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Higher Nationals

Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF)


Program title HND in Computing

Assessor Verifier

Unit 14: Business Intelligence


Assignment title Applying BI solutions to enhance and improve business operations

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Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form

Student Name/ID KUR00133075/M.G.Dineru Sahan Hiruwinda

Unit Title Unit 14: Business Intelligence

Assignment Number Assessor

4/12/2023 Date Received

Submission Date 1st submission

Date Received 2nd

Re-submission Date submission

Assessor Feedback:

LO1 Discuss business processes and the mechanisms used to support business decision-making.

Pass, Merit & Distinction P1 M1 D1


LO2 Compare the tools and technologies associated with business intelligence functionality.

Pass, Merit & Distinction P2 M2 D2


LO3 Demonstrate the use of business intelligence tools and technologies

Pass, Merit & Distinction P3 P4 M3 D3


LO4 Discuss the impact of business intelligence tools and technologies for

effective decision-making purposes and the legal/regulatory context in which

they are used.

Pass, Merit & Distinction P5 P6 M4 D4


Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Resubmission Feedback:
Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and grades
decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.
Assignment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

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Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor Date
Student signature m Date 4/12/2023
Pearson Higher Nationals in


Unit 14: Business

Intelligence Assignment 01
General Guidelines

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Higher National Diploma in Business

Assignment Brief

Student Name /ID Number KUR00133075

Unit Number and Title Unit 14 : Business Intelligence

Academic Year 2021/2022

Unit Tutor

Assignment Title Business Process Support Mechanisms

Issue Date

Submission Date

IV Name & Date

Submission format

The submission should be in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a
concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use
of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with
research and referenced. Follow Harvard referencing system for in-text citations, reference list and
the bibliography.. The recommended word limit is 4,000–4,500 words, although you will not be
penalised for exceeding the total word limit.
Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Discuss business processes and the mechanisms used to support business

LO2 Compare the tools and technologies associated with business intelligence

LO3 Demonstrate the use of business intelligence tools and technologies

LO4 Discuss the impact of business intelligence tools and technologies for effective
decision-making purposes and the legal/regulatory context in which they are used
Assignment Brief and Guidance:

Data and information are core to any organizational business process. Meaningful information is
a necessity to drive profitable business actions. The concept of Business Intelligence (BI) has
evolved through technologies such as Decision Support Systems (DSS) to a number of tools,
technologies, architectures and methods which involves data cleaning, data integration, data
mining, data evaluation and data representation. Hence BI can be identified as a software suite
of software and services to transform data into actionable intelligence and knowledge.


Yard of Ale is a large-scale brewery in Sri Lanka and well establish company control 20% market
share of beer market which is the 2nd biggest market share from entire beer market. The
company have automated production line include mills, Brewhouse and bottling plant and each
control by separate embedded software system not allowed to access operational data stores
but can be configured to generate CSV or excel operational data file at the end of each batch.
The company consists of multiple departments responsible for each operations of the
organization such as Production, Engineering, HR/Legal, finance, Sales and marketing,
Procurement, Administration, Quality control, Research and development, IT and each and
every department have its own operational systems to record keeping purposes and each
operational application software developed by professionally. Each department manages by a
department manager. For an example, production department manages by the production
manager and he is responsible for manage all production related operations in sub departments.
Mills ,Brewhouse ,Bottling plant, raw material and finish products stores and each sub
department managed by operational manager. This hierarchical configuration replicates
throughout most of the department. Upper management of brewery required to consolidate all
these data in to one data warehouse with the data contain in the legacy system as well. Other
than that upper management required to incorporate every external data about company and
products from various data collection and research agencies the business intelligent system.
Those external data available as JSON/XML data files, plain text reports, social media
comments/posts and all negative and positive online comments about organization and

Upper management of company believe more you know about organization and the external
environment you have better completive advantage. Have potential to control bigger market
share and effectively become number 1 beer in Sri Lanka

Task 1

Analyse the business processes and the supporting processes of the organization given in
the scenario and differentiate between semi structured and unstructured data. Evaluate
the benefits and drawbacks of using application software to handle the business processes
in Yard of Ale.

Task 2

Compare how strategic, tactical and operational decisions are supported within the
organization for business decision making process. You have to furthermore compare and
contrast how various information systems (TPS,MIS,DSS) could be utilized to enhance
those decisions with related to key features of BI framework . Justify your answer with
relevant to the functionalities of business intelligence.

