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Candidate’s Number …………………………………

Time 2:30 July 2021

1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions.
2. Answer ALL questions in section A and B and only ONE question from section C.
3. All answers must be written in the space provided in your question paper.
4. Except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencils, all writings should be in
blue/black ink.
5. Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the
examination room.
For Examiners’ Use Only
Question Number Score Examiner’s Initials


Candidate’s Number …………………………………

SECTION A (30 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. Choose the most correct answer and write its letter in a table given below
i) The best method of preventing STDs in students and unmarried people is…….
A. To use condom properly l
B. To have only one partner
C. To use contraceptive pills
D. To abstain from sex

ii) Wandela picked up a telephone after hearing it ringing. Which

characteristic ofliving things was Wandela showing by these actions…...
A. Respiration and growth
B. Response and irritability
C. Irritability and movement
D. Locomotion and reproduction

iii) A food sample x turned blue-black when iodine solution was added into it. The
conclusion is, the sample x contained?
A. Non-Reducing sugar
B. Reducing sugar
C. Starch
D. Protein

iv) Gaseous exchange in human lungs occurs in the ………….

A. Alveoli
B. Bronchioles
C. Nose
D. Trachea

v) The most essential function of respiration in living organism is…….

A. Taking in oxygen and giving out carbon dioxide
B. The liberation of energy for work
C. Breathing in and out
D. The liberation of carbon dioxide and water

vi) Controls movement of materials in and out of a cell.

A. Plasma membrane
B. Vacuole
C. Cell wall
D. Cell nucleus

Candidate’s Number …………………………………

vii) A patient having blood group B can receive blood of a donor with blood group.
A. B only
B. AB only
C. B or AB
D. B or O

viii) In a microscope if the eye piece reads x10 and the object lens reads x40, the
total magnification is:

A. 400 times
B. 10 times
C. 40 times
D. 100 times

ix) The following group of organisms belongs to the same kingdom.

A. Bat, whale, Amoeba
B. Euglena, yeast, liverwort
C. Grasshopper, bat, fish
D. Amoeba, housefly, mosquito

x) Which of the following is responsible for protecting the body against

A. Leucocytes
B. Erythrocytes
C. Thrombocytes
D. Lymph

Question i ii iii Iv v vi vii viii ix x


Candidate’s Number …………………………………

2. Write TRUE for a true statement and FALSE for a false statement in the following
(i) Lack of roughages in the diet cause constipation ………………
(ii) Hugging, holding hands can lead to HIV transmission………….…
(iii) Good manners involve talking while eating…………..…
(iv) The opening and closing of stomata is caused by changes in turgor pressure
of the guard cells ………..……
(v) In a microscope, if the eyepiece lens magnification reads x10 and the
objective lens reads x50. The total magnification is times 500 …………
(vi) Roots hairs in plants increase the surface area of plant roots for water
(vii) Poor waste disposal can lead to eruption of epidemic diseases…………
(viii) A health person has reduced immunity…………
(ix) Interaction in which one organism captures, kills and feeds on another is
called mutualism…………
(x) Villi increase surface area for absorption of digested food materials in

3. Match the responses in list B with the phrases in list A by writing the letter of the
correct response in the table provide below.
i) A vascular tissue used for transportation of manufactured A. Stomata
food away from the leaf B. Lamina
ii) A broad part of a leaf which increase large surface area for C. Phloem
absorption of light and carbon dioxide D. Cuticle
iii) A small pore which allows gaseous exchange into and out of E. Epidermis
the leaf F. Guard cell
iv) The outer most layer found on the upper and lower surface G. Xylem
the leaf H. Petiole
v) The bean shaped structure for effective control of water loss I. Midrib
and gaseous exchange

Questions i ii iii iv v
4. Complete each of the following statements by writing the correct answer
(i) Absorption of food take place in the …………………..
(ii) Food is prevented from entering the wind pipe by the ……………..
(iii) Bile is produced in the……………..
(iv) Undigested and indigestible food materials is prepared for elimination in the
(v) The first site of protein digestion in the digestive system is the ……………..

Candidate’s Number …………………………………


Answer all questions in this section

5. (a) (i) What do you understand by the term classification?

(ii) In what ways systems of classification differ?

(b) (i) What is meant by the term Binomial Nomenclature
ii) Write two (2) rules adhered in Binomial Nomenclature
(c) Arrange the following taxonomic ranks of classification in correct order from
lowest to highest
Family, class, species, Order, Phylum/Division, Genus, kingdom


6. (a) What do you understand by the term photosynthesis

(b) What is the importance of photosynthesis in real life situation (three points)
(i) …………………………………………………………………………………………..
(ii) …………………………………………………………………………………………..

(c) Name the part of alimentary canal where;

i. Bile is temporarily stored……………………..……….......

ii. Acid is added to the food……………………..……………..
iii. Water is absorbed …………………………..………..………
iv. Digested f o o d i s a b s o r b e d ………………………………………

7. (a) Differentiate Gaseous exchange from Respiration.


Candidate’s Number …………………………………

(b) Mention three stages of Aerobic respiration

(i) …………………………………………………………………………………………………
(ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
(iii) ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

(c) Give out the fate of ATP produced under respiration.

8. (a) What is meant by blood transfusion
(b) With a specific example in each case, differentiate between a universal
recipient and a universal donor (2 points)
(c) What are the functions of mammalian blood? (Five Points)
(i) …………………………………………………………………………………………………
(ii) …………………………………………………………………………………………………
(v) ……………………………………..…………………………………………………………
9. (a) Define the term ‘food chain’ and ‘food web’ as used in Biology.

(b)(i) Construct a food chain by using the following organisms.

Heron, Grasshopper, Frog, Grasses and Snake


(ii) Why grasses are called primary producers?

(c) Explain the significance of food chain and food web in the real-life situation.


Candidate’s Number …………………………………

SECTION C (20 Marks)

Answer only one (1) question in this section.

10. Write an essay on Transpiration based on the following guide line

• Definition of Transpiration.
• Factors affecting transpiration (plat features). Three points.
• Importance of transpiration. Three points.

11. Explain the causes, symptoms, and control/prevention measures of asthma in

the respiratory system.

Candidate’s Number …………………………………


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