WBI Strategy Worksheet

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WBI Strategy Worksheet Orientation to Learning Orientation to Learning Orientation to Instructional Strategies for Introduction to Middle School Journalism

1. Provide an overview for the entire Learners will be introduced to the WBI by the course following: An introduction to the course will present the students with a short video about creating school newspapers. A visual of a school newspaper will appear with a visual link to each of the 6 modules. An overview of the content will be presented A syllabus and video will be linked from the lms 2. State goal and main objective The video will demonstrate the purposes of a school newspaper The goal and objectives of the WBI will be listed 3. Explain relevance of WBI The video will demonstrate the relevance of journalism to students The students will be able to view the outcome of their project in the first moments of the WBI 4. Assist learner recall of prior experience, Students will explore how a newspaper is skills and knowledge made through an interactive journey through the LA times.. Students review the parts of a newspaper and share their quiz results Students will generate ideas about how they wish to interface with this course 5. Provide directions on how to proceed A link to the wbi will be available in Moodle through WBI Links back to Moodle will be available in the wbi Clear directions will be outlined in the first module A link to directions for navigating the website will be displayed A link to the LMS tutorial will be displayed Orientation to Learning Detailed Instructional Strategies for Lesson 1: Whats a Newspaper? 1. Provide an overview A welcoming statement will be provided over the graphic of a newspaper 2. State the objectives and the desired Lesson 1 Objective: Students will identify the performance outcomes purposes, vocabulary and parts of the newspaper

Other objectives relate to the sub categories of the main objective Objectives will be stated at the beginning of the lesson 3. Explain the relevance of instruction Students will identify the parts of a newspaper Students will identify the vocabulary using the interactive newspaper quizzes Students will identify purposes by viewing videos and virtual tours of existing publications 4. Assist learner recall of prior Working in pairs, students will share their experience, skills and knowledge experiences with vocabulary and the video content 5. Provide directions on how to start Directions for each sub-lesson will be and navigate through the lesson provided at the conclusion of 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 Orientation to Learning Detailed Instructional Strategies for Lesson 2: Time for the News 1. Provide an overview Students will link to a short video on news stories from the newspaper home page Students will link to the lessons inside the newspaper graphic relating to news elements and the features of the inverted pyramid Students will create a PowerPoint of vocabulary for copy writing 2. State the objectives and the desired Goal: To introduce the vocabulary for copy performance outcomes writing Goal: To understand the concept of the Inverted Pyramid style of writing Goal: To explore the basic concepts of news writing as a profession 3. Explain the relevance of instruction Students will utilize the objectives to create their stories Responses are uploaded for grading and saved to their own folders for future use 4. Assist learner recall of prior Students will use information from module 1 experience, skills and knowledge to assist in creating their PowerPoints 5. Provide directions on how to start Directions for each lesson will be presented and navigate through the lesson at the conclusion of instruction. Refer to the homepage graphic for links for tutorial assistance Instructor will be available for assistance in navigation and instruction Orientation to Learning Detailed Instructional Strategies for Lesson 3: Your Feature Article 1. Provide an overview 1. View an introductory video on writing a

feature story 2. Examine types of feature articles and how to approach writing one 3. Download and read the article on Feature Writing and respond to the questions. Upload your completed document below. 4. Download and read the article on writing Personal Profiles and respond to the questions. Upload your completed document below. 5. Download and read the article on writing Sports Copy and respond to the questions. Upload your completed document below. 6. Learn about finding an ANGLE for your story 7. Download, read and respond to the article on finding an angle for your story. Your responses should be uploaded below. 2. State the objectives and the desired Goal: To identify the elements of journalistic performance outcomes writing in a feature story Goal: To identify the elements of journalistic writing in a personal profile Goal: To identify the elements of journalist writing as sports copy Goal: To introduce the concept of angle Students will read and respond to several pieces of writing and identify their essential elements 3. Explain the relevance of instruction Students will write a Feature Article for their school newspaper Students will be able to differentiate between news writing and feature writing Documents are uploaded for the newspaper selection process 4. Assist learner recall of prior Students will be asked to recall the main experience, skills and knowledge points of the previous lesson in order to differentiate between news stories and feature articles 5. Provide directions on how to start Directions for each lesson will be presented and navigate through the lesson at the conclusion of instruction. Refer to the homepage graphic for links for tutorial assistance Instructor will be available for assistance in navigation and instruction Orientation to Learning Detailed Instructional Strategies for Lesson 4: Conducting Your Interview 1. Provide an overview You will view a video on interviewing dos

