VTU Question Paper of 15EE61 Control Systems Feb-2022

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4 Atymveingst eta pea soa cq of Se 3 er ented mac erate. Onsompling your seve, comply daw dao coins ne eon Ha pe CBOSISCHENE 1SEESI ixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Feb./Mar. 2022 Control System Max, Marks: 80 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, chostig ONE full question from each module. Modute-t Define open loop and closed jo) ontrol system, meno BY four diferences between ‘open loop and closed loop contol system. (estar) For the mechanical system shown in Fig Q1(6). Draw the mechanical etwork and write the force voltage analogouselectris network. (@s arts) bee Shs naj ie las Fe) te, tr bes 5 Fig.) on Dare tts fig tel conto Gat se) & Bav'ow estates fd an tae ne ug fk al he ens Sutin) a) Kr ™ a e029) Modute2 has tow peti twin get wih ok cagan méton ize nts nwt Siting sural i hn i sk = oo gain formule Marts nt £2 yi norm omens Fig Q3ie) of 1SEESL (bain C(S)/R(S) using block diagram reduction rule, (osarky oo) Re) Figd300) or Co (bain the transfer funtion forthe lock digram shown in Fig. QA) Using block diagram reduction teehnigue (Maris) Feou Find the tras ition fr he given ek Using signal ow graph methods (ossin) TOA ‘cynrr uBRARY A “oigentone sats Drv the tie domaispeitestion D Peak) i) Rise ge (E) ears) ‘What re necessary and sist condone sytem be stables fr RH cera? 7 ‘osnan) Comer on iy wing Routh igi characte Cetin i Poppe tokaase 5560 06a on A gives pytem oxi wif ucney Radselotn the vale of Kee and 'P nub of pole bein RIS (eentane) Feast For the costo shown fig Q.60), find the ve of K; and K 0 that Me = 25% ad Tym 48 Assume nt sep np ‘ewan Sp 8) RL ry TS Feds) 20f3 1SEE6L Module-t ‘The open loop transfer function of contol system is giv) = Na Stet the compet@ro6t locus as K varied from zero to 0S) = Seay wTay SHAH te comet oe infty (Maas) Define the following with respect to fequeneresponse specification: 5) Resonant peak 4) Gaincross over requeney ii) Phase cross over fequency oontats (oR # i control. gyatim has G(S)= <2 Draw the bode pot 1 eity fedack contol lim bas GO)= soy Dm i Determine GM, PM, Wyegd Wp, comment on stability. (2mart Fora single loop uniy feedback system the open loop transfer function is given by Gg) -ES+208=3 show thatthe complex part of root locus is a cicle identity its s+) ‘centre and at (onary (CMRIT LIBRARY Modties — ancuuon-soas) Expl Nyguist stability erteria (esata Explain step by step procedure to design lg compensati etwork ‘aoMarts oR ‘The open loop teansietfintion of unity"peghtive fendback ptem is ven by 56) = KS) — ing fi, Find the value of K for which the closed 6) = seas ry, isthe Noi h. Find Joop system isjuststable smn) Elan the eft of PD and Pl cnr on the perma secon onder sytem.” (Us anh) Write a noteon enciclement of pot (ots) 30f3

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