QUARTER 3 - WEEK 1 ENGLISH Inkay - Peralta

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h Quarter
Week 3
Miss Nikael Donna R. Peralta
Unson Elementary School
Pagsanjan, Laguna
Quarter 3,

Week 1

1. Admire the selflessness and bravery of the character in

the poem
2. Listen attentively to a poem
3. Read aloud a poem with proper expression
4. Guess the meaning of unfamilliar words through context
Vocabulary Development
Find a synonym for the underlined word.
Choose your answers from the words in the box.

brave impressed nosedestroyed courageous

1. The fearless soldiers are ready to defend their country

against the enemies. They are not afraid to fight with the
2. The lion’s snout is similar to that of the dog’s.
3. The strong typhoon wrecked some houses. The men were
busy repairing their houses after the typhoon.
4. When the clown moved his stick, a rabbit appeared. The
kids were awed by the clown’s magic trick.
5. Our ancient heroes were bold enough to fight for our
freedom. inkayperal
What is your dog’s name?
What does your dog love to do?
Where does it love to stay?
Read and Learn
Kabang, a True Hero
Lilibeth A. Magtang

By the roadside, Kabang lay Fearless Kabang flew just as fast

Counting men, one... two... three... Bumped the motorcycle in just a snap
Counting wheels, oh, too many
Caught in the spokes, she lost her snout
Catching sight of you and me.
And a wrecked face that’s what she
“Aw, aw” she barked to two little
Passing her by, both smiled sweetly Badly hurt, Kabang hid for days
When out of nowhere came Leaving us awed, daunted, and
screeching impressed
A speeding vehicle was A hero she is, standing in our midst
A true hero, so valiant, bold, and brave.
Read and Learn
Kabang, a True Hero
Lilibeth A. Magtang

By the roadside, Kabang lay Fearless Kabang flew just as fast

Counting men, one... two... three... Bumped the motorcycle in just a snap
Counting wheels, oh, too many
Caught in the spokes, she lost her snout
Catching sight of you and me.
And a wrecked face that’s what she
“Aw, aw” she barked to two little
Passing her by, both smiled sweetly Badly hurt, Kabang hid for days
When out of nowhere came Leaving us awed, daunted, and
screeching impressed
A speeding vehicle was A hero she is, standing in our midst
Kabang, aA truetrue
hero, sohero
valiant, bold, and brave.
After the operation
Quarter 3,
Week 1

Note significant details in a poem
listened to

Read and Learn
Kabang, a True Hero
Lilibeth A. Magtang

By the roadside, Kabang lay Fearless Kabang flew just as fast

Counting men, one... two... three... Bumped the motorcycle in just a snap
Counting wheels, oh, too many
Caught in the spokes, she lost her snout
Catching sight of you and me.
And a wrecked face that’s what she
“Aw, aw” she barked to two little
girls Badly hurt, Kabang hid for days
Passing her by, both smiled sweetly
Leaving us awed, daunted, and
When out of nowhere came impressed
A hero she is, standing in our midst
A speeding vehicle was
approaching. A true hero, so valiant, bold, and brave.
Cooperative Group Activities
Group 1

Draw the scene in the first stanza,

showing the things which Kabang saw

Group 2

Read stanza 2. Dramatize the scene where

Kabang greeted the two girls, who both
smiled at her sweetly in return. The others
will act as jeepney, bus, motorcycle. One will
act as the screeching vehicle.

Cooperative Group Activities
Group 3

Draw Kabang after the accident. Your

drawing should show the bruises on
Kabang’s face and the lost snout. Write a
sentence or two under your drawing.

Group 4 Thank You Kabang!

Pretend that you were one
of those saved by Kabang. Thank you for _____________________
Write a Thank You letter to ____ _______________________________.
her or dramatize what you
will tell Kabang. Love,
1. What did Kabang love to do?
2. Where did Kabang love stay?
3. What did she see?
4. Who did Kabang greet?
5. What did the two girls do when Kabang
Group 1 greeted them?
6. Would you do the same if you were the girls?
7. What happened next?

8. What happened to Kabang?

9. What do you think did Kabang feel?
Group 2 10.What do you think did the two girls feel?
11.11. If you were one of the girls, what would
you feel?
12.How do you think Kabang looked after the
Group 3 Present your drawing and read the
sentences that you wrote.

13.Were the two girls hurt? Why or why not?

14.What do you think would have happened to the girls if
Kabang did not bump the motorcycle?
15.Who should they thank for being saved from the accident?