Task 3

Chief Engineer is the tactical manager of engineering department who oversees all repairs and
maintenance of the total eight sectors of the factory that include water purification plant,
Mill, Brewhouse, bottling plant, waste treatment plant, factory maintenance and repair/
fabrication shop. Each sector consists of two or more sub sectors and each subsector have 4-
10 of machines. Chief engineer requires to track the maintenance and repair all the
machineries with minimal disruption to production and he must maintain healthy inventory
of spare parts which consist of over 5000s items, track the progress of every jobs, Identify
problematic arias, Track engineers and mechanics work logs and efficiency and monitor
system downtime.

3.1. Explain what business intelligence is and the tools and technologies associated with it by
taking relevant examples to the organization given in the scenario.

3.2. Design a Managerial dash board for chief engineer using various data visualizations
methodologies that includes 6-8 widgets to present required information. Apply appropriate
customizations that can utilize to improve the managerial dashboard designed above .
Critically evaluate how your Dashboard design and the suggested enhancement could
optimize chief engineer’s performance by delivering accurate and reliable information to
increase his effectiveness.

Task 4

4.1. Discuss how organizational decision-making process can be improved by implementing

business intelligence tools. Conduct a research to identify the organizations that have utilized
new business intelligent innovations and trends to improve their performance and to extend
BI systems to target audience, provide better competitive advantage within the market.

4.2. Sharing data within the organization through a BI tool can raise legal, ethical and
professional concerns. Explore the legal issues that may result when using business
intelligence tools (Eg: Data protection laws, Cyber security, etc.) and evaluate how the
chosen organization and extend the target audience / gain a competitive advantage by
securely exploiting Business Intelligence tools.
Grading Rubric

Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback

LO1 Discuss business processes and the mechanisms

used to support business decision-making.

P1 Examine, using examples, the terms ‘Business

Process’ and ‘Supporting Processes’.

M1 Differentiate between unstructured and semi-

structured data within an organisation.

D1 Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of using

application software as a mechanism for business

LO2 Compare the tools and technologies associated

with business intelligence functionality
P2 Compare the types of support available for business
decision-making at varying levels within an

M2 Justify, with specific examples, the key features of

business intelligence functionality.

D2 Compare and contrast a range of information

systems and technologies that can be used to support

organisations at operational, tactical and strategic


LO3 Demonstrate the use of business intelligence tools

and technologies

P3 Determine, with examples, what business

intelligence is and the tools and techniques associated
with it.

P4 Design a business intelligence tool, application or

interface that can perform a specific task to support

problem-solving or decision-making at an advanced


M3 Customise the design to ensure that it is user

friendly and has a functional interface.

D3 Provide a critical review of the design in terms of

how it meetsa specific user or business requirement and identify
what customisation has been integrated into the


LO4 Discuss the impact of business intelligence tools

and technologies for effective decision-making

purposes and the legal/regulatory context in which

they are used

P5 Discuss how business intelligence tools can

contribute to effective decision-making.

P6 Explore the legal issues involved in the secure

exploitation of business intelligence tools.

M4 Conduct research to identify specific examples of

organisations that have used business intelligence

tools to enhance or improve operations

D4 Evaluate how organisations could use business

intelligence to extend their target audience and make

them more competitive within the market, taking
security legislation into consideration.

Task 01.......................................................................................................................................

I. Introduction.............................................................................................................................

II. Business Processes.................................................................................................................

III. Supporting Processes............................................................................................................

IV. Semi-Structured and Unstructured Data..............................................................................

V. Benefits and Drawbacks of Application Software................................................................

Task 02.......................................................................................................................................

I. Introduction.............................................................................................................................

II. Supporting Business Decisions..............................................................................................

III. Utilizing Information Systems.............................................................................................

IV. Enhancing Business Decision Making with BI Framework................................................

V. Justification............................................................................................................................

Task 03.......................................................................................................................................

Business intelligence (BI)..........................................................................................................

The Suggested Managerial Dashboard.......................................................................................

Suggested Customizations........................................................................................................

Task 04.....................................................................................................................................

BI Tool Implementation...........................................................................................................

Issues With The Implementation..............................................................................................

