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RR-SC1- Introduction to Scorecard and Scorecard Review 1 (30 minutes)

Description:​ This session introduces the Scorecard Review. It allows participants to explore
why assessment and feedback are important, as well as learn the protocol for reviewing the

Participant Learning Objectives:

By the end of the session, I will be able to:
● Describe how successful I am right now in Generation.
● Identify areas where I will work to improve.
● Explain how and why my instructors give me feedback.

Key points:
● Feedback is necessary to improve in the behavioral skills, technical skills and
mindsets of successful retail and hospitality workers.
● Self-assessment and reflection is very important in order to self-regulate your learning
● Feedback from instructors is there to help you, not hurt you.

Behavioral ● n/a Mindsets ● Growth mindset


Keywords ● Blue, Green, Materials ● Participant Self-Assessment

Yellow, Red Record Sheet (1 per
● Rubric participant)
● Scorecard ● Participant Record Sheet (1
● Feedback per participant)
● Scorecard Reflection Handout
(1 per participant)
● Scorecard Mindsets and
Behavioral Skills Rubric (1
per participant; consider
posting on the wall)

Session ● This session builds upon information from all BSM sessions.

Performance ● n/a

Session ● Collect exit tickets that participants create during the ​Closing​ section
Assessment of the session to assess if they can describe (1) why feedback is
useful and (2) how reflection can them them use feedback.

© 2016 McKinsey Social Initiative, Inc.

Time Activity
7​ ​minutes Opening
7 minutes Content: Introduction to Self-Assessment Record Sheet & Scorecard
● Review the Self-Assessment Record Sheet
● Introduce the Instructor Scoring System
10 minutes Practice: Using the Scorecard to Reflect
● Reviewing the Scores from Instructors
● Individual reflection
6 minutes Closing

● Ensure that the scorecard rubric for the session is printed for each participant.
● Complete the participant record sheet for each participant, giving a score on each
mindset and behavioral skill using the rubric. ​You will hand this out to each
participant and pick it back up at the end of this session.​ ​Each week you will give
them an updated version so that they can see how their scores shift from week to
week. ​ Note: If you and your program coordinator decide a different way to
communicate/pass out scores to participants, that’s fine.
● On the board, write the following:
How well have I been doing at Generation?
1. I did ok, but I messed up a few things.
2. I’m not sure how I did.
3. I did well and have been successful so far.

OPENING (7 minutes)
Instructor note:​ This section helps participants understand why we use a scorecard in
Generation. First, they give themselves a self assessment, and from there, they think about the
criteria and purpose for assessment.

● Ask: ​How well do you think you have been doing at Generation? Think about this quietly
in your head.

● Say: ​Look at the answer choices on the board. Silently, choose which choice best
applies to you.
○ Have participants ​Turn and Talk FT​​ ​with a partner about which choice they
picked any why.
● Ask a participant who chose #1, a participant who chose #2, and a participant who
chose #3 to share why they chose those numbers.
○ Possible answers:

© 2016 McKinsey Social Initiative, Inc.

■ Choice #1 Participants: I feel like I am not doing a great job because I
made a mistake on _____, and I am still confused about ______. This
program is harder than I thought.

Instructor note: ​There will likely be few participants who pick #1 since people often find it
difficult to admit they are struggling. Also, participants who do select this group may have a hard
time sharing their thoughts because it’s hard to determine - and say out loud - why you feel like
you’re not successful. Don’t push them or make them feel uncomfortable. If no one from this
group wants to share, that’s ok.

■ Choice #2 Participants: I don’t know if I’m doing well or not. I can’t tell if
I’m doing what I’m supposed to or not. And since it’s not like school with
grades from a teacher, I just can’t tell if I’m on the right track.
■ Choice #3 Participants: I feel like everything has been pretty easy so far,
and I’m doing a good job in each of the sessions and activities.

● Say:​ ​Those are all good reasons to explain how you feel about your progress in
Generation. However, there are other ways they could determine whether you are on
track. By combining your self assessment (how YOU think you did) with our instructor’s
assessment (how WE think you did), you can really understand your progress and plan
for your improvement.

