CCE-IIT Madras DSAI Schedule - Google Sheets

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Date Trainer Duration Topic Module

12 Feb Intellipaat Team 1 Orientation Orientation

18 Feb Intellipaat Team 3 SQL Installation SQL
19 Feb Industry Expert 3 SQL SQL
25 Feb Industry Expert 3 SQL SQL
26 Feb Industry Expert 3 SQL SQL
4 Mar Industry Expert 3 SQL SQL
5 Mar Industry Expert 3 SQL SQL
11 Mar Industry Expert 3 SQL SQL
12 Mar Intellipaat Team 3 SQL Handson SQL
18 Mar Intellipaat Team 3 SQLCase study SQL
19 Mar Industry Expert 3 Python Basics Python Basics
25 Mar Industry Expert 3 Python Basics Python Basics
26 Mar Industry Expert 3 Python basics Handson Python Basics
1 Apr Industry Expert 3 Oops Day 1 OOPS
2 Apr Industry Expert 3 Oops Day 2 OOPS
8 Apr Industry Expert 3 Oops Handson OOPS
9 Apr Industry Expert 3 Numpy Numpy
15 Apr Industry Expert 3 Pandas Pandas
16 Apr Industry Expert 3 Visualization Visualization
22 Apr Industry Expert 3 Visualization Visualization
23 Apr Intellipaat Team 3 Numpy Handson Numpy
29 Apr Intellipaat Team 3 Pandas Handson Pandas
30 Apr Intellipaat Team 3 Visualization Handson Visualization
6 May Intellipaat Team 3 HR Analytics - Old HR Analytics - Old
7 May Industry Expert 3 Linear Algebra Linear Algebra
13 May Industry Expert 3 Statistics Basics Statistics Basics
14 May IIT Prof 2 Probabilty Probabilty
20 May IIT Prof 2 Probabilty Probabilty
21 May IIT Prof 2 Probabilty Probabilty
Business problem on HR Business problem on HR
Analytics using Peopels Analytics using Peopels Charm
27 May Intellipaat Team 3 Charm Dataset - Project Dataset - Project
Linera Regression -
Creating linear regression
models for linear data
using statistical tests, data

- Introduction to ML -
What is linear regression?
28 May IIT Prof 2 " ML
Predicting Insurance
Premium Charges using
3 June Intellipaat Team 3 Linear Regression ML
Logistic Regression -
Creating logistic
regression models for
classification problems –
such as if a person is
diabetic or not, if there will
be rain or not

- Supervised Learning-
4 June Dr.Priyanka 2 Logistic Regression ML
Logistic regression Case
10 June Intellipaat Team 3 study on Insurance Dataset ML
Logistic regression Case
11 June Intellipaat Team 3 study on Insurance Dataset ML
Decision Tree - Creating
decision tree models on
classification problems in a
tree like format with
optimal solutions.
Random Forest -random
forest approach towards
the problems

- Decision Tree, Random

Fores, Performance
17 June Industry Expert 3 measures ML
Using Decision Tree to
predict the patients having
18 June Intellipaat Team 3 Heart Disease ML
Business problem on
telecom dataset using
24 June Intellipaat Team 3 Random Forest ML

Unsupervised learning - k
25 June IIT Prof 2 means ML
Project on Census income
1 July Intellipaat Team 3 Dataset - Project ML
The k-means algorithm
that can be used for
clustering problems in an
unsupervised learning
2 July Industry Expert 3 approach. ML
KMeans Handson on
8 July Intellipaat Team 3 Online Retail Dataset ML
Analysing The Covid-19
Trend using Python -
9 July Intellipaat Team 3 Project ML
Project on Netflix
Recommendation Engine
15 July Intellipaat Team 3 using SVD - project ML
PCA (Dimentionality

16 July IIT Prof 2 - PCA" ML

PCA Handson using the
online sklearn Digits
22 July Intellipaat Team 3 dataset ML
LDA (Dimentionality
23 July IIT Prof 3 - LDA" ML
LDA Handson using the
online sklearn Digits
29 July Intellipaat Team 3 dataset ML

