Shell QST

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 1. What attracted you to apply to work in shell?

 2. Describe a time when you sought feedback from others regarding how you could have
improved on a recent project or task

 Explain

 -The situation

 - why you sought feedback

 - Feedback received

 -How you acted on the feedback

 -The outcome

 3. Having to take on a new tasks outside of your comfort zone can be difficult. Provide an
example of a time where you have undertaken a new or unfamiliar task

 Explain

 - The task

 -why you understood the task

 -The challenges you faced

 _How you coped with the challenges

 -The outcome

 4. At times we rely upon contributions or support from others to achieve goals. Tell me about a
time you successfully influenced others and gained commitment from them.

 Explain

 -The situation

 -who the people were

 -why you needed their commitment

 -How you built rapport and influenced them

 -The outcome

 5. Working as part of a team means supporting others. Tell me about a time when you helped
someone in your team develop or improve

 Explain

 -The situation

 -why they needed your input

 What actions you took

 -The outcome.

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