09 - c1 - Introducing The Classroom Culture I + II - Instructor Resources

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Instructor Guide

This document contains the SOPs for the following classroom culture structures:
1. Family System
2. Buddy System
3. Family Jobs
4. Shout Out Boards

Family System

During Week 1 of training, the instructor will group 4 or 6 students to form a mini family. This mini family will support each other
throughout the training, will be accountable for each other’s growth and maintain those connections post the training. The mini-
family’s progress will be tracked together and their total scores will be taken as opposed to individual scores.

As an instructor, please follow the three structures below to implement the family system:

What Why When How

1. Grouping Participants and On Day 1 of training, 1. From the list of participants, based on your exposure to
participants feel connected to before the Life Maps the class, create groups of either 4 or 6 to form mini-
into mini and supported by Session families
families their peers 2. Ensure that the mini families are heterogeneous and do
not have participants that:
a. Know each other from before
b. Are all introverted or extroverted
c. Mix of learning levels and backgrounds
2. Implementing Participants and Throughout the training, 1. Introduce this structure as a part of the ‘Introducing the
the mini- feel connected to especially during Skills Classroom Culture’ session
family and supported by Applications sessions 2. During Practicums and other critical skills application
system their peers sessions, ask participants to group as per their mini-

© 2018 Generation: You Employed, Inc.

3. During Saturday Project, ensure projects are don in the
assigned mini-families
4. During sessions, appreciate efforts of participants helping
their mini family members
5. During Daily opening and reflection, appreciate mini
families for any outstanding efforts you noticed
3. Tracking Participants are Weekly – after each For Mini-Families:
mini-family aware of their RR-PC session 1. Before training starts, create a weekly progress chart.
progress progress during See table below for family progress chart template.
training and 2. Display the chart on the classroom wall.
accordingly, work to 3. During the week, observe each mini family and note their
continuously scores for parameters listed in the chart.
improve 4. At the end of each week, calculate each mini-family’s
score and update the chart.
5. At the next daily opening, appreciate the top performing
mini-family for their efforts and do a mini celebration.
6. Decide a simple incentive that each winning mini-family
will get every week.

For individuals:
1. Give each participant a print of their individual
progress card (see document: Individual Progress
2. All participants should update their progress cards on
a weekly basis
3. Encourage buddies to write appreciation notes for
each other in their progress cards
4. Use that document to guide weekly scorecard
reflections and peer coaching sessions
5. At the end of each week, collect the progress cards to
write any appreciation notes for the participants and
give them back to the participants the next day.

© 2018 Generation: You Employed, Inc.

Sample Family Progress Chart
To be put up in the classroom

Week ________
Mini-Family Behavioral Mindsets Technical Skills Grooming Average Punctuality Class Total Score
Names Skills Average Average Average (_) (4) Average Responsibility (_)
(4) (4) (4)
Example: 2.4 2.1 1.7 3.2 2.8 5.5 17.7

© 2018 Generation: You Employed, Inc.

Buddy System

Within mini-families, pair participants to serve as first responders to each other for any and every support needed. For example, if a
participant is absent, the buddy should know the reason.

As an instructor, please follow the two structures below to implement the buddy system:

What Why When How

1. Pairing Participants and On Day 1 of training, 1. Within mini-families, pair two participants as each other’s
participants feel connected to before the Life Maps buddies.
as buddies and supported by Session 2. Ensure that the buddy groups are heterogeneous and do
their peers not have participants that:
a. Know each other from before
b. Are all introverted or extroverted
c. Mix of learning levels and backgrounds
2. Implementing Participants and Throughout the training, 1. Introduce this structure as a part of the ‘Introducing the
the buddy feel connected to especially during Skills Classroom Culture’ session
system and supported by Applications sessions 2. During Practicums and other critical skills application
their peers sessions, ask participants to seek support from their
buddies when they are struggling
3. During sessions, appreciate efforts of participants helping
their buddies
4. During Daily opening and reflection, appreciate buddies
for any outstanding efforts you noticed
5. During Weekly scorecard reflection, pair buddies up for
peer coaching
6. During daily opening and reflection and other sessions,
hold buddies accountable for each other’s performances,
including attendance and grooming

© 2018 Generation: You Employed, Inc.

Family Jobs

Each mini-family has to take on certain classroom responsibilities on a weekly rotation basis throughout the training.

As an instructor, please follow the two structures below to implement the buddy system:

What Why When How

1. Introducing Participants that Week 2 of training 1. Introduce this structure as a part of the ‘Introducing the
and feel a sense of onwards Classroom Culture II’ session
Implementing responsibility 2. During Daily opening and reflection, reinforce the jobs
the jobs towards their class and appreciate mini-families for any outstanding efforts
system and peers you noticed.
3. During the week, hold mini-families accountable for any
responsibility not completed by them
2. Monitoring Participants that Weekly, at the end of 1. Create the Family Jobs Chart and display it on the
the system feel a sense of each week classroom wall by the end of Week 1
responsibility 2. Update the weekly jobs chart at the start of every week,
towards their class see below for template
and peers 3. For tracking mini-family progress, refer to the Family
systems SOP

© 2018 Generation: You Employed, Inc.

Family Jobs Chart Template
To be put up in the classroom

Week Responsibility Assigned Family Responsibility Assigned Family Responsibility Assigned Family
Classroom Classroom
Cleanliness & Seating Data Helpers
Supplies Arrangement
Responsibility Assigned Family Responsibility Assigned Family


Job Description Chart

To be put up in the classroom

Job Descriptions
Culture Champions Classroom seating arrangement Classroom Cleanliness and Supplies
1. Ensure buddies and mini-families 1. Arrange seats as per trainer 1. Classroom surroundings are neat
are helping each other instructions before classes start clean
2. Remind class to use the Shout for the day 2. No waste lying around
Out Board 2. Arrange seats back as per center 3. Blackboard is clean and ready to
3. Remind trainer and participants to instructions at the end of the day use at beginning of day
keep appreciating each other’s 4. Any required trainer and
efforts and hard work participant resources for the day
Maintaining Classroom Artefacts Data Helpers are ready and arranged
1. Ensure all required charts and 1. Help trainer upload daily 5. Daily supplies are in stock,
posters are out up on the wall WhatsApp pic including lab supplies
properly, replace any if required 2. Help trainer upload any daily or
2. Update any weekly charts as per weekly data
trainer instructions

© 2018 Generation: You Employed, Inc.

Shout Out Board

A board where people can put up notes appreciating each other is created. Thrice a week, the notes from the board are publicly read
to appreciate people and their efforts.

As an instructor, please follow the two structures below to implement the buddy system:

What Why When How

1. Introducing Participants feel Week 2 of training 1. Introduce this structure as a part of the ‘Introducing the
and appreciated for their onwards Classroom Culture II’ session
Implementin efforts (in and 2. Thrice a week, during Daily opening, give the class 2
g the jobs beyond training) mins to reflect on any one they want to appreciate.
system 3. Ask the participants to write notes to these people and
put them on the Shout Out Board.
4. Read out the notes put up on the board and celebrate
participants being appreciated.
5. Encourage participants to keep posting notes throughout
the week.
6. Hold the assigned mini-family responsible to remind
participants to do the same.

© 2018 Generation: You Employed, Inc.

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