● Say:​ ​Now, we will primarily talk about assessment of behavioral skills and mindsets. At
Generation, you will get feedback from your instructors on your progress, but you will
also think about your own reflection and assessment of your progress. While it is
important to know what your instructors think of your work and progress, it is even more
important for YOU to think about your own work and progress.
● Ask: ​Based on what you’ve learned so far, why might this be true?
○ Possible answers: We’re learning about the behavioral skills and mindsets of
successful people, and we must think about how well we are using these
behavioral skills and mindsets in our practice and study at Generation.
Generation will be challenging, and I must push myself to greater levels of
achievement. In order to push myself, I have to think about what I’m doing well
and what I can improve upon.

● Say:​ ​Earlier in the program, we spoke about getting feedback frequently. We’ve passed
out a Generation mindsets and behavioral skills rubric
○ Ask:​ ​Can anyone explain what a rubric is and what it is used for?
■ Possible answers: Descriptions of levels of performance, descriptions that
rate how well you are doing on a project or task, something that teachers
use to grade you, a description of what a good looks like.
○ Say: ​Rubrics are sets of criteria and descriptions of levels of performance for
these criteria.

© 2016 McKinsey Social Initiative, Inc.

■ Say:​ ​In other words, rubrics are a set of guidelines with descriptions of
what you must demonstrate or show to meet those guidelines.
■ Say: ​The main purpose of rubrics in Generation is to assess your
performance and give you specific feedback in the form of descriptions of
tasks and skills that can help you improve in the future.
○ Say: ​This rubric will provide you with the descriptions you need to evaluate
yourselves and your progress in the program on the mindsets and behavioral
skills and a subset of technical skills.

● Say: ​Take a couple of minutes and read the rubric handout.

● Say: ​Remember, this feedback isn’t to decide who is best. You have all done a lot of
hard work. You’re all stronger and more capable now than you were when we started.
● Say: ​The other instructors and I are like the managers you will have in your jobs. Part of
a manager’s job is giving feedback on performance. We will give you feedback
frequently during the program.
○ Ask:​ ​What do you think? Why will the instructors give you this feedback? ​ Turn
and Talk FT​ ​and then ​Share Out​FT
■ Possible answers:​ ​They give us feedback so we know how we did and so
we know what to work harder on. They give us feedback so we can tell if
we’re on track to graduate from Generation and become excellent food
and beverage stewards.
○ Say:​ Like many of you have said, we give you feedback to show you areas
where you are strong and areas where you can work hard to become stronger.

Instructor note​: Adapt language as you see fit, especially if you are the sole instructor.

CONTENT - Introduction to Self-Assessment Record Sheet & Scorecard Rubric (7

Instructor note:​ This is the first time the participants will see and complete the participant
self-assessment record sheet. Hand out blank copies of the participant self-assessment record
sheet to each participant. They will be using this sheet to record their self-assessments for each
scorecard session, so they should ​save this sheet in their folders.

Review Self-Assessment Record Sheet [4 minutes]

● Have participants review the Self-Assessment Record Sheet and the Scorecard Rubric.
● Ask:​ ​What do you notice about the Self-Assessment Record Sheet ?
○ Possible answers: There are multiple scorecards listed. There are columns for
Mindsets and Behavioral skills. It has four colors listed - Blue, Green, Yellow and
Red. Some of the squares are blacked out.
● Say:​ ​This grid is where you will record your own self-assessment four times from now
until the end of the program. You will score yourselves on your own understanding of

© 2016 McKinsey Social Initiative, Inc.

your progress in mindsets and behavioral skills. If a square is blacked out, you will not
score yourself on that area that week.
● Say:​ Take a couple of minutes to think about your performance so far and your progress
in each of the categories so far. Refer to the rubric and the descriptions posted on the
wall to help you measure your progress and give yourself a score.

