2nd Year GT Chap#1-6,15 & 16 2nd Half FLP

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Chemistry 2nd Year (Test No: 11, Ch No: 1-6, 15, 16, (FLP-2)) Test Session 2020-22

NAME:----------------------------------------------- Date: May 30, 2022

Roll No -------------- (To be filled by the candidate) (Academic Session 2017-2019 to 2020-2022)
CHEMISTRY 2022-(INTER PART-II) Time allowed: 20 min
PAPER – II (Objective type) GROUP – I Maximum Marks: 17
CODE: 1414
Note: Four possible answers A, B, C and D to each question are given. The choice which you think is correct,
fill that in front of that question with marker or Pen ink on the answer book. Cutting or filling two or
more circles will result in zero mark in that question.
Q.N Question A B C D
Which of the following halides
1 AlCl3 Al2O3 Na2O SO2
is polymeric:
Sugar becomes black when
2 conc. H2SO4is added to it. It is Hydrolysis Dehydration Hydration Decolourization
due to:
Newspapers can be recycled
3 2 5 3 7
how many times:
for black to make for making
4 Plaster of Paris is not used: in surgery
board chalk gypsum plaster walls
The gas used in bactericidal
5 Ne Xe Kr Ar
lamps is
Setting process of cement is
6 Hydrolysis Hydration Dehydration Oxidation
based upon:
7 Ecosystem is a smaller unit of: Lithosphere Biosphere Atmosphere Hydrosphere
Ortho-boric acid on strong Metaboric
8 Borax Boron oxide Tetraboric acid
heating to red hot gives: acid
N2O5 Prepared by dehydration
Which one of the following is
10 Cyano Oxalato Acetato Chloro
bidentate ligand:
Which one of the following is Blast furnace
11 Clay Marine shell Shale
calcarious material: slag
Which of the followings is not
12 Corundum Colemanite Bauxite Kaloine
ore of aluminum:
Glass Stainless
13 HF is stored in: Lead vessel Plastic vessel
vessel steel vessel
The percentage of carbon in 0.25 –
14 0.12-0.25% 2.5 – 4.5% 5-66%
wrought iron is: 2.55%
Which one of the following raw Blast
15 materials is not present in the Gypsum Red lead furnace Limestone
cement: slag
How much fresh water is used
16 23% 8% 69% 100%
for domestic purpose:
Which of the following have
17 H+ Al+3 Na+ Ca+2
maximum heat of hydration:
Chemistry 2nd Year (Test No: 11, Ch No: 1-6, 15, 16, (FLP-2)) Test Session 2020-22

Roll No -------------- (To be filled by the candidate) (Academic Session 2017-2019 to 2020-2022)
CHEMISTRY 2022-(INTER PART-II) Time allowed: 2:40 hrs
PAPER – II (Essay Type) GROUP – I Maximum Marks: 68
Q.2 Write short answers to any Eight (8) questions: (16)
i. What is the function of calcium in plants growth?
ii. What is the effect of heat on orthoboric acid?
iii. What is aqua regia? How does it dissolve gold?
iv. Why HClO4 is stronger than HClO?
v. How the entrapped air of molten iron is removed?
vi. Which raw materials are used in the manufacture of cement?
vii. What is smog? Give its types.
viii. Prove that BeO is amphoteric in nature.
ix. What products are formed when NaNO3 and LiNO3 are heated separately and explain the reason in difference in
x. Write chemistry of borax bead test.
xi. What is passivity? Give an example. (corrosion of Al)
xii. Justify is dehydrating agent justify with examples.
Q. 3 Write short answers to any Eight (8) questions: (16)
i. Why F2 is a gas while l2 is a solid at room temperature?
ii. Write reaction of bleaching powder with (a) Excess H2SO4 (b) NH3
iii. Differentiate between primary and secondary pollutants.
iv. What is the effect of aeration process for purification of water?
v. What is trend of hydration energy in the periodic table?
vi. H2SO4 acts as oxidizing agent. Give examples.
vii. What is poisoning of a catalyst? How V2O5 is prevented from poisoning in the contact processes?
viii. What is disproportionation reaction? Give example.
ix. Write note on Hydrosphere.
x. How ozone is depleted in stratosphere due to CFCs.
xi. What are the qualities of good fertilizer?
xii. Why CO2 is a gas while SiO2 is a solid?
Q. 4 Write short answers to any Eight (8) questions: (16)
i. Draw flow sheet diagram for urea manufacturing.
ii. Discuss role of phosphate fertilizers in plant growth.
iii. Write the conditions required for the formation of smog in atmosphere.
iv. What is coagulation? Which coagulants can be used for the purification of water?
v. Explain bleaching of pulp.
vi. Why KO2 is used in breathing equipments? Write equation.
vii. Write the reaction of NO2 with (a) Acidified FeSO4 (b) KI
viii. Write comparison of oxygen and sulphur?
ix. What are micro nutrients of plants?
Note: Attempt any THREE questions. (08 × 03 = 24)
Q. 5. (a) Write detail note on halides. (4)
(b) Give any six peculiar properties of lithium. (4)
Q. 6. (a) Write a note on commercial preparation of sodium by Down cell. (4)
(b) Define ionization energy. Explain it trend in periodic table. (4)
Q. 7. (a) Give uses of Halogens: (4)
(b) write a note on digestion (4)
Q. 8. (a) How bleaching Powder is prepared. (4)
(b) Write different temperature zone of Rotary kiln. (4)

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