Poetics Part - 1

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Pifodichon bh Drama nae, Th extra Georges: Tragedy, comedy hagycomedy, jemane, Jernenfs of amg Gnehkucton, (a UAgE , Elements of Drama, pei Cie Lemond: of thealie - Ad mosphere, stage, aarin linear n, arthste Mineckn, and aAixecton. Fement of Rxfirmance; Paresona nevement. prepectin, smprovisa ton. King Ocdpus —s Tragedy The Menchand: of Yentoe— Tragbormedly. The Zo0 StTY — Absundl Drama . Final oliton — Maddern Drama, 4oeties - Aritrte ; Fioluate Artistoed ion vfews on hee Lonrhes, —S The slea of unrhes in a drama and ypecrilly Tragedy 18 druved from Ard, totter, poetics: Accor diry fp tHe, Phat unvtes required a play? have emngla Aation 12 preesented tn 4 Page place wiftin a course ot the ey . Te prunes pes arce. Known as the Unig of Time, Und of Hace, as ro . Umsnes. 7122 (ynube wr sully epporied a Auth Feléan mapa ste Uy of Time: The action of the play shi dike Place ina shot? fntermal norolgy jdeally no MbFee Yan 24 Aoures- About the length of the play. Arustette. || teks fo the magnitude called far, a andro, fnded - bit a which can be Te agg geen Nn ZZ On ee ue Savin pet om, ea remembered: The deal time whye table ot a thagedy CNCOTPABES fin “© One. eMed of The sun, en adniels bat 4 omy arciation Arion As .perviod, ” | bait of time Linuids the Supposed! actin Hh the dunapin, weitghly of a stigle dy Anistote meat that the length, of ax Represerrfe! in the ry hell be Healy Speaking the. achal Pee de his paésentiten. FH ehauld be kept inrind that , The action of the play shy Secan th one rerelutin af Cleon FE PL ;; a magedy Then hal (oa last ey of here “ |We @annot Show te heros a br \ hat is’ done ig ie Aitelstoe mea. What the length ot te Hire ‘x0 Preesenfe/ op a play vhaill beh cally Spending Tae. Helual tine passing during, fs fowl yg of @ Lon? - The gatos =a ee vehotlld bo as ‘slictr net ar poral PERS the unity. of ahr which vrakes Aye plot infetyible, ehetent and snd) -yilual The ‘events and relents amected ah, caoh, oppor logically Ane Ineviiably on the prinaple of ; pret “poy move piards 4 domimon™ gea/ , ae Carastrepie, Qined at &9 the bygure ng vs nantes Od ot The Loy of rt Aros Qctompls = ue di beaks and Sehichd Feats jy, Pet, CF L1C/ 6. 0f ghops. Ay Se alent frinps. eared: “ib When oe talk ‘about? ie may cut om F oF aonen We ate Fresfag ; 43 mesh - CWE. 74, ve thee. ne They when play began He ah os pt he fin en we tnd elrmax tn wide of W where the Falling. dads % 0 ond oF phe play Sa ee Arasbttes pe. Bohes , e eptain hi ten af Tag od Alccorrdy 70. tha} Pp bf ehovpme ps Te) ot th “haged te define plot hs the e “Anrangemen i eo Ff In crlewte Thoneftespbr ust be complexe wrth 17 ff Ths & how be clint mA Q2OMR come fre play: P| TRS lsd oF ee ae de i ge on Chapa OSE rc | Aer. lek they of Ae on hp ea? Phew hejps the hes a Si Bek ay and wafer Tob see \ pred p ; Qo por 0266 , Oey ae | Re Poa \ Yapsed on agre and plots hele: IF ing “ play, uy oh aaton mavaye 4 @ pp way shen nrovone Jueoton She lage of Wehads Agepen4y, at He moment ' VAeodue ds defais Surved within TR ARLE LO INE play. ' Unity of faces «A play ahold CU in a Stigle Phrycieal space and ref _ |r anpres Zeography nop should shag. aR eR PRI RE TH bear said that 1 dramas Hore Se 6S noe af pace, ahd eyen AAs tene change Yt Must not be to 4 a distance “AA pubse SLT Ore Palate Siete wel Out Be sae BEM gheald pe NC omponate. Kenes of VATUUS aces Ind ation and Thom pag mor Dok one erly fo another SAS on ox ourrny 2 anothen. Example. Cedipus her's the bar example e three unite. TF follows onely of firme because the Orang, of the ply Fak place tuthin she time span of one day. The aaton wheah fakes Jace rn the pas} ane reported fy messanger. 