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wore For easy DOCUMEN?-APPROVAL Manual code: NCWSC/TEC/ENG/002-M2 the purpose of Nairobi city water and Sewerage Company limited quality management system and in pursuit of ISO 9001:2008 clause 4.2.3f, the B | | in IGINEERING MANAGER has apptoved ..... Sewer Design Manual....for use he company. & SEWERAGE COMPANY RING DEPARTMENT | MEANING UNITS aR = Peak Flow Rate Littes/segond FR = Peak Flow Factor D.WF = Dry Weather Flow Litres'segond P = Population Nr. Of persons: Ap = Area draining that population Hectares) G = Waier consumption Littes/pessoniday SA = Splash Avea % age E = Industrial Waste Water Flow AE = Area draining Industry Hectares 1 = Iniltalion water Flow rate Litves/secondihectares INF = Tolal inftration flow Lilres/second mm nilimeties 2 Data lo be shown by the Designer Engineer (sea ‘Appendix) (2) A plan at 1:2500 scales with enough of the surrounding areq to enable to site of the sewerage works to be clearly identified. {b) A layout plan al 1:500 scale showing plots, sewer alignments, manholes, way leaves ele. {c) Sections at the preferred scales of 1:500 horizontal and 1:50 vertical. (@) Al spatial locations of the proposed sewers shall be ted tothe National Datum according (o the current survey standards. (©) Calculations and design data using 20 years projections from the dale of desic 3. Allsewers are designed fo convey a peak flow. This shall = caljulated thus, QR = FR (D.WF — INF) + INF ltres/second 4. Dry weather flow shall be calculated thus: OWF=PxG x (148A) +ExAe +1 (Ap + Ae) 86400 100 86.4 NOTES: {a) High, Medium, Low income refer to the development classifications for each zirea {b) Splash Area % ages shall be taken atthe high end of the range far the denser the degree of development within a given area and vice versa. INDUSTRIAL WASTE WATER (E) = 30 cubic metiesthectares/day INFILTRATION FLOW RATE (I) = 0.025 lites/secondhhectare Infiltration is taken as being constant for the whole drainage area. PEAK FLOW FACTORS (FR) D.WF Litres/second FR Legs than 60 75 | 120 66 | 60.0 55 120.0 50 600.0 38 ‘More than 1200.0 34 | | Intermediate Values may be interpolated, "6 Areas are derived by measurement from the plans and are gross for each drainage including roads, rivers, ec., and all public open areas, E MEDIUM DENSITY | LOW DENSITY —— | MEDIUM INCOME _| HIGH INCOME Dop Density = p 100-250 ess than 100 Ap Water consumption = G 412 165 265 Splash Areas as age of PxG | 20-30 10-15 [510 7. When the Peak Flow Rale (AR) has been calculated for any given sewer in he | scheme, the sewer shall be sized and designed using the following data (a) Colebrook — white design charts or tables al roughness factor k= 1.5mm, {(b) Pipes flowing full subject to the following criteria | (i) Gradients aid out to give minimum cover from finished ground levels to ¢rown ‘of pipes which exceed the following wherever possible Under roads 1.2 metres Allolher areas = 09 (i). Gradients to give velocities in the pipes which flowing full a peak flow rale, shall exceed a minimum of O,75metres/second, and shall nol exceed 3.0, mettes/second (©) 1 pipes are lowing at rate less than pipe full and velocities are critical, the actual design velocity shall be calculated, which shall comply with 7 (b) (i) above. 8 Sewer pipelines shall be straight and fo even gradient between manholes. 9. Allqeo-spalial references ie X.Y, Z coordinates, ofthe sewer line and the invert and ground levels ofall mantles shal be id to the national survey datum according to the current land survey standards. 10. Pipe materials shall be concrete, rigid or flexibly joined and :hall comply with B $ 5911, ‘11, The minimum pipe size which may be used for adoptive star ards shall be 230mm diameter. 