M.G.Dineru Sahan Hiruwinda E163365 BI

Task 01

I. Introduction
Yard of Ale is a well-established brewery in Sri Lanka, holding a 20% market share in the
beer industry, which is the second largest share in the entire beer market. The brewery has
an automated production line that includes mills, a Brewhouse, and a bottling plant. Each
system is controlled by separate embedded software systems that generate CSV or Excel
operational data files at the end of each batch. The company comprises multiple
departments responsible for each operation, and each department has its own operational
systems to keep records.

The purpose of this analysis is to examine the business processes and supporting
processes of Yard of Ale and to differentiate between semi-structured and unstructured
data. Additionally, this analysis evaluates the benefits and drawbacks of using application
software to handle the business processes in Yard of Ale. By doing so, we can identify
potential areas of improvement and recommend solutions that can help Yard of Ale
achieve its goal of becoming the number one beer in Sri Lanka.

II. Business Processes

• Yard of Ale is a well-established brewery in Sri Lanka that holds a 20% market
share of the beer market, which is the second-largest market share in the industry. The
company operates with a hierarchical management structure and is comprised of several
departments, including Production, Engineering, HR/Legal, Finance, Sales and
Marketing, Procurement, Administration, Quality Control, Research and Development,
and IT. Each department is responsible for specific operations within the organization,
and each department is managed by a department manager.

• The Production Department, headed by the Production Manager, is responsible for

managing all production-related operations. The production process involves several
stages, including milling, brewhouse, and bottling plant, and each stage is controlled by

M.G.Dineru Sahan Hiruwinda E163365 BI

separate embedded software systems. These systems are not allowed to access operational
data stores, but they can be configured to generate CSV or Excel operational data files at
the end of each batch. Additionally, there are sub-departments under the Production
Department, such as Mills, Brewhouse, Bottling Plant, Raw Material and Finished
Products stores, and each sub-department is managed by an operational manager.

• The brewery's business processes involve several supporting processes, including

HR/Legal, Finance, Sales and Marketing, Procurement, Administration, Quality Control,
Research and Development, and IT. Each of these departments has its own operational
system for record-keeping purposes, and all the operational application software has been
developed professionally.

• In Yard of Ale, each department uses its own operational systems to manage its
respective functions. The Production department uses operational systems to manage its
milling, brewing, and bottling processes. The Engineering department manages the
maintenance of the production line, while the HR/Legal department manages the human
resources and legal affairs of the company. The Finance department handles the financial
transactions and reporting, while the Sales and Marketing department is responsible for
promoting and selling the company's products. The Procurement department handles the
procurement of raw materials and other supplies needed for the production process.

• The Administration department takes care of the day-to-day administration of the

company, including managing correspondence and office services. The Quality Control
department ensures that the products meet the quality standards set by the company. The
Research and Development department is responsible for developing new products and
improving the existing ones. The IT department handles the company's information
technology needs, including maintaining the software systems used by the different

• Overall, each department has its own specific operational systems that are used to
manage its respective functions. These systems are designed to be efficient and effective
in managing the operations of the company, and they play a vital role in ensuring the
smooth running of the business.

M.G.Dineru Sahan Hiruwinda E163365 BI

III. Supporting Processes
Yard of Ale brewery, in addition to its core business processes, also has several
supporting processes to help the organization operate smoothly. These supporting
processes include functions such as procurement, finance, human resources,
administration, marketing, research and development, quality control, and information
technology. Each department has its own operational systems in place to carry out these
supporting processes.

The procurement department is responsible for sourcing raw materials and supplies
required for the production process. The finance department handles all financial
transactions, including payroll, accounts payable, and accounts receivable. The human
resources department is responsible for managing employee recruitment, retention, and
welfare. The administration department is in charge of managing office operations, such
as maintenance and security. The marketing department manages the brand and product
promotion. Research and development department conduct research to improve the
product quality and to develop new products. Quality control department monitors the
product quality to maintain the expected quality standards. The information technology
department is responsible for managing the operational systems and maintaining the
technical infrastructure.

In addition to the internal data sources used by the departments, the organization also
needs to gather external information for strategic decision-making. Yard of Ale uses
various sources such as data collected by external research agencies, social media
comments, product reviews, market trends, and competitor analysis. These data sources
provide Yard of Ale with valuable insights into consumer preferences, market trends, and
competitor strategies. Some of the external information sources provide structured data,
such as market reports, while others provide unstructured data, such as social media
comments and product reviews.

Overall, the supporting processes and external information sources play a critical role in
Yard of Ale's operations and help the organization to stay competitive in the market.

