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2023 年 7 月 12 日、15 日独立口语预测

7 月 4 日考情回顾:
Do you prefer to be taught by experienced teachers or new teachers who have just
finished their training?

7 月 8 日上午场考情回顾:
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? If a coworker violated
company policy, we should report it to the supervisor.

7 月 8 日下午场考情回顾:
Some people prefer to go shopping in a near, convenient, but expensive store; while
others prefer to go shopping in a far but cheap supermarket. Which do you prefer?
Explain why.

7 月 9 日考情回顾:
Do you prefer to live in a place where the season changes or a place where the
seasons are almost the same all year round?(原题命中,机经预测题第 4 题)

7 月 12、15 日预测题:
1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The school should teach
students moral values instead of parents.

2. Some people think we should wear fashionable clothes. Others think that wearing
fashionable clothes is not important. What is your opinion?

3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is generally beneficial for
boys and girls to attend separate schools.

4. Some people read or watch the news every day. Other people prefer not to follow
news stories regularly. Which do you prefer and why? Use details and examples in
your explanation.

5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children nowadays are
becoming less socially active due to the development of technology?

6. When your friends send a message to you, do you prefer to reply right away or
reply later?

7. Some people think robots can replace people for many types of work in the future;
while others don’t think so. Which do you prefer?

8. Some people prefer to spend their vacation in the city. Others prefer to spend their
vacation in the countryside. Which do you prefer?

9. Your school decides to cancel one student club due to financial reasons. Which one
do you think the university should cancel: the ski club or the math club?

10. A company plans to interview you. You can go to their company for the interview,
but the company is far from where you live. Or you can have a telephone interview.
Which do you prefer?

11. Your school is planning to ban library computers from accessing social media
websites. Do you agree or disagree with such a plan?

12. When celebrating your birthday, do you prefer to find a quiet place with a few
people or a crowded place with more people?

13. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? We should not try to help
our friends with their problems until they ask for help.

14. When doing a presentation, do you prefer to do it in front of the class, or record a

15. When traveling, some people prefer to go to new places; others prefer to go to
familiar places. Which do you prefer? Explain why.

16. Some people prefer to make friends with people who are of the same age. Other
people prefer to make friends with people who are of different ages. Which one do
you prefer? Why?

17. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to learn about a
country, it’s important to learn their language.

18. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should force their
kids to continue learning to play the musical instrument when the kids want to give

19. During work and study, some people prefer to do the difficult tasks first and then
do the simple ones. However, some people prefer to do the simple tasks first and then
do the difficult ones. Which do you prefer? Explain why.

20. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Celebrities are more
competent to do charity because they are rich and powerful.

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