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S: Hi Carlos.

C: Hi Samira, how are you?

S: I’m fine. Thanks , What about you?

C: I'm very tired because yesterday I was at the worst party of my life.

S:Really??? What kind of party did you go to?

C: It was a party for a school friend at a very expensive club, but everything went wrong.

S: I don’t understand, what happened in the party?

C: It all started when they did not have the guest list at the door and the security man did n’t
allow anyone to enter and we had to wait for about 1 hour at the door and it was very sunny.
Until our friend had to come and figure it out.

S: I can't believe it, what a horrible situation and then what happened?

C: We were like 20 people who entered 1 hour late and we missed the food and snacks, we
were very upset.

S: I imagine how annoying that moment was, on top of that they were hungry and didn't eat.
Did you go home then?

C: No, because we thought the worst was over, but in reality the worst of the party was yet to
come. The party organizer lost the gifts, the crazy hour people didn't show up and in the end
the lights went out and we had to leave the party in the dark.

S: Yes, it was the worst party I've ever heard in my life. I imagine the bad moment you had.

C: Yes you right! But, what about you? Have you ever been to the worst party of your life?

S: In my case I haven’t been to the worst party that I remember, but I have gone the best
party when I was graduate in the school.

C: Oh really? Tell me more.

S: When I finished school in 2019, I had my graduation party in the same school's
auditorium, I remember that first we had a mass in the chapel, then they handed us our
diplomas and the party began. There was crazy time and a live band.
C: Seriously a live band, how exciting. And did they wear special clothes for graduation or
the school uniform?

S: Yes, really, a live rock band performed. It was all very fun. We also wear a beautiful long
blue dress with a gown on top of the dress and the cap on the head to later throw it when

C: The organizers of your graduation must have been hired by my friend for his party, so
everything would have been perfect.

S: Sure, if you want I can give you the phone number of the organizers of my graduation.

C: Yes please, I’ll have a reunion party for former students of the school and I would like to
hire them

S: Of course, I'll give it to you tomorrow

C: Perfect, thank you very much. I have to go because I'm very tired from work and I didn't
sleep well because of that bad party

S: See you, take care.

C: Good bye, take care too.

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