M.G.Dineru Sahan Hiruwinda E163365 BI

IV. Semi-Structured and Unstructured Data
In the context of data management, semi-structured data refers to data that doesn't have a
fixed schema, but still has some organizational properties that allow it to be easily
searched and analyzed. On the other hand, unstructured data refers to data that has no
identifiable structure or format and is typically difficult to search and analyze.

In the scenario of Yard of Ale brewery, there are various types of data that fall under
these categories. The operational data files that are generated at the end of each
production batch by the embedded software systems can be considered as semi-structured
data. These files contain information in a specific format (e.g. CSV or Excel) that can be
easily parsed and analyzed.

On the other hand, the social media comments and posts that are collected as external data
sources can be considered as unstructured data. These comments and posts may contain a
mix of text, images, and videos, and they do not follow any specific structure or format.
Therefore, it is challenging to search and analyze this data without the use of specialized
tools and techniques.

Understanding the distinction between semi-structured and unstructured data is crucial for
developing appropriate data management strategies and tools. In the case of Yard of Ale
brewery, it is essential to have a system that can handle both types of data effectively to
gain a complete picture of the organization and the external environment.

V. Benefits and Drawbacks of Application Software

Yard of Ale Brewery has automated its production line, and each process is controlled by
separate embedded software systems. Furthermore, each department has its operational
systems for record-keeping purposes. The upper management of the brewery wants to
consolidate all the data into one data warehouse and incorporate external data about the
company and its products to the business intelligence system. In this context, it is
essential to evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of using application software to handle
business processes in Yard of Ale.

Benefits: One of the significant benefits of using application software is automation.

Application software can automate routine and repetitive tasks, reducing human

M.G.Dineru Sahan Hiruwinda E163365 BI

intervention and errors, and increasing efficiency. For example, in Yard of Ale, the
embedded software systems control the production line, which reduces the need for
manual intervention and increases the accuracy and speed of the production process.

Another benefit of using application software is data management. Application software

can manage large volumes of data effectively, store it securely, and retrieve it quickly.
This can help Yard of Ale to consolidate all its data into one data warehouse and gain
insights into its operations, leading to better decision-making.

Drawbacks: One of the significant drawbacks of using application software is cost.

Developing or purchasing application software can be expensive, and maintenance and
upgrades can add to the cost. In Yard of Ale, the upper management wants to consolidate
all the data into one data warehouse and incorporate external data about the company and
its products to the business intelligence system. This may require investing in new
software, which can be expensive.

Another drawback of using application software is complexity. Application software can

be complex and require specialized skills to operate and maintain. This can add to the cost
and make it challenging to find qualified personnel to operate and maintain the software.

In conclusion, using application software to handle business processes can have

significant benefits, such as automation and data management, but it also has drawbacks,
such as cost and complexity. The decision to use application software should be based on
a careful evaluation of the benefits and drawbacks and an assessment of the organization's
needs and resources.

Task 02.

I. Introduction
Yard of Ale is a well-established brewery in Sri Lanka, which controls a significant 20%
market share of the beer market. Effective decision-making is critical for the success and
sustainability of any organization, and Yard of Ale is no exception. This essay will
explore how Yard of Ale supports strategic, tactical, and operational decisions within the

M.G.Dineru Sahan Hiruwinda E163365 BI

organization's business decision-making process. Furthermore, it will compare and
contrast how various information systems, such as TPS, MIS, and DSS, could be utilized
to enhance these decisions with the related key features of the Business Intelligence (BI)

II. Supporting Business Decisions

The decision-making process in any organization is a crucial aspect that can determine
the success or failure of the organization. Yard of Ale brewery, like any other
organization, has to make various decisions at different levels of the organization
hierarchy. These levels include strategic, tactical, and operational decision making.

Strategic decisions are the highest level of decisions made in an organization and they are
made by top-level managers. These decisions have a long-term impact on the
organization and are usually concerned with the overall direction and goals of the
organization. In the case of Yard of Ale brewery, strategic decisions would include
decisions about the expansion of the business, entering new markets, and introducing new

Tactical decisions are the decisions made by middle-level managers and are concerned
with implementing the strategic decisions. These decisions have a medium-term impact
on the organization and are concerned with optimizing the resources of the organization
to achieve the strategic goals. In the case of Yard of Ale brewery, tactical decisions would
include decisions about production scheduling, inventory management, and marketing

Operational decisions are the lowest level of decisions made in an organization and are
made by front-line managers. These decisions are concerned with day-to-day activities of
the organization and have a short-term impact on the organization. In the case of Yard of
Ale brewery, operational decisions would include decisions about production quality,
maintenance scheduling, and staffing levels.

