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A Tour through Arcada

By Whitestripe

You couldn’t believe it. You had won a once-in-a-lifetime contest, to travel not just to
Lunar City, the City of Dreams, but to the many nations of the world. To witness their own ways
of life, their magic, and just… there.

Sure, you didn’t actually ‘remember’ entering any contest like this. But….maybe it was
just your lucky day? For all you knew, maybe everyone just got entered in for a chance to win
this trip. You’d heard of that from some of your old friends. They’d won invitations to move to
Lunar City.

Huh….you hadn’t heard from them since they had moved to the big city. Eh, it was
probably nothing though. Living in such a huge, glamorous city. They were bound to be far too
busy to talk to someone living in a tiny, middle of nowhere town.

Your eyes drifted out to the beautiful plains of Lunaris as they flew by. The train you were
on was making good time getting towards the city. You supposed that was one of the nice things
Lunaris had set up. It was like a hub. With Lunar City in the direct center, and from it, a network
of train tracks, and roads leading out into the whole country. Why, every single town and village,
no matter how small, had at least a decent train station. And it seemed like those trains were
going day and night, transporting people off to Lunar City, for people to try and make their
dreams come true.

A knock at the door to your cabin drew your attention as you glanced over at it. “Yes, can
I help you?” You called as the door slid open. Standing there was a wolf, his fur was black as
night. A snow-white image of a crescent moon curved across his face, covering his right eye. A
sleek silver suit covered the lithe wolf’s form as he smiled warmly.

“Hey there, you must be the contest winner. It’s nice to meet you. You can call me Lunar.
I’m your guard on today’s journey, once we arrive.” The wolf said with a warm smile as he
stepped in and offered his paw to you.

As you reached out and shook the wolf’s paw, you felt a small tingle thrum through your
body as you cocked your head, glancing down in confusion, before looking up at your guide,
whose smile never wavered.

“Just a security precaution, I assure you. People can get a bit too….excited with wanting
to….greet and meet you.” The wolf told him. “Honestly, you can get so pulled in, you’ll find
yourself never wanting to leave at all. And we have quite a lot to do, and only a little time to do it.
That’s to just help keep them off your back. Once we arrive, I can explain more in-depth if you
like.” Lunar said warmly.
You smiled warmly at the wolf. Wow, whoever threw this contest, really did their
homework to make him feel safe and welcome. “Thank you very much Lunar, I’m really looking
forward to all of this. I never even imagined I’d ever get the chance to travel to Lunar city. Is it
true you can really do anything there, be anything you want?”

For a fraction of a second, Lunar hesitated, before he nodded. “That is indeed true. I find
that for many who visit Lunar City. They can get so swept up in the day-to-day life, they utterly
lose themselves to their new existence and forget about their old lives from before they came.”
He said. “Some people just aren’t made for life in that city I’m afraid.”

You nod your head slowly. “Well, you don’t have to worry about me. I’ll keep my head on

Lunar responded with only a fang-filled smile at that.

“I do hope so. I would hate for our tour to end abruptly.”

You travel with your guide in silence for the next hour. The wolf had a horrifically large
amount of paperwork that he had you sign and date.

In triplicate.

By the time you finished the last sheet, you felt like you were ready to do ‘anything’ to
avoid such horrific torture again. Lunar just smiled, that cheerful little grin as he watched you
work on document after document.

“Now I believe we have arrived. If you’ll come with me, we can get started on the tour.
The Lunar City Train Station is quite the sight, let me tell you.” Lunar said with a warm smile as
he climbed to his feet, beckoning you to follow as he led you through the narrow halls of the
train, and out into the station beyond.

The sight that awaited you was…..

It was impossible to describe. Like something out of a book or a painting. Solid marble
tile clicked under your feet. Every window was made of stained glass, each showing a different
image of some sort of animal or mythical beast. Statues of purest gold and silver stood between
the pillars supporting the vaulted ceiling of the train station. And hanging on the walls were
works of beautiful, breathtaking art. Paintings, frescoes, and friezes of beautiful sights. Animals,
people, families, and more.
“Breathtaking, isn’t it?” Lunar asked, and for the first time, his smile fell away as he
looked out at the sprawling station. Dozens of trains, constantly on the move. Tens of thousands
of people packed together, some getting on a train, but far more getting off, meeting up with
waiting tour guides to be led out into the city. And even more just heading off on their own

You froze as you saw a crocodile grinning at a handsome-looking shark, leading him up
onto a pedestal. The crocodile’s paws gently stroked over the shark’s body, adjusting his pose,
his expression. You couldn’t hear what he was saying over the din of the background noise. But
you could see his muzzle moving, as if he was whispering something to the shark. The sea
beast took on a fierce, proud pose, as if ready to face any challenger before him.

