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TECH TREND UPDATES. G Follow tech news sources © Attend tech webinars G Research emerging tech © Experiment with new tech G Analyze impact of new tech G Apply new tech knowledge CHATGPT CHECKLIST SKILL DEVELOPMENT G Identity a skill to develop G Research learning resources G Create a learning schedule G Practice new skill regularly © Evaluate sill progress G Apply new skill ra TK) oa © Learn basics of aCRM G Input customer data G Track customer interactions G Generate CRM reports © Analyze CRM data G Refine CRM strategies aie) SUA AML Le G Deine project goals G Createa project plan G Allocate resources © Monitor project progress © Adjust project plan G Review project outcome DATA VISUALIZATION Collect relevant data Choose appropriate visualizations Create a basic chart Refine and customize chart Present data visually Analyze visualized data GOGS666 MARKETING INSIGHTS. G Research marketing trends G Develop a marketing plan G Implement marketing strategies © Track campaign performance © Analyze marketing data G Adjust marketing strategies CODING ASSISTANCE @ Learn a coding language G Practice with simple projects G Debug your code © Write a complex program G Test the program G Refine and optimize code BUI AVE vel-01 Le G Prioritize tasks G Createa schedule G Break tasks into steps G Track time spent on tasks G Evaluate time management G Adjust and improve USN sree VU eve) | @ Draft a business email @ Edit for clarity and tone G Use professional format © Practice business calls G Develop a presentation © Present toa mock audience INDUSTRY RESEARCH G Identify industry of interest G Research current trends G Analyze competition © Compile research findings © Present findings G Develop action plans TASK AUTOMATION G Identify repetitive tasks Develop automation plan G Write automation script G Test the script Implement automation G Monitor and tweak as needed PY W NRE} G Gather data G Clean and format data G Analyze data G Interpret findings © Create a report G Present results PROBLEM-SOLVING G Identify a problem G Research possible solutions G Design an action plan G Implement the plan G Evaluate the results G Adjust the plan if necessary CONTENT CREATION G Find popular content themes Develop a content calendar G Write a blog post Edit and proofread content Publish and promote content G Analyze content performance ET STe) @ Learn ChatGPT basics @ Practice with ChatGPT @ Create simple Al chatbot @ Explore advanced Al concepts @ Experiment with Al in business @ Keep updated on Al trends Made by AI Find the high-quality version at

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