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Assessment 1

Practical Assessment 1
The Report

Name : Abayarathne Jayasin Muhandiramlage Tharindu Dinuka Abayarathne

Student ID : 12213858
Unit Name : Responsive Web Design - COIT20268 (HT1, 2023)
Tutor : Dr. S. Kutty
Table of Content
Page No.
Introduction and Motivation ..………………………………………………………............................... 01
User Research and Personas ………………………………………………………………………………...……. 02-03
Scenario Design ………………………………………………………………………………...………………………. 04-06
Paper Wireframe ………………………………………………………………………………...…………………….. 07-17
Digital Wireframe ………………………………………………………………………………...……………………. 18
1. Introduction and Motivation

The Selected Topic: A donation website for not only monetary donations but also clothes, medicine,
food, or anything, allowing people to post what they want and others to match the donation.

There are hundreds or even thousands of donation websites on the internet. But most of them are
supporting only monetary donations. Even though these websites support non-monetary donations, there
is no platform for people who need a donation. Sometimes people have many things which are in good
condition where they don’t need them anymore. Also, some people are struggling with their life and may
need some of these things which they don’t have money to spend on because they have some higher
priorities. In this type of situation, a donation website that is not only for monetary donations can be very
helpful for both parties to fulfill their needs. This is the main motivation behind selecting this topic because
this could be a useful platform for people who are really in need as well as for people who love donating
things apart from money. Also, my main intention is to create a platform for people who can donate
something exactly to someone who really needs it. It’s because there may be a lot of things that some
people are willing to donate but they may not know it may be needed for someone else. By creating the
right kind of platform where people can post asking for a donation of an exact thing, someone could
possibly donate that item when they see it. The value of such a website will be valuable because the
donations can be effectively matched with the donor and receiver. However, the people who are seeking
a donation should be verified when registered by collecting their identity information for transparency
and security measures. There are some advantages of this kind of website such as,

• People may be willing to donate something they have extra or don’t use to someone else who
needs it rather than donating money.
• People who need a donation, can find the needed item also someone is willing to donate it fully
or partially with money and can collect it by providing necessary information about why they need
it and by explaining what kind of a struggle they are going through.

It was somewhat hard to find a website that accepts non-monetary donations where it meets both parties.
Because most of the non-monetary donation websites are built for people who are willing to donate.
When I researched such websites, I could possibly find very few websites made for non-monetary
donations such as Givit (, RizeUp (, Salvos Stores
( From these websites, Givit was the most matching
website for my selected topic though it doesn’t have a platform for the people who are looking for a
donation to receive something they really need. Salvos Store website facilitates finding a store where
people can donate or post the donation or collect at home, which is currently unavailable. All the above
websites influenced me to add a function for people who need a donation genuinely. At the same time,
people who make donations will enjoy getting more value when donating the right thing to the right
person who needs it. Also, I found that these websites can be more simplified so that anyone who is
visiting the website can easily make a donation even if they are new. I also believe that aesthetics and
minimalist design could also be improved further. Also, I hope to improve the flexibility and efficiency of
use by adding the necessary functionalities for donors as well as receivers.

2. User research and Personas
After conducting research to identify the potential users of the website, I have found that there are two
main types of users who may need this website.

• People who love to make non-monetary donations such as clothes, medicines, household
equipment, electronic devices, etc.
• People who are looking for any kind of donation apart from money.

I have found these two main types by considering many factors such as who may need this kind of website,
do people love non-monetary donations rather than donations with money, and what kind of facilities are
given to the people who need non-monetary donations in typical donation websites, the value of
matching a donation between the two parties of donors and receivers.

Persona 1: Jack, a businessman

Name: Jack Ryan

Occupation: Owner of many clothing shops, a donating person

Demographics: 34 years old man, lives in Brisbane. Married but doesn’t

have children, has a high-income level. He is one of the millionaires in
Brisbane. He has many clothing shops in Brisbane. Loves to help charity
work and people who need help as he comes from a very poor family.

Jack’s story:

Jack has many clothing shops all over Brisbane City and he holds some charity donation events every year
to donate new clothes which are remaining even after the stock clearance. As Jack came from a poor
family, he understands the difficulty that people face in this economic crisis. Jack loves helping people
who need help but mainly prefers non-monetary donations because he has a large stock of clothes that
are never worn. He loves to donate these clothes to people who really need clothes.

What challenges Jack faces:

Jack is a very busy person with his business. But he manages to hold charity events every year to donate
the clothes that are remained when new stock comes once every 3 months. He has built up a team to
organize these clothing donations, but he faces a lot of problems with donating. Mainly he is facing a lot
of problems in finding the right people who need clothes, and he values donating them to the right people.
That’s because he has caught some people taking these clothes from their donations and selling them
somewhere else at a cheap price. As he already has a team for the donations, he is totally fine with
allocating them to find the right people even throughout the year. The main challenge is that there are no
websites for people to post what clothing items they need by providing the correct requirements.

What Jack needs:

Jack is looking for a website that supports non-monetary donations where people who need something
could post it mentioning the requirements with providing proof for transparency. If such a website is
available, he is willing to donate the necessary clothes for them with the help of his charity team.

Persona 2: Mary, a single mother of 2 children

Name: Mary Rose

Occupation: housewife looking for a job (no occupation)

Demographics: 28 years old single mother, who lives in Mt Crosby.

