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Republic of the Philippines


Palompon, Leyte


Mechanical Engineering Department


Institutional Course Outcome

Program Outcomes
Outcomes Definitions

Articulate and discuss globally 1. PO1. Apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve CO1. Prepare written project study
technological developments in the mechanical engineering problems. proposal which contains the following;
specific field of 2.
practice. statement of the problem, objective,
Influencing and motivating others 3. PO2. Design and conduct experiments, as well as analyse significance of the study, scope and
to achieve organizational and interpret data. limitations, related literature, underlying
productivity with emphasis on 4. theories and concepts, and methodology
5. PO3. Design a system, component, or process to meet
environment friendly innovations
desired needs within realistic constraints, in accordance with
and creative solutions. Leading by CO2. Present orally the project study
Technological example with ethical ascendancy proposal to a panel.
Leadership and coordinate to balance the 7. PO11. Use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools
conflicting interests of different necessary for mechanical engineering practice.
stakeholders and work effectively 8.
in a team-based environment with 9.a PO12. Know and understand engineering management and
high-degree of responsibility and principles as a member and leader of a team, and to manage
integrity. projects in a multidisciplinary environment.
4. PO1. Apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve CO1. Prepare written project study
mechanical engineering problems.
proposal which contains the following;
Ability to produce quality scientific
statement of the problem, objective,
researches geared towards the 6. PO2. Design and conduct experiments, as well as analyse
Scientific significance of the study, scope and
advancement of current technology and interpret data.
Innovations 7. limitations, related literature, underlying
and generation of new ones for the
theories and concepts, and methodology
improvement of the quality of life.8. PO5. Identify, formulate, and solve mechanical engineering
CO2. Present orally the project study
proposal to a panel.

PO2. Design a system, component, or process to meet

desired needs within realistic constraints, in accordance with CO1. Prepare written project study
standards. proposal which contains the following;
Achieve the standards of quality statement of the problem, objective,
1. PO4. Function in multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams. significance of the study, scope and
required by the maritime,
2. limitations, related literature, underlying
engineering, educational,
3. PO6. Understand the impact of mechanical engineering theories and concepts, and methodology
World-Class technological and other solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal
Competitiveness professional industries with a high context.
level of social and ethical 4. CO2. Present orally the project study
responsibility for global
5. PO11. Use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools proposal to a panel.
competitiveness through necessary for mechanical engineering practice.
instruction, research, extension and
production. 7. PO10. Know contemporary issues.

9. PO12. Know and understand engineering management and
principles as a member and leader of a team, and to manage
projects in a multidisciplinary environment.
PO7. Communicate effectively.

1. PO3. Design a system, component, or process to meet CO1. Prepare written project study
desired needs within realistic constraints, in accordance with proposal which contains the following;
standards. statement of the problem, objective,
2. PO6. Understand professional and ethical responsibility. significance of the study, scope and
3. PO7. Communicate effectively. limitations, related literature, underlying
4. PO8. Understand the impact of mechanical engineering
Expect graduates to be socially, theories and concepts, and methodology
economic-develop, to be a solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal
Improving the
transformed individual. Graduates context. CO2. Present orally the project study
Quality of Life 5. PO9. Recognize the need for, and engage in lifelong
practice their profession to be proposal to a panel.
rightfully employed. learning.

Republic of the Philippines

Palompon, Leyte
Telephone: (053) 555-9841 Fax: (053) 338-2501
Email Add.:


Mechanical Engineering Department


First Semester A.Y: 2021-2022


Mission : To strengthen its dominance in producing highly skilled, competent and world class seafarers, engineers, teachers, technologists,
and professionals in the allied programs responsible in fulfilling the needs of the stakeholders for national development in the
ASEAN integration for a quality life with guidance and providence of God.

Goal : Make PIT a premier polytechnic educational institution where students are trained to excel in their areas of specialization through
quality instruction, product-based research, need-driven extension and accessible production programs for a heightened socio-
economic development and improved quality life in a fast changing society.