To support these decision-making processes, Yard of Ale brewery would need to have an
information system that is capable of providing accurate and timely information to
decision-makers at all levels of the organization. Different information systems such as

M.G.Dineru Sahan Hiruwinda E163365 BI

TPS, MIS, and DSS can be used to enhance these decisions, depending on the nature and
scope of the decision-making process.

III. Utilizing Information Systems

Information systems play a crucial role in enhancing the decision-making process in
organizations. There are different types of information systems, each designed to cater to
specific organizational needs. The three main types of information systems are
Transaction Processing Systems (TPS), Management Information Systems (MIS), and
Decision Support Systems (DSS).

TPS is a type of information system that collects, processes, and stores transactional data
from day-to-day business operations. TPS is designed to facilitate and support
operational-level decision making. In the case of Yard of Ale, TPS could be used to
record and process data related to the production process, inventory management, and
sales transactions. This data could then be used to generate reports that would provide
insight into the performance of the operational processes. By utilizing TPS, Yard of Ale
can improve the efficiency of their operations and decision-making processes.

MIS, on the other hand, is an information system that provides managers with reports and
data analysis tools to support their decision making. MIS is designed to support the
tactical-level decision making process. In the case of Yard of Ale, MIS could be used to
generate reports that provide insights into sales trends, customer behavior, and financial
performance. This information could be used by managers to make informed decisions on
marketing strategies, resource allocation, and product development. By utilizing MIS,
Yard of Ale can improve their tactical-level decision-making process.

DSS is an information system that provides decision-makers with access to interactive

tools and models to support strategic-level decision-making. DSS is designed to provide
decision-makers with access to data analysis and visualization tools that can aid in
identifying trends and patterns that may not be apparent in traditional reports. In the case
of Yard of Ale, DSS could be used to generate forecasts and simulations to aid in
strategic decision making, such as market expansion or product diversification. By

M.G.Dineru Sahan Hiruwinda E163365 BI

utilizing DSS, Yard of Ale can gain a competitive advantage by making informed
strategic-level decisions.

In terms of their key features, TPS is designed to support operational-level decision-

making, MIS is designed to support tactical-level decision-making, and DSS is designed
to support strategic-level decision-making. TPS is focused on processing transactions and
generating reports, while MIS focuses on generating reports and data analysis tools. DSS,
on the other hand, is focused on providing decision-makers with access to interactive
tools and models that can aid in strategic decision-making.

IV. Enhancing Business Decision Making with BI Framework

Information systems play a crucial role in enhancing the decision-making process in
organizations. There are different types of information systems, each designed to cater to
specific organizational needs. The three main types of information systems are
Transaction Processing Systems (TPS), Management Information Systems (MIS), and
Decision Support Systems (DSS).

TPS is a type of information system that collects, processes, and stores transactional data
from day-to-day business operations. TPS is designed to facilitate and support
operational-level decision making. In the case of Yard of Ale, TPS could be used to
record and process data related to the production process, inventory management, and
sales transactions. This data could then be used to generate reports that would provide
insight into the performance of the operational processes. By utilizing TPS, Yard of Ale
can improve the efficiency of their operations and decision-making processes.

MIS, on the other hand, is an information system that provides managers with reports and
data analysis tools to support their decision making. MIS is designed to support the
tactical-level decision making process. In the case of Yard of Ale, MIS could be used to
generate reports that provide insights into sales trends, customer behavior, and financial
performance. This information could be used by managers to make informed decisions on
marketing strategies, resource allocation, and product development. By utilizing MIS,
Yard of Ale can improve their tactical-level decision-making process.

M.G.Dineru Sahan Hiruwinda E163365 BI

DSS is an information system that provides decision-makers with access to interactive
tools and models to support strategic-level decision-making. DSS is designed to provide
decision-makers with access to data analysis and visualization tools that can aid in
identifying trends and patterns that may not be apparent in traditional reports. In the case
of Yard of Ale, DSS could be used to generate forecasts and simulations to aid in
strategic decision making, such as market expansion or product diversification. By
utilizing DSS, Yard of Ale can gain a competitive advantage by making informed
strategic-level decisions.