and donts You will learn about interviewing guidelines by watching this student generated PowerPoint You will create your own PowerPoint slide show on Interviewing Guidelines: You will complete this Interviewing worksheet and upload your responses below Complete and upload the Identifying Sources and Interview Questions worksheet below

2. State the objectives and the desired performance outcomes

3. Explain the relevance of instruction

4. Assist learner recall of prior experience, skills and knowledge

5. Provide directions on how to start and navigate through the lesson

Orientation to Learning 1. Provide an overview

Goal: To know the basic guidelines for conducting an interview Goal: To determine the best type of questions for an interview Goal: To differentiate between open-ended and closed-ended questions Goal: To understand when to use follow-up questions Students will explore the etiquette surrounding the preparation and conducting of interviews for their articles. They will have a powerpoint to review prior to conducting their interviews in module 6 Students will be asked to generate ideas for for conducting interviews for the school newspaper Students will be asked to recall the main points from lessons 1 and 2 Directions for each lesson will be presented at the conclusion of instruction. Refer to the homepage graphic for links for tutorial assistance Instructor will be available for assistance in navigation and instruction Detailed Instructional Strategies for Lesson 5: Writing Leads This week we will be looking at Lead writing. A lead is the first few lines of a story used to hook the audience. There are many different techniques writers use to capture the readers attention. Download and review the Types of Leads worksheet Download and complete the Lead Writing assignment worksheet. Upload your completed worksheet below 3. Create a PowerPoint of your Lead Writing

2. State the objectives and the desired performance outcomes

assignment and upload it below. Goal: To understand the purpose of a good lead Goal: To recognize different types of attention-grabbing leads Goal: To write a variety of leads for a single story.

3. Explain the relevance of instruction

4. Assist learner recall of prior experience, skills and knowledge

5. Provide directions on how to start and navigate through the lesson

Orientation to Learning 1. Provide an overview

Students will be able to conduct an interview with a school community member for publication in the school newspaper Responses are uploaded to the server or blog for later viewing by the class Students will be asked to generate ideas for different types of lead writing for their PowerPoint Students will use well known fairy tales to activate prior knowledge Directions for each lesson will be presented at the conclusion of instruction. Refer to the homepage graphic for links for tutorial assistance Instructor will be available for assistance in navigation and instruction Detailed Instructional Strategies for Lesson 6: Write Your Article From the homepage, students will link to the Layout section and link to lesson objectives Now that you have learned the basics of news writing, feature writing, lead writing and interviewing, it is time for you to draft your article. This module contains 15 steps. You will need to plan your time wisely. It is important to pace yourself. You will need to schedule your interviews before writing your copy. Make sure to line these up as soon as you have your topic chosen. You have two weeks to complete your final draft. Tasks for Module 6 First, you will need to make a folder in your documents to organize the following information. You will need these documents for easy retrieval as you proceed with writing your article. After you read each Word document, save it to this folder. Step 1- Download, read and save the "10 Tips for Writing Copy".

Step 2- Download, read and save the "12 Step Reporting Process" Step 3- Download, review and save the "Transition and Quote Attribution" document Step 4- Download, read and save the "Transitional Words and Phrases" document Step 5- View the "Journalism Formatting Guidelines" presentation. You will need headphones for this presentation Step 6- Download and complete this "Prewriting Worksheet" and select your topic. Upload the completed document below. Save a copy to your folder Step 7- Download, review and save the "Style Sheet" for writing your copy Step 8- Download, review and save the "Copy Scoring Rubric" Step 9- Conduct your interviews. You should have at least three sources for your interviews. Review your "Interviewing Guidelines" PowerPoint before going on your first interview. Step 10- Organize your quotes Step 11- Write your first draft using the "Style Sheet". Upload your first draft below Step 12- Trade papers with another student and complete the "Peer Review Check List". Give one copy to your partner and upload your completed check list below Step 13- Edit your draft using the completed "Peer Review Check List" provided to you by your partner Step 14- Rewrite your article using the "Copy Scoring Rubric" Step 15- Submit your final article for grading below Objectives will be stated at the beginning of the lesson Goal: To brainstorm an angle, possible sources, interview questions and a lead for a piece of copy. Goal: To summarize the elements of journalistic writing Goal: To understand the importance of transitions in copy writing.

