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CHAPTER 35 REFERENCED STANDARDS This chapter lists the standards that are referenced in various sections of this document. The standards are listed herein by the promulgating agency ofthe standard, the standard identification, the effective date and ttle, andthe section or sections of this ‘document that reference the standard. The application ofthe referenced standards shall be as specified in Section 102.4 Aum Associaton AA 152s Wilson Bouewar, Suite 600 ‘sing, VA 22209 - ‘Standard Reread referee eote umber ie esti umber ‘ADMI—05 "Numinum Design Manual at-A Speciation fr Aluminam Sects, Allowable Suess Ds ‘tod Pa |-B-Aluminum Stores, Load and Resistance Pct Desig 140435, 20001 ASM 3500 Aluminum Sheet Meal Work a Bilng onetraston (Four ation. 20021 Amercen Archie! Manufactures Asoiaton AAMA 1827 Walden oce Square Suite $0 Schaumburg. IL 60173 Standard Reteaced rience mente ne 2 a ei ni 026 ‘Standard Speiction far Aluminam Siding, Soft a Fala 140851 AAMAMDMAICSA, Tomns2/aeio~—08 onthAmarian Fenestration Sanda pectin for Windows, Doors nd Shih niss.1.2a55 American Comer iste ACI S300 Contry Cis Drive Farmington His MISS) Refrcced risen mente 216107 ‘Standard Meo for Determining Five Resistance of Concrete and OO ‘Masonry Comtcton Assembler . “re 720.12), 7211 sise8 ‘Building Code Raguirement fo StrstrlConcete, 1604.32, 161431, 161641, 7063.1. Table 17043, 1908.82, Tbe 10882, 15DGAS, 1608.86, 1810244, 18103211 13103212, 18103831 18103.833 181039421, 181089422, 18103111, 19012, 19013, 19014, 19021, 1908.1, 1964119042, 10043. 190441, 190442, 1904, 1908 11 19082. 1908.3, 9084 1908’ BOs 62, 1905.63, 1903.64, 1908.63, 1908 7, 19083, 19083. 190s.10, 1568.11, 1905 12 1905.13, 19061, 19662, 1906319064 9071, 1907219073, 1907.4, 19075, 1907819977. 1907731907 7, 1OT 4 101.75 1907619078, 19079, 1907 10, 90711, 190 42 913, 1581, 198.1, 1908.02, 198. 3, 190814, 1908 15, 9088 9081.7, 190818, 1908.19 1908.10, 190.1, 19093, 19098 19075, 1909.6, 1912.1, 21083, 208.3 530-08 Bung Code Regurement fr Masonry Scars 14055, 10552, 10059, 1606: 1704, 765 |Table 170651, 170652, 70453, ‘Deb MOKS3, 19071632, 19089, 201.22, 210123, 210124, 210125, 310126 2108135, 21081, 24071, 21072 21073, 21074, 21075, 21081, 21082, 2108.3, 21081, 340.1 1,51082, 210821, 21093, 2110.1 soos “Specification or Manoary Seetree 1405.51, ible 17045 1, Tale 1706.3, 1807163, 21038 2108.11, 2103. 2,2103.13, 21081, 2104.11, 210612, 2104.3, 2104221043, 21044, 21082211, 21083212, 21082213 2000 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE® or REFERENCED STANDARDS -Amencan Foret & Paper Asiocaion Tt eh SUNW sate 800 on. DC 206 oe - Referens ‘mente Tite - secon member ‘Wood Gonstrustion Dat Pank and eam Framing for Reena Bling 2306.12 ‘Wood Fame Contetion Mint for One vofily ven» 1601 1801.11, 2302, 23081, 230821 Nata! Dasgn Speciation (NDS) for Wood Consrcton wih 2008 Stpemeat 7214632, 7161.1 TG 14 1809 12, 1810324, Tbe 1810326 23021, 290412, 2306, “ble 230621) Tade 25062 12), Table 29083, Tab 23066, 2807.1, 2807 11 Span Tals for ons and Rater. 220611, 23088, 2308102, 730.103 Permanent Wood Rondon Design Speciction, 18052, 1807.14,2304852 Spsil Design Provision fo Wind nd Seismic... 