12, (i) Rigid joint pipes shall be lad in or on a concrete bed having a characteristics slrength of 15y/mm? Nairobi City Water & Sewerage Co. standard bed details shall be used thus, as on drawing no. S.R. 74312 | DEPTHTOTOPOFPIPE | _ Less than 230 610 and greater 0.9 elsewhere 4.2min toads 0.9-4.3m elsewhere 1.3m 4.3m in toads 4.3-6.0M Greater than 6.0m or in Heading (i) Flexibly jointed pipes shall be laid on bedding as specified on NCWSc. Standards drawing SR. 7435/7 13. Data for manholes spacing, manhole Sizes, and way leaves shall be as follows: ~ MAXIMUM | fant ~ CONSTRUCTION | PERMANENT) MANHOLE | MANHOLE WAYLEAVES WAYLEAVE SPACINGS | DIAMETERS metres metres for sewers of shapes other than ci the section. Diameters for sewers and manholes are internal Manhole spacing and way leaves widths are the ‘ecommended maximums based on NCWSC Sewerage section experience V4. Inespective ofthe maximum spacing shown above, manholes al every change of diection, change of gration, cha {Wo or more sewers. 18. Where pipes sizes change at a manhole, or Pipes of different size meet, the invert of the manhole shall be the invert of the largest pipe. All smaller pipes shall be located so {hal the soffit of the crows is level to th only exception allowed to this will be where a smaller pif shall also be provided mnge of pipe size, and junction of {5 _ltitcation o these slandards can only be authorised by the Engineer (PDC) 17. Allsewerage shall be designed on the separate system, 1B. No sewer shall be Adopled by NCWSC which has not been ested and for Which the () Water Tests Al Sewers smaller han 450mm diameter shal be tested by water test only. They shall be deemed fo comply i aera 30 minute test at 1.20 metre lest head the quantity of Wwaler lost shall not exceed 0.5 lites per linear meler of sewer under fest per metre of nominal internal diameter. i) Air Tests Al sewers of 450mm diameter and larger shal be lested by air test, They shall be ‘deemed to comply i after a § minute test at 100mm inital differential pressure the Pressure loss shall exceed 25mm clferenial pressure i) 19. HOTE: Manholes: Manholes shall be tested by water test. They shall be deemed to comply if aller a2 Frat est water evel sal not ave dropped ‘At any ime before adopting the sewers, MANS may require the developer anor oat o carry out nitration tests inthe reset ‘of an authorized person {rom the Sowerage section, These tests sal De Goemed to be satisfactory if infitration flow rates do not exceed the folowing {) Forindivdual sewer engl bolween manholes, not to exceed 0.5 lives per tninule per 100 metres of sewer {iy Forcompete sewer networs, * to exceed 1 5 res pr minute perk of contributing sewer. DWF High density 4ls!10 hectare Low density 2Us per 10 hectare 2.0 PLANS AND DRAWINGS STANDARDS REQUIREMERGS: 2.4 Introduction These specifications cover the requirements for all design and as-built plans involving engineering works for the constiuction of new sewers. ‘As Buill’ plans are to be submitted fo NCWSC and approved before a completion certificate will be issued. 2.2, General Requirements a) Drawings shall generally cover the whole scheme. In the case where a development is to be completed in stages, proposal plans. must. be submitted depicting the full extent of the works and Technical Director may approve the submission of As Built plans in stages matching the construction stages. b) If more than five sheets are involved in the map seres a title sheet will be requited showing the sheet locations and numbers. ¢) Location plans must include major road names and clearly identify’ the site of works. id) Existing property boundaries in the vicinity of the works shall be shown €) A North point is to be shown on all sheets showing a plan view. f) Plans shall be orientated such that Norlh is either to the top