2. State the objectives and the desired performance outcomes

3. Explain the relevance of instruction 4. Assist learner recall of prior experience, skills and knowledge 5. Provide directions on how to start and navigate through the lesson

Goal: To punctuate and attribute a quotation correctly Goal: To improve students copy through peer review Students will have written an article to submit for publication Pages are uploaded to the server for evaluation by classmates Students are asked to recall the previous lessons when selecting their articles for the paper Students will be using Word to create their articles Homepage link to InDesign tutorial Directions for each lesson will be presented at the conclusion of instruction. Refer to the homepage graphic for links for tutorial assistance Instructor will be available for assistance in navigation and instruction

Instruction on the Content Instruction on the Content Subcomponents 1. Present content information

Instructional strategies Each lesson will be organized through the LTM. The flow of the content will be navigated through a homepage layout of a newspaper. The lessons will include: Videos to introduce the lessons A description of the lesson objectives The use of newspaper examples and nonexamples related to the journalism Graphics Written text with interactive features for instructional delivery Graphics, videos and text provide support to objectives Background knowledge is accessed for each lesson in order to generate writing ideas Assignments are outlined and identified as each task is completed Graphic organizers for learning assistance Practice through writing exercises for each

2. Provide learning cues

3. Present opportunities for practice

4. Provide feedback on practice and performance

5. Provide review of and close the unit of instruction

Instruction on the Content 1. Present content information

lesson Brainstorming activities are uploaded to a shared site for review by peers Final products are uploaded to the shared site for review by peers and instructor Brainstorming activities are shared with group Instructor provides feedback by reviewing pieces when they are submitted to the shared folder. Students select the pieces that most conform to the lesson objectives for publication Instructional Strategies for lesson 1: Whats a Newspaper? After the video introduction, the lesson will include: link to this page and begin your coursework. click on the first module titled "What's a newspaper?" on the homepage. Explore the virtual tour of the LA Times View the link titled "Parts of a Newspaper" With a partner, or working alone, take the quizzes on the following page.

2. Provide learning cues

3. Present opportunities for practice

4. Provide feedback on practice and performance

5. Provide review of and close the unit of instruction

Students may use a real newspaper to generate their idea about the sections of the newspaper Use the graphic to help them to identify the parts of a newspaper Working with a partner, they will try to complete the quizzes provided Students share their responses regarding the sections of the newspaper and augment their learning with peer interaction if needed Students discuss their findings and share them with the class for feedback Instructor and peers assist with technical and curricular feedback as needed Review the parts of the newspaper Review the sections of the newspaper

Instruction on the Content 1. Present content information

Review the reasons for newspaper Instructional Strategies for lesson 2: Time for the News After viewing an introductory video on writing a news story, the lesson will include: Information on how to include Who, What, Where, When, Why and How? In writing a news story The inverted pyramid approach to writing a news story with a graphic to support An example of a news story and a graphic organizer for practice Link to this page and view the video on the Inverted Pyramid style of journalistic writing. Link to the next page and view the Vocabulary for copy document Using the words found on that document, create a slide show using PowerPoint. Upload your final PowerPoint below. Upload your final PowerPoint below. On the final page of the lesson you will view two videos about Journalistic writing Students will be given an example of a news story and identify the specific elements presented in the lesson Students will identify a news story in a current publication Students will create a PowerPoint on Vocabulary for Copy to share with peers and for later review Students will share their PowerPoints with the class Students will complete and upload their PowerPoints to the server Students will write and upload their news story to the server PowerPoints will be shared with the class for feedback by peers and instructor Class editors and instructor will provide technical assistance Instructor will provide a summary of the lesson by: Highlighting the 5 ws and the H The inverted pyramid style of news writing