161361, 2908.1, 2508.1, 23062. 230522.230623, 23063, ‘e663, 23064, 33058, 3066, 93067 Table 29067, 2407.1 2807.1. ‘American natin of Sel Consratin ‘One Eat Wacker Dive Sue 1 (Chicago 6060-8031 ‘meae Tide - - section number ‘Seismic Provisions for Sirsa Stel Bling, nlaing Sopplenent No 1 dated 2008. 161362, 17072. 183, 308 21, 32082. 2ans 3, 2208.1 Specification for Sct Stal Budings 1643.3, Tae 7043, 1704.3, 220.1, 2208 2, 2051, 23083 Aen ron and Stel tite 1140 Cammceet Aree, 708 sue 78, ‘Washinglon, DC 2036 tae Non American Speiation forthe Design of Cal form ‘Stel Stuctal Members, 1604.33, 2203.1, 22032, 2081, 22102, 22104, 22108, North American Stndurd fr Colored Stee! Frauag—Grsral Prva <= 2208.1, 22082, 2210.1 "Neth American Stand for Cok?-formed Steet Franing—Flor and Roof System Desig <--. 72103 "Neth American Sundar fr Co formed Ste! Feaming—Nall tad Design 22104 North Arian Stn er Col ome Sel Faming Header Design 22102 North American Standard fr Col-formed Ste! Franing—Laterl Design... -cceo..0csceceeseseessevees sss 22106 North American tnd fr Colored Stel Framing —Trse Desig, with Sopplemeat 2, ded 2008 » zaman ‘Standard for Cold formed Ste Framing Precip Meta for One amd Toor fanly Delings. with Sapletent 2, ed 2008, 1609..1,,22107 AITC Sunda ieee ‘ATTC Tecnica Raw 7=96 ATIC 104-03 AAITC 10-01 atfe 13-01 ‘ATE 11706 AAFTC 19—96 American ltt of Timber Constton Sete a0 OIE. Revere Parkway Englewood, CO SDI? Referenced incade ‘Te secon ber (Caletton of Fire Resistance of Glued Laine Tater meas ‘TpiealConstetion Detail ---vevsevesvsvesnane ‘ 2306. ‘Standard Appear Gros fo Stl Ged Laminated Tinker soso s soso seen eececee B86. ‘Stand for Dimensions of Sra Glne Lami Timber 23061 ‘Standard Specifications or Seater Gls amined Tbe of Softw Species 2306 Stundard Specifications fr Stir Ged Lamaaed Titer of Hardwed Species. ‘261 ‘2009 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CoDE® [REFERENCED STANDARDS ‘ANTC—continued ANIC 200-08 ‘Manufacturing Quay Conto! Systems Manual for Suuctral Glued Laminated Tiber. 2061 ANSUAITC A 1901-07 Structural God Laie Tbe... eeaeias 2308 13.2306 Atomotie Lit nett ALI _ PO Hox 8S (Cound, NY 15085 _ Sunde Referens umber Te - _ seston ner ‘ALI ALCTV— 0685 ‘Stndsrd fr Avomobie its Sulesy Requirements for Contato, Tagan Vllton ANSI) 30012 ‘American Naa Standard state ANSI 25 Wet (ra Ste, earth Foor iNew York. NY 10086 a Standard Refeoced es ‘meade umber Tite a - oo section mer At 36 (eafiened 2002) ‘Scheme for the Mention of Piping Sytem aiss6s A1081A—9 | Tesllaion of Ceramic Te inthe Watt Matix, with Pos Cent Morar 2103.10 ‘A108 199 “nsllation of Ceramic Tie, quy Ton a Cured Poland Cem Moca Seting Bed with Drrst or Later pontind Morar 210310 A109 {nsallation of Ceramic Tie with Oni Adhesives r Wate eae Tile-seting poy Adhesive 2103108 A109 Inalation of Ceramic Tie wih Dt Poland Coment Morar or aes: portland Camest Mortar. 218,101, 2103102 Atos Inallation of Ceramic Te wih Chemica estan Water Clanable Tik-eting an -grotng Epon. 2108.10 A108 99 ‘aalition of Came Te with Choma resitant Fra Resin Mort an Groat 2103108 A109 naan of Ceramic Te with Modified Epory Emulsion MorarGrout, 210 ‘A108 10-99 alition of Groin Tlework 2... Coenen 21081027 A189) ‘American National Sunda Speigeatos fr Dy-st Pound Cement Morar. 