH: Later, if we have time...\N

KJW: Yeah, when we have time in the dorm…

KJW: Oh, it says here, “All condition control”.

ZH: But I can't play very well.

ZH: Hyung, are you good at it?

KJW: You can learn it. You can learn it.\NKGV: Ah, you can just be good from now

KJW: It’s possible if you learn it, understood?

KGV: Yes!

KJW: Understood?

KGV: Yes!

KJW: Stop playing around!

KGV: Okay.

KJW: Continue!

KGV: Let’s open the next present.

ZH: I really like this.

ZH: So, you can keep refilling this and–

KJW: I like this one the most.

ZH: Can this go on and on endlessly?

KGV: Oh, this-

KJW: You just have to add more soap bubbles.

ZH: Bub-

KGV: Soap bubbles.

ZH: Can you buy soap bubbles?

KGV: You can buy it.

ZH: As expected, the prince.

ZH: With this one, it’s a bubble bath.

KJW: There's only one present left.

KGV: Really?

KJW: Yes.

KGV: Really.
KJW: Okay, let's open this one.

KJW: It's the last present.

ZH: Yes.

KGV: LaPre\N

T/N: He shortened ‘last present’

KJW: As this is the last present, Hao will read the last letter.

KGV: Good luck card.

KJW: Good luck card.

ZH: I'll read this one.

KGV: Okay.

KJW: Yes, please read it.

ZH: Oh!\NKJW: Woah.

ZH: “A ZB1 custom T-shirt with all the members’ faces printed on it.

ZH: So that the members are always engraved on your chest–”

KJW: Engraved on the chest, in your heart…

ZH: Ohh.

KJW: So that you always cherish it and think about us..

ZH: “You’ll receive our energy

ZH: and walk confidently everywhere.”

KGV: Walk confidently~

ZH: Confidently.

T/N: Gyuvin’s singing Pretty by Kara

ZH: Walk confidently.\N

KJW: Amazing.

ZH: "Hao hyung always-”

ZH: Hao hyung!

ZH: “Thank you so much for always taking care of me

ZH: and saying a lot of nice things,

ZH: I get a lot of strength.

ZH: Even though you’re really good at Korean,

ZH: sometimes when you say the wrong thing

ZH: you’re so cute that I speak casually,

ZH: but it’s because your cute

\NKGV: I think it's Park Gunwook.

ZH: so please understand it.”

KJW: “It’s because you’re cute”.

ZH: Your.

KJW: You’re.

ZH: You're.

ZH: Because you’re cute…

KGV: It looks like it was made in a rush, but it’s pretty.

KJW: How did they do this?

ZH: When was this t… when…

KJW: Looks good.

ZH: Should I wear it right now?

KJW: Can you put it on quickly?

KGV: Quickly?

KJW: Quickly.

KGV: We’ll give you 30 seconds.

KJW: We’ll give you 30 seconds.

KGV: One.

KGV: Two, three.

KJW: Only 30 seconds. Please hurry up.

KGV: Four, five.\NKJW: 39 seconds.

KGV: You should take the other shirt off and put it on.

ZH: It's okay.

KGV: It's okay.

KJW: You wore it like this?

ZH: You only gave me thirty seconds.

KGV: Shouldn’t you wear it properly?

ZH: You both– Oh!

ZH: My hair’s all messed up now. What should I do?

KGV: You wore it like that.

ZH: But wearing it here…

KJW: If you do it like this,

ZH: I feel like I’m about to eat.

KJW: it’s a meaningful gift.

KJW: Wear it tomorrow.

ZH: Sounds good.

ZH: I think Park Gunwook gave this.

ZH: He gave a lot, then…

KGV: I think it's definitely Park Gunwook.

ZH: Someone’s missing.

ZH: Someone’s missing.

KGV: Someone’s missing?

ZH: You didn’t give me anything.

KGV: I- 1, 2, 3...

KGV: It's one of these.

ZH: One of those is yours?

Lyrics of "And I"

\NKGV: One of them is mine.

KGV: Oh my~

KJW: I think we've opened all the presents.

ZH: Yes.

KGV: Yes.

KJW: There's nothing left, right?

KGV: That's right.

KJW: Then...

KJW: Which present did you like the most, Hao?

KGV: I like this one.

ZH: This one.

KJW: This one?

ZH: I like this one too.

ZH: This is really-\NKGV: I think this one's amazing.

KJW: Now Hao, you're an 'I', but...

KJW: Do you think you can become an 'E'?

ZH: I... I think I like living as an 'I' better...

ZH: Honestly, right now, even though I'm happy,

ZH: deep inside I'm losing my energy.

KGV: Your ears?

Hao pronounced energy close to 'gwi' which means 'ears'.

ZH: Ear? (x2)

ZH: Did they become red?

KJW: You're losing energy?

KGV: He's losing energy.

KGV: From now on, we'll help you start living as an 'E'.