Introduce the Instructor Scoring System [3 minutes]

● Say:​ ​You have already looked at the rubric for this scorecard. On each scorecard, we
will score you on:
■ how you use the behavioral skills
■ how you demonstrate the mindsets
■ And sometimes how you have demonstrated mastery of the technical

● Say: ​Anything you learn or practice in a session or activity could be scored for the
● Say: ​For each scorecard, we will write out your individual scores on a scoring sheet.
● Say:​ ​Each of you will receive a copy of your scoring sheet and you each have a score
for things on the scorecard. Your score for each thing is a Blue (4), Green (3), Yellow (2)
or Red (1).
● Say: ​You will soon have a chance to take a look at this scorecard’s scores.
○ Say: ​If you are Blue or Green in an area, great job! You’re doing well. However,
there is always room to improve, so you will still need to find and reflect upon
ways in which you can improve on the skill.
○ Say: ​If you are Yellow, you’re close to meeting expectations. It’s your personal
responsibility to reflect upon the expectations and how you are performing in the
program in order to make specific goals on how you will improve on the skills.
○ Say: ​If you are Red, you have a way to go in order to meet the expectations set
by the program. You must critically reflect upon the expectations of the program
and make specific goals for how you will improve your scores and progress on
the skill.
● Say: ​You will get this completed instructor record sheet every week so that you can
compare your self-assessment to the instructor scores. I will hand it out and collect it
back at the end of each of our scorecard sessions.

PRACTICE - Using the Scorecard to Reflect (10 minutes)

Instructor note: ​In this section, participants will see and review their scores. Then, they will
complete a written reflection of the two sets of scores.

Reviewing the Scores from Instructors [2 minutes]

● Hand out each individual completed scorecards to participants.
● Allow them several minutes to review their scores individually.

© 2016 McKinsey Social Initiative, Inc.

Individual reflection [8 minutes]
● Say:​ ​Everyone in the room has a combination of Blues, Greens, Yellows and Reds. That
means that everyone has strengths and challenges.
● Say:​ ​Now, you have a chance to reflect upon how you can sharpen your skills and learn
how to improve. Also, you will not have all blues and greens right now, but you can score
all blues and greens in the future. Believing that this is true is part of your ​growth
● Hand out Scorecard Reflection Handouts​. For the next ten minutes, participants will
write a written reflection of their two sets of scores. The purpose of this is to encourage
participants take personal responsibility for setting their own goals for the future and for
evaluating their own performance.
● Participants will write a written reflection and answer the following questions:
○ What skill would you most like to improve moving forward? How will you go about
improving it?
○ Were there differences in scores for any of the skills listed in the scorecard that
you think do not accurately show your understanding or demonstration of that
skill? If so, provide specific examples to explain why..
○ What skill have you been most successful at improving and how were you able to
do it?

Instructor note: ​The purpose of this is to encourage participants to self-reflect on their own
learning. This activity requires them to actively reflect upon areas where they have challenges
and make a plan for how they will tackle them for the next scorecard.

● During this ten minutes​, Walk Around FT​

​ and read participants’ reflections. ​Redirect
participants who are are having trouble reflecting and prompt them with specific
examples if needed.
● After ten minutes have passed, participants should turn in their reflection and the record
sheet that has your scores and be ready for closing of the session. Reminder that they
should hold on to their own self-assessment sheets.

CLOSING (6 minutes)
Instructor note:​ The purpose of this section is to make it clear that assessment is to help and
not hurt the participants. Also, you will check for understanding with the “exit ticket,” checking for
comprehension of the key points for this session.

Check for understanding

● Say:​ ​Tear a piece of blank paper from your notebooks. Put your name on the paper. You
have 1 minute to answer each of the following three questions. One sentence is enough
to answer each question - no long answers!
i. Why do you need feedback during Generation?​ (wait 1 minute)

© 2016 McKinsey Social Initiative, Inc.

ii. How will your reflection to help you use your feedback? (​wait 1 minute)
iii. What is the purpose of feedback from your instructors? ​(wait 1 minute)

● Collect these slips of paper and read through them quickly to check for understanding.
Remember to also collect back the participant record sheet so you can hand it out next
week with updated scores.
● Say: ​Congratulations, participants! You have just completed your first Scorecard Review
for Generation!
● Say: ​Remember, this feedback will help you become champion customer service
professionals if you apply it to your work.

-- End of Session --

© 2016 McKinsey Social Initiative, Inc.


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