2108101 A189 ‘American Nuional Sura Specifeatons for Chemica-esstan, Witercleamale Testing ind “prnting Epoxy aod iter Clearale esting Epony bese 2105103 Ati84—99, American National Sundad Speciation fr Late-porend Cement Merr 205.102 AliRS—9 ‘American Nana Stn Speciation or Chena! Rest Fras Mr an Gots or ie Ist, 210.104 lik 9 ‘American Nationa tana Specifcatons fr Cement Grou for Te Inala... esses sevens esee0eB408107 Ais ‘American National Sunda Specifetos fr Modified Epon Elson Montross. ssn 2108.10 13619 ‘American National tana Specfcaos for Oni Adhesives fo Installation of Ceramic Te «+ 2103.106 alm ‘American Naina Suna Specfcaos fo Coane Te... eseeceevsssecseeseseessevvevvessevsesss 2008S Pails 250817, 2508.1.71 Safety Glarng Matias Use in Budinge—Saley Peformance ‘Specifications nd Metbosof et 240612, 24062, Table 2406.22), 2406.1, 24071, reference ber ‘APA PDS—O4 ‘APA PDS Sapplement AAPA PDS. Stppleneat2—92 Sopplemeat 390 ‘APA POS Staplmene 490 0 2407.14.1, 240821, 24083, 24091, 24002, 2409.31 APA Engineered Woot Asciton Jo1 Sout om Tacoma, WA 9866 Referenced ‘mene ie scion minder Pane! Design Speifcation 2061 Design nd Falcon of Pywond Curved Panes (revs 1985) 2061 Design nd Faction of Plywot-unber Beams (vised 198) 2051 Desig nd Falcon of Pywoad Stssedshin Panel (evised 196) 2061 Desig and Fabrication of Piywod Sendvich Parl (eid 13)... . eee 261 2009 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE® 509 REFERENCED STANDARDS APA DS Soppermnt 95 EWS RSt0—02 EWS S175—01 EWS $5602 EWS 720005 EWS X03 EWS X4S0—O1 ‘APA—continued ‘Desig nd Faction of AI plywood sms (rsd 1995) 2061 ‘Builders Tp: Proper Storage an Haning of iin Beams 2061 (Goed Laminsed Beam Design ils. 23061 Feld Nothing and Deiling of Ged Lamia Tinker Beams 2061 (Gata Conecion Detail 2061 Pract Guide Clam 06.1 (lula n Resident Cosrction Western Eton eee APSP rerooe number ANSUAPSP7—06| “The Assocition of Pol & Sp Poesinae {111 Becabower Avene ‘Alexa, VA22314| Retest ‘needs ‘Standard for Section Entrapment Avoidance in Swimming Pools, Wading Pools, Spas, Hot Tubs and Catch Basins... 3109.5 American Society of Agricul and Bilgical agin ASABE 2350s ‘as = mi iain ee ersse2 oi) pa OG SEE a as GTO et rss ci) Sale ea eae Do : oat Erssusn Dei Nogesenes et bn prior hen Lao oars st ete Sty of hes ASCE/SEI vse oe - ree STNG g oo ToS ‘Bailing Code Requirements for Masonry Sets... 1405.6, 1405.62, 1405 10, 1604.4, 1645170431 ake 170451, 170652. 17048 ‘ae 170153, 18071652, 18085, 2101 22, 210123 210124, 2101.25, 210126, 2108.1.36,2106 | 2107 1,21072, 21073, 21074, 21075, 21081, 21082, 21083, Zio. 210911, 2109.2, 210921, 21093, 21101 om Specification fr Masonry Sucre. 1408.6, 1704.4, Table 170453, 1807163, 2103.8, 2105.1, 210812, 2108.13, 21041, 2104.14, 2108.12, 210613, 21082, 31043, 31044, 2108221, 21082212, 21052213 05 Minium Design Loads fer Builgs and Other Stace inching ‘Sopplemens No. Tan ela Chapter Mind Append TA... Tae ISO, 1602.1, 1643, 1608.82, 14 10, 18. 18-22, 33.1.2, 1608.2 1607.1, 1608.1, 1608.2, 1609 0B. 121 1608.11.22, 1608.12, 109, 108.48, 160951, 160953, 16096, 160561, 16096... 160.62. Tble 1609620), 1609.63, 2, isla. te 116132. Tale 16138. Table 1633.32, 1361, 161362, ele, else, 16138, 1063. 