2. Provide learning cues

3. Present opportunities for practice

4. Provide feedback on practice and performance

5. Provide review of and close the unit of instruction

Instruction on the Content 1. Present content information

Preview the next lesson (feature story) and how it differs from news writing Instructional Strategies for lesson 3: The Feature Article View an introductory video on writing a feature story Examine types of feature articles and how to approach writing one Download and read the article on Feature Writing and respond to the questions. Upload your completed document below. Download and read the article on writing Personal Profiles and respond to the questions. Upload your completed document below. Download and read the article on writing Sports Copy and respond to the questions. Upload your completed document below. Learn about finding an ANGLE for your story Download, read and respond to the article on finding an angle for your story. Your responses should be uploaded below. Students will be asked to identify the differences between news writing and feature writing by viewing four pieces of writing Students will answer questions on each story Identifying the difference between the news story and feature by viewing four pieces of writing Evaluating each story and uploading it to the server Each story will require written responses for evaluation Class editors and instructor will provide technical assistance as needed Instructor will review the lesson by: Summarizing the differences between news stories and feature writing Preview the next lesson Conducting Your Interview

2. Provide learning cues

3. Present opportunities for practice

4. Provide feedback on practice and performance

5. Provide review of and close the unit of instruction

Instruction on the Content 1. Present content information

Instructional Strategies for lesson 4: Conducting Your Interview You will view a video on interviewing dos and donts You will learn about interviewing guidelines by watching this student generated PowerPoint You will create your own PowerPoint slide show on Interviewing Guidelines: Upload this PowerPoint below You will complete this Interviewing worksheet and upload your responses below Complete and upload the Identifying Sources and Interview Questions worksheet below The video will provide instruction on the content Viewing the student generated PowerPoint. Practicing interviewing questions and Identifying sources worksheets Remind students that questions steer the interview and to practice open ended questioning techniques Practice interviewing using close ended and open ended questions as examples What people would provide interesting material for our newspaper? Create PowerPoint Complete Interviewing Worksheet Complete Identifying Sources and Interview Questions worksheet The PowerPoints will be uploaded for grading and shared with the class The written work will be reviewed and graded by the teacher for feedback Editors and instructor will provide technical feedback as needed Instructor will review the lesson by: Reminding students of the differences between news, feature and Interviewing etiquette Prepare for the next lesson by introducing Lead writing Instructional Strategies for lesson 5: Writing

2. Provide learning cues

3. Present opportunities for practice

4. Provide feedback on practice and performance

5. Provide review of and close the unit of instruction

Instruction on the Content

1. Present content information

2. Provide learning cues

3. Present opportunities for practice

4. Provide feedback on practice and performance

5. Provide review of and close the unit of instruction

Instruction on the Content 1. Present content information

Leads Download and review the Types of Leads worksheet Download and complete the Lead Writing assignment worksheet. Upload your completed worksheet below Create a PowerPoint of your Lead Writing assignment and upload it below. Exploring the types of leads in journalistic writing Reviewing fairytales and creating interesting leads for one Completing the Types of Leads worksheet Creating a PowerPoint of the lead writing worksheet and sharing with the class Assignments are uploaded to the server and graded for feedback The PowerPoints are shared for peer review Instructor will provide review on the lesson by: Reviewing and revisiting in a class discussion the strategies that made up good leads Identifying leads that worked well in the presentations Prepare for the next lesson by introducing Write Your Article Instructional Strategies for lesson 6: Write Your Article! First, you will need to make a folder in your documents to organize the following information. You will need these documents for easy retrieval as you proceed with writing your article. After you read each Word document, save it to this folder. Step 1- Download, read and save the "10 Tips for Writing Copy". Step 2- Download, read and save the "12 Step Reporting Process" Step 3- Download, review and save the "Transition and Quote Attribution" document Step 4- Download, read and save the "Transitional Words and Phrases" document Step 5- View the "Journalism Formatting

