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(PAASCU Accredited – Level II)
National Road, Poblacion, Pulilan, Bulacan

Subject Grade Level Grading Period Inclusive Dates

CL/VE Grade 7 1st 2nd 3rd 4th April 12-13, 2023

Teacher Mr. Solomon A. Patnaan
Module/Topic Unit III: Jesus, Our Savior
Lesson 14: Jesus’ Transfiguration
Week no. /Duration Week 55 minutes
Instructional Materials A Flame of God’s Love
New American Bible
Power Point Presentation

Transfiguration entails a lot of meaning in our faith as Catholic Christian and to
our moral way of living. The main concept of transfiguration aside from
showing the Being of Jesus as God as both the Prophet and the Law, it actually
calls every one to transformation. This transformation entails Change. Change
not only of our misconducts and mistakes in life but a Change of Heart. A
change of heart is directed to conversion, conversion in a sense that we don’t
return from our past self. Thus, taking from this transfiguration is a process of
change to become the best version of ourselves by transforming our hearts into
new ones in prayer and the Sacrament of Confession.

Proclamation of the Word

Mk. 9:2-8

New American Bible Revised Edition (NABRE)
Mark 1:9-11 – The Baptism of Jesus
Mk. 9:2-8 – The Transfiguration of Jesus

Catechism of the Catholic Church

(CFC 1295) – High Points of Jesus. His Baptism and Transfiguration.

In Quest of Truth (Passion for Truth)

Christian Message: Learning Objectives:

Doctrine: The Transfiguration gives us a The lesson is ordered to enable the students to:
fore-taste of Christ's glorious coming, when  To comprehend that the Transfiguration of Jesus
he "will change our lowly body to be like his is the Sacrament of the Second Regeneration
glorious body." (CCC 556) following the Baptism.

Morals: Such a demand for conversion in the  To conform that Jesus’ passion, death, and
face of so surprising a fulfillment of the resurrection is manifested in the transfiguration
promises allows one to understand the as the regeneration from baptism calling us for
Sanhedrin's tragic misunderstanding of Jesus: the conversion of Sin.
they judged that he deserved the death
sentence as a blasphemer. (CCC 591)

Worship: Transfiguration the foremost  To encourage one-self have his/her own

object was to remove the offense of the cross transfiguration for the purpose of transformation.
from the disciple's heart, and to prevent their The change of heart.
faith being disturbed by the humiliation of
His voluntary Passion by revealing to them
the excellence of His hidden dignity. (Pope
Leo the Great)
Learner’s Attributes: Integration of Values:

God centered, Servant Leader, Truth Seeker, Love for Truth, Gratitude, Hope, Obedience,
Community Builder. Forgiveness, Humility, Charity, Conversion

1. Video Presentation about Change
Answer the following questions:
a. What have you learned from the video presented?
Change is the only permanent thing in the world.

Link: The Video Presentation itself.

In the story at the beginning of the lesson, we see the candle's hesitation when it
learned that it is being taken up the stairway to show ships the way to the harbor.
Its hesitation is due to its light that is "very small." “Keep shining," the man said
to the candle. And the candle did. And when it's small light vas used to light the
large lamp, it caused the lamp to transmit light miles across the sea. Its very
small light has now been changed or transformed into a great light guiding the
ships at sea.

In the Gospel story of St. Mark, a transformation also happened Jesus was
transfigured. The Transfiguration is one of the crucial points in Jesus' life. It took
place on the mountain top, before the eyes of His chosen witnesses: Peter, James,
and John. It is to them that Christ revealed His glory. His face shone like the sun
and His clothes became dazzling white. But why did the Transfiguration take

According to St. Leo the Great, the great reason for the Transfiguration was to
“remove” the offense of the cross from the hearts of Jesus' disciples and to
prevent their faith from being disturbed by the humiliation of His voluntary
suffering by revealing to them the excellence of His hidden dignity” So it was
necessary that the disciples see Him in His glory so they may understand the kind
of change or transformation that the Body of Christ had to undergo during its

Furthermore, according to St. Leo the Great, the marvel of Transfiguration

contains another lesson for the apostles: to strengthen them and lead them to the
fullness of knowledge. St. Leo also reminds us that as we preach the Holy
Gospel, we all should receive a strengthening of faith; that we should not be
ashamed of the Cross of Christ through which He redeemed the world; that we
should not fear to suffer for the sake of justice; and that we should not lose hope
and confidence in the reward that has been promised.

The Transfiguration was also to prepare the disciples for the persecutions and
hardships they were to face as followers of Jesus. God knows that when faced
with persecutions, they will only need to return to this day and their recall of
their extraordinary experience with Jesus will greatly change them. Instead of
being afraid, they will be strong again, ready to face the challenge of spreading
the Good News to the ends of the world.

The Transfiguration of Jesus calls us to transformation or more appropriately,

conversion. This conversion is not possible without the grace that comes from
the Holy Spirit. It is this grace that empowers us to open the door of our hearts to
Jesus who knocks.

As we put ashes on our foreheads during Ash Wednesday, we should remember

that it is only through Jesus that we can change. Real change is supported by
fasting and abstinence. We must fast and abstain from the comforts they will not
help us to come closer to Jesus, such as too much eating, too much texting, too
much time spent on watching television, and too much recreation.

Real change grows with almsgiving. Jesus calls out to us to grow in His likeness
by opening our hearts in charity. Charity is life-giving and life-changing for
others. When we give out of the generosity of our hearts and when we
unselfishly give ourselves in service, we become part of a real transformation in
the lives of others.

Real change comes through prayer. We pray in spirit and so offer in spirit a
sacrifice or prayer. Prayer is an offering that belongs to God and is acceptable to
Him. It cleanses us from sin and drives many temptations. Through prayer, we
ask the Holy Spirit for the grace of conversion so that we may truly live as God's

Output Based Activity

Group Sharing
o What change would you like to promise and offer to God?

Synthesis – Nurturing God’s Message

Jesus inaugurated his Public Ministry through the Holy Spirit. As such, the
transfiguration shows or revealed His glory to His chosen witnesses calling us
out to a change of heart wherein only I Jesus can we change. Thus, asking the
help of the Holy Spirit is the a grace necessary for conversion. A conversion
speaks of real change through fasting and abstinence, growing in almsgiving,
coming in through prayer, that as disciples, transfiguration prepares to many
persecutions and hardships in following Jesus. Therefore, God encourages us to
listen to Jesus Always.

Closing Prayer:
Transfiguration Prayer
New Evangelization
Output Based Activity – Group Sharing
- This type of activity encourages the group to share what is asked in
manners of openness and acceptance to the listener. That the listeners will
act like Jesus who Listens to us without Judgement. The openness enables
the sharer to use his or her life as an expression of transformation.

Direction: Students will write a word and explain a sentence a lesson they have
learned about the discussion.

Ad Intra (Compassion for Humanity)
1. Transfiguration is a manifestation of God to Jesus as is portrays the
regeneration into new life which is His resurrection. Thus, from this it
calls through a conversion of heart, a change that will enable
transformation anchored in the Love of God toward other people.

Prepared by:
Mr. Solomon A. Patnaan
SCQC Student Teacher

Checked by:

Mr. Laurence G. Magtibay

Subject Area Team Leader/Critique Teacher

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