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Solidity, Ethereum, and Blockchain: The Complete Developer's Guide

Course Introduction
The Problem with Digital Money
Creating a Digital Currency
Finding Consensus: The Byzantine Generals
Shirley: The Woman with 16 Personalities
The Blockchain
A Birthday for Bitcoin
Proof of Work vs. Proof of Stake
A Look at Decentralized Banks
Smart Contracts
Bitcoin Automation vs. Ethereum Automation
Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)
How to Interact with Smart Contracts
Smart Contract Visualization
Architecture of a Typical DApp
Swapping like a Unicorn
Inspecting the Blockchain
Do You Want to Become a Solidity Developer?
Hot Contracts
What is Solidity?
First Smart Contract in Solidity
Normal vs. View Functions
Public vs. Private Functions
Deployment with Remix
We Don't Want This Transaction!
Exercise: Imposter Syndrome
That's my Type!
Numbers Numbers Numbers!
Magic Storage
What is ERC and EIP?
What is the ERC-20 Standard?
Development Setup - Part 2
Creating a New Contract
Memory, Calldata or Storage
Message Variable
Unique Type: Address
Function Modifiers
Mappings are Kings
Default Values
Enabling Transfers
Enabling TransferFroms
Testing Code with Code
Testing our ERC-20
Something is Happening on the Blockchain
Something is Happening in Solidity
Something is Happening in our ERC-20
Deployment with Infura
Decentralized Stable Coins
Designing Our Own Stable Coin
The Smart Contract Heirs
Creating Our Tokens
Checked Arithmetics
Minting and Burning
Calling Other Contracts
Ask the Oracle
Implementing the Overcollateralization (Depositing)
Implementing the Overcollateralization (Withdrawing)
Structuring State Data
Getting Wiser with Libraries
Fixed Point Math
Customizing Your Errors
Testing Our Stable Coin
More Randomness on the Blockchain
Randomness on the Blockchain
Building the Casino
Stages with Enums
Fallback Functions
Winners with Arrays
Do You Know What You Don't Know?
The Future of Blockchains
Thank You

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