And once he was finished the gator stepped back, smirking, before snapping his claws.
And from the shark’s feet. Smooth silver began to flow up over the aquatic predator’s legs.
Fusing him to the pedestal as it passed over him. Every inch of him, every detail being caught in
perfect relief within the cool, reflective silver. It spread up his legs, consuming his chest, all
breath halting, his heart stopping as his chest became nothing but a block of solid silver.

And yet, even as over half of his body was turned into rigid, lifeless metal. The shark’s
proud grin never wavered, his glazed-over eyes seemed almost…..proud. As the silver
continued to flow over and consume him, preserving him. The shark just seemed to be reveling
in it, before in mere moments, the silver flowed over and froze his expression into a permanent

Not a moment later, the gator stepped forward, a polishing cloth in a paw as he began
to scrub it over the silver shark’s face. Polishing the newly minted sculpture up, as if the
sculpture before him hadn’t just been a living person a few moments later.

“He….he just…..” You trailed off, unable to put your utter shock into words.

Lunar let out a snort but nodded his head. “Turned that shark into solid silver? Yep. It
happens all the time here. You were so focused on that. You missed the half dozen furs who
wanted to try and grab you and turn you into something.”

You squeaked and jumped, looking over at Lunar, eyes widening. “They…but….what?”
You whimpered.

“Come on, walk with me, the sooner you’re a moving target than a shocked one, the less
work I have to do,” Lunar instructed you, grabbing your paw and starting off. Your eyes couldn’t
help but wonder over the dozens upon dozens of statues. The works of art on the walls. The
stained glass windows.

Were….were all of them…..people?

“So. How much do you know about Lunar City? And I mean what you know directly, not
hearsay and the like.” Lunar asked, navigating through the crowds of people as if it was nothing,
keeping a tight grip on your paw as you two walked.

“Um….nothing. I’m from Stormrim, it’s a tiny village to the north. We…well, um….I raise
bunnies.” You admitted after a moment. “Me and my family do at least. I’m really nothing special
at all. I was always too busy with the family business to think about doing anything else.”

Lunar chuckled. “And, yet, here you are.” He said playfully, before growing more serious,
as he led you out of the train station. And out onto the busy streets of Lunar City.

The city itself was astounding. Everywhere you looked, you could see some shop or
business. Towering buildings dominating the skyline, along with tiny mom-and-pop shops. There
wasn’t much in the way of vehicle traffic. But the sidewalks had quite a number of people going
about their business. As well as a few just….looking like they were relaxing and….waiting for

Lunar led you down the front steps of the train station and onto the sidewalk, before
waving a paw out to the wandering furs. “Lunar City. The City of Dreams. The place where
anyone, who is anyone, lives. A place where you can make your deepest desire and dream
come true. That is what they call it. But it’s all a lie.” He told you gently.

You blinked and looked over at Lunar, tilting your head. “I…I remember my friends telling
me that. They were so excited to come here.” You admitted.

“And let me guess. You haven’t heard from them since, right?” Lunar asked slowly.

You nodded your head as Lunar began to guide you through the bustling streets. “The
country of Lunaris is Lunar City,” Lunar instructed you, lifting his free paw to silence you when
you opened your mouth to retort. “Yes. I know. There are over five hundred towns, cities, and
villages throughout Lunaris. Home to millions of people collectively. But none of them matter in
the slightest. They’re farms. For Lunar City.”

Your muzzle opened and closed, but no sound came out of it. As your eyes swept over
the crowd. And to your shock and terror. You saw a massive lion, dressed in a sleeveless white
t-shirt and jeans gulping down an otter as if he was having a snack. The otter’s cries of terror
and fear were utterly ignored by those passing by. Gulp after gulp pulled the poor otter deeper
and deeper into the lion’s throat, before one final swallow sealed his fate.

