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Banda Aceh, December 24th 2022

Hiring Principal
Fatih Bilingual School
Sultan Malikul Saleh Street No. 103
Lamlagang, Banda Aceh

Dear Hiring Principal,

My name is Gebrina Rezki, based on job vacancy advertisements from Fatih Bilingual
School’s Instagram account, i’m interested in applying for Science teacher in your school. I
had been taking my undergraduate education at the University of Syiah Kuala, majoring in
Geography education, in 2021. Geography is a science that has a lot to do with science
lessons. I can communicate English basic, both written and orally, and I am also able to
operate the computer as well. I also have work experience in private tutoring of students with
a bilingual (EnglishIndonesia school at elementary level for one year.

I hope can expand my experience and get better career in Fatih Billingual School and hoping
that I have enough qualifications to get the job. As your consideration, along with this letter I
am enclosing.
1. Copy of transcripts
2. Photocopy KTP
3. Curriculum vitae
3. Photograph latest 3X4
Thanks for your attention and consideration.


Gebrina Rezki

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