Research in English 10

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1.1Background of the study

can Social media refers to online platforms or applications, that enable users to share,
and interact with content and other users in virtual community. These platforms typically
include social networking sites, messaging apps, blogs, forums, video and photo sharing
sites, and other similar online tools. Social media has become an essential part of modern
communication, providing a way individuals and business to connect and share information,
and engage with others across the globe. ( Zuckerberg, 2016). The researchers observed
that social media has many effect especially when it comes to students academic
performance. Social media is very helpful especially when it comes to news and latest
trends, it helps us, students, to be updated on what is happening in the world right now. In
social media . We can say our unsaid feelings through posting, sharing or commenting, but
aside from that social media also be a great distraction. We found out that most students
who spend more time on social media sites are likely to demonstrate poor academic
performance. This is because they spend time chatting online and making friends on social
media sites instead of reading books and finishing their home works .

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The use of social media platforms among student has become widespread in recent
years. However, there is a growing concern about how social media use impact student’s
focus, attention span, and productivity. The excessive use of social media can result in
distraction, such as checking messages notifications, and feeds frequently. These
distractions can disrupt the effective study habits and result in poor academic performance.
Additionally, the content found on social media can also negatively affect learning outcomes
since it can contain misinformation or be irrelevant to the academic curriculum. Therefore,
the problem is to determine the extent of the negative impact of social media on the
academic performance of students and develop effective strategies to mitigate or eliminate
these effects.

1.3 Significance of the study

The importance of the study is to show the effect of social media on students academic
performance. The significance of the study is to have Educational improvement by
identifying the factors that affect student academic performance and creating evenness
among parents, students and educators interventions can be designed to improve academic
performance. Thus, the study of the effects of too much exposure to social media on
students academic performance is crucial towards creating a technology-friendly
environment that prioritize students academic safety and mental wellbeing.

1.4 Research Questions

The central question that this study needs to answer is—What are the Effects of Too
Much Exposure to Social Media?
Another question that need to be answered are the following:
1.Does excessive social media use affect students ability to concentrate and retain
2.Is spending too much time on social media cause students too fall behind on their
3.Is there any relationships between social media and academic performance?

1.5 Purpose of the Study

media on students academic performance. It shows that too much exposure to social
media can lead to distraction, time washing, poor time management, cyber bullying and
even mental health issues. Students should focus more on our studies than using social
media. It is not bad to use social media, but we should know and our priorities first.
Limiting the use of social media can help us to have more time for our studies. Doing
home works, reading books and reading lessons is a more better and productive way to
use our free time, we should limit the use of social media to have more time for our
study. The objective of the study aims to identify the effects of too much exposure to

1.6 Limitations And Delimitations

The effects of Social Media on students academic performance are a subject of
ongoing research How ever,there are notable limitations and delimitations that need to
be considered in interpreting study Results, Limitations include the possibility of self-
Reporting bias, where students may not accurately report their social media usage,
leading to potential biases and limitations in study results. Other limitations include the
effects of extraneous variables such as home environment, school quality and personal
motivation. Additionally, correlation between social media use and academic
performance does not necessarily imply causation, and without proper randomization, a
causal relationship cannot be established. Finally, sample size could also be a limitations
if the generalizability. The delimitations of the study include the timeframe , which could
be limited to a specific academic year or semester, which may not be sufficient to capture long
term effects of social media use on academic performance. The study may also examine the
impact of certain social media platforms such as Instagram or twitter, which may not generalize
to other platforms. The age group is another delimitations, where the study may be limited to
specific age groups such as college students, which may not generalize to other age group. The
study may also only measure certain academic performance metrics, such as GPA or test scores,

which may not capture other important factors, such as social skills or emotional
intelligence. Overall it is important to consider the limitations and delimitations in
interpreting study results on the effects of social media on students academic

1.7 Scope
The scope of the effects of too much exposure to social media on students’ academic
performance is a complex and multifaceted issue that has attracted a lot of attention
from researchers, academicians, and policymakers. Studies have shown that social
media can have both positive and negative impacts on students’ academic performance.
Social media is a useful tool for academic purposes such as communication,
collaboration, and information sharing. For example, it can be used to connect with
other students in a study group, interact with professors, and access online academic
resources, on the other hand, excessive social media use has been linked to negative
effects om academic performance such as procrastination, distraction, and reduced
study time. It has also been linked to emotional and mental health problems such as
anxiety, depression, and stress, which can further affect students’ academic

1.8 Definition of Key Terms

Duration of social media use: The amount of time an individual spends on social media
platforms per day/week/month.

Frequency of social media use: The number of times per day/week/month an individual
uses social media platforms, such as Facebook, twitter, and Instagram.

Social media addiction: The extent to which an individual experiences compulsive use of
social media, which may negatively impact their daily activities and functioning.

Social media anxiety: The level of anxiety caused by social media use, such as FOMO
(Fear of missing out) or social pressure.

Social comparison: The extent to which an individual compare themselves to others on

social media, which may lead to negative effects on self-esteem.

Social Media communication: The quality and quantity of social interactions

An individuals has on social media, including communications with friends and family, as
well as strangers and acquaintances.

Social media engagement: The level of interaction an individual has with social media
content, such as liking, commenting, and sharing posts

Social media influence: The ability of social media content to impact an individual’s
beliefs, opinions, and behaviors.

Social media self-disclosure: The level of personal information an individual shares on

social media, which may have both positive and negative effects on social
connectedness and privacy.

Social media wellness: The overall impact of social media on an individual’s emotional,
psychological, and social well-being.

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