Program Outcomes :

By the time of graduation, the students of the program shall have the ability to:
1. Apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve mechanical engineering problems;
2. Design and conduct experiments , as well as to analyze and interpret data;
3. Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints, in accordance with standards;
4. Function in multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams;
5. Identify, formulate, and solve mechanical engineering problems;
6. Understand professional and ethical responsibility;
7. Communicate effectively;
8. Understand the impact of mechanical engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context;
9. Recognize the need for, and engage in life-long learning;
10. Know contemporary issues;
11. Use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for mechanical engineering practice;
12. Know and understand engineering management and principles as a member and leader of a team, and to manage projects in a
multidisciplinary environment.
A. Course Details
Course Name ME Project Study 1
Course Description The first phase of mechanical engineering project study involving writing and defense of project proposal
Number of Units 1 units (Lecture and Laboratory )

B. Course Outcome and Relationship to Program Outcome

Course Outcomes Program Outcome
At the end of the course, students should be able to a b c d e f g h i j k l
CO1. Prepare written project study proposal which contains the following; E E E E
statement of the problem, objective, significance of the study, scope and
limitations, related literature, underlying theories and concepts, and

CO2. Present orally the project study proposal to a panel. E E E E

Course Intended Learning Topic Time Allotment Teaching Strategies Assessment Tools References
Outcomes Outcomes

1. Familiarize the PIT Orientation; PIT mission, Week 1 Lecture/Recitation Video Student hand
mission, vision and vision and expected presentation/PowerPoint book
policies. outcomes; discussion of presentation/computer/ laptop
course policies, grading
Values: Students will system
adhere to the institute’s
policies by knowing its
mission and vision and in
due course developing
within them the value of
appreciation and good
impression of the course.

Students will gain Introduction to Week 2

knowledge and skills in the Mechanical
project selection process Engineering Project
and criteria. They will Study Video
learn how to identify presentation/PowerPoint
•Overview of the course
suitable projects within the presentation/computer/ laptop
objectives, requirements,
field of mechanical
and expectations
engineering, considering
factors such as feasibility, •Introduction to project
relevance, and impact. selection process and
Students will also be criteria
familiarized with the
guidelines for effective
project planning and •Guidelines for project
execution, including the planning and execution
development of project
schedules, resource
allocation, and risk
assessment. By the end of
the course, students should
be able to confidently
initiate, plan, and execute a
mechanical engineering
project while adhering to
the established guidelines.

Students should be able to Project Proposal and

identify project objectives Planning
and scope, demonstrating
•Identifying project
their ability to define the
objectives and scope
purpose and boundaries of Video
the project. They should •Conducting literature presentation/PowerPoint
also be able to conduct a Week 3-5
review and background presentation/computer/ laptop
comprehensive literature research
review and background
research, showing their •Developing project
capability to gather and proposal including
analyze relevant problem statement,
information to support objectives, and
their project proposal. methodology
Moreover, students should •Creating project
be able to develop a well- schedule and allocating
structured project proposal resources
that includes a clear
problem statement, •Risk assessment and
specific objectives, and an mitigation strategies
appropriate methodology
for achieving those
objectives. They should be
able to create a project
schedule and allocate
resources effectively,
demonstrating their
proficiency in project
management. Additionally,
students should be able to
identify potential risks
associated with the project
and develop strategies to
assess and mitigate those
risks, showcasing their
ability to anticipate and
manage challenges in
project implementation.

Students should be able to Project Execution

conduct experiments, tests,
•Conducting experiments,
or simulations as required
tests, or simulations as
by their project,
required by the project
demonstrating proficiency
in hands-on application of •Collecting and analyzing
engineering concepts. data Video
They will also learn how to presentation/PowerPoint
collect and analyze data •Troubleshooting and Week 6-10
presentation/computer/ laptop
effectively, employing problem-solving during
appropriate analytical tools project implementation
and techniques to derive •Utilizing engineering
meaningful insights from principles and techniques
their findings. Moreover, to achieve project goals
students will gain problem-
solving and
troubleshooting skills,
enabling them to address
challenges that arise during
project implementation. By
utilizing engineering
principles and techniques
in a systematic manner,
students will be able to
devise innovative solutions
and strategies to achieve
the goals and objectives of
their project. Overall, this
phase emphasizes the
practical application of
theoretical knowledge,
enhancing students'
abilities to translate
concepts into tangible
outcomes in the field of
mechanical engineering.