KGV: Hyung, the presents you received today-

KGV: Now that you've received your presents, how do you feel?

ZH: I received a lot of totally unexpected gifts,

ZH: so I'm quite surprised indeed, but...

ZH: It's like... I myself...

ZH: There are things I wouldn't buy myself,

ZH: so that's fascinating.

ZH: It's like the members, with their various charms,

ZH: have given me gifts that made them think, "Zhang Hao would like this."

ZH: I got to know a bit more too,

ZH: And by using these items, would I be able to become an ‘E’?

ZH: With everyone else later on, will I be able to be like--

KJW: That's right. These things may look trivial,

KJW: but each of them hold a certain meaning, right?

ZH: There’s not one item with practical use.

KJW: That may be true, but...

KJW: Now your MBTI can change.

ZH: Yes.

KGV: It can really change a lot.\NKJW: You can think of it like that.

KJW: Now, Gyuvin and I will say our ending greetings.

KGV: Yes.

KJW: We'll give ZE_ROSES some time with Hao,

ZH: That was too fast.

KJW: so shall we step out for a bit?

KGV: Yes!

KGV: As we leave, can you do Interpol again?

ZH: Interpol?\NKJW: Wait... Hold on.

KGV: The batteries look really cute.

KJW: Oh, I was going to turn this on and then we'll leave.

ZH: Really.

KJW: Can we turn this on for a bit?

KJW: This is quite fun, it's addicting.

KGV: Oh, our baby. I'll do it for you.\N

ZH: Hyung likes this best, right?

KJW: Once you press this, we'll leave.

ZH: This is a bit childish for Yujin,

ZH: but it suits hyung and I really well.

KJW: That's right.

KJW: Hao, as soon as you turn it on, we'll leave.

ZH: Alright, sounds good.

ZH: One, two, three.

ZH: Okay.
ZH: Thank you!

ZH: I'll fix my hair.

ZH: I'm giving up.

ZH: Hey.

ZH: Where's my mic?!

ZH: My mic! My mic-

KGV: You can't use your mic.

ZH: Why not?

KGV: Their ears might explode.

ZH: Do I have to give you everything?

ZH: Oh, these are precious, though.

ZH: I suddenly want to read the comments.

ZH: Can I do that?

ZH: Oh, what is it?

ZH: Everyone's just following right now.

ZH: Please say something too.

ZH: "Hello63...

ZH: has followed you."

ZH: Hello63, please say something.

ZH: "Hao, you're bakryeok!"

Hao pronounced 박력 phonetically as bakryeok.

ZH: What's that?

KGV: Bangnyeok, bangnyeok.

Means energetic/lively

ZH: What's bangnyeok?

ZH: Thank you.

ZH: And..

ZH: Is it okay?

ZH: It's not bad.

KJW: You look cool.

ZH: "It's so funny that I'm crying!"

ZH: You can't.

ZH: You should laugh because of me.

ZH: If you cry, I'll be sad too.

ZH: Right.

ZH: But, I wanted to ask, if they follow here,

ZH: will we get a lot of fans on IG too?

ZH: Will we--

ZH: Oh! That’s nice.

ZH: Okay.

ZH: In that case…

ZH: In that case, to end off, let’s take some pictures.

ZH: I’ll…

ZH: Prepare for photo time.

KJW: Hao.

\NZH: Yes?

ZH: Wait, this camera angle is kinda weird.

ZH: Is this okay?

ZH: Yes.

KJW: Hao, Jjangguri.

ZH: Oh, it’s Jjangguri.

ZH: It's a panda.

KJW: Put this on? \NZH: Yes.

KJW: I’ll put it on for you.

KJW: Done.

KJW: Take some photos alone first.

\NZH: Okay.

ZH: Oh, I’ll sit down again.

ZH: Panda!
\NKJW: Panda.

ZH: Panda. I’m Jjangguri, so jjangguri pose.

ZH: One, two, three!

ZH: Let’s take it together, hyung.

KJW: Gyuvin too.

ZH: Yes, let’s take photos with Gyuvin too.

ZH: What’s this?!

KGV: I picked it up on the way here.

ZH: Wow!

KJW: Wow, that’s amazing.

ZH: They’re flowers!

ZH: They’re really flowers! Fresh flows!

KJW: Would we give you fake flowers?

KGV: Fresh flows?

ZH: Fresh flowers.

KJW: Then…

KGV: Sun, sunglass… Huh?

KJW: Hao, come a little closer.

ZH: Let’s take a photo. With this.

KGV: With the doll.

ZH: One, two, three!

ZH: One, two, three!

ZH: One, two, three!

ZH: Can we do this jjangguri pose together?

ZH: Okay.

ZH: One, two, three!

ZH: Okay!

ZH: Thank you!

KJW: We have one last thing prepared.

ZH: What’s this? \NKJW: Ta-da!

KGV: Wow!

ZH: Didn’t you have this, Gyuvin?