Guidelines" presentation. You will need headphones for this presentation Step 6- Download and complete this "Prewriting Worksheet" and select your topic. Upload the completed document below. Save a copy to your folder Step 7- Download, review and save the "Style Sheet" for writing your copy Step 8- Download, review and save the "Copy Scoring Rubric" Step 9- Conduct your interviews. You should have at least three sources for your interviews. Review your "Interviewing Guidelines" PowerPoint before going on your first interview. Step 10- Organize your quotes Step 11- Write your first draft using the "Style Sheet". Upload your first draft below Step 12- Trade papers with another student and complete the "Peer Review Check List". Give one copy to your partner and upload your completed check list below Step 13- Edit your draft using the completed "Peer Review Check List" provided to you by your partner Step 14- Rewrite your article using the "Copy Scoring Rubric" Step 15- Submit your final article for grading below Viewing the articles and selecting the best ones for publication Writing, scheduling and conducting interviews Writing the first draft Editing articles written by peers Completing the final draft Writing questions Conducting Interviews Organizing quotes Writing the first draft Reviewing another student written article Making final edits Presenting article to the class Final articles will be viewed by the class

2. Provide learning cues

3. Present opportunities for practice

4. Provide feedback on practice and


5. Provide review of and close the unit of instruction

and final selections will be made for publication Final choices will be used for publication The publication will be presented to the school administrators Admin will review and edit the final copy The final edits will be presented to the class and the changes will be made by editors The publication will be printed and distributed to the community for feedback

Measurement of Learning Assess performance or progress

Assessments at the end of each unit take place in the form of written assignments Informal assessment tools will be used for formative evaluation purposes: Examples and non examples Graphic organizers Brainstorming sessions Interviews The final post-test will take place at the end of the final lesson. This will be in the form of a page layout. Brainstorming lessons will not be graded but feedback will be provided Documents uploaded to the server will be graded Final assessment of the page will be graded to evaluate the effectiveness of the WBI

Advise learners of scores

Motivational Strategies Whats a Newspaper? Establishing inclusion by creating a learning community and atmosphere that includes respect for learners and teachers and an interconnectedness they exhibit Developing of learner attitudes that facilitate the learning experience by emphasizing relevance and choice Creating challenging and reflective learning environments to enhance learner understanding

Working together to create a list of usages for the newspaper Viewing their collages as a class in order to better get to know one another Allow students choice in choosing their topics for their layouts Encouraging reflection on student ideas as they are presented to the class

Promoting competence through continued learner success in the content, skills and abilities that are valued by the learner

Aligning practice activities with student interests by allowing them to choose their page content

Objective Clusters 2. Time for the news (2.0-2.6)

Establishing inclusion by creating a learning community and atmosphere that includes respect for learners and teachers and an interconnectedness they exhibit Developing of learner attitudes that facilitate the learning experience by emphasizing relevance and choice Creating challenging and reflective learning environments to enhance learner understanding Students will share their news ideas with the class Students will share their final articles with the class Brainstorming sessions allow student input into the topics generated for writing Students will provide feedback through whole class discussion of the articles as they are being reviewed They will chose their own topics from the class generated lists They will be using the information presented in the lesson in order to write their articles They will be challenging each other to format their articles correctly during the whole class presentations of the articles The final products of their work will be placed in the folder for review for publication

Promoting competence through continued learner success in the content, skills and abilities that are valued by the learner

3. The feature article (3.0-3.3)

Establishing inclusion by creating a learning community and atmosphere that includes respect for learners and teachers and an interconnectedness they exhibit Developing of learner attitudes that facilitate the learning experience by emphasizing relevance and choice Creating challenging and reflective learning environments to enhance learner understanding Students will share their feature ideas with the class Students will share their final articles with the class Brainstorming sessions allow student input into the topics generated for writing Students will provide feedback through whole class discussion of the articles as they are being reviewed They will chose their own topics from the class generated lists They will be using the information presented in the lesson in order to write their articles They will be challenging each other to format their articles correctly during the

