Disruptive Force (+15 Weapon Enchantment) - Dante58701 (EnWorld)

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I came up with this for an Epic Weapon Special Quality.

I need to know if it's Price is correct. I'm not sure how to figure that out. It's basically an enhancement
that turns your weapon permanently into pure force that cuts through both force effects (including
deflection bonuses) and matter.

It's for a dragon/undead slayer.

Disruptive Force: A disruptive force weapon is comprised of disruptive force and naturally invisible. A
disruptive force weapon can bypass damage reduction, deflection bonuses to AC, force effects
(destroying them in the process), and hardness; resolve all attacks as touch attacks (bypassing armor,
natural armor, etc.); and strike ethereal and incorporeal targets normally. A disruptive force weapon's
attacks are automatically considered sunder attempts in addition to dealing damage. A disruptive force
weapon is immune to disintegration and can safely deflect/parry a disruptive force weapon.

Creatures and objects immune to disintegration and force effects are immune to disruptive force
weapons. Creatures and objects immune to disintegration are affected as if by a ghost touch weapon.
Creatures and objects immune to force effects take minimum damage.

Very strong evocation and transmutation; CL 45th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor; disintegrate,
Mordenkainen's sword, wish; Price +15 bonus.

In comparison to a brilliant energy (+4), ghost touch (+1) weapon. It lets you do only a couple additional
things. Attack ethereal, objects, and undead, bypass deflection bonuses and force effects (except other
force weapons), destroy force effects, and automatic sundering (equivalent to a divine ability...so +6).

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