In terms of their key features, TPS is designed to support operational-level decision-

making, MIS is designed to support tactical-level decision-making, and DSS is designed
to support strategic-level decision-making. TPS is focused on processing transactions and
generating reports, while MIS focuses on generating reports and data analysis tools. DSS,
on the other hand, is focused on providing decision-makers with access to interactive
tools and models that can aid in strategic decision-making.

V. Justification
Business intelligence (BI) can play a significant role in enhancing business decision
making within Yard of Ale brewery. BI allows for the collection, analysis, and
interpretation of data from various sources, providing insights into business operations
and performance. By utilizing BI, Yard of Ale can make data-driven decisions, which can
improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase revenue.

BI can be used to support all three levels of decision making - strategic, tactical, and
operational. At the strategic level, BI can help in identifying market trends and customer
preferences, allowing Yard of Ale to make informed decisions regarding product
development and marketing strategies. At the tactical level, BI can provide insights into
sales and inventory data, enabling better management of supply chain and production
processes. At the operational level, BI can be used to monitor day-to-day operations, such
as quality control and customer service.

In terms of information systems, TPS, MIS, and DSS can all contribute to the
development of BI. TPS can collect data from various operational processes, such as sales


M.G.Dineru Sahan Hiruwinda E163365 BI

and inventory systems, and feed that data into the BI system. MIS can then be used to
analyze and organize that data into meaningful information. DSS can provide real-time
decision-making support by using predictive analytics and data visualization tools to
identify trends and patterns in the data.

While all three information systems have their unique features and benefits, BI stands out
as a comprehensive and integrated solution that can provide a holistic view of the
business. BI systems can collect data from various sources and consolidate it into a single
platform, allowing for easy access and analysis of the data. BI also has powerful data
visualization and reporting capabilities, making it easier to interpret and communicate
complex data.

The functionalities of BI justify its use in enhancing business decision making, as it

allows for faster and more accurate decision making, increased efficiency, and improved
performance. By using BI, Yard of Ale can gain a competitive advantage by identifying
market trends, optimizing supply chain and production processes, and improving
customer service. BI can also help in identifying areas for improvement and optimizing
resources, leading to increased profitability and long-term success for the organization.

Task 03.

Business intelligence (BI)

Business intelligence (BI) is a process that enables organizations to gather, analyze, and
interpret data from various sources to gain insights into business operations and
performance. BI systems help organizations to make informed decisions, and they are
essential for achieving business goals and improving performance.

The tools and technologies associated with BI are designed to help organizations to
collect, process, and analyze data from various sources. One such tool is data mining
software, which is used to identify patterns and relationships in large datasets. Data
mining tools can be used to identify customer behavior patterns, market trends, and other
important insights that can help organizations to make better decisions.


M.G.Dineru Sahan Hiruwinda E163365 BI

Another important tool in BI is reporting software. Reporting software enables
organizations to generate reports that summarize key business data in a clear and concise
manner. These reports can help organizations to identify trends, monitor performance,
and identify areas for improvement. For example, Yard of Ale brewery can use reporting
software to generate reports on sales performance, inventory levels, and production

Analytics software is another critical component of BI. Analytics software can help
organizations to identify patterns and trends in data, and it can be used to perform
predictive analytics. Predictive analytics involves using historical data to identify future
trends and make predictions about future events. For example, Yard of Ale brewery can
use analytics software to predict sales volumes for different product lines or identify
trends in customer behavior.

One example of a BI tool that Yard of Ale brewery can utilize is Microsoft Power BI.
Power BI is a suite of business analytics tools that allows users to connect to and analyze
data from various sources. It offers data visualization tools, data modeling tools, and
custom reporting options that can help organizations to gain valuable insights into their
business operations. With Power BI, Yard of Ale can connect to their TPS and MIS
systems to analyze their data and create interactive dashboards that allow them to monitor
key performance metrics in real-time.

In the scenario of Yard of Ale brewery, BI can be used to collect data from various
sources, such as sales and inventory systems, social media, and customer feedback. This
data can then be analyzed and interpreted using BI tools and technologies to provide
insights into business operations and performance.

One example of a BI tool that Yard of Ale can use is Tableau, a data visualization
software. Tableau can be used to create interactive dashboards and reports, allowing Yard
of Ale to easily interpret and communicate complex data. For instance, Tableau can be
used to track sales and inventory data over time, identifying trends and patterns that can
help Yard of Ale make data-driven decisions about inventory management and
production planning.