And not a minute later. The lion was walking off, picking his teeth with one claw. His
other paw stroking over his large fat gut, a low purr cutting through the air before an ear-splitting
belch escaped the brutish beast. Nobody seemed to pay any attention to the way the lion’s gut
wiggled and squirmed, nor the soft voice begging and pleading for help seemed to come out of
that taut belly.
On the other side of the street. A deer had grabbed hold of a snow-white fox. The poor
fox not having a chance to say a word as his form began to flatten out. Growing two-
dimensional as a smile formed on his face. The poor fox being turned into a cardboard cutout of
himself, a word bubble forming near his muzzle with the words. “Come try the brand new Shark-
bite pizza. Now for a limited time only.”

And yet again, there was no reaction from the passersby as if all of this was

“I…why are….what’s going on?” You mumble in confusion, fear, and panic warring in
your brain.

“This is Lunar City. The real Lunar City. It’s a predator’s playground. Built around power
and strength. Those who have it can do whatever they want. For them, Lunar City is just as it’s
said. A place where your deepest desires and dreams come true. But if you lack power, lack
magic. You are prey, meant to feed their hunger.” Lunar said, shaking his head as if he
was….almost sad.

“But…this isn’t normal, this isn’t normal at all. People don’t just eat each other, or
transform people into objects or things. That never happened at all in my hometown. And if this
happened. I’m sure we’d have heard about it.” You growled out, thrusting a finger out towards
the lifeless fox cutout. If you hadn’t seen it changed, you’d have just assumed it was an
everyday ordinary object, just a sign set out to attract customers.

Lunar seemed to consider that for a few moments. “You had a representative from Lunar
City in your town, yes?” He questioned slowly.

You thought back, ya, there was an eagle from Lunar City. He said he was there to help
people who wanted to go to the town make it. He set up travel, housing, and jobs. And he did it
practically for free.

He’d been the one who’d helped out your friends….

You felt your stomach spin, your lunch fighting to come up as you nodded your head
slowly. “Every town has at least one. The larger towns and cities have up to a dozen or more,
depending on the population. They say they work there to help people who want to travel. But
really, they’re there to find prey to feed the predators here, or to find new up-and-coming
predators and set them up with a fresh life here. They also work as troubleshooters, ensuring
that if anyone starts asking questions, they forget about the problem and continue living their
lives. Didn’t you think it was strange when your close friends stopped contacting you, and you
didn’t care?”
You gave a soft shudder, rubbing at your head, as it began to pound. “I….he….the
eagle….he came to visit me….each time when I was wondering why they hadn’t called. He
talked to me and…after that….” You trailed off, a look of fear on your face. “It just didn’t seem
important at all. I just wrote it off, like it was normal.”

The wolf nodded his head. “Exactly. Even close friends and family just…forget, they plan
to call them, but then something comes up, or it slips their mind. And it keeps happening, over,
and over, and over again. And they normally never find out their fate here.”

You shook your head, slashing a paw through the air. “No way. That can’t be possible.
They need us. We grow food. We make things. There isn’t any way this city can survive on its

Lunar let out a belly laugh. The canine just shaking his head at your words. “Oh, you
sweet summer child. Lunar City doesn’t need anyone or anything. The most powerful magic
users in the world live here. Some of them can create other dimensions and alter reality to their
whim. It’s child’s play to ensure that normal goods and services are created and that everything
that needs to be taken care of, is done.”

You couldn’t help but shudder, as you imagined someone like that deer or lion having
that much power. To be able to alter reality itself with magic…..

“But….why do they need us then…..why can’t they just make….whatever they need with
magic?” You whispered. “Why are they transforming all these people into things? Taking away
their lives?”

At that, Lunar’s mirth fell away and his expression grew serious. He reached out and
tapped your chest, and you felt a soft warmth blaze into life, weak, but there. Your magical core
resonated with whatever he was doing. Your core, the source of a person’s magic glowing softly
through your chest, somehow manifesting slightly, a dull red light.

“It’s this they’re after. Your magical core. By transforming people, devouring them. Or, as
the term goes around here. Claiming them. They can extract the core and add it to their own.
They gain all of your magical abilities. All of your power as their own. While a person could
spend years, or even decades struggling to increase their power and abilities. By just claiming a
half dozen people, your power would grow exponentially, until even someone like you, who has
no talent with magic at all. Would become a credible threat to the average predator around
here.” Lunar instructed him. “The stronger the victim, the more power you get. So there is quite
a bit of infighting as well.”

