FHSC1234 Tutorial 9S 202210

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SESSION 202210


[Source: Final Examination Dec 2015]

Q1. Figure 1 shows the results of a gel electrophoresis of several fragments of DNA
obtained from a restriction enzyme digestion. The arrow shows the direction of
movement of DNA.

Figure 1

(a) Briefly account for the direction of movement of DNA. (2 marks)

From -ve terminal to +ve terminal as DNA is -ve charge due to the phosphate

(b) Give TWO (2) possible factors that could influence the speed of DNA
migration towards the anode. (2 marks)

The voltage and concentration of agarose gel, size of DNA fragment, type and strength
of buffer, confriguration/shape of DNA

Buffer give ions (disipate the heat and control pH)

(c) Identify the DNA samples that belong to the same organism. Justify your
answer. (2 marks)

1 and 2 as both has same DNA bands (it is very unlikely for two different organism to
have simialar pattern,)

(d) You plan to carry out Southern blotting on the gel shown in Figure 1. Briefly
describe the steps that need to be carried out. (3 marks)

using labeled probes that hybridize to the DNA immobilized on a “blot” of gel. Mix
nitrocellulose blot with probe and radioactivity in probe expose film to
form an image.

(blot DNA fragement into a nitrocellose membrane, label it using probe using
radioactivity or fluorescene to hybridize it and identify probe signal to
visualize the blot to identify the target fragment.)

[Source: Final examination April 2018]

Q2. Reproductive cloning of human embryo is generally considered unethical. However,
on the subject of therapeutic cloning, there is a wider divergence of opinion.

(a) Briefly explain how the cloning of human embryos can be conducted.
(2 marks)

An egg from doner is innulecuated , DNA from the person to be clone will
then be transplanted will then be transfer to this egg cell. Egg is then
activated to start development.

(b) Explain ONE (1) benefit of this reproductive cloning. (1 mark)

To produce embryonic stem cell

[Source: Final Examination Dec 2013]

Q3. The PCR product shown in Figure 2.1 is ligated into the plasmid vector shown in
Figure 2.2. The cloning site is located in the middle of the lacZ gene. In addition to
that, the vector also contains bla (ApR) which codes for resistance to the antibiotic

Figure 2.1 Figure 2.1

(a) Following ligation, bacterial transformation is carried out to incorporate the

plasmids into E. coli. In your opinion, give TWO (2) reasons why E. coli is
used for gene cloning. (2 marks)
high reproduction rate and genetic simplicity/less complex and ability to hold various
kind of plasmid and safety rather than virus

(b) For each of the bacterial media, state which of the following subsets of
bacteria are able to grow: E. coli with recombinant plasmids, E. coli with non-
recombinant plasmids, Untransformed E. coli. If yes, state the colour of their
colonies (blue or white).

(i) Bacterial agar with ampicillin and X-gal. (4 marks)

With recombinant able to grow with white colony, non-recombinant able to grow with blue
coloies. Untransformed unable to grow

(ii) Bacterial agar with X-gal but without ampicillin. (3 marks)

all able to grow bacteria, with white for R, blue for NR, white for U.

[Source: Final Examination Sept 2011]

Q4. Figure 3 shows 2 different stem cells and the differentiated cells that they can form.

Figure 3

(a) Based on Figure 3, explain why stem cell B is described as pluripotent.

(2 marks)
It can differeciate/ give rise to many other cell, it also can give
rise/reproduce to stem cell

(b) Suggest ONE (1) location where stem cell A may be found in an adult
human. (1 mark)

Bone marrow

(c) In therapeutic cloning, stem cell therapy holds the promise of repairing
damaged or disease organs. Parkinson’s disease is a progressive degenerative
disorder of the central nervous system, resulting in uncontrolled movement of
the muscle. Explain briefly how stem cell therapy is used to treat Parkinson’s
disease. (2 marks)

Harvest human embryonic stem cell (pluripotent stem cell), under right condition the stem
cell is then activated to differenciate into nerve cell which then transplant into patient brain.

(d) Identify the appropriate term for each of the following descriptions:

(i) A stem cell capable of giving rise to many different cell types. (1

(ii) A stem cell that can generate a complete new organism. (1 mark)

(iii) The alteration of an afflicted individual’s genes. (1 mark)
Gene therapy

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