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This thesis entitled “An Analysis of Illocutionary Act in “Ratatouille” A Movie by Brad Brid ”
written by:

Name : Bela Antalia Putri Asykin

Students Number : 1700888203026

Study Program : English Education

Faculty : Teacher Training and Education

Sciences Has been corrected and approved to be presented in front of the team examiners.

Accepted by:
The First Advisor The Second Advisor

Dr. Suyadi, M.A Efa Silfa, M.Pd

Approved by:
The Head of English The Dean of Teacher
Education Study Program Training and Education Faculty

YantyIsmiyati,S.Pd.,M.Pd Dr. H.Abdoel Gafar,S.Pd.,M.Pd


This thesis entitled “An Analysis of Illocutionary Act in “Ratatouille” A Movie by Brad Brid”.
Written by Bela AntaliaPutri Asykin,student’s number 1700888203026, as accepted and
approved by the team of examiners faculty of Teacher Training and Education Batanghari
University August 2021.

Team of Examiner

Name Positions Signature

Dr. Suyadi, M.A Chairman ___________

Efa Silfa, M.Pd Secretary ___________

Yanti Ismiyati, M.Pd Main Examiner ___________

Siti Aisyah, M.Pd Examiner ___________

Ratified by:

The Head of English The Dean of Teachers Training

Education Study Program and Education Faculty

Yanti Ismiyati, M.Pd. Dr. H. Abdoel Gafar, S.Pd.,M.Pd.


I am the undersigned below this:

Name : Bela Antalia Putri Asykin

NIM : 1700888203026

Study Program : English Language Education

Department : Teacher Training and Education Faculty

I certify that this thesis is certainly my own work. And the entitled “An Analysis of Illocutionary
Act In “Ratatouille” A Movie by Brad Brid”. I am entirely responsible for the substance of this
thesis . The opinions or discoveries of other authors contained in the thesis are quoted and cited
according to the ethical principles.

Jambi, September 2021

The Researcher

Bela Antalia Putri asykin

NIM. 17008882030266

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