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1.) Describe what you see (use strong
Two men, one with immense worry and fear
and the other with anger, are sitting beneath a
dead tree, watching leaves fall onto the
ground. The man who looks afraid seems to be
looking up at the sky/at the leaves that are
falling to the ground

2.) What might the colours suggest?

The colour scheme in this book cover is blue and
brown with an occasional splash of worn-out
white. These colours are dull and may suggest the
depressed/upset mood the two men are in.

3.) What emotions do the images

The emotions that the images evoke are empathy
and curiosity. This is due to the facial expressions
of the men — one man looks worried and scared
while the other man looks angry, but all that the
cover shows us that may be of possible
disturbance are the leaves falling to the ground.
However, it is not likely that the men are afraid or
angry of leaves falling to the ground. The audience
will also feel empathy for the scared looking man
because they might want to comfort him.
4.) What does the title suggest?
Questions based on predictions
The title, ‘Of Mice and Men’, may suggest the harshness of life for the vulnerable because the reference of
mice mightbe aWhat might
metaphor forthis
peoplebe about?the impoverished.
This novel might be about two men trying to farm in a drought affected area.
 does
5.) What Whatthe
themes might
sentence this novel
across include?
the top make you think?
The themes
That involvedisinthe
John Steinbeck thisauthor
novel of
might include‘Of
the book, poverty, agriculture,
Mice and Men’. hard work, and friendship/family values.
 Who might be the protagonist?
Where be two protagonists
might the settingin this
be?book for there is a picture of two men (they are most likely the main
The in the front
setting might be in a drought covervillage/farm/ranch
affected of the book for the tree is wilting.

7.) Who is the character on the front and what makes you thinks this?
The character on the front might be the main character for he and his facial expression seem to be the focal
Making connections — self, text, world
point of the book cover.
Self connection: My mum, all though not a farmer or landscaper, is an ardent and hardworking gardener
a tinyare
vegetable garden in our
the characters on backyard.
the backI and
that this connection
makes will bethis?
you think relevant to the theme,
that I predict will be in the book, of agriculture.
The character on the back is probably the main character’s family/friend for they are important enough to be
Text connection:
included in the bookSudra
but notbook, ‘Threeenough
important Thousand Stitches’,
to have is a collection
the same amount ofofspotlight
novels that shecharacter
as the had
written based on real life events she had witnessed as a philanthropist. The stories in the novel are mostly
on the front.
based on the themes of either hardwork, friendship, or both.
World connection: Choga Lal Saini is an Indian farmer who turned a portion of the Thar desert, a place
labelled as infertile, into his very own fruit grove. This might be connected to the themes, that I predict will be

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