Adobe Scan Jul 30, 2023

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Restored Republic via a GCR:

Update as of July 29, 2023

, ~
~ ·. .
. - - ~ -- --=• -
.- -p · · fflCJain with pack 1:z on Givese:n dCo ~ ,.
\ ,\~ \~ r :fficial website Restored Li.n k i.n Desc r i.p, ,n ~ ~ ~
Judy Note: Mission Impossible Completed: It was recently reported
that the rescue of millions of children from a labyrinth of underground
I ~~ ~

tunnels across the globe has been completed by World Alliance

Military Forces.

official website .•:__. < :, r _d
• □Those efforts first by Navy Seals and US Marines and then by military •,
. a

forces across the Globe

I ._,...
over four years ago, way back on Wed.
_, ,._. ~ ~ ~ - _ , , ~ , ,_ .. __ __,,..,.

• 16 Oct. 2019 and only after a year of training on very complicated

· ,,. t" ... .• . -

underground tunnel rescue oper~~ions. . .
~ ~~. L.'
1 ,
.. -,:- . .; .
"It'.· . _., •
f. -

' •

... - ~
. I

, I
rthpa Co t ~ •
Li.nk i.n Descri.pilCfn ~~~~
st ulili~co
ll ,
~;1 :~ii.

lil • □The Navy Seals and US M_arines first rescue_:,-:

.,.~'!!_, .. ,~ •.. -11111 If - , --

an unb: lievable
lj ,

~112,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at the _ ~

- - .«Jlf ft'F"'-,_...,_,:; J I ,-: ..ll!ii.'! I ~

California China Lake Military facility. The children and teens were said
_a -r I r - I ._ - · .. • ••• _· •· -,r-. ~ t t- 7 ,. I _

- "'-to have been sexually abused, tortured and killed to collect their
., ~
. . . . . . ..
. r- R
.. adrenaline and organs. ~ . ;
- . ,

l •"
· , •


-· -

. - ,. '
• I
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~ ; J ~~ . . I,. t : \;.\i • I

·, 1~ \~..\ \ ,\ ......-- '"~

'-. ., · pacw9.!l!lll~IIIII!
~ ~\ ~ 1c1a website Restored Link in DescriptlCfn
Since then millions more tortured and dead chiildren were found in
underground tunnels across the Globe. Military forces of various
~ -...
countries combined with the Navy Seals and US Marines in the resc:ue
F '-

efforts - truly unsung heros.• □ Marines, Navy Seals Rescue 2,100 Caged
Children, Teens pacli 12 on Giv enilCo ·t , , .,

Link in Descriptl~n ~~ · -
A. Top News:• □ Get Ready for NESARA/ GESARA Military EBS: • □ Chance
Mcfaddin: On Sat. 29 July afternoon 1-2 EST Basil 3, GESARA will be


I • • I,
---1 'I

..., ' - ,

. .. ...
ll - - -- . -- - . 1,-.. - .- -
tvith pacW 12 Co -,,. " ' ...,
Link in Descr ip'-1'" ~~
· o _ _.,.s-a9 ai~ "6ith pack 12 on GiveSenilGo ,·.
official website kcstor(.;d Link in De scr ip, 1'n ~ ~ ~ -
•DHAARP and EMP to manipulate the weather and cast blame upon the
innocent Sun for a projected blackout in 2024.• □ The unsung heroes of
~ :a- the White Hats were nestled in Cheyenne Mountain preparing Worlld
~. --
- _ Alliance Operations for a worldwide Blackout. :::.:-_..
- .. - • ,.. __,-- _..'!'6....,,,,, ----- ,. ... ,,._. ......
-. . s~~~~~~
·-:-,~ . ,
~ -· ., -- ---
~ ~~~~

& 11 • -h I ctco -f,~ ~ ~

Link in Descrip1'1'n ~~

• □ Behind
.... -
the 2024 Blackout: BEHIND the SCENES: Untold Agenda
.... -
Cheyenne Mountain, White Hats)
-- -
,_ ·~ Behind the 2024 U.S. Blackout (Obama, Schwab, HAARP, EMP,
..... Military ,.. -
is the Only Way!
_ _ _-- .. '-I
·.r• ~CJ u~ 2on pac ...
w, llllll'-'!I ilCo 1.~ f
iv !1111111111. ..
official website Restored Link in Descripil~n ~~
- Deep State, Satanic, NWO, Tranny, Also Known As Michelle Obama
' I -

w,·th pacn~ l:Z on ,ve

II . -,_ ..,,
eiiil"o ·'"
' ~
:~ I
Link in Descriptl~n ~~ · ,
_ ad
. '

• □ Putin Freeing Ukraine From NATO Chokehold: BREAKING: RUSSIAN


, OFFENSIVE UNLEASHED! NATO and U.S. in a Chokehold • □ Nazi Maps of

Hollow Earth: Nazi Maps And Documents To Agartha Confirm The
Hollow Earth Accounts

with pact( - on
.,v ..,,
Co '" " '
•. ......
Link in Descrip1'Cfn ~ 1& · -
Visit the website right away to learn more about
--~~~-t - ~ ....._ _......._ , . ~ ~

finance, cur :-.. - - · · - -- · n

Link i.n Descri.p~ Cf"

B. Global Financial Collapse: Sit~tion Update: Banks No~ in Collapse!
' I· ·
Countries Dumbing the Dollar! BRICS Summit Now Reported in MSM, - -
Will Collapse Federal, Reserve Fiat Dollar! People Rejecting Cabal CBDC! V
, I - .-

- - I

- ~...-~lilllll
with pack 12-'on"'ci ---
Link in DescriptA,n
•□ Bankruptcy of the U.S.A Corporation was finalized on February 4,
,,,.alt.._ - ~ - ...- - - - ______,... ...
2021. Paperwork is filed in Tallahassee, Florida.• □ By around 22 Aug.