30 July IIT Prof 2 - Time Series forecasting ML


7 August IIT Prof 2 - Time Series forecasting ML


7 August IIT Prof 2 - Time Series forecasting ML

Forcasting the Airline
Passanger Count using
12 August Industry Expert 3 Timeseries ML
13 August Intellipaat Team 3 Practice Quiz Python Practice Quiz Python
19 August Intellipaat Team 3 Main Quiz Main Quiz
Module 1 (Introduction to
Deep Learning)- Gentle
Introduction to Deep
Learning & Artificial
Intelligence,Use cases of
DL in industry,Difference
between DS, ML, DL &
AI,Lifecycle of Deep
20 August Industry Expert 3 Learning Project AI
Module 2 (Introduction to
Neural Networks) - How
DL was derived from
human nervous
system,Single Cell
(perceptron),Multi cell
perceptron Topology,Build
a NN from scratch (using
numpy),Build a NN with
26 August Industry Expert 3 LR,Activation Function. AI
Module 3 (Introduction to
NN Framework) - The war
of NN
to TensorFlow
Introduction to Keras
(official API for
27 August Industry Expert 3 TF),Sequential Modeling AI
Module 4 (Introduction to
Fully Connected NN) -
Introduction to Images &
cv2,Build a single hidden
layer NN using Keras
the topology & various
parameter in building a
2 September Industry Expert 3 NN AI
Module 5 (Introduction to
Convolutional NN) -
Introduction to
Kaggle,Understanding the
curse of
Flattening,Introduction to
Convolutional Neural
Network,Math of Filter/
3 September Industry Expert 3 Normalization & Dropout AI
Module 6 (Post Modeling
Augmentation,Train large
image model in
Large model performance
9 September Industry Expert 3 monitoring AI
Module 7 (Learning from
Pre Built models ) - The
concept of Transfer
Learning, VGG,Use
VGG16 to Transfer
Learn,Transfer Learning
10 September Industry Expert 3 Vs Fine Tuning AI
Module 8 (Recurrent
Neural Networks) - The
problem with CNN,
Understanding RNN &
16 September Industry Expert 3 LSTM AI
Module 9 (Introduction to
NLP) - Introduction to
pre-processing,Building a
Sentiment detector using
17 September Industry Expert 3 NLP & LSTM AI
NLP Case Study on
Sentimental Analysis using
23 September Industry Expert 3 Tweeter dataset AI
Introduction to PowerBI,
Use cases and BI Tools ,
Data Warehousing, Power
BI components, Power BI
Desktop, workflows and
reports , Data Extraction
24 September Industry Expert 3 with Power BI. Power BI
SaaS Connectors, Working
with Azure SQL database,
Python and R with Power
BI Power Query Editor,
Advance Editor, Query
Dependency Editor, Data
Transformations, Shaping
and Combining Data ,M
Query and Hierarchies in
30 September Industry Expert 3 Power BI. Power BI
1 October Industry Expert 3 DAX Power BI
Data Modeling and DAX,
Time Intelligence
Functions, DAX Advanced
2 Oct Industry Expert 3 Features Power BI
Data Visualization with
8 Oct Industry Expert 3 Analytics Power BI
Slicers, filters, Drill Down
Reports ,Power BI Query,
Q & A and Data
Insights,Power BI Settings,
Administration and Direct
9 Oct Industry Expert 3 Connectivity Power BI
Embedded Power BI API
and Power BI
Mobile,Power BI Advance
15 Oct Industry Expert 3 and Power BI Premium Power BI
Introduction to MLOps -
MLOps pipeline,MLOps
Components, Processes,
16 Oct Industry Expert 3 etc MLOPS
Deploying Machine
Learning Models -
Introduction to Azure
Machine Learning Models
22 Oct Industry Expert 3 using Azure MLOPS
Linux Basics – File
23 Oct Industry Expert 3 Handling, data extraction, Linux
Hands-on Sessions And
Assignments for Practice –
Strategically curated
problem statements for you
29 Oct Industry Expert 3 to start with Linux. Linux
Git- What is Version
control? Benefits of
Version Control, Version
control tools, What is
Git?Characterstics, uses of
Git. All Git commands -
Initializing, Staging,
Stashing, Commit,
Branching, Merge
4 Nov Industry Expert 3 Conflicts, Hotfix etc Git
5 Nov Intellipaat Team 3 Career Services Session - 1 Career Services Session - 1
Mentioned would be tentative confirmation of the batch schedule. Any changes with respect to the same
would be updated in the same sheet.

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