30, + Fellows the denity of game. ? follous Hhe Une of Place because oven ing happens In the palace cteps. Qh fp doesnt fo anywhere alse. Sy hone unity Ox” place 78 follwed fy the play. Unity of aation Is folowed &m because tyh- - ever happong fn the Play 6 related voip Oedipus fincas We donot Find any sub - plod th the, play do, we can say it Rebus jhen a i Teh The? ie ea pa oy Say Hi ne : ie Pio! csoighe of Bree ns te play ean rape VS HAYA ae \ + DA \ yA FATS 7 DAMS SBdy SVT THF VINX ~ NY ¥ yk ocety V8 Ws SKE BANTD hr Aare \ \ \* 2S mpd Wy SENS Bf : \ Lait fagke asAlag, aw Se RCOAy - gro] er 922 staan > dk sh Ant. oslo NS giv cc ’90s5 Ase x yD9 9 fy Wes ghey pases & Dooidhety a ceathors Ys edd Hor Yak atery 3 WWI oak ad goad asd sto9 - dv2 yop owe Sorrcd SV - Mopmrish wend Nappro 50902 ula oy ey balq- GI] Whos \B rage law? How dows tf eandru belo 4) the downtall of the hereo in a tragedy Wrote wih mefercence of Poeties: Pro oe f- ma Sra Al 5a dt law ae diflercent from The nunon weaknesses. Tt Ish specthie frealty op vice. that brings about serious usp Ne .and ge Thague Alagus arte off ER 820) In She NAN Gharaclers fF tragedy, TIn.@ Thagedy the noble Chara — Crees sfrutagle with oxdkertnal op jpfore lp Nal foree, jn Are face of strobe On death, the eafagonits m a ae amaxreesponvible and brave-buf He [edu sat Hern chareaerore hike Pu debe A mbrten NB exes Tone NGI ER offen leads to Their troubles and celtranpfoly Shera Count or deat jy mo eases. The protagmst a ie ei, 13 also ee Ore He hy heno. Tagre-Haw ssa! for ipienel purprag, HERE te-encounage the Othe ene, me Greek word for pragre Flaw & han carat oR ee Rots whith meane Fo enn. Tt war ankstte who ey rem In Prefas and his sdea War. “hat is on “extor Tuff Cane T7 7? a PN nap Aor rigs ks dy A Prape 4law /3 abo aalled a Ly tal Ye This Jgken Ma eho Pratt in te character of The hero. Character. In. 2 Play x thet wished ree ye fhe, moral Purpose af fre agenys, /-¢ \ See at phinigs hey seekon grad? ‘4 ae ae aie \ Foebes . In’ Benes, Arastolhe arquea the} Shamans one “Aeagre Hawi ts a powatil deyre fo have a Shny begin wrth a reich and paw ertul Aono , Nether excephimaly vid- ow non villamous, Who then Fas nts piped es bx H RRAE, on a fhe. AgorUst 1$ Too worehy oF as-heom om foo al hie/hee change Pabiclne. wil! not evoke. the real proportion.of pity \ land tear “necessany tr Casharcsts | Hore ' \Arushre’ desenibehamappia a tae, qeality of 4 thagie keno Phat genrercates af ophinal balance . . “She ohanacdon befwoon phese Huo SCN AES ar 5a ete Anger emmn 00d & 4 YOK UshOs was Tiga © Brought any Pe on Re POY but by \me erpo ov Tea fey 99 ay Anistetee, Petes : See A pfragie hones Aowntall evokes Yao Foal ngs of pity and fan Ynong He audeme De Dike the forem "mapye ero, Pes some - time He aase af Tragic heroes are not realy henoes at all i Apreal rence and in a few oases, Crk gorash a" be daarabeh a3 Mage hen es. ye heroes ane She fe Lac, frage , hte ‘ies tho rheag Or. aye, Arustote det ae fies ed Aragedy must creafo Crfharys amo ip the Ie once, Ari totle. pute 4, then Wo ber, Ieers his demise, pee WU Ged by unmeroted. esfeTeme Qa man Lhe wuns€lye” ®NG 2 arte The bape aharacherus hex gp ye. hor, a4. explained by fri Pie 09: ™ O Hamanhas A. Hrawle baw haf Catige, She downfal of 4 Kero, | (Y) Heebrers ¢ EXxeasyve prude and Lhrepes Pop the nediral andep of Pings. @ Yeribetoa! The neeredl of Fate. fhat the hero. experences. 11D) Anagnonpes’ 4 momen tn tine hey here maker an rinporrtany- Aheoveny i the SfOry.. O nemesks A punthment dal Ae prove gontes- Cannot Avoid. 149 uaiy 2 4 Teesufy- of us hubrys. Tnetially, The Mane hero shoul DCO chor on worse monally han nonmat people, In ord tr allow the audhence to /enthy wits thom. The aleo rortrocke.cos jr » when Ks Ctuaial m tha dy, a HF tho hero tx tect We would do cutraged with Sho tate on nef ene espeorilly beacause of ar deoley,cal Superiore LYE the hero wae Knpentorcced gn evil. shen Be wd) once woul fee/ tha he he gee! _goffen what he duavel Balance, a Eee Ports if ce Yn Ge hero Evemtealty Ae Aucishtelian tra yee herp Aes a Mage eg th » Aaving fillen from great heighls and Raving made an Inmer peble misfake. Go, 1? ks clean ray Sragie baw” ulhrna leads 7 fre wunfall os the hero. Tf nol roy ] angie Flaw 2 ag re hereo won't b esdme nor He fagedy,

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