of or to the right hand side of the sheet, g) Plans shall have grid lines legibly labeled 'h) Plans and longitudinal sections shall be orientated such that the lowest distance is on the left hand side of the sheet. i) Drawing formats required shall be accepted in any or all of the following formats, in order of preference these are |. ArcGIS shapefiles (.shp) along with any additional required electronic files and one set in pdf, tf or jpg format and one set of hard copy plans. Il, Microstation drawing files (.dgn) along with any additional required electronic files and one set in pdf, tif or jpg format and one set of hard copy plans. Wl, Digital Exchange Files (dx?) along with any addi: onal required electronic files and one set in pdf, tif or jpg format and one set of hard copy plans IV. Hard copy plans along with any additional required electronic files and one set in pdf, lif or jpg format i) All manholes installed are to be shown and identified on the plans. j) As Built information is to show any existing sewer lines and/or MHs that have been removed or decommissioned. Such lines/MHs will be clearly marked as being abandoned, decommissioned or as having been removed k)_X, Y, 2 Coordinates, lid levels and invert levels are to be supplied for any new manhole ') Coordinates and/or dimensions to 2 minimum of two well defined, permanent points, shall be supplied for the blank end of any lateral or connection point to an existing house drain, along with an invert level m) Pipes are to be clearly labeled with their diameter and material. nh) Ifa portion of an existing pipe is abandoned or removed, coordinates and an invert level are to be provided of the point of disconnection, ©) Any ground or peg levels shown on sections are to be the levels on the fine of the sewer p) All plans are to be prepared by a suitably qualified designer/draughts person/CAD technician 2.2 Units Aldistances and heights are to be in metres, 24 Accuracy X and Y positional accuracy shall be +/-0.1rn. ! Za racy shall be +/- 0.01m, 2.8 Coordinate Sysieni The UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) éGassini soerdinate system shall be used. The Coordinates shall be accurate to two decimal places. 2.6 Datum Alll plans are required to state the datum used. All levels are to be stated in height above Mean Sea Level (in metres) «7 Seales ‘All plans are to be drawn to scale, except in the case of schematic diagrams, which must be clearly identified as being ‘Not to Scale’. The scales used are to be suitable to allow clear view of all details. This may require areas of intense detail to be clarified in enlargements. The use of schematic diagrams is also encouraged to clarify detail A list of acceptable scales for use in Design and As Buill plans is as follows: 1. Location plans: Between 1:1000 and 1:2500 2. Site plans: 1:500, 1:250 or 1:200 3. Longitudinal sections: a) Horizontal: 1°50, 1:250 or 1:200 b) Vertical: 1:100, 1:50, 1:25 or 1:20 4. Cross sections: a) Horizontal: 1:10 b) Vertical: 1:100, 1:50, or 1:20 5. Delails: 1:50, 1:20, 1:10 oF 1:5 it: Other scales may be approved ai the discretion of the Technical Director. Such approval must be granted prior to plan submission, ~ Longitudinal and cross sei to horizontal scale ratio, a) The preferred formats are ouilined above, b) Any referencing to additional files is permitted so long as these referenced files are included in the data supply. ©) Where a table of coordinates, invert and/or lid levels is to be supplied this shall be provided in either a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or a tab or Corima Separated Variable (CSV) text file. n either case each fine within the file shal contain data on one seret only, Fach asset is to be cross-referenced fo a point on the plans to clearly