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Another example of a BI technology that can be used by Yard of Ale is predictive
analytics software, such as IBM Watson Analytics. This software can be used to identify
patterns and trends in the data and provide predictions about future business outcomes.
For instance, Watson Analytics can be used to predict which products are likely to sell
well based on past sales data and market trends.

Overall, BI tools and technologies can play a significant role in enhancing business
decision making within Yard of Ale brewery, allowing the organization to gain insights
into business operations and performance, make data-driven decisions, and gain a
competitive advantage in the market.

Interface of BI Dashboard

Figure 1: Bi dashboard

The Suggested Managerial Dashboard

To design a managerial dashboard for the chief engineer, we need to identify the key
performance indicators (KPIs) that are relevant to their role. These KPIs may include:

1. Machine uptime and downtime refer to the amount of time a machine is

operational and the amount of time it is not. It is an important metric to measure as it


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directly affects productivity and efficiency. By monitoring machine uptime and
downtime, managers can identify areas of improvement and take corrective action to
minimize downtime and maximize uptime.

2. Maintenance costs refer to the expenses incurred in maintaining and repairing

equipment. It includes the cost of spare parts, labor, and other associated costs. Tracking
maintenance costs can help managers identify trends and patterns, allowing them to
optimize maintenance schedules and reduce costs.

3. Energy consumption is the amount of energy used by a machine or process. It is

an important metric to track as it directly affects operational costs and environmental
impact. By monitoring energy consumption, managers can identify opportunities for
energy conservation and cost savings.

4. Equipment performance and efficiency refer to how well equipment is performing

its intended function and how efficiently it is doing so. It is an important metric to
measure as it affects productivity, quality, and operating costs. By monitoring equipment
performance and efficiency, managers can identify areas of improvement and take
corrective action to optimize performance.

5. Work order status refers to the current status of a work order, including its
progress, completion, and any issues encountered. It is an important metric to track as it
provides insight into the performance of the maintenance team and the effectiveness of
the maintenance program.

6. Inventory levels refer to the quantity of spare parts and supplies available for
maintenance and repair activities. It is an important metric to track as it affects the ability
to maintain equipment and the cost of maintenance. By monitoring inventory levels,
managers can identify potential shortages and take corrective action to ensure availability
of necessary parts and supplies.

Using these KPIs, we can design a dashboard with 6-8 widgets to present the required
information. The widgets could include:


M.G.Dineru Sahan Hiruwinda E163365 BI

1. Line chart showing machine uptime and downtime over time: A line chart is a
useful visualization to represent the trend of machine uptime and downtime over time.
The chart can display the machine uptime and downtime on the Y-axis and time on the X-
axis. The line chart can help identify any patterns in the machine's performance and
indicate if the uptime or downtime is improving or worsening over time. It can also help
predict future downtime or plan maintenance schedules.

2. Bar chart showing maintenance costs by department or equipment type: A bar

chart can be used to compare the maintenance costs of different departments or
equipment types. The chart can display the costs on the Y-axis and the departments or
equipment types on the X-axis. The chart can help identify which department or
equipment type is costing the most in terms of maintenance, and appropriate measures
can be taken to reduce the costs.

3. Gauge displaying current energy consumption levels: A gauge is a useful

visualization tool to represent a single value. It can be used to display the current energy
consumption level of a department or production line. The gauge can help monitor energy
consumption and alert when the consumption exceeds the expected levels.

4. Heatmap showing equipment performance and efficiency by department or

production line: A heatmap can be used to identify equipment performance and efficiency
by department or production line. The heatmap can use colors to represent the
equipment's performance and efficiency, with the best performing equipment being
displayed in green and the worst performing in red. The visualization can help identify
the areas where performance and efficiency can be improved.

5. Table showing work order status by equipment type and priority: A table can be
used to show the status of work orders by equipment type and priority. The table can
display the equipment type and priority on the X-axis and the status of work orders on the
Y-axis. The table can help identify which equipment type or priority is experiencing more
issues, and appropriate actions can be taken to reduce the downtime.