students should be able to Project Documentation

write technical reports that and Reporting
accurately document their
•Writing technical reports
project progress and
documenting project
findings. They will learn to
progress and findings
create detailed project
documentation, including •Creating detailed project Week 11-13 Video
drawings, calculations, and documentation, including presentation/PowerPoint
specifications, ensuring drawings, calculations, presentation/computer/ laptop
that all relevant and specifications
information is included.
Additionally, students will •Presenting project
gain proficiency in results and findings in a
presenting their project clear and concise manner
results and findings in a •Peer review and
clear and concise manner, feedback process
effectively communicating
their work to diverse
audiences. Furthermore,
they will participate in a
peer review and feedback
process, providing and
receiving constructive
criticism to improve the
quality of their
documentation and
presentation skills. Overall,
this component aims to
equip students with the
ability to produce
professional-level project
documentation and
effectively communicate
their work, ensuring they
can contribute to the
engineering field with
precision and clarity.

To enable students to Project Evaluation and

evaluate project outcomes Assessment
Week 14-17 Video
against initial objectives,
•Evaluation of project presentation/PowerPoint
assess project execution in
outcomes against initial presentation/computer/ laptop
terms of timelines and
resource management,
review their technical •Assessment of project
proficiency and application execution, adherence to
of engineering principles, timelines, and resource
and evaluate the quality of management
project documentation and
reporting. By achieving •Review of technical
these outcomes, students proficiency and
will develop critical skills application of
in project evaluation, engineering principles
reflection, and decision-
•Evaluation of the quality
making, empowering them
of project documentation
to identify areas for
and reporting
improvement and make
informed choices for future

Students should be able to Project Presentation

confidently deliver a clear and Defense
and organized presentation
•Presentation of the final
that highlights the key Video
project to the instructor
aspects of their project, presentation/PowerPoint
and peers Week 18
such as the problem presentation/computer/ laptop
statement, objectives, •Defense of project
methodology, and findings. methodology, results, and
They should also conclusions
demonstrate the ability to
defend their project by •Q&A session and
providing logical and well- feedback from the
supported arguments, audience
addressing potential
limitations or criticisms,
and showcasing their
understanding of the
project's significance.
Furthermore, students
should actively engage in a
Q&A session, actively
listening to feedback and
questions from the
audience, responding
thoughtfully, and
incorporating constructive
feedback to enhance their
understanding and improve
their future project


1. Maximum number of absences must be 20 % of the total number of hours.
2. Three late is equivalent to one hour absent.
3. Arrive 15 minutes from the scheduled time is considered as late.
4. Passing the term examinations, oral presentation as well as on time submission of assigned project.
5. Active participation in class discussion.


40% Technical Proficiency

30% Project Execution and Methodology
20% Project Documentation and Reporting
10% Presentation and Defense

Technical Proficiency (40%):

 Mastery of engineering principles and concepts relevant to the project

 Accuracy and effectiveness in applying theoretical knowledge to practical aspects of the project
 Quality of engineering calculations, analyses, simulations, and experiments conducted
 Overall technical soundness of the project implementation

Project Execution and Methodology (30%):

 Demonstration of effective project planning, organization, and management
 Adherence to the project timeline and efficient utilization of resources
 Soundness and appropriateness of the chosen project methodology
 Rigor and validity of data collection, analysis, and interpretation

Project Documentation and Reporting (20%):

 Clarity, organization, and completeness of the project report

 Quality of technical writing, including grammar, spelling, and formatting
 Thoroughness and accuracy of documentation, including drawings, calculations, and specifications
 Inclusion of appropriate references and citations

Presentation and Defense (10%):

 Effectiveness of the oral presentation, including clarity, organization, and visual aids
 Ability to articulate the project's objectives, methodology, results, and conclusions
 Proficiency in defending the project against questions and critiques during the Q&A session
 Engagement with the audience, responsiveness to feedback, and overall presentation skills


1. Multi-Media Projector
2. Video Wall
3. Laptop Computers
4. White Board


Action Taken Name Position Signature Date

Prepared by ROMIL L. ASOQUE Subject Instructor

Reviewed and Recommended by ROMIL L. ASOQUE Chair, Mechanical Engineering Dep’t

Approved by ROMIL L. ASOQUE COTE, Dean

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