identify the point il represents. The format for the spreadsheet or text file shall be as follows: 1) Identification number or name 2) Easting 3) Northing 4) Level (0 if not supplied) 5) Invert (0 if nat supplied) 6) Description An example of this, in CSV format, would be: MH12,23604 10.73,5645226.71,1560.12, 1568, 23,sewer manhole Where a null value is to be recorded against a feature in the CSV file, there must be a placeholder (comma) for the value. No embedded commas are to be used within a field ‘These measures ensure that the altribute order is maintained 2.9 Hard Copy Peavirements a) Drawings submitted in hardcopy format shall be on standard A/ sized sheets. b) These sheets must nol be folded or creased to enable clear reproduciion of the plans. c) All draughting is to be in black ink. q) All lettering shall be not less than 2. Smm tall and shall be in Arial or similar foni to enable clear reproduction of the plans. ©) The minimum thickness shall be 0.2mm for all line work. 4) As Built information is to show any existing sewer tines and/or MHs that have been removed or decommissioned. Such lines/MHs will be clearly marked as being abandoned, decommissioned or as having been removed k) X,Y, Z Coordinates, lid levels and invert levels are to be supplied for any new manhole. !) Coordinates and/or dimensions to a minimum of two well defined, permanent Points, shall be supplied for the blank end of any lateral or connection point to an existing house drain, along with an invert level. | m) Pipes are to be clearly labeled with their diameter and material n) Ifa portion of an existing pipe is abandoned or removed, coordinates and art invert level are to be provided of the point of disconnection, ©) Any ground or peg levels shown on sections are to be the levels on the lihe of the sewer, P) All plans are to be prepared by a suitably qualified designerdraughts person/CAD technician. "3 Units All distances and heights are to be in metres. 38 Accuracy i X and Y positional accuracy shall be +/- 0.1m. ! | Zaccuracy shall be +/- 0.01m, 2.5 Coordinate Sysiem The UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) s-@a.sini xnardinaty system shall be used The Coordinates shall be accurate to two decimal places, 2.5 batun All plans are required to state the datum used. Al levels are to be stated in heighi above Mean Sea Level (in meires). 1 scales All plans are to be drawn to scale, except in the case of schematic diagrams, which must be clearly identified as being 'Not to Scale’. The scales used are to be suitable to allow Clear view of all details. This may require areas of intense detail to be clarified in enlargements. The use of schematic diagrams is also encouraged to clarify detail A\list of acceptable scales for use in Design and As Built plans is as follows: 1. Location plans: Between 1:1000 and 1:2500 2. Site plans: 1:500, 1:250 or 1:200 3. Lengitudinal sections: a) Horizontal: 1:500, 1:250 or 1:200 b) Vertical: 1:100, 1:50, 1:25 or 1:20 Vv fms) ¥ ELOCIT) DIAMETER O (mp LIST OF SURFACES WTI om Water mains slighty attaches by taberculation 10-50 years use) wit a eae et E s S = & a . S|. a S| £ = = i go S x S 5 S a 8 es = x § 2 a DIAMETER © (m) when Wf | 7 ke + 0.600: Water (or sewage) al 15°C +5 a.o001s to 2008 Full bore eontions te tyroutiegradiont = YVoloeties in mis {in 6667 to tn 250 discharges ins Gadion! Pipe diamoters tn mm: VV 2.165 5.2B 4. 68F on Tare Ca. + Ga ease eye ete aa OTE OEP Ho, in OAD Oe Fide Clove someo 7475 10.546 13-622 Soave v.78 0.097 aie ote ase OTe OTERO OLR 8.2 saa has Tatar one eyes anne 7 ae ae OT eR Mae nare nine Sue eens Cr wae ease ore 0388 1 Gotficient for part ful pipes is = 0600 ater (or wage) a 15°C: 7 Veoots to ooo4 Nivtorecondifong, | te hycaulle grant = Vsloctn in ns inate to #20 aeciarges as Graiont Pipa dimatara a as 00075 8.125 6.405 0.172.208 0.266 0.295 a.373 [0.397 G.42y 4s 1230 250 753 0.897) 1.637” t.F80 963 26397 S0L7St t Sitnae ier Slant Sau Slate S580 Soran wan lee ae | 2.86 oie 0.2% 0.239 0.279 0.325 0. 