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• Identify flexible learning through online communications (synchronous asynchronous
• Reflect on the relevance of using online distance education in delivering educational

Online Distance Learning

Online distance learning is not a new concept. Some schools higher education institutions
in the country, and educational agencies such as the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education
Innovations in Educational Technology (SEAMEO-INNOTECH) provide this mode of learning. It
allows flexibility in learning to a certain extent.

The Different Platforms

The flexible mode of learning uses a platform such as Moodle, Google classroom, aw, , etc.
These are free programs designed for educational purposes. It has features that are patterned
after the instructional activities of a teacher in physical classroom. When you use this, you can
actually hold a lesson, post questions for discussion, hold an online chat discussion, give
assessment activities and provide references or links to other online materials. Features
relevant to instruction and facilitating of learning.

Moodle was created by Martin Dougiamas, founder and CEO of Moodle. MOODLE stands for
Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment which is an open source software. It is
a Learning Management System (LMS) that supports teaching and learning.

Google Classroom
Google Classroom is a free service for teachers and students. It is an LMS platform that is
accessible google account. You can create classes and perform your roles and functions as a
facilitator of learning.

Synchronous and Asynchronous

In the flexible learning mode, the activities can be done in two ways: (1) synchronous and (2)

An online chat at real time is a Synchronous session. Course participants meet in a virtual
classroom and discuss a topic in the lesson. So wherever they are situated in the world, they
agree on a scheduled session and log in to join the live class. The LMS has this feature. The
teacher called as the online tutor facilitates the discussion. Ideas are posted in an actual live
class. One cannot lecture and take all the time in explaining. In this mode, the course
participants are made to be engaged in the flow of discussion that is why, online tutor has to
plan out the instruction guide in facilitating the discourse.

Using the Skype in holding a live class is another example. Members of the class long –in
in their Skype account at a given time to join the video conferencing.

Another important feature is the Asynchronous session. This is when questions or tasks
are posted and course participants answer the question or post their reply at any time most
convenient to them. They can still participate in the discussion by replying to the post. One
advantage is that you can take your time when replying. The LMS mentioned in this lesson has a
feature that can allow an synchronous session.

In the image map, there is a column of icon labeled as LIVE CLASS and FORUM. If you
click the LIVE CLASS it will lead you to enter the virtual classroom to attend the synchronous
session while the icon labelled FORUM is responsible for allowing class participants to join the
asynchronous sessions.

If you do not use any of the learning management system, asynchronous discussion can
be in the form of a blog or even a video blog (vlogs). A topic of great importance is discussed by
the bloggers who can be the teacher or any of the class members. Since it is openly accessible,
anyone from the class once informed about it can respond or comment on it and which can also
be responded to by the other blogger. The process creates a thread. This is like an actual face-
to-face discussion or an online chat but the response and comments posted may take a short
while. Nevertheless, revisiting the FORUM or the BLOG is needed to read the reaction of others.
Blended Learning

Another way of handling flexible learning is by combining modalities of instructional

delivery. Blended learning is a combination of a learning activities wherein a part of the lesson
is delivered online while the other part is handled in actual physical setting of a classroom.

Kinds of Blended Learning

1. Model 1: Face-to-face Driver

In the face-to-face model, the teacher delivers the curricula most of the time and utilizes online
learning at certain times with the purpose to augment or provide an alternative experience.
Instruction is provided in a computer laboratory or assigned tasks are uploaded online.

2. Model 2: Rotation

In a particular course or subject, students rotate on a fixed scheduled between learning online
in a one-to-one, self-paced learning environment and being inside the classroom with a face-to-
face teacher. This is the model that is in between the traditional face-to-face learning and
online learning.

3. Model 3: Flex

This model uses an online platform that delivers most of the course. Support to learning is
provided as needed through on-site support or by an online tutor who facilitates the tutorial or
small group sessions. Sessions can be arranged into synchronous or asynchronous. Course
participants may work on their tasks at any convenient time as long as it is within the confines
of the course duration.

4. Model 4: Online Lab

The online-lab model uses an online platform in delivering the course but located in a physical
classroom computer laboratory. Since the lessons are in modular format and available in the
online program, teacher assistants supervise these classes. However, they may not provide the
needed expertise if learners seek assistance. Furthermore, students who are enrolled in an
Online Lab model of blended learning may be enrolled in a traditional classroom courses at the
same time and therefore have block schedules.

5. Model 5: Self-Blend

The self-blend Model is a system provided by the school where the students can choose the
courses they would like to have in addition to their typical brick-and-mortar classroom classes.
This model is always remote – a major difference from the Online Lab.

6. Model 6: Online Driver

The online-driver model utilizes a platform and a teacher that deliver all curricula. Students
remotely work on their program most of the time. If ever there is a face-to-face component, it
is made optional or if ever it is required for the students to go to the physical learning
environment such as in a school, then it can be extracurricular activities augmenting the

Planning and managing blended learning experiences are very similar to planning and
managing a brick-and-mortar school with courses or subjects integrating technology. It needs to
be system-wide as the school makes a plan, develops guidelines for students to follow for the
use of technology in a blended format and provide a resource guide. A lot of preparation is
needed in designing a blended format. Technology has to be prepared. The back-end and front-
end infrastructures of blended learning have to be put in place as well as the content in varied
multimedia formats. Teachers and teachers assistant who will act as online tutors and
assistants need to be pedagogically capacitated.

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