Your paw moved up to your chest, over that shimmering red light as you walked. Your
eyes traveled over the people as you passed them.
But this time, you noticed the looks of naked hunger, as if they were sizing you up,
considering making a move, but a quick look at the wolf beside them, quickly had them racing
away with their tails between their legs.

“So it’s a race then. To be the strongest, the most powerful. If you’re powerful, you can
do whatever you want. But at the same time, you have everyone gunning for you. It’s almost like
the only way to survive here?” You asked, feeling like you were starting to understand this
twisted place.

Lunar chuckled, giving a small shrug. “You're half right, and I must compliment you.
You’re picking things up quickly. Most people I’ve watched tend to go into utter brain lock before
ending up claimed a minute later. Most don’t take this well. As for what you said. In some ways,
it’s like that. But….not….” He trailed off as if considering his words carefully.

“Let me give you an example, shall I? There is a kindly old toymaker who lives nearby.
He uses his magic to create toys to sell to children. He doesn’t use his magic to claim others,
simply to defend himself. However, one day, a hooligan tries to claim someone in his shop, and
to protect the child, he claims them, transforming them into a toy.” Lunar told him.

You nod your head, following along so far. “So he’d get a power boost to his magic for
claiming the core, right?” He asked.

Lunar nodded. “Correct, but not just that. Your core is….the easiest way to put it, is it is
you. It is your soul made manifest, or at least, a part of it. When you claim someone else’s core.
You are pulling that part of them into yourself. And….a mortal body is not made to support more
than one core. It causes….issues.”

You can’t help but listen, spellbound by this wolf as he speaks. Hanging onto his every

“To fuse two cores together, you’re fusing your soul with another and it can leave…
cracks where the two connect. And from those cracks, comes the hunger. The desire for more.
To a predator who’s made their first claim, it can come slowly, or it can come all at once. To
claim someone is to experience pure joy and pleasure that cannot be described. Some find the
need to feel that, again and again, to be their primary driver. But for others, it’s slower, more
insidious.” Lunar explained to him, his expression turning grim.

“That kindly toymaker, for example, might find his need to protect the kids who visit his
shop twisted. After all, his toys do not suffer. They are made for fun. To be enjoyed and played
with. To bring joy and happiness into the world. Wouldn’t it be better if these poor boys and girls
never had to grow up? Never have to grow old? Never have to suffer, or deal with all those
horrible adult things? If they can just be happy, good little toys forever and ever?” The wolf
It was like a door had just opened in your brain, your paws flying to your face, a look of
horror coming to your face. “Then they….they might not even realize what they’re doing. They’re
not hunting because they want power. Or because they can. They’re doing it, because, in their
mind. What they’re doing is helping their victim somehow…” You trailed off.

“In many ways. They’re just as much victims themselves. It takes your greatest desire,
and twists it, until it’s all you can think about, all you want to do. And so, Lunar City provides. A
constant influx of prey from every town and city in Lunaris.” Lunar said, waving a paw around to
the towering skyscrapers. “They say Lunar City is the place where if you want to be anyone, you
need to be at. And that’s because it’s the only city in Lunaris to truly matter. And they’ve put a
great Geas upon the city itself. Anyone who talks about it to someone who doesn’t already
know…..well….they won’t be a problem anymore.”

You nod your head slowly, before you stop, eyeing the wolf and narrowing your eyes.
“Why are you doing this Lunar? If this place is filled with predators, why are you taking me
around, telling me all of this instead of just claiming me?”

A sly smirk came to Lunar’s muzzle. “Because I’m not like the other predators here. Not
in the slightest. And, because I think you could help me. Help out everyone in Lunaris and in all
the countries around Arcada. That’s why we choose you for this little contest.”

He gave a chuckle, before waving a paw. “Now, come along, come along. I’ve got
something good set up for you to experience. I promise it’ll be great.”

You had a sheepish smile on your muzzle as the sapphire blue raptor circled you. Lunar
was sitting at one of the tables. As a snow-white raptor with a light blue mane was busy
scrubbing at some of the tables with a washcloth.

The Raptor Den, that was what Lunar had called this place. And he’d practically
demanded that they stop here for the next section of the tour and to meet the owner.