6. Pie chart showing inventory levels by item category: A pie chart can be used to
display inventory levels by item category. The chart can display the inventory levels for

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each category as a percentage of the total inventory. The visualization can help identify
which categories have a high inventory level and may require a reduction in production or

Suggested Customizations
To improve the effectiveness of the dashboard, we can apply customizations such as:

1. Adding filters to allow the chief engineer to drill down into specific departments
or equipment types

2. Adding alerts or notifications for equipment downtime or work order delays

3. Adding a dashboard theme that is easy to read and visually appealing

4. Adding a feature to export dashboard data to Excel or PDF for further analysis

This dashboard design can optimize the chief engineer's performance by delivering
accurate and reliable information in real-time. By monitoring KPIs such as machine
uptime and efficiency, the chief engineer can identify areas for improvement and make
data-driven decisions to optimize equipment performance and reduce maintenance costs.
By monitoring work order status and inventory levels, the chief engineer can ensure that
production processes run smoothly and that adequate inventory levels are maintained to
meet production demands.

Overall, this dashboard design can enhance the chief engineer's effectiveness by
providing a comprehensive view of key metrics and allowing for quick and informed
decision making.

Task 04.

BI Tool Implementation
The implementation of business intelligence (BI) tools can significantly improve an
organization's decision-making process by providing accurate and timely information to
support strategic, tactical, and operational decisions. BI systems can consolidate data
from various sources and present it in a meaningful way to aid decision-making.

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Many organizations have utilized new BI innovations and trends to improve their
performance and gain a competitive advantage in the market. For example, Amazon, one
of the largest e-commerce companies in the world, has implemented BI tools such as data
warehousing and predictive analytics to improve its supply chain management and
customer experience. Through the use of data analytics, Amazon can anticipate customer
demand, optimize inventory levels, and improve delivery times.

Another example is Netflix, a leading streaming service provider, which has used BI tools
to personalize its content offerings and enhance the user experience. By analyzing user
data, such as viewing history and preferences, Netflix can recommend personalized
content to its subscribers, leading to increased user engagement and retention.

In addition, companies such as Google, Microsoft, and IBM have been at the forefront of
BI innovation, developing advanced analytics tools such as machine learning and natural
language processing to enable more sophisticated data analysis and decision-making.

By implementing BI tools, organizations can streamline their decision-making process,

improve operational efficiency, and gain a competitive advantage in the market. BI can
provide insights into market trends, customer preferences, and operational performance,
enabling organizations to make informed decisions and optimize their resources.
Furthermore, BI can enhance collaboration and communication across departments,
allowing for better coordination and alignment of business objectives.

Overall, the use of BI tools is crucial for organizations looking to improve their decision-
making process and gain a competitive advantage in the market. As BI continues to
evolve and become more advanced, organizations that invest in BI systems and stay up-
to-date with the latest trends and innovations are likely to see significant improvements in
their performance and profitability.

Issues With The Implementation

Sharing data within an organization through a BI tool can raise legal, ethical, and
professional concerns. While BI tools can be incredibly useful in providing insights and


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enhancing decision-making processes, they also involve the handling of sensitive data,
which must be protected to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

One of the main legal issues that may arise when using business intelligence tools is data
protection laws. These laws govern how personal data is collected, stored, and used, and
organizations must ensure that they comply with them. For example, the General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union requires organizations to obtain
explicit consent from individuals before collecting their personal data and to ensure that
data is stored and processed securely.

Cybersecurity is another legal issue that may arise when using BI tools. As organizations
increasingly rely on technology to collect and store data, the risk of cyber attacks and data
breaches also increases. Organizations must ensure that they have appropriate security
measures in place to protect their data and prevent unauthorized access.

When it comes to extending the target audience or gaining a competitive advantage,

securely exploiting business intelligence tools can be a key differentiator. By
implementing appropriate security measures, organizations can ensure that their data is
protected while still allowing for the sharing of information within the organization and
with external stakeholders.

For example, an organization could use role-based access controls to ensure that only
authorized personnel have access to sensitive data. This could include implementing
multi-factor authentication and encryption to protect data from unauthorized access or

By using BI tools securely, organizations can gain a competitive advantage by making

more informed decisions based on accurate and up-to-date data. They can also use these
tools to share data with external stakeholders, such as customers or suppliers, to build
trust and strengthen relationships.

In conclusion, while using business intelligence tools can provide significant benefits to
an organization, it is important to be aware of the legal and ethical issues that may arise.
By implementing appropriate security measures and complying with relevant laws and


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regulations, organizations can securely exploit BI tools and gain a competitive advantage
in the marketplace.


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