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with a single level may pick up the second level.

A characters genetic heritage is fixed once it is

the first level only, while those who started
start with no levels in a culture may acquire note the characters size level at this time.
that culture. This means characters who a part of the character’s genetic heritage, and
of a culture, they may pick up a single level in Note any positive and negative traits gained as
character regularly interacts with members world of the ongoing tale.
levels in culture as the story unfolds. If a character and has no cost].
discretion of the player creating the the rogues gallery, gradually expanding the
Unlike genetic levels, a character may pick up may create an additional character to add to
decreased by one [this is purely at the
the card. character’s size level may be increased or If a game goes for multiple sessions, players
negatie trait from the options presented on For every level spent in Ggenetics, the as potential allies and antagonists.
character gains two positive traits and one rogues gallery and could appear in the story
traits. For each level of a Culture chosen, the and count as two choices].
some positive and negative traits are powerful character., The additional characters form a
provides a range of positive and negative characters, one of these will be their main
Like genetic levels, each Culture level options preseted on the card [noting that
positive traits and a negative trait from the Before play begins, each player creates three
provide potential story hooks to be followed. on each of them. For each level spent, gain two
advantages to their actions. Cultures also ’Genetics’ cards, and spend at least one level
and social relationships that provide they become different. Choose one or two gain benefits that reinforce the group concept.
and abilities, as well as gaining the equipment become something more and less than human, limit themselves to the options on these cards
characters gain a lot of their learned skills single level of genetics, they simultaneously be benefits not normally available]. character groups are available. Groups who
world. It is from these connections that regular human, when a character purchases a cultural, or general benefits [these may even A number of cards describing common
wider ecosystem and social cirlces of the any levels in genetics is functionally a the bonus level may be spent on any genetic,
around them. They all have reationships to the Strangeness is humanity. A character without become stronger and more interesting.
cultural, or general penalty. If this is done,
No character exists independent of the world The assumed base line for characters in Other between characters have the potential to
may be gained by acquiring an additional genetic,
creativity, but to ensure that the bonds
Step 4. SPECIAL - [optional] A single bonus level
these types of characters. This isn’t to limit
Note any benefit provided by this occupation. vetoed if the intended story doesn’t cover
to purchase at least one starting occupation. certain character options may be specifically
Step 3. OCCUPATION - Additional levels are used types, cultures, or occupations. Similarly,
to focus characters around a few genetic
choose two available benefits and one penalty. the focus. The GM or the players may choose
cultural upbringing. For each culture level, into it, instead a few key elements should form
Step 2. CULTURE - Purchase one or two levels in story doesn’t need to have everything thrown
benefits and one penalty. the purity of the flavour. Similarly, a good
For each genetic level, choose two available throw everything into it because that will spoil
in genetics, spread across one or two cards. made of a few key ingredients, a chef doesn’t
+3 +2 +1 0 -1 -2 -3 Step 1. GENETICS - Purchase up to three levels on a few fundamental points. A good food is
in a game of Other Strangeness need to agree
All characters start with five levels At the start of play, all plyers participating

size size size size size size size

A character doesn’t need anything special As they explore the world, the characters gain
All characters serve a purpose; there might
about them, the fact that they may already be a allies and enemies, they gather food, water and
be something they do better, cheaper, or
government trained mutant assassin with equipment that will help them survive, and they
faster than the people around them, or there
psychic powers could be special enough. But some accumulate experience and skills that make
might be a few tasks where they aren’t quite as
players want something even more unique for them more useful to the people around them.
good, but the diversity of abilities makes them
their characters.
almost as useful as multiple others. In Other Allies and enemies are generally acquired based
Strangeness, there are people who need things Any character may acquire an additional on the events of the unfolding story. At the end of
done that regular folk either can’t or won’t negative trait from their Genetics or Culture any session of play, a player may choose a single
do, and that’s where the characters come in. cards, or from the following list. ally and a single enemy for their character to
make a permanent bond with.
Any unspent levels are now used to purchase Animal Instincts - Your thinking reflects
areas of expertise where the character has your animal nature. If you roll a 1 while Food and water gathered during a story will tend
already proven themselves. There are a range dealing with mundanes you immediately to be consumed immediately for survival, or
of general occupations that any character engage a fight, flight or freeze response traded as a commodity for favours and
may buy with their levels, but there are also [unless someone can calm you down]. equipment. Equipment found, stolen, or made during
occupations that have prerequisites. Growl - Your speech reflects your animal the story may be stored in the group’s communal
Occupation prerequisites could be specific nature. You suffer an automatic stash, in a character’s private stash, or may be
genetic or culture levels, possession of disadvantage on all speaking actions when carried by the character. For simplicity, a The main characters of Other Strangeness
specific positive or negative traits, or previous dealing with mundanes. character may generally carry 4 items plus exist on the fringes of society, they are social
completion of another specified occupation. their size modifier [where some large items might outcastes, genetic mutations, and creatures
Monstrous - you not only look inhuman, but
Some occupations may require that specific counts as 2 items, and some small items only that regular society turns from. They walk a
people find your appearance subconsciously
types of story have been resolved before they count as a half.. delicate balance between humanity and
disturbing. You suffer an automatic
become available. disadvantage on social interactions with monster, while many of the lesser characters
At the end of every session, a character gains an
mundanes if they can see your true and supporting roles in the story stand firmly
Generally, occupations provide new ways of experience point. They may also gain up to two
appearance. on one side of that divide or the other.
doing things, or advantages to doing specific additional experience points if any of the following
Pack Mentality - You function best among criteria are met… Various characters in these tales may be
things. Each occupation has a specific benefit it
allies. If you roll a 1 when alone, you gain a aOne cultural goals are met mercenaries, spies, criminals, abandoned
provides, this might be access to a class of
fear penalty trait in addition to any other The character’s current occupational goal experiments, lost aliens, or even just
tools and equipment, a die roll advantage in
effects. is met homeless lowlifes in over their heads. They may
certain situations, access to a certain group
Volatility - Any weapons with the mutagenic The character neutralises one of their be as small as a mouse or as large as an
of allies or a type of location that is
trait are considered to have +1 strength enemies [either eliminating them, or the reason elephant, they may have an excess of arms,
otherwise off limits.
against you why they are considered an enemy]
legs, or tentacles, or might have none at all,
Mastering occupations is the most common If they have done this, the character may gain but most characters are roughly human sized
any additional non-occupational positive trait, Every time the character gains experience, mark
way of advancing characters in Other and shaped. Players may make their
off a box on the experience track. Every time the
Strangeness. even if it might not be something they’d normally characters as exotic as they want, but need
character passes a bold checkpoint box on the
have access to. This bonus positive trait may not to understand that the more different they
track, gain a new level. This level may be used to
be used to justify an occupation during are from the mundane masses, the stranger
purchase a new occupation, or improve a culture
character creation, but may function as as a
[once per culture only] and more dangerous their lives will be.
prerequisite for occupations gained later.

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