516 | 0.567 0.879 SL Ga ene Ny 26.482 alae vas 2cs1 Wars less aplese allege yroct iatlava «suaa8 Ta Tee oa aa Goetiicient for parti 7 ko ~ 0.600 mn ‘water (or sevrage) at 15°C: TZooot toot Tall bore conditions. ie ' fe hyecautiearadiont = Velocities in m/s Fin gst to 1m 10 ischarges in 5 Srlient Pipe diameters in mm %° wo ease oy Trae; tet F008: oosae 3 0.816 7 E a y195 ocr oa van ween ora Sane rent worse Oak .582 Taig eee toes tte 120s F287 NES tia ovens 2-571 weet gee auisve assert. 47.620 63-185 81-280 102/270 9.00700 0399 woaas 0.911.052 Tose esas 1.0918 Pon jelsay 16.008 wQigas 481057 831660 103.264 carry TELE ES ae ee) poss wNuse gales zesons 39.8 qilors 92.379 116.480 wae ae ce qa teas TRe A a ~ ‘ eras SOT eR S283 Taos oe TTS : Seca, syne ais gpa roam ess ms tvs aR ee as Tae 18h mconsna) STi ioral avery ae Vert, rasepel | 20cmiR| (eice22) ese you 555 151.558 on Sa ane ons SSE ES TIT gnc ase Tat qe a Tas Tae es eae ‘Goetficient for parttull pipes: arson ts = 0600 mn, Wats (or sowago) at 15% 7 {Covotto os ., Yutbore conifers ve nydcutegradiont =. Veloctis in s Pinto ot 10 Gischarges nls Traont Pip diameters = Bane gy vas ste noe Tonos daw epee oe ar a a yaaa wee, SG san CGS GONE GM sal ns relists wees toe 4.172 498888 yeleT7 26.683 3-744 rrlate 102-080 Bz 165.152 ware STS TAR FSM ee FSR SHE rit aoe et wish Gis bse sen QB TALUS olese alse eksnen 111-0512 fot eee Saw ee we me nee Ge tee tas ae 2s ne gage 20erSNNS aise asne ascSs0 ate AEM bet seit aaleae ee ie a EE PRE GEM) oni wel oh hits Gras J Gags Ga af RES chad ste ster ote rcaee_ aioe whee ia ne ae ae Sues ee seen Baa 2H Sines 3s was See GRUB GEE oSctas vessel sb S11 woo are cans var casing sweets he sae EOS EER oo aatcorr 1e8/ tte 2035303 tm tau ke a a ae an ae ep a i eee cea coteg atte Be EME CR ellheh secnes wacate 0378 oso OaTy taro NS3S 1-548 020 Base 2.626 gas 5.156 eter Sach borno 18168 $e SSS racers aoteos vfs 2.085 joao Lae aera aS eas haw a od BE ae TM ENE sae Ve etree TOES GREED ebisee uacccot sees 290 gin PMS Isak eis ase Be EGS EG atltas stones yeas cee Soa Toe ae rer Sar eae ae nen ae [eae ime Sead teulggnd woe Beg SRL Sse wnecger astiaar_9essse_ sar soe Smee retinas nan SHE GSH GUL atlases wetiaee assess zor Tose | Tse 1.900 gas bie OS SRS. aan Se ey ne east wae TES EEE GENS ations seocese qirsrs eecaie wm CR Tae Sa er aa wee YS Va acsrs ass eae EEE) grate vsnzor scene poslear 20626 ¥ Tae ae ate RSS. Sar eee EE ee ee ee eT aay are 1.952 Ma Ss HORS COT Tae Tees 2-007 Sir sass wee TT KTS eee Vises N78 2-065 rere ae 487th rsa a erat TE ke = 1.800 mm, 15 0.00015 10 0.004 le hydraulie gradient = ‘in 8687 to 1m 250 Water (or sewage) at 15°C: full bore cancion. Velocities in mis : Sischarges 9/5 wear ees wer anon 0.10} Ott nas wages L13 ce Gwe tots galas Rss Ceee S76 7.600 Tien . vans was ee a eae ae Savor 0.057 o.oo 8.05 OTST 0.1K6 8 860 geo Gare Sieve Fate Suso7 5.000 ocera We es estas ons eae 0ST was ee eae se abe daa PST we Oss Vase inn Sloe Ceres Sit yaias sere on = aa ozo aE aaa are : Coe? Slee 12.730 16-416 oa % Aiton : Som rae sieve nrra i vee SH Tan were ane cee : ences atic ceaelee oemme 5 a 5 oses thoses 17-980 i BOER ERE San avis wr we Gina lber Sib para Se le nee Jona ieee ES aay a eae aaa ose 0a Gouticient for partul pipes: ~ ks = 1500. Water (or sewage) at 15°C 8 TZotoniste 0008 fullbore conatons I + cmtinnd i te hydra pain Velocities in m/s ' Fine to Vin 250 discharges ins } ; | Gada Tipe damoiorain wm a —— i { amo 5 mews x E G10u 014s 152 O17 .2U 0. 