Recently lost her husband due to the flood and lost their house and
literally everything. She has 2 children where a 4-year girl and a 1-year
boy. She is struggling a lot and going through a bad financial crisis as

Mary’s story:

Mary lost her husband recently due to the flood and lost her house also. She is now taking care of her 2
kids and living with her mother who is also suffering from cancer. She had no occupation as she was taking
care of her kids who are still at younger ages. She has some IT background and is familiar with websites
as she was working as a data entry operator many years ago. She is still depending on the allowance
provided by the government due to the loss of her husband and house due to the flood. She is struggling
a lot to find the necessary clothes for their children and for her because she expects non-monetary
donations from the people who can.

What challenges Mary faces:

As Mary receives an allowance from the government due to the loss of her husband and house due to the
flood, she manages the necessities. However, she doesn’t expect to spend the money on things like
clothes because she expects help in finding some donations for clothes. Although Mary had received some
clothes from their friends and relatives, she struggles to find some matching clothes for her kids because
they are somewhat small in size just like Mary who is also small in size.

What Mary needs:

Mary is looking for a website where she can post what she requires (clothes for her kids) by mentioning
the exact sizes that she is looking for. She is willing to provide any information to prove her situation and
she is looking for people who are happy to help her by donating the clothes that she is looking for.

3. Scenario Design

Scenario 1 – Search for a donation for the people who like to donate.

The main goal of this feature is to search for a donation for the people who like to donate. A request for
a donation that has already been posted by a person who needs a specific item, or a thing can be found
here. The “Search for a donation” feature of the system is mainly used here.

When the donor clicks on the “Search for a Donation” option in the menu, they can see a list of donation
requests posted by various people who need a donation. If the donating person wishes to donate that
specific item/thing on that request, they can select that specific donation request and can initiate the
donation process by clicking on the “Donate” button. Also, there is a filtering option by selecting a
location, entering keywords, and selecting a category for ease of use for the search feature. Sometimes
it might be challenging for the user to find the exact item that they wish to donate because someone
might or might not have posted a request for hoping a donation for the same item.


Search for a
Plan 0.
Do 1
Then Do 2 (use any option)
After selecting the filter option, Do 3
Then Do 4

1. 2. 3. 4.
Select one
Select “Search Filter by using Click “Donate”
donation request
for a Donation” any option
from the list

Plan 2.
Do 2.1 or 2.2 or 2.3
Then Do 2.4

2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4.

Select a Category Enter Keywords Select a Location Click “Search”

Scenario 2 – Make a donation for the people who like to donate.

The main goal of this feature is to make a donation for the people who like to donate. After searching for
a donation, the user is asked to create an account by giving a few basic information in order to initiate the
donation process.

After the user has selected a donation by using the search feature, the user is asked to create an account
first by providing a few basic information as well as the details about the donating item and pictures of
them which is optional. Then, the user is asked to choose one of the two options, “Arrange a door pick-
up” or “Deliver to a nearby Store” to hand over the item that they wish to donate. After one of the above
two options is selected and the needed information for the option selected is entered, the donor can
complete the donation process by clicking “Confirm Donation”. Sometimes, users may encounter some
problems in uploading photos of the donating item because the maximum supported size of a photo
should be less than 5MB.


Make a Donation
Plan 0.
Do 1.
Then Do 2.
After that Do 3.
Then Do 4.
After that Do 5.
Then Do 6.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Search & Select a Create an View Donation Enter Details Select a method Click “Confirm
Donation request Account & Sign In request and Start about donating to hand over the Donation”
from search results
Donation item item
Plan 4. Plan 5.
Do 4.1. Do 5.1. or 5.2.
If have photos of item, Do 4.2. If have photos of item, Do 4.2.
Plan 2. Then Do 4.3. Then Do 4.3.
Do 2.1.
Then Do 2.2.
Then Do 2.3. 2.1. 4.1. 5.1.
Then Do 2.4.
Select Select “Arrange
Click “Sign Up”
“Condition” a door pick-up”

Enter Personal 4.2 5.2
details Upload Photos Select “Deliver
(optional) to a nearby
2.3 store”
Click “Create
Account” 4.3 5.3
Click “Next” Click “Next”
Sign In

Scenario 3 – Post a donation request for the people who need a donation.

The main goal of this feature is to post a donation request for the people who need a donation. When
the user clicks on “Post a Donation Request”, the user is asked to create an account by giving a few basic
information in order to initiate the donation process. Here, some information like Identity document
number (driving license or student ID), Medicare number and a document to verify the address (utility
bill or bank statement) and bank account details of the user is required for the safety and transparency.
However, this information is secured by the website and not displayed for the other users or the donors
when a donation is made.

After the user has created their account, the user can click on “Post a donation request” to request a
donation by filling out a form describing what they need and why they need that donation. After
entering all the required information, users can click on “Post” button to post their request. After that,
user must click “Confirm Post Request” to complete the process. Sometimes, users may encounter
problems in creating an account because an account will not be able to be created if the names on the
identification documents are not matching with bank account details.

Post a Donation
Plan 0.
Do 1.
Then Do 2.
After that Do 3.
Then Do 4.
After that Do 5.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Select “Post a Create an Sign In Post a Donation Click “Confirm
Donation Account Request Post Request”
Plan 2. Plan 4.
Do 2.1. Do 4.1.
Then Do 2.2. Then Do 4.2.
Then Do 2.3. After that Do 4.3.

2.1. 4.1.
Enter the
Click “Sign Up”
needed item

2.2 4.2
Enter Personal Enter why the
details and identity item is needed
verification info

2.3 4.3
Click “Post
Click “Confirm”

4. Paper Wireframe This is Home Page

This is Scenario 1

This is Scenario 2

10 | P a g e
11 | P a g e
12 | P a g e
13 | P a g e
14 | P a g e
This is Scenario 3

15 | P a g e
16 | P a g e
17 | P a g e
5. Digital Wireframe

18 | P a g e

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