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Computer Software:aka Computer Programs

Computer software refers to a collection of programs, data, and instructions that enable a
computer system to perform specific tasks or operations. It is a broad term that encompasses all
types of software, including system software and application software. Computer software can
be written in various programming languages and is designed to interact with the hardware
components of a computer system.

-Object-oriented programming examples: Microsoft see sharps, (c#),Sun Microsystems

Java,and PHP (Hypertext preprocessor) which is an open-source programming language
In the simplest terms, an object-oriented programming (OOP) language is a type of
programming language that allows you to organize and structure your code around objects.

In OOP, an object is a self-contained entity that combines data (attributes) and functions
(methods) that operate on that data. Objects represent real-world or abstract concepts, and they
can interact with each other through their methods.

Computer software is a general term for programs and instructions that make computers work
and perform specific tasks. It includes different types of software like system software and
application software.

The main principles of OOP include:

1. Encapsulation: Objects encapsulate data and methods together, meaning the data is hidden
from direct access and can only be accessed or modified through predefined methods. This
helps in organizing and managing code, as well as providing data protection.

2. Inheritance: Objects can inherit characteristics and behavior from other objects, allowing for
code reuse and creating hierarchical relationships. Inheritance enables the creation of
specialized objects (subclasses) based on more general objects (superclasses).

3. Polymorphism: Polymorphism allows objects of different types to be treated as objects of a

common type. This means that objects can have different forms or behaviors while still being
able to use common methods or interfaces.

Object-oriented programming languages, such as Java, C++, Python, and Ruby, provide
features and syntax specifically designed to support the creation, manipulation, and interaction
of objects. OOP promotes modular and reusable code, making it easier to design and maintain
complex software systems.

In essence, an object-oriented programming language allows you to structure your code around
objects that contain data and methods, promoting code organization, reusability, and easier
management of complex systems.
May 2 branch ang computer system, system software and application software,pero mas
focused silang madidiscuss later

System Platform:
A system platform is a software environment or framework that provides a foundation for
developing and running applications. It typically includes the operating system, middleware, and
other software components necessary to support application development and execution. A
system platform provides a standardized set of services, APIs (Application Programming
Interfaces), and tools that facilitate the development, deployment, and management of software
System Platform:
A system platform is like a base or foundation for building and running computer programs. It
includes things like the operating system (like Windows or macOS) and other tools that help
developers create and manage programs.
Kase diba
System Software:aka Operating Systems
System software refers to a specific category of software that manages and controls the
operations of a computer system. It includes the operating system, device drivers, firmware, and
utility programs. System software acts as an intermediary between the hardware and the
application software, providing a platform for applications to run on top of the hardware. It is
responsible for managing system resources, providing hardware abstraction, facilitating
communication between hardware components, and ensuring overall system stability and

System Software:
System software is a type of software that controls and manages the computer system itself. It
works behind the scenes to make sure everything runs smoothly. It includes the operating
system, which is like the boss of the computer, and other important programs that handle tasks
like managing resources and keeping the system secure.
According to po,As of January 2023, Android accounted
for the majority of the mobile operating system market in the
Philippines with a market share of 89.78 percent. This was followed by
iOS with the share of 9.77 percent.

- System software is a subset of computer software. It specifically focuses on the software
components that directly manage and control the computer system.
- A system platform, such as an operating system, is an essential part of system software. The
operating system serves as the foundation on which other system software and application
software run.
- Computer software, including both system software and application software, relies on the
underlying system platform to provide the necessary services and resources for execution.
- System software interacts closely with the hardware components of a computer system,
enabling communication and coordination between the hardware and software layers.
- Application software, which includes programs like word processors, web browsers, and video
games, relies on system software to function properly and utilize the underlying hardware

In summary, computer software is a broad term encompassing all types of software. System
software is a subset of computer software that manages and controls the computer system,
while a system platform provides the foundation for developing and running software
applications, including system software and application software.
Certainly! Let's break it down in simpler terms:

- System software is a part of computer software that focuses on managing the computer
- The system platform, like an operating system, is an important part of system software. It
provides a foundation for running programs.
- Computer software, including system software and application software, relies on the system
platform to work properly.
- System software connects with the computer hardware and helps it communicate with other
- Application software, which includes programs like accounting software, relies on system
software to function and use the computer's resources.

In simpler terms, computer software is like the programs and instructions that make computers
work. System software is a type of software that controls the computer system, and a system
platform is a foundation for running software programs. System software connects with the
hardware and helps other software, like accounting programs, run smoothly.

Hardware and software are two essential components of a computer system, and they have
distinct roles and characteristics:

Hardware refers to the physical components of a computer system that you can touch and see.
It includes devices such as the computer processor (CPU), memory (RAM), hard drive,
motherboard, graphics card, keyboard, mouse, and monitor, among others. Hardware provides
the physical infrastructure and resources necessary for a computer to function. It includes
electronic circuits, chips, wires, and mechanical parts that enable data processing, storage,
input, output, and interaction with the user.

Software, on the other hand, refers to the intangible instructions, programs, and data that tell the
hardware what to do. It consists of lines of code and data stored on various types of media,
such as hard drives, solid-state drives, or optical discs. Software includes the operating system,
application programs, utilities, and any other programs or files that run on a computer system. It
provides the logic, functionality, and instructions necessary for the hardware to perform specific
tasks, process data, and interact with the user.

Differences between Hardware and Software:

1. Physicality: Hardware is physical and tangible, consisting of electronic, mechanical, and
physical components. Software is intangible and exists as digital files stored on hardware

2. Function: Hardware provides the physical infrastructure and resources for data processing,
storage, input, output, and interaction. Software provides the instructions, logic, and functionality
that utilize the hardware to perform specific tasks.

3. Modifiability: Hardware is generally fixed and difficult to modify or change without physically
replacing components. Software, on the other hand, can be easily modified, updated, or
replaced by changing the lines of code or files stored on storage media.

4. Lifespan: Hardware has a physical lifespan and can wear out or become outdated over time.
Software, however, can be upgraded or replaced independently of the hardware and can have a
longer lifespan.

5. Upgradability: Hardware upgrades often require physical replacement of components, while

software upgrades can be done by installing updates or new versions of software programs.

6. Cost: Hardware is typically more expensive than software, as it involves physical

manufacturing and production processes. Software costs can vary but are generally lower than
hardware costs.

In summary, hardware refers to the physical components of a computer system, while software
refers to the intangible instructions and programs that run on the hardware. Hardware provides
the infrastructure, and software provides the functionality and instructions for the computer
system to perform tasks. They are interdependent and work together to enable the functioning
of a computer.

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