Present the Thank You letter that you wrote to

Group 4 Kabang. (This may be done as an introductory
lesson on composing a thank you letter.)
16.Did Kabang think of herself and of what would happen when
she saved the girls?
17.What trait did Kabang show in this situation?
18.Think of an incident when you thought of others first before
thinking of yourself.
Talk about it
Fill in the blanks with correct answers.
1. The poem has _________
2. Each stanza has _________ lines.
3. The rhyming words in the first
stanza are ______ and
4. The rhyme scheme in the first
stanza is _________.
5. In second stanza, the rhyming
words are __________ and
Quarter 3,

Week 1

• Identify and use the adjective that best

describes a person, animal, place, thing or
• Write a paragraph describing a person,
animal, place, thing or event
Talk about it
Read the following sentences.
1. Kabang is a true hero.
2. The two girls saved.
3. They looked frightened.

• What are the

underlined words?

• What do they do
in each sentence?

Adjectives are
words that describe
nouns or pronouns.
They tell about the
kind, color, or
number of a noun or
Guided Practice
Activity 1: Give words that describe the
given pictures.

Guided Practice
Activity 2: Facilitate a simple guessing game.

 Describe a certain object in the classroom.

Mention its color, shape or kind. Make sure it is
easily seen in the classroom.
 Call a volunteer to guess the object that is being
 The pupil who is able to give the correct answer
takes his/her turn in asking classmates.
 This goes on until most of the pupils have taken
their turns or after the pupils can confidently
give describing words or adjectives.
Guided Practice
Activity 3:
Go back to the poem and point out
all the adjectives used. Write them
on the board then let the pupils
read them.

Find Out and Learn
Pick out the adjective in each
sentence. Write your answer on
your paper.
1. I know many heroes.
2. They are selfless.
3. They save people.
4. The blue whale is a hero of the sea.
5. I have read about twenty-four animals
regarded as heroes.

Try and Learn
Which adjective best describes the picture? Write your
answer in a separate sheet of paper.

sharp long

cold hot

good funny
fast happy
hot fast

Try and Learn
Unscramble the words to form a sentence.
Write the sentence in your notebook.

balloons are There

yellow ripe. A is

Carabao It a big is
Write about it
Look closely at the picture. Write a three-to-five sentence
paragraph with adjectives to describe what you see in the

Quarter 3,

Week 1

• Distinguish reality from fantasy

• Note significant details in the story read
Unlocking of Difficulties
When she stands, my grandmother’s knees
• What does “wobble” mean?
shake dance steady

Our grandparents who can hardly move
around often call us and ask us to fetch
something for them.
• What does “fetch” mean?
buy get throw
When my grandparents are sad, we tell jokes,
sing, dance or do something to amuse them.

• make
does “amuse” mean?love

Yesterday, Lito was sad because his pet was
sick. Now that his pet is well, he is pleased.

• What does “pleased”

lonely excited mean?

My sister plays the banduria.
Read and Learn
Becky Bravo (Adapted)

There was an old man who lived at

the top of a very high mountain. He had
no one with him but his dog named
Since he was very old, and his knees
often wobbled, he could not go down
the mountain and climb up again. The
village people at the foot of the
mountain were also too busy to be able
to see the old man at the mountain top.
Everytime he’d feel lonely, the old
man would call Fetch and let him get
something down the mountain that can
amuse him.
First, Fetch got him a banduria. “Master,” said the dog. “Here is a
gift from the man whose house is full of music.” When the old
man became lonely again, Fetch got him something from the
village. Next, Fetch went down the mountain and when he came
back, he brought a sungka. “Master, here is a gift from the man
whose house is full of playthings,” Fetch said. The next things he
brought from the village for the old man were a pet monkey, a
parrot, and a music box which he said were also gifts from different
people. One day, however, the old man needed something else
that would amuse him.
Fetch hurriedly went down the mountain from the east side to
west side and around and back again just to find one last thing that
could amuse his master. Fetch talked to the village people so the
people went up the mountain and soon decided to build their
houses around the old man’s house. The old man was very happy.
He thanked his dog Fetch, saying, “You have served me well. You
have fetched me the village. I am pleased.”
1. Who are the characters in the
2. Where did the old man live?
3. Who was with him?
4. What gifts did Fetch bring the old
5. Which do you think made the old
man very happy? Why?
6. Do stories like this happen in real
life? Are there parts of the story
that are impossible to happen?
What are they?
Try and Learn
Write R if the sentence is a Reality and F if it is a Fantasy.
______1. The spirit of all the garbage in the
dumpsite got mad and its anger caused the trash to
______2. Typhoons can be prevented if we make an
offering to the wind god.
______3. People can grow wings and fly in the sky.
______4. Modern technology and medical
inventions can save lives.
______5. Children can be taught to behave well.
______6. Trees grow fully overnight.
______7. We can now live in outer space for good.
______8. Poor people may have better lives in the
______9. We can chat with somebody abroad
through the computer.
_____10. One can be reached almost anywhere
through the cellular phone.
Events that actually
happen in real life are
Events that are
impossible to happen
are fantasy. They are
just products of
Try and Learn
Read the event in this story. Put a check / on the ____
before each sentence that can happen in real life and X if
it can’t happen.
_____1. The old man live with his dog
_____2. Fetch got a banduria from a
man in the village.
_____3. Fetch told the village people
one thing that would amuse the old
_____4. The village people build their
houses around the old man’s home.
_____5. The old man was very happy
when people lived near his house.
Try and Learn
Write R if the sentence tells what can happen in real life; F if
the sentence tells what can’t happen in real life.