2SE OL ZEZ2BS SID 5B °. (GME. EEE Sus Soe EAE Se ISSR EA chs bo gems Ga ene co eat 0.0 0m ose Et Sine Sekt sce beet want { So re 0.365 foAeint elas alae, ocase asst 30 a | Gems age ote 0720.0 oe e375 POUR Sate Set SG dhe ‘ wae ' oars ie { on a Cer ote. rr sea 0.407 9.335, Ge oer oe 0.278 760426 OATS OAT 0.559 0.399.038 OTe i Tie Gos Gi ot cia aw aie ait apie ate | ee SS ER RR Gee | a Sr class isiesn 4eSa seiaes oa ar 8s Osa. CS se I Cootticient for par-ull pipes: ea 4.500 nm, °° Viator (or sewage) al 15°C: BFL oboe at fullbore conditions r } a hydrautic gradient = Velocities in nfs , ies 250 to 110 10 ischuges Ins "adem Pipe diameters In mim: ee 3 ori 0.776 0.832 tase ener oom aes Taare 1-359 arisen e2izie 7.5 yes 0.983 @.07 yao kas 130 a8 tito saa 3l9sePiaoe agin anlssy 32.232 Gelert 02.961 ass.220 Goetlicient for par-tull pipes: PROPORTIONAL DISCHARGE Op=0/eo sae a a ee oe a oat | |---| | _}-- a “" ~ Hor water of 15°C, Stunist PROPORTIONAL DEPTH #/D. 60 050} oca| 010) ooo} & sos 007 jowat vELociTY. | | pROPORIIONAL, DISCHARGE # 10) —————} 0s oa 003|-—4~ = i 02] oor pe ae | a oar ae SCC OP FIG@H PROPORT! PROPORFIONAL VELOCITY Yp= JONAL VELOCITY AND DISCHARGE IN PAR CIRCULAR SECTIONS a T-FULL ay ee a as Conticient for part-tull pipes 108 200 500 1000) 02 ‘ooo 004g OTD ne eras oan Ne OS 08 fom Sar tase NO Qos 0225 02850242 0.08 a gos 0zaT (0308 a2 008 oo fae 88 OTE pos gga 0g6s 0.73 oto pz gis 08M OTE, xs O87 woo oat? 0420 427 ona oo sey 9888 ODO ec ot ose ae as. OAT OE nae osu] sts 08at 38 (Ost age 4g SB NT Ges 0550057 882 ow jee gait uae (OSS BTS Ceo = osga == 08a st 20 Oars eds eel eas oes 0627003888 022 oss 0s is (OSI OD Tech), ost. anes Ore 024 osce pase 0s 0070 OT ea ew) sore) | oetdl 028 oem jet agus 0704 OTE G10 / 07a Tat TRS 020 oo Creo o7s7 0761764 20 Pe ey a he a) om, | ares 0789078 038 poe astro? OBEY oats) 08so 0852S 40 oo Gams = e298 Na ene re 048, oe Sty asd 085d Nek ee) nieya cpt =e O88 050 ame fem temo” t000 = «$008 Fe 000 7.000 1000, 055 yom ome tos 0H 1009 yo 060 vo toe tm pe eng eu 085 vo ite tgp 80388 pe ios reer weal 070 ia yes tat tag 2 eat S08 ors tite naa SRM fa tae 1122 on0 ta tess TS, ee ee a5 ee en act tae me fie tao P25 090 we tae 128 Eee aa Ne 0.95, tie tton__toge_t08§__ so ote: Values ot the coeticen {ult bore conditions nt for part-ull pipes for use wit The aie ave gwen atthe foot of each tune ofthe bles of 18 0.500 mm. 15 -0.00018 to 0.004 le hydraulic geasont = Yine667 10 10250, Water (or sewage) at 15°C. full bore conditions, Velocities in m/s dlsenarges in m/e Tratient Pipe dlam se imeem waa esas aas ass OTOL 0a aa fiisse Sloe Gite sas pore gemaatie sibs ectre [io O00 Cree) i aS ce SE caek SNe Set Eimet S88 Sa GI Sika aloe it ae hw THD G38 GGe GND Gan RSE Gi Tae OF Nitooo 8.036 Ocoee, Oat Oar oity Olen’ s'sze siedOcese eed Shae a Goetlcient for part Tull pipes: es = 0.600 own, ‘Water (or sewage) al 15% “0.00015 te 0.008 full bore conaittons. le hydraulic gradient = + Valocitles in avs 2 Vim 087 to tn 250 discharges in m'/9 “Tamdters iw me E Seg erates) sre he -te) s asrele fen) ae 8 eee ice Saas boas 0.507 was ourer ova» 0.756 a.tar a.aoa Sees pese one oat eam oe ote Guso bso 0524 0.565 wou 0.678 erst oven 07a ona Bless biose e-ovoa.ite tas acta ovsez ote sus oes bose o.see oss way 0.700 e788 ras ReotrGiesn ovens otee tiga. olin taro oes? cass ody oes otis oat ove i Meiel cts esas ssaisi_wiats clare \ ° wale onses TY 0.733 eave 0.859 ears 5 ° 0.077 0.106.440 0.187 0.226 9.308 o-s21 \ °. 