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CS-Question Bank(Sample Questions)-18EE61

By the TIE review team

1. Find the transfer function of the given system.

2. Derive the mathematical model for an armature-controlled DC Servomotor.

3. For the mechanical system shown in the figure below obtain F-V and F-I analogous networks,

4. Obtain the transfer function (dθ/dT) of the system shown in fig below:

5. Find the closed loop transfer function for the system below using the block diagram reduction
6. Reduce using the block diagram reduction technique and find the transfer function.

7. For the signal flow graph shown in the figure find the overall transfer function using Mason’s
gain formula
8. For the signal flow graph shown in the figure find the overall transfer function using Mason’s
gain formula

9. Consider the system shown in Fig. Determine the value of a such that the damping ratio is 0.6.
Also, obtain the values of the settling time ‘ts’, rise time 'tr' and maximum overshoot 'Mp' in its
step response.

10. Derive the expression for the response of a first-order system when a constant velocity signal
is applied. Plot the response curve.
11. Derive an expression for the static error coefficients and the corresponding steady-state error
for the type-2 system
12.A system has G(S) = 100(S+5)/(S 2+5S+10) and H(S)= 1/S. Determine the type of the system.
Determine the static error constant and the steady-state error for a unit parabolic input
13. Define delay time. Derive the expression for the delay time, td.
14. A unity feedback system is characterized by the open-loop transfer function

Determine the steady-state errors for a Unit ramp input

15. Using the RH criterion, determine the stability of the system having the characteristic
equation and mention the number of roots on the right half of the S-plane
(𝒊) 𝑺𝟒 + 𝟏𝟎𝑺𝟑 + 𝟑𝟔𝑺𝟐 + 𝟕𝟎 𝑺 + 𝟕𝟓 = 𝟎 (𝒊𝒊) 𝑺𝟓 + 𝟐𝑺𝟒 + 𝟑𝑺𝟑 + 𝟔𝑺𝟐 + 𝟐 𝑺 + 𝟏 = 𝟎
16. For the system with the characteristic equation given, determine the stability of the system
and the roots on the right half plane.
(𝒊) 𝑺𝟔 + 𝟐𝑺𝟓 + 𝟖𝑺𝟒 + 𝟏𝟐𝑺𝟑 + 𝑺𝟎𝟐 + 𝟏𝟔 𝑺 + 𝟏𝟔 = 𝟎

(𝒊𝒊) 𝑺𝟔 + 𝑺𝟓 + 𝟑𝑺𝟒 + 𝟐𝑺𝟑 + 𝟓𝑺𝟐 + 𝟑 𝑺 + 𝟏 = 𝟎

17. Explain the features of the PD controller with a neat block diagram and transfer function.
Mention the advantages of the PD controller.

18. What is Lead- lag compensation? Explain the procedure to design lead-lag compensation in
the frequency domain. Draw the typical frequency response of a lead-lag compensator.

19. Draw the root locus for the system given. Find the values of K at which the root locus
intersects with the imaginary axis.

20. Show that a part of the root locus of a system with G(S)H(S) as given below is circular. Find
the minimum damping ratio, the corresponding value of K and the poles of the closed loop
transfer function for this value of K

21. Sketch the Bode plots showing the magnitude is dB and phase angle in degrees as a function
of log frequency for the transfer function given below. Determine Gain crossover frequency,
phase cross-over frequency, phase margin and gain margin. Comment on the stability of the
22. The unit step response test conducted on a second-order system yielded Mp = 0.2 and
tp=0.3ms. Obtain the corresponding frequency response indices (Mr, ωr , ωb) for the system.

23.Consider G(S)= K/S(S+b) and H(S)=1. (a) Find the values of K and b to satisfy the following
frequency domain specifications: Mr = 1.1, ωr= 12 rad/s. (b) For the values of K and b
determined in part (a), calculate the settling time and bandwidth of the system

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