Franche Jerbie T

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Nanotechnology in the Philippines is the synthesis,

manipulation, design, and application of a functional
system or material at nanoscale. It draws on multiple
disciplines and has Skip to main content Breadcrumbs
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Chapter Nanotechnology in the Philippines DOI link for
Nanotechnology in the Philippines

The potential of nanotechnology has been
acknowledged by the Philippines, as such a
roadmap was established 10 years ago to guide
the development of nanotechnology in the

The presence of the Covid-19 pandemic has

drastically affected the timeline of most
technological roadmaps.

The impacts brought about by the

advancements in nanotechnology towards
major sectors such as the economy,
environment, and
society were also discussed.

now the technology previously thought of is taking

shape and is preparing to take over the operations
of the world. It is now within the realm of finding how
to fully harness the technology through proper
deliberation and policy making of the
stakeholders can a country like Philippines move

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