06th 0.605 0.763 0.766 O.8SE ORR 360 0.999 1.019 foot oto L146 0-165 0.288 wnsPt Base nana | ante ot W's Soh ela ola oes Ora | gwar * pis? blsoea.e02 0.785 9.773 Seo Tae ae Tae Svea [esas cease oy. s09 acs pezae nse wars Tas | Coot | Octo bute ULtreOL2s2OLaae 037s isex gare ooeas sarc pe, iat ad eee 7380 yor sara aey av | Diove —ocntad ontss | .tez O.zeD8Lz73a.38T cae) Lars 0823 0.80H tae ae ee a wea a tre BME SLES olnes —ontom alas L207 oveas —ans7a_ove3k 0.757 0-899 0.975 Caeiticiont for part-tul pipes: gL to) wo ts0ts@ 20020020 aso 280,307,300 ‘00810 0.1 ie hydraulic gradient = in250 10 110 10 Water (or sewage) al 15 full Bote condi Figs diameters in mm a , sae TE PS GRE mat ake one te ia Eee GR Ease cee aes jesome ENG GI ORM nnr re uy kee ae EGE os one yee SER EG Saks Ses ia cm ome aS acar ae aS a Sake fn ‘sae yr two ‘Tanwo eye's vs ae re ca HE | Ta Ga te Ee Water (or sawage) at 15°C: ; oan Reema 18 I Wiemengmiea- _Voixnaee mm | seers een ice fin cee san fe See Sar 3.802 S981 A156 6EES 4408 auetz 2m? eC 518 4.605 si s2s0 Ses sas 801 * Siete 5.220 5320 dor sso 3.88 Ors 4.180 4.500 6.862 4.953 5.170 5-3BT 5.804 Yow ay 1.065 «1.512 2.060 2.266 Ds $25 3.085. Q- ates (or sewage) at 18°C: 7'= 0.00015 to 0008 full bore conciions. . ve hydraulic gradient = Yelocitias in m/s in 6687 to 1in 250 Ueaarges in ms ' Sont Pipe diameters in enn: - cog TR gm: nas ERC ESS SR ea je ; he ceo Gdop ede ame eae tay SEER gies oa oe eae aT ee ea e i “ Sime ca i Suse ates aa we GRR SR gat Bah car ae Sie GH GA OTR San (is . Ve RE EM ta tas a ee tie gang ona perro Wiese aera Noara Tumereat uumeeasnTE was as aS cose SH SRE G:ass ash ecaur tore Guta octane GE OE pas Site 8s ate one opr wane FU Sa iesk Sehr Sars a a a oe Ta an orate aaa wiesrme ess emt eae rg uw 6S Gap Ga IR? inaient for part-tull pl ke = 1.500mm, Water (or savage) at 15°C; 19 | {Cobos te 6008 {ull bore conaitons | to nyu gradi Yalocis ins Tinesar to in 220 Giachergestin ms Gaons Pps Homers mm cso soe ats ome 28 Gis Srondaiety Bees tora SD QP oie lsh estoy ose octer + moans oan 1 ire oer aonire 9.829 cae ay ae am naman ga Gam Graviees a neTumila i guye ibeuiara ecu ©2070 cow an aT S382 SAI] Sime octet acta S350 alten oleae Ravine + va ae Tae are a weet : oie URE GRR eel ocket evrse wess ane Cae STH GR GEM ONES acSr acsoseceoe one ae a a OG ae ma Tae EGG OMS acai ods cise ere assay eee ter a ai am ea Sea GGeGtay Ga oht abby acter scans eseee Rania a a eae Toone a as es ee es ane Gootlcient for part-tull pines! ke= 1.500mm, § V5 0.008 toa Je hydraulic gradient = Tin 250 16 11n 10 Wiaer (or sow: {ull Bore conditions. Velo inna ischarges in m/s alis"c; iit Figg amet aa 5 oe OTOL 190 0.251 Leos 0.554 .80 732 uo ese sae Bee eee 2913S. SETS, a7 15.566 580,208 0.244 ozs. Ome 4.1K 1270 isos | 1.988, /~ Costficient for part-tull pipes: eccreprsr ke = 1.800 mm, Water (or sewage) at 15 | fVoborte? Tul bore condone 19 te hydraute gradient =" Velocities in mvs . Vin 2800 tno discharges inns aa e300 Sars G00) iT aaa 1s bok ass coco | Sian save - ete pses ole tas oF sane ra ay a Cae ee : SET TSS TRE FTE ES 60 Wala (r sewage) at 15°C: ior fo 0009 tai bore condone 29 le hydraulic gradient Velocities in mg | Vin 10000 to 110383. ischarges lnime/s Gaon Pipe diameters to mu: ~ | 2 S08 EM Ge Ea a8 ass ale Voor 1.078 1-22 ser. 4756 Sses | Sloor Sanya 4.320 vaio }ass ARS yoyo ges aap? 2.285 oreo 4.590 S871 Pa a ie oH ER ‘Coeificent tor part-tul pipes T 29° Ramen, Water (or sewage) at 15°C; FL o.03 6 0.075 {ll bore conditions. ‘a hydraulic grat Yetacties in m/s in 333 10 0 $3 discharges im m5 rasiont Te mm Foose wove Gao azan aay ese RTOS ERR 29TT ss Wane BYE Edt Cars sleae easy acon sovzve sane Sos enmal esa tls commen serge izad Slows 3188 1s EMO ERY fie cleat 5979 Tso azar 1-20 ae Vie are 2a Toe nan samo 50a 6.0868 siese 1.077 { a.e086o Peay USE. PNOO«ATSR «TAR 290K -B.OTR SDA 30 5.568 |p Vonseo | 2.210 2.828 2.359 Saar asee SOS «S.ORH 3-21 3.385 3.588 3.718 Rieter leas aed eegme SS LC ee ser eater are pcos gm oceans ave meme ora mma Taam SSCS fy wae | Brie 2.002.693.2988 Bies7 3.480 3.792 $356 4357 1.836 2.266281 sls 3.078 5.308 zk 13.052 16.806 a 0 ye ar wie eT ‘ ze Saws coe Sse 7 Sen seca 17288 jie te EG: oe sue tae ; es 3 jam | rae © a ; fro gnes3ane 88 : en Bie suse soar : ae ‘ ks = 0.600 nm. Hs 0003 19 007s Water (or sewage) at 15°C; {ull bore conditions. 