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Self- Assessment
Inclusion – Gender & Disability

On the personal level:

1- When I was choosing my profession, I could be sure that my decision to have
children would not lower my chances to get the job I wanted.
A) This Happened All The Time
B) This Happened Sometimes
C) This Never Happened

2- I can make personal and professional choices in my life without people

commenting that the biological clock is ticking.
A) This Happened All The Time
B) This Happened Sometimes
C) This Never Happened

3- I can speak in public without speaking for my entire gender/those of my sexual

A) This Happened All The Time
B) This Happened Sometimes
C) This Never Happened

4- I can think about and consider many options: social, political, imaginative or
professional, without asking whether a person of my gender/sexual orientation would
be accepted or allowed to do that.
A) This Happened All The Time

B) This Happened Sometimes

C) This Never Happened

5- When I talk I pay attention my language is gender sensitive

A) This Happened All The Time
B) This Happened Sometimes
C) This Never Happened

6- When I work or see a person who has difficulties I can speak his first language
A) This Happened All The Time
B) This Happened Sometimes
C) This Never Happened

7- What is gender?
A) Gender is defined by a person’s reproductive organs
B) Gender is defined by socially constructed roles and responsibilities of men and women
C) Gender is defined by femininity and masculinity

8- Gender equality is an issue that is relevant to:

A) Girls and women; it is a women’s issue
B) Developing countries; it is only there that gender gaps exist
C) All societies; women and men alike

General Knowledge: Answer with True or False

1- Inclusion refers to the creation of a work environment that is positive, collaborative,
respectful, supportive, and welcoming so that all employees can participate and
contribute as much as they can to the success of the organization.
True / False

2- Diversity in the workplace refers to the practice of accepting, welcoming,

understanding, and valuing the differences between people in regard to their cultural
backgrounds, religion, race and ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, skill sets and
experiences, disability, etc.
True / False

3- Diversity and Inclusion have the same mean and can be used interchangeably.
True / False

4- Inclusion should mainly be present in a company’s internal operations and does not
need expand to company services, activities, and programmes.
True / False

5- A company is inclusive if it has employees from different religions, countries, and

True / False

6- A programme is inclusive if it includes the needs of women and men of a specific

True / False

7- Gender mainstreaming refers to the concept of having an equal number of male and
female employees in a company or organization.
True / False

8- Gender is constant and doesn’t vary within and between cultures.

True / False

9- People with mental health problems are not considered as people with disabilities.
True / False

10- People with disabilities are people who have mobility problems only.
True / False

On the organizational level:

From 1 (very poor) to 5 (expert) answer about your knowledge in these

1. To what extent are you knowledgeable about Inclusion at the workplace?
1 2 3 4 5

2. To what extent are you knowledgeable about gender, gender equality and
1 2 3 4 5

3. To what extent do you use gender inclusion in the process of your work? (from start to
1 2 3 4 5

4. To what extent do you know how to work with people who have difficulties?
1 2 3 4 5

1. Do the projects you work on address gender issues or disability issues?


If yes, please describe and if not, please provide explanation.


2. Does the background/context analysis of your project:

I) examine the different situations, roles, needs and challenges faced by women and men?


- examine the different situations, roles, needs and challenges faced by people with


II) analyze whether women and men and or people with disabilities will be differently affected
by the project (in terms of their rights, needs, roles, opportunities, etc.)?


2. Does the project approach specify how it will address the gender \ disability issues
identified in the analysis? If not, please provide explanation.  

3. Are outcomes, outputs and activities designed to meet the different needs and priorities of
women and men? And people with disability?


Thank you!

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