17061, URS, 1808.1 1810385 1910394, 18103112. 18103.12 {9081.1 190612, 190819. 2052 | 2s, 22053. 1, 22081 ‘Table 20M 6.1, Table 28067 ale 2308.101, 24041, 205 1, 2508 2.4044 40S om ‘Standard Specification forthe Desig of Cal Foro Stinks Stel Stratrl Member... ++ o soos +++» N33, 2208. 19-96 ‘Suc Applicaon of St Cables fer Bune, seseeseseseeessstetnsvessessvse+ss22071, 22072 20s ‘lod Resist Design and Constracion cece 1D03.32, 1624, 16125, 0012, 615.1, GAOL 3, GAOL 2305 ‘Sundard Calculation Matos for Situ Fire Proton m4 201 Desig and Constretion of Fret Pred Stall Fonts . 13085 580 12009 INTERNATIONAL BUILOING CODE® ASME ‘elerece be ‘A17.SA BO 3007 AAtg 12005 ‘90103 6.182001 (Reatiemed 208) 1622201 (Retires 305) Be. 13132006 ASTM sunter ‘AISA 153605, ‘A2A0/A240M—07 A2s2—98 0002) ‘A2RA2M—03 ‘A27—04e01 ‘ASIA SIOM—06 ‘AAGVAASSM—05 ASTUASTIM—07 ‘ASW StaM—o5 AGISIAGISM—Ote ‘AGSVAGSM—07 AH0n 690M—07 ATA 706054 ATA TaM—07 ASSIA 759607 AIA 792-088 ASTYAS79M—06 ASIYASIIM—06 ASWARIM—O7 ASA 992606 343962000) Beso paso 209-06 stot [REFERENCED STANDARDS ‘Thre Park Avene [New Yor NY 100165990, Referenced Tie a ecto uber Sefty Cade or letors and Essatos 90733, 91115 7A, VTA, IS, 30012, 30014, ‘ye 55008230071, 30083, 30812, 508 41,3411 83 ‘Safty Standard fo Pfr Lis nd Sirany Chait 11097,200226, 3811.83, ‘Safty Standard for Bel Maal vee woe 30012 ‘Cast Copper Alloy Soe Soin Pressure Fitings eo OBIS Wrouph Copper and Copper Alloy Solder Jit Pressure Fitings . 907131 Safe Std for Comeyors and Rel guipment sos. - svc soveerseeen 30012, 3008.3 Poses Piping. 7 M1886 ASTM iterations {00 Bar Herb Dive Went Conohocen PAIW282959 Reteroced ineade Tide a sect mer Specification for Caton Swot Se 1810323 ‘Speifcton for Zine Coming (Hot on ro and Stee Hardsare 270495 ‘piu Specification fr Chron and Chenin! Sines Stl Pte, Set an Sup for Pressure sels and for General Applets ae 1507431) Specification for Weld nd Seales Sct Pipe Pes : teesceeensssvoeosaasssiniNRES ‘Specifition for Low and Inemedite Tene Seng Caron Sil Pats 220323 ‘Specifiaon for Cuon Stel Bol and Sts, 60,00 pa Tease Sag Cant ‘Specification for Sel Svan, Ucoaed Seven fr Prsressed Concrete... ccc nk0322 ‘Standard Specification fer Stel She. Alarm cs, by the Hot p Pree... “able 1507430) ‘Specification fr High strength Lawley Corio vanadim Smeal Sel 1410323 Spon fu ighseng way Sea Se with 50s (ASMP) Minima Vil oie aces (100 mm) Ticks ess oct 1610323 ‘Speciation fr Defomed and Plain Bille! Bas fx Concrete Reiners 17082, 18103102 ‘Specification for Ste! Sheet, in-csted Galanized Zinio Aly coat ‘alvancled bythe Hordip Process “abe 15074341), Tabe 1507432), 2206951 ‘Stand peciaon for High-seagth Lowaloy Nl, Cope, Phospious Stel His and ‘Short Ping with Atmospheric CarsionResisuace fr Use Mae Eamets 1810323 Specification fr Law-alloy Sel Deformed ad Pin Bars for ‘Conrte Reinoceeat ‘ible 17043, 1704-41, 21074, 21083 ‘Specification fr Uncate High stg Ste Bur for Pst Concrete 1103102 ‘Spesifetion fr Ste! Sheet, Metalic costed by the Hot dip Proce and painted by te Coit coatss Process or Extenor Exposed Bulag Prt "able 15074341, Table 1507432) Spent St 5% miu ey aye Ho dip Processseeseveesse

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