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O-1- FeXReovoing Pap mcm ks 2th Oe pach Caco,(4) == GO(4) +C€0,(9) ee eee fe of Ce ire herrforaBine of Practin Ls BOOK. 10 grame of Caco, sere tater imitiolly and ot Aap Dbriium 5 6 grams of Caco, were Lepe. ') Find Kp i) Tf Vobtuma is dotted , then fond the number of mobs of COg present Ans: Caco, (3) == Cad (4) + CO, Ca) t=0 1S tol Oo Oo £=£€ (12-3 rol 2c mk be moh loo Scanned with CamScanner Now, <6 2 qevew ce the qprestion That C grams of CaCO; one Left ok Raphi A rj wim. ce = loo loo => 22 = ©0547 co, ot Rapebrr dim = 0:-04X0-082x300 4 0-246 ofY GK, = (bco.) = 0-246 atm W) Tf volume uo doubled, Kp and Ke do nt Change ot Kp and Ke obeperel only on Kemperotine, Ao, Kp = 0-246 atm Ke = kK RD°7 Scanned with CamScanner ? > 0-24¢6= Kk. (0-0¢2 xaee)' Ke, = 0-01 mot £ ee Ccay’ = roles of COr Velie ae Rhee volure Aas Aen doubled, the bev volume <2 2x4= Glide, les - . fo, 0-0) = TE CO tapcbebr seen & 3 Moles tf co, ak hes 25 Deh ri mee = 0-08 mol Q-2 ee ee Aheownr trelow xe im Aaptbcbritem amd aL eepuibebnc Rimoles of PCle > 1 mele Pf PCL l Scanned with CamScanner | mole of Ch ane present. If 3 moles of Ch ane sntro duced inside Abe vessel, what snlh he the ners concertrotion of FC1, 7 Vetume of vessel 4 1 Litre. PC. (4) = PCR (a) + Ce (9) Ans: We already Anew thot tritiolty » Abe naackion i tr eabibninm. Bo, we can caleate Ke P Che (g) <= PCE (a) ay C24.(4) Q wool 1. tel trol _ Crea) Lead’ kK c Cece)’ Scanned with CamScanner l ! Gt K. = (4) > 2 When 3 moles of Ch are infroduced (te he vessel , tAow Coe = 1432 2 4 w/e l Cro.) = [mol / £ CP Cee J = 2 mek /L do, G.= 4X12 2 a2 ce. 8.> Ke 5 Aackuord reackion ..|.—Cldrwtrst~—O P Cts (4) + Cha) == PCPe (2) £=0 | mel G mel 2 mol teHy(I-aDel Gaz) mel (Q+%) mel Scanned with CamScanner me Pcte), Lee) ey ~ LP cay Tey! ce eer) ne = 2 U2) (4-2) Atx = 2 (C4- me — fx + 2%) Bp Atm = F- 10% +rax7 > Qe ii = @ de = [tt Viai-49 _ [2 fae u q (SS 4 > nmr = 4-885, O-G6IS— 2% Kannot An Ooo oe oo. e

NH, (9) + 4,S(¢) J NH (3) <= x (y+ 24(2) Lt es found Aho 1 mele of the Scanned with CamScanner the tio eypilbria ane ectatlibed. Akso, A ce found Ahot hore ore O- F5° moles of ae foe the Bapribhrinn concertiation ot NH. Ama: NH,HS(4) <= Niy(9) +15 (a) t=O 10% = Qirol ° ° SI EDEL Game tnt Wile flee ce N45 (4) == 4 Aa(a + 2 (g) ee ee We Rum thot Bee | O17 oe Scanned with CamScanner Concer tration of NH, 0 eq chid mcm = (Ne = [=x 2 0-5 = 0-25 mel a 2 Te Q-4: X2(4) <= AXx(a) At the stat, tou is one mle of Xe oly Lhe ramrben of moles of X frumed ok typlitniun 2 B. Ue Total frersune i 2 bar. Find ke ee Meee of, B- Can p Ae rapa £o 0 F mel) Tsk, . iver : AG’ fer tte above raachin As feitive . Ans : X2 (4) == AX(V E=O Limek © mol t = tes, (- 2¢) mol 2x mol Scanned with CamScanner $% = [~2 gg | +2 = fh x2 (228) x2 han I+ 6/2 A+B PX = 2% xQ = AxP/a yy | + 2¢ I+ P/a See ae A+h 2 kK, - bx r bx, _ feeroh _ ep 2f@-pferp} — 2(2- (248) : 8h = ££ “ (Q-) (2+) 4p Scanned with CamScanner | 3x (0-3) | r a (0.792 We bnew Heat AG = -R T Ln. Kp AG & +Vve (gre en yastenn) bo, “RT LA Kp 4s +VeE. “~RTL&Ke > O > ~ dnkp > 0 > dn~kp < 0 > 2.303 Log Kp < O 7 hog kK, < 0 Hence 5 we con cQide Phok& fp ConmoE he O-.F. Scanned with CamScanner Note ) rg a rneackan Aas gqrssous Specks only ru Gokeous os well as “ltd Species, the AG = ~ RT hn kp. 2) Tf a peackicon has Onpuous Afecies onky or O4peous amd solid Apectes, then AG = Ske 3) If ~ renchien Aes gaseous at well A Apaous &becies, ther se do net moke the dishiction and. Wwe use Concortiotrans * pro us afecres . ) AG” & the standard free erergg change $e a neackin hich Scanned with CamScanner soot Leal to completa conversion oh fk renctants intially present ok Astanrdord conditions (im, ( ot) 6 products ot standard conditions Cm, lat). 5) AG is the ackiol fps eng y change ok any instant corresponding te the actual concerPrations ov portal pressures of nanckati, producti, 6) AG =O o& aap bitrinn. 2 AG = AG +2:303RT Log G (Hoe, = Gp if the nanctvon Compress of gascous species only or kelils as well as qotes. Scanned with CamScanner Q = Be uf te rnaockion Compnii er of Aspro us Apecies onby or asolicls as well ar aspeous speci), Scanned with CamScanner

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