29 lemydioue gaan» Yaloatos in vs sso te eons Tipe dames he ie Wie Siar sire 3450 Sines 7388 9.98 STG 16.857 soseoo 5.787 S509 6.908 TAz6 7D we Ut Ses Slaes i330 wor ime Bee e963 oso 7.365.737 7.859. 556 10.077 er 14.366 coves 7.893 Bowe 8.207 323, 1.762 7a 9.403 Vite 12.050 2.7os 15.389 | 1.952 ke = 1,500 mm, Fe 0.0001 to 0000 {ie hydraulic gradiont = Fin 10000 10 Wiater (or sewage) at 15 {ull bore conditions Vetocities in m/s in393 slachaeges in ms ttao0e, °. x75 9.51) 676 0.866 0k 3es tat 9.00016 450 0.sé8 0.574 0.36 0.398 0.420 ass @s4Be 0.314 0.5u?” 9.570 w.307 Hi"ss5glaee ogre. os less 0.890 os tines 33k tisws give alta. oss 0.675 nae Tats las Tose 29st aan ano a aT) casa wae ori tote otis ole ase toss ver 3.386 Chelicient for part pipest ae Or eae eee) reg ee ine rae oodeet aes 2 ke = 0.600 mam. 2 o.0001 to 0.003, je hyaraulle ra it Fin 10000 9 1 In $33 Water (or sewage) a 15°C: full bore conditions, Velocities in av's Cischarges 1 0 /s ay Gradient — come ona eT Seat (coomerrame cra mae emt Costfiient for partfull pipes ee = 1.600 mm, 10,0001 to 0.003 Je nyeauile gradient = ‘i 10000 ton 398 Graaient ing dome as eas OSe0b.toe 0009s vss aie rae wear vse 6.00780 va ‘Water (or sewage) at 15°C: {ull bore conditions. Velocities in m/s sischarges In m/s Bo ke = 1.500 men, P0003 0078 Je hydraulic gradient = Vin 33 10 113 ‘Water (oF sewage) al 15°C Tull bore conditions, Velocities inns iseharges wn m/s Giadiont Pipe diameters in mm: = ee ean ror 2937 fiass Gass Fern. olden eee oo NaN ea ea ee Bs20 | 5.43e jv _200 2s7 3.864 pe 2.603 2.808 Feo sar Ca Sioso 6. 0.737 hay arr ee Ioicoe | Saae sus 3.380 Tame ars eae es Gostficent for part-fal pipes: ee = 1.500 mm. j Wistar (or sewago) at 15" | Tonos aas . {ul bore condone. 30 | fe hydrauie aradiont Velocities in mvs Fingiato tin tS Seterace Mare Gradient Pipe dlameters tn min Peete Mego os tt00~=«tz0e= tas t88 tas tave 5 at00 362 6.028 4.91 Soon sae sane Suave for) kaye 46s as aee gato sass shee eave w sar es cin Stee Sore fis Tame 100187 130004 terser 20.188 2a Le7e noo2c00 a7 7 ais 5.6) S02 6.a7 ari) 70s 7.381 en 36 te alS60 atleast 10. arrre 26st 86 ¥ eB | BLOTS 192437 16.6BK HB AG aa ss | Soe Spe Gloey noasa 15lt99 19.081 pelea tae yaa T4e sya asze aes Scese | t3e0 1430 wee Ta aT ate ees ssa alr cae Tae 7A av 8 sae eae Fone ones hee we 863k 89079387 36 Propertional discharges in pipes running part-full d Lenten"! Coote to: past snes = {B+ sdb "or walerat #9 (hand Dn res) | 3 0 o 200 HHH yf. of ve 2.000 9000 e000" * eo 0001. ao0r 0001 am oar Pat fuel to 0.001 0002. oat =o =n” «oes =O} 106 9002 0005 0.005080? oor. boar nanr =e 08 oo) m0 ast © tomo «os es Sam ays Ne 00% 01 eos oats vanes uate 1 ised cis, aaa, | nas, 0s) | poe as) | cme! aus rr e002 0008-0 ood tis O01 004 0st 0.053.055 sess oso 6 00s 006308888) ‘eo 9078 a7) 0082008, ©0087 088 onsen 0 ose 0057100080807 4 012 ono) ore asa? tae oan v6 0138 oie on? oes Oa? tad 180 BT tae 2 o1s7 —onse 085. otad ates 0 04a! over 0490 sos ots? © teem oan is a so over oso) a8 kyon tea oat 041s ais iby Oats at ot? at ate oso 000 ©0500 © osonh aso © usd) 0592 ous 08878 SBS SHS sees 0.684 0679 0676 0673, oerd ; 0671 0.669 0.669 0.668 0775 ova 0763, o7aB ref rSS Ts ars! sD | eas: use oats =a omss = one «(asta oot 0880 ose 1B? asm> aoe and, aae % 1010 0.997 ome ogee ost é—pasrs ors, ages 67 is Voss taste! fms to) oer aes fa] to 0 007 .069 05a H88 4 099 09004 ores tora 4069.06.86 te: Values af the coetticient tor par-ll pipes for use with this table are given al the foot of each column of the tables for | jolt (brrchang® ja bol ologt Cac {por le jo :

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