______1. Many passengers are

waiting for a bus.
______2. A fairy came and let them
enter a big room.
______3. Many poor people are
being helped by the government.
______4. Many students study hard
in order to get good grades.
______5. The ghost let the pupil
enter the haunted house.
Quarter 3,

Week 1

• Use a thesaurus to find synonyms and

antonyms of words

Read the following short sentences.
1. There are tiny pebbles in the garden.
2. An elephant is a big animal.
3. The sampaguita flower smells fragrant.

This time, replace

the underlined
words with the
following words.
• small
• huge
• sweet

Words like: round
and circle, small and
tiny, big and huge,
and fragrant and
sweet have the
same meaning.
These are called

Now, try replacing the underlined
words with the following:
big , small, foul

1. There are tiny pebbles

in the garden.
2. An elephant is a big
3. The sampaguita flower
smells fragrant.
When we use these
words, the meaning
of the sentence is
changed. These
words mean the
opposite of the
underlined words.
They are called
Here are more examples of
synonyms and antonyms:
1. cold - freezing
2. large – big
3. trash - garbage
4. shout - yell
5. speak - talk
6. young - old
7. day - night
8. near - far
9. dry - wet
10.long - short
Learn Some More
Take a look at the sample thesaurus entry below.
Study it and answer the questions that follow.
Main Entry: great
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: excellent, skillful
Synonyms: absolute, admirable, awesome, best,
exceptional, expert, fantastic, good, marvelous,
wonderful, tremendous
Antonyms: ignorant, poor, stupid, unskilled, weak

1. What is the main entry on this page of the

2. What part of speech is the word great?
3. What is the meaning of the word great?
4. What are some synonyms of great?
5. What are the antonyms of great?
Exercise 1
Try and Learn
Study the thesaurus entry and answer the questions that follow.

Main Entry: heroic

Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: having the characteristics of a hero, very brave
Synonyms: noble, courageous, valiant, bold, fearless,
daring, undaunted, gallant, chivalrous
Antonyms: afraid, cowardly, faint-hearted, fearful,

1. What is the main entry on this page of the thesaurus?

2. What part of speech is the word heroic?
3. What is the meaning of the word heroic?
4. Give three synonyms of heroic.
5. Give three antonyms of heroic.

A thesaurus is a book
that gives the synonyms
and antonyms of a word.
Aside from synonyms and
antonyms, a thesaurus
also gives the meaning
and part of speech of a
Exercise 2
Try and Learn
Using a thesaurus, give the synonym and antonym of each
underlined word.
1. Kabang is a brave dog.
2. Keep your room always tidy.
3. Louise has been very silent.
4. The muse has a pretty face.
5. There are plenty of dry leaves scattered on the ground.

Word Synonym Antonym

Exercise 3
Try and Learn
Replace the underlined word with a synonym inside the
parenthesis. Be guided by context clues and the use of a

1. My aged grandmother can hardly stand on her own feet.

(young, old)
2. This clever boy can explain his drawing instantly. (smart,
3. Mother’s gold bracelet is costly. (cheap, expensive)
4. I want the house to be clean all the time. (tidy, messy)
5. The initial letter of her name Minerva is M. (last, first)
Exercise 4
Try and Learn
Write the antonym of each word. Get your answer from the

messy hard sad noisy bad

wide cold dry right rich

1. good __________ 6. soft ____________

2. wet ___________ 7. quiet ___________
3. clean __________ 8. wrong __________
4. narrow _________ 9. hot ____________
5. happy __________ 10. poor ___________


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