And circling him, was the owner of this club, Kyrio the raptor. Said raptor paused in his
circling to look over at the young raptor boy and he had a rueful smile on his muzzle as he
spoke, shaking his head slightly. “Eli, I gave you and the others the weekend off. What are you
doing here kiddo?” He teased playfully.

The raptor boy, Eli, looked up and gave a cheery grin to the other raptor. “You know how
you can get when you're with clients boss. You get so into your work, you totally lose track of
time. If we left you here on your own for the weekend. You’d forget to get all the food ready for
Monday's opening, make sure the band is ready to perform, and get all the bills paid because
you had your fleshcrafting work to do.” He deadpanned.
Kyrio paused for a moment, opening his mouth to speak before closing it and shaking
his head from side to side. “Okay, I can get a little focused on my art. That’s fair, but I wouldn’t
totally lose track of time….”

At that, both Eli and Lunar looked at him, before the raptor threw up his paws, a playful
grin on his face. “Fine, fine, fine. Can you blame me though? Do you know how great it feels to
help someone find their inner selves? To help them find where they belong in the world? I’m
doing a service to them. And they deserve me giving one thousand percent. If I’m not giving
them every bit of my focus, how would I feel if I made a mistake? They’d be the ones that pay
for it, not me.”

Eli grinned at him, going back to scrubbing the table he was at. “And that’s why you got
me and the other’s boss. So we can help take some of that load off of you. Seriously, you try
and take way too much on your shoulders. It’s okay to rely on us too. Just like we rely on you.”

You blink, opening your mouth, before Kyrio turned back to you and flashed you a warm
smile. “Don’t worry, don’t worry. I’m not going to turn you into a lifeless object or anything. Lunar
called me up and asked him if I could do a favor and show off my skills to someone he was
going to bring by. And how could I say no? HE and I go way back. He’s a close friend of mine.
Even if he’s a wolf.” Kyrio said, sticking out his tongue at the sitting wolf.

Said wolf only chuckled. “The club isn’t open, so I’m not violating the dress code.” He
said cheerfully. “And I do appreciate what you’re doing for me. I figured letting our guest here
experience the nicer side of our dear city would help him relax a bit, and I can talk to him as you
work your magic.”

You nod your head slowly, watching as Kyrio knelt down. All of your clothes but your
underwear had been stripped off. And he reached out and carefully began to rub your feet,
messaging them. A feeling of warmth and bliss washing through you as you can’t help but sigh
happily. Your tongue lolled out of your mouth as your whole body just suddenly felt utterly

“Now, in a city of predators, those who have the most power basically decide how things
work,” Lunar told you. Your brain was only half focused as you felt Kyrio’s paws pressing and
kneading your right foot, and for some reason, you could almost swear your paw felt…

Your gaze drifted down, to see two of your two’s were missing, now just three large toes
pressing out from your right foot, each one having an inch-long razor-sharp talon coming out of
it. The dinosaur deeply focused on his work as he moved over to your other foot. The flesh
rapidly darkened into a deep, dark blue, almost purple, just like your right foot. Your toes flowed
together under his gentle paws as he kneaded and tugged out your claws and soon, your feet
almost perfectly resembled his own.
Lunar let out a soft sigh, rubbing his forehead. “Are you even paying attention?” His voice called
out, snapping you out of your trance as you blink and glance up. “Ya, powerful furs, in charge.”
You mumbled, letting out a soft grumble as Kyrio slowly began to work up your legs, pressing
and kneading your flesh, as if shaping a piece of clay.

The wolf watched for a moment, before continuing. “Well, those who are in charge, those with
the most powerful magic and strength and skill, are known as the Lords of Lunar City. They hold
positions of power. The banking sector, entertainment. Governance. If it is important, at least
one of the Lords oversees it, on some level. Nothing in the city happens without their
permission. They are the top predators, and the role just about every would-be predator seeks.”

You let out another growl as your flesh darkens, though, not nearly as dark as your feet.
Rather, your legs were rapidly turning a beautiful shade of sapphire blue. Your fur smoothed
over and vanished as cool scales formed in their place. And yet, despite feeling like you should
have had fur, you couldn’t imagine that actually being true. You’d always had scales, hadn’t
you? Anything else was just silly.