Promoting competence through continued learner success in the content, skills and abilities that are valued by the learner

whole class presentations of the articles The final products of their work will be placed in the folder for review for publication

4. Conducting Your Interview (4.0-4.3)

Establishing inclusion by creating a learning community and atmosphere that includes respect for learners and teachers and an interconnectedness they exhibit Developing of learner attitudes that facilitate the learning experience by emphasizing relevance and choice Students will share their interview PowerPoint ideas with the class

Creating challenging and reflective learning environments to enhance learner understanding Promoting competence through continued learner success in the content, skills and abilities that are valued by the learner

Brainstorming sessions allow student input into the topics generated for writing Students will provide feedback through whole class discussion on interviewing etiquette as they are being reviewed They will be using the information presented in the lesson in order to write their final articles The final products of their work will be placed in the folder for review for grading and use at a later point in module 6

5. Writing Leads (5.0-5.3)

Establishing inclusion by creating a learning community and atmosphere that includes respect for learners and teachers and an interconnectedness they exhibit Developing of learner attitudes that facilitate the learning experience by emphasizing relevance and choice Students will share lead writing ideas with the class Students will share their final PowerPoints with the class Brainstorming sessions allow student input into the topics generated for writing Feedback during Lead Writing presentations will allow for the development of learner attitudes Students will provide feedback through whole class discussion of the slides as they are being reviewed They will be using the information presented in the lesson in order to write their articles They will be challenging each other to format their articles correctly during the whole class presentations of the articles The final products of their work will be placed in the folder for review for their final articles

Creating challenging and reflective learning environments to enhance learner understanding

Promoting competence through continued learner success in the content, skills and abilities that are valued by the learner

6. Write Your Article! (6.0-6.3)

Establishing inclusion by creating a learning community and atmosphere that includes respect for learners and teachers and an interconnectedness they exhibit Developing of learner attitudes that facilitate the learning experience by emphasizing relevance and choice Creating challenging and reflective learning environments to enhance learner understanding

Promoting competence through continued learner success in the content, skills and abilities that are valued by the learner

Editing groups will be working closely in order to select the articles that are to be included in the publication They will be assigned and working with their editor on the final product Students are working to create a page that is publishable by the newspaper utilizing all the information that they have received throughout this unit They will be using the information presented in the lessons in order to format their articles They will be challenging each other to format their articles correctly during the whole class presentations The feedback that they receive from their editors, the instructor, the administration and the community will provide them with an opportunity to view their project as a success They will be given the skills to continue improving not only their writing but their lay out work as a result of community feedback

Factors Affecting WBI Design Class Size

Navigation and Learner Control Feedback

Class is limited to 28 students because there are only 28 computers licensed with InDesign at Gaiser Middle School Instructor and peer discussion will provide feedback to most written articles and formative assessments, so timing for review must be a big consideration Gaiser Middle School caps student electives at 28 students Each lesson will be linked from the home page for ease of navigation Although there will be some learner control during each lesson, deadlines must be set for feedback and review Buttons and links will be located in the same places on the pages Graphics will allow for ease of transition from one page to the next Feedback will be provided by instructor


and peers in brainstorming activities and in article review sessions Web pages will provide answers to example and non examples Students will be able to access all parts of the LMS as they proceed for review Participation is ongoing. Students will have potential for much in class interactivity Students will work together in their editing groups in order to problem solve technical and instructional challenges Grades will be posted on the LMS and feedback will be provided there as well

Identifying the types of media for Introduction to Middle School Journalism Questions Do the media help learners understand the content? Do the media help motivate the learners? Will training be needed for learners? Are the media easy to access? What bandwidth is available to the learners? Who will create the media? Media The media will be in the form of short video tutorials to deliver the essential content for the lesson The videos and the graphics will ease students through the process toward their writing The students will have to be trained to use the LMS as well as InDesign in order to complete the lessons The media will be easily accessed on a remote server through a link provided by the instructor There will be enough bandwidth to complete the tasks, although an exception will have to be made for youtube access by the IT dept at Vancouver SD The developer will be creating the graphics and the text, and locating the tutorials online

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