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By: Nilser Richard Perez

An icy wind and a heavy rain came upon the

town that night. I was all wet walking on my
own along a road that seemed to be endless. I
had no idea where I was going. Away from the
warmth of my home, a terrible cold soaked me
in water. Where was God when I needed his
help? I thought to myself. Would he mind what
was happening to me?

It all happened one night in December 1985. I

was 19 years old and was colporting in a small town named Recuay in Ancash, Peru. This
cold city of the Peruvian mountain range is located at the entrance of the Huaylas Valley. In
addition to coldness, it rains a lot from December to March. Working there in that season of
the year was a real challenge of effort and faith to me. That day I had worked hard since early
in the morning till late afternoon. The shadow of the night fell abruptly all around. I was
really hungry and exhausted. But nothing would stop me. "I have to sell and make a little
money today," I said to myself. The next morning I had to pay for my food so I needed
money. I kept on knocking on people’s doors, trying to reach my goal for the day.

So I knocked on one more door. This time somebody opened the door for me. I was kindly
greeted and I entered the house cautiously. Suddenly I noticed I had made the whole
conversation mine. So I enthusiastically introduced the books to the people there. Thank God
I managed to sell the books I offered. It helped me a lot to recover a more positive mood.

While still in the house I started chatting with the family. After a while I noticed time had run
out so quickly. I realized that a light rain had begun to fall all over the area. And I had to go
back to my room in Recuay. It was about 6 km. away from where I was. I thanked the family
and said goodbye to everyone and left swiftly. I had not walked farther than 200 meters when
the light rain turned into a really heavy downpour. I held my briefcase with books as tightly
close to my body as possible to prevent it from getting wet and kept on walking determinedly.

My joy did not last long because after I asked about the bus that would take me home, a
walker passing by replied calmly, "Hey guy, there is no bus service around at this time of
night." “What?" I replied. "Yeah, there is no more bus service,” he repeated. It was not a
joke, it was serious. I had no way to go back home! It was nearly 9:00 pm. "And now, what
could I do?" I asked myself again. I had no way to get home. Where would I stay overnight? I
began to be really anxious.

There I was, out walking along the highway in a pouring, heavy rain, a freezing windy night
that would shake me from deep inside my bones. Time and time again I lifted my hands up
unto the passing cars hoping someone might take pity on me and help, but nothing happened.
I waved my hands like a crazy beggar, pleading for help, but there was no answer. Vehicles
running fast through the highway only splashed icy water on me.

At a certain point, I wanted to scream for help, but who would care about my misfortune?
Who would listen to me at that time? When I realized I had no choice at all, I started to cry
desperately. In such an unusually cold and rainy night, I recalled Psalm 23.

When I was a child, my dad had taught me the Psalm by gripping a belt. Then I remembered it
all. I recited the whole Psalm. I claimed aloud for the Lord’s help. Now, I said, I want to
prove whether it is true in my own experience. Would it become true in my life? Or just a
lovely thought of an old Hebrew writer?

Still shocked I continued walking. Soon I arrived at a big gate. It was a mine’s gate. I
requested the security guard for permission to come out of the rain, and thank God he let me
in. Once again the security guard told me there was no bus service at that time of night. He
added that nobody uses the bus that late. Thank God I found a heating device.

How could I stay there out in the rain all through the night? I wondered. So I decided to
challenge God to fulfill his promise to me. I said to myself, “God, your holy word says that
you are my Pastor, so I have everything I need. But I have got nothing at all…” I opened my
heart to Him and pleaded with Him to help me get home in whatever way possible.

So I waited. A few minutes passed away. It was very late. Suddenly, a high flashing light
came out at the bottom of that big parking garage. I asked who was the driver leaving as he
was getting closed to the gate. “It’s the company’s general manager,” the guard replied.

I immediately remembered he hadn’t been nice to me in His office. Anyway, I got nearer to
Him by the right window and asked him to please give me a ride. He snapped and invited me
to sit down in the front left seat.

Already in the 4 x 4 van, he made his way at a very high speed all down the highway till we
got to Recuay where I lived. I was intrigued why this engineer had left home so late in the
evening, taking the same direction I was going. When I asked, he explained that someone in
his house had gotten sick, so he had to leave home and look for medicine. To do so he didn’t
take the normal route, but the way leading to the city clinic by which I just happened to live!
So he had taken me home the fastest ever!

I will never forget how fast I got home that night. As soon as I entered my room I fell on my
knees, humbled myself before Jesus. I pleaded forgiveness this time. I discovered that His
Word Promises are true. This experience strengthened my faith in the Bible and His
wonderful author: Jesus.

You can also rely on the Great Shepherd. You are His sheep. If you feel lost, unhappy,
misunderstood, disappointed, and not knowing what to do or where to go; if you have tried
many things and nothing did well, trust in the Lord. He is the only one who can fill the void in
your heart. Surrender to Him today. Surrender your whole life. Give him a chance. He loves
you like no one ever. He will do for you what you cannot do for yourself. Talk to Him now
through prayer. He is your Savior. His wonderful name: JESUS.

Psalm 23 (KJV)

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me
beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of
righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art
with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head
with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the
house of the LORD for ever.

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