“Right, right. Lords, ya, I know’em.” You mumbled, and for some reason….you felt like
you did. Like it was knowledge already in your head as Kyrio’s paws slid up to begin to knead at
your chest, shaping and forming it. Your belly and chest scales turning a lighter shade of teal,
while your side scales stayed that deep sapphire blue. The blue raptor’s paws slid up and down
your chest, as if smoothing it out as you grew more lithe and skinny. His every touch over your
body was like heaven though.

Name’s just flashed through your brain as your muzzle practically moved on its own.
“The triad of dragons, Skytherix, Verdinathrax, and Igoldex run the banking, clubs, and
entertainment districts of the city. Harry the hippo runs the city's many orphanages. You have
the little hamster mayor Denwall who runs the actual city government. And Lord Alric Bennert,
who helps to keeps the peace between the Lords and upper predators. Those are the main
Lords, but there are others who tend to travel or deal with less pressing business.” You say
casually, as if it was just a common fact, earning a look of surprise from Lunar.

Kyrio meanwhile, was moving up your chest. The lighter teal spot sliding up your throat,
before he lifted your arms, smoothing out the fur into scales, your tail, having long since grown
into a proud long appendage, fitting for a raptor such as yourself. Then again, you’d always had
it, and moving it was as natural as the day you hatched.

Your arms soon had gotten skinnier, more lithe and muscular, not a trace of dirty fur on
the sleek appendages. Your glimmering sapphire scales glinting in the light of your club as he
gently took your hands and began to press and rub your fingers together. And just like your
fingers, the flesh from your wrists darkened to a deep dark blue. Your hands shifted back into
the three pawed appendage they’d always been. You flexed your claws and gave a soft sigh of
relief. Having five fingers was just….weird…..
Lunar however spoke up, glancing between you and Kyrio. “Kyrio, just what are you up
to?” He asked slowly.

“Oh, just helping me be the best raptor I can be.” You find your muzzle moving at the
exact same time as Kyrio’s own. And the voice that came from your throat.

It was identical to your own, to the point where Lunar couldn’t seem to tell who was

Honestly though, what was he so confused about? You’d always been you after all,
right? As you felt your paws stroking your face, tugging out and shaping your muzzle, a feathery
mane forming on the top of your head, the same shade as your paws and feet.

And as your muzzle finished forming, your eyes flickered, before turning the same shade
of orange-red as the raptor standing right in front of you. You grinned and stretched, glancing
over yourself before looking at the raptor standing before you. “Heh, dang me, I really did a
good job, don’t you think?” You asked happily.

Kyrio grinned, crossing his arms, a smug look on his muzzle. “Sure can me. When Lunar
came to me, saying he wanted to help someone learn the ins and outs of the city, and to
experience life as a raptor. Who was I to say no to letting them live life as me? Right Kyrio?”

“You can say that again Kyrio, though….what are you talking about, I’ve always been
Kyrio, remember Kyrio?” You asked playfully, reaching out and teasingly shoving your other
self’s shoulder.

Lunar let out a soft groan, facepalming. “I should have seen this coming.” He mumbled
under his breath. “Kyrio?” He asked looking up.

Both you and yourself looked over at the wolf. “What’s up Lunar?” You asked at the
same time, in the same tone. Perfectly identical, just as you should be.

“I….he needs to be…..” Lunar said slowly.

“Hey, you’re the one who said he needed to learn and what better way than to be me?”
You asked, putting a paw around your doppelganger's shoulder.

The other Kyrio mirrored the action, the same grin that was on your muzzle on his. “Ya,
and I certainly seem to be loving it, isn’t that right Kyrio?”

“That’s right Kyrio. Honestly. I can’t even imagine life as anything else but me.” You said
with a nod. “I’m sure I can stay Kyrio forever, right?”
“Heh, look at you, you’ve always been Kyrio, right? Who else could you be?” The original

“Mhmmm, true, I’ve always been Kyrio, just like you’ve always been Kyrio.” You said with
a firm nod. Before looking at the wolf and flashing a playful grin. “You know Lunar. You could
always be me too. I think you’d look damn good as Kyrio too.”

Lunar just gave a soft sigh, rubbing his forehead. “Well…..I suppose the tour is on hold
until I figure out how to turn you back.”

But to you, those words just flew over your head.

After all….you were Kyrio the raptor, owner of the Raptor Den?

Who else could you possibly be?

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