KGV: At Ricky’s birthday–

KGV: Oh, too much shadow.

KGV: We had this at Ricky’s birthday.

KJW: Shall we step out of the frame for a while?

\NKGV: No.

KJW: They’re asking us to step out.

KGV: Oh, really?

ZH: All our secrets are exposed.

ZH: Let me go in here.

ZH: “Cold beauty, warm beauty, just a beauty.”

ZH: Wow, you have great vision.

ZH: Your eyes are really healthy.

KGV: They’re mature.

ZH: “I’ve fellen for ZE_ROSES because they’re all pretty.”

ZH: What’s that?

ZH: Oh, fallen!

ZH: Sorry!

ZH: It’s mirrored, so, you know.

ZH: Lastly…

ZH: “Charisma jjang! Face jjang! Skills jjang!

Jjang means “best”

ZH: Zhang Hao’s birthday.”

ZH: Oh!

ZH: It’s today.

ZH: “Heartiest Hao-gratulations on Zhang Hao’s birthday.”

ZH: “Cute and handsome-

ZH: Cute and handsome genius, Jjanguri Zhang Hao’s birthday.”

ZH: “ZE_ROSES over first place on CSAT and university admission as a top student.”

ZH: What’s this?

ZH: “I’ll be the Zhang Hao who becomes radiant summer skies

Zhang Hao's Korean name meaning is sky

ZH: only for ZE_ROSES and protect them.”

ZH: Oh, thank you.

KJW: Whoo!

KGV: Huh?

ZH: Ah! What’s that?

KGV: To throw…? Oh!

ZH: Is this an extrovert's world?

KJW: Wait, this ain’t it. Hold on.

ZH: It’s really like a movie!

KGV: Yay! It’s a great day!

ZH: Wow, I’m happy!

ZH: I’m happy!

ZH: Hyung, your favorite item is here.

KGV: Happy!

ZH: One more time!

KJW: It’s gonna be an unforgettable birthday,

KJW: for Hao and for me.

ZH: Yes.

ZH: Sit down, sit down.

ZH: I ate it.

KGV: Please read that, Jiwoong hyung.

KJW: Hao–

ZH: Read what? (x2)

KJW: “Jiwoong, please walk in while cheering.”

ZH: There’s nothing.

KGV: “Jiwoong and Gyuvin, enter the frame

KGV: upon the staff’s signal and congratulate Hao.”

ZH: “Don’t talk to us.”

KGV: “Don’t talk to us?”

KGV: They’ve been exposed. (x2)

KJW: “Hao makes a simple closing greeting and the live ends.”

ZH: Yes! Today we all…

ZH: ZE_ROSES already know, right?

ZH: We have a packed schedule tomorrow, and we might get tired,

ZH: and today, these two have joined…

ZH: Is this right?

KGV: We have a packed schedule,

KGV: so we might not have been able to do this tomorrow?

ZH: Yes.

KGV: Because our schedule is very tight.

ZH: That’s right.

ZH: That's why...

ZH: I feel very happy that, at a good time today,

ZH: these two have joined and celebrated with me.

ZH: And even though I couldn’t see a lot of the comments,

ZH: since they were all “followed” notifications,

ZH: I still felt all the love.

ZH: And also the gifts…

ZH: Even if they’re all a bit...

ZH: …interesting, I will use them well.

ZH: Especially this one.

ZH: I will always bring this everywhere.

KJW: Turn it on.

ZH: And also give much love and attention to ZEROBASEONE's debut album

ZH: “Youth In The Shade” and title song “In Bloom!”

KJW: It feels like we’re at the market.

ZH: “In Bloom” is about how,

ZH: like there are no flowers that bloom without wavering,

ZH: ZEROBASEONE is still awkward and isn't perfect but…

ZH: I give up.

ZH: This was...


ZH: This was Zhang Hao.

ZH: This isn’t it?

KGV: Ah, we only saw up until “today.”

KGV: Today was fun!

ZH: Then what's next?

ZH: Is it the end?

KGV: Ticket…

ZH: Ah!

KGV: How's the ticketing going?

KGV: At 8PM…

ZH: Is it for FanCon?

KGV: Yes.

ZH: Did you do it well?

ZH: How much is it? The ticket?

ZH: Oh, we can’t talk about this.

KJW: Why? Will you reserve the ticket yourself?

ZH: I hope many ZE_ROSES will come.

ZH: We’ll work really hard to prepare for it,

ZH: and we will give you many surprises.

KGV: Surprise!

ZH: We will try to make a FanCon that we won't regret.

KGV: Yeah.
KJW: Alright.

KJW: Then we will wrap up Zhang Hao's birthday party.

ZH: Yes~

KJW: You've worked hard.

ZH: Thank you.

KGV: Bye~

KGV: Is it the end?

ZH: Can't stop-*

Over Me lyrics

ZH: I can't do this.

KJW: Please enjoy this, everyone.

KGV: "Please enjoy."

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