- -
most of the world will have decoupled from the Federal Reserve Dollar.
. .,.

tv,th pack 12 on Givese·n aco . ,·.

Li.nk i.n Descr i.p' 1'" ~ ~ ~
• □ Major banks were collapsing: JP Morgan, Citibank, Bank of America

- -- - - -- - . .. . .-:- - .6 ,_
(set aside $847 million to cover their next quarter of losses), Goldman
Sacs (down 58% last quarter),
~ ..-~
.... -
••·1 ~ .~ : .-. CJ
\ i,~ ~ 1c1a website Restored
Wells Fargo (set aside $900 million to cover their next quarter of
------- ' \ ~ •• _.IJIIII_ __
losses) and Chase (set aside $1.2 billion to cover losses and lost $200
billion in deposits last quarter).
' ;

i.veSen Co ··
Link in Descrip1'1fn ~!\ ~
* .-. - _ -- - I

,, I '
' I

.:-'.Jllll . -- -
• □ On Thurs. 27.July 2023 3~0 b: n~s were closed because they ::_ren,' t - ,
Basel 3 compliant (didn 't have the gold/asset-backed assets to back ·
, I ,.. ~ -- .. - :, "-'1111ii- - - 7"

their currency).•DXRP and XLM, XRM Cry cies were not

·, !4JJY 1~ ,,,~ tored'iihublic.c,
. .

' ,,,L~ ttf -.

,,-~ ~,w.,~],,~·~,. , Li- ,, r,,,
~ ,, ,,,
'J . ,,,. ;. I I u .r
i 1' I : ~
l· :· , I''l·· .,..,,~ . ,",.
~ F ,,, . -. 4'. . . '' ~ --

• □ Germany on edge of complete fin~ncial collapse. Credit Swiss has - ,.

• iz LI n a• · a t"....- .- - 1 • ~ 1}
gone down. Germany and .! ~ance economies we'! ~out to implode. l I ,.
l'\lJ jJ. , '.fi'. UI '•
i•l"'"~ 1u
I 1:f ,1 IL'J ,U -alr,L ~- L'
L , 1 ll I '> • \ ~
., ,..,..,,◄ I ,, '
. I. . /, '.' ~ t I ' , , ; , f
. ,. • ~' • l' "'"◄ ►...~ '4 I ► ◄ r •
• ,, I
~1 ' -
I •

• ♦
l,; l'-ft, • r lW' . I · i.
, I

__ I ~

.• 1 \• :. \ Pllllml.,111~ . •c s---a9ain ' ith pack 12 on GiveSenilGo { '

\ ,~ ~ official website '..· :,:·. .. Link ln Descrlp'-1'" ~~ ~
I/IJ!la--- l

-·~·~.~ ---~~----~--------------
• □American Patriot: EU Stress Test shows three banks falling short:

. . . . -..-~--------------------
. .........
Three banks from the European Union failed to meet binding capital
requirements in a stress test that saw a theoretical 496 billion euros
. ($546 billion) wiped from their buffers.

9'" , /

" ''
&lrith pacW·l:Z, Co i.~
Link i.n Descr i.p- ~ n ~!\ ·
• □WASHINGTON - Heartland Tri-State Bank of Elkhart, Kansas, was
:::lllltt \ ■S l Ir- · - · a:, - ~ """'. - ---.. - - ~ -
closed..t °!ay ,!>Y the Kansai ~f!ice of ~ e S! a!_«:_~an~ Commission~ i a

which appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) as

- i-.=::::;r===~~~;;;JJ~r
rece~ r. ==:jf J_;~i,§ ~~~==:.... ·T°=i~===---- --==

- - ~ ·-· a9ain
J ....
official website Restored
State Ban .
I 11 I -
111 II

,th pac o " \
1c1a website Restored Li.nk i.n Descri.p'-1" ~~ ·
~ ..~--- ,,,
., ~,.,
~·- r
." ~
, ~., .
. ,

1• ~. ;. -~~ # - - ~ . / ,, . -_ ( ,_. : •• - - ~ r.,

• □When this happens all credit will freeze up. All debit and credit cards -., ,·
.,. ---D-- - , . ·; !.:
won't be worth anything. Every truckload of food delivered to grocery · ·


~ •


I~ - • •

,. . .

stores are done so on credit line - that will create a food disruption. •
' .


• •

• a

---ilL • ,• '

r· ~.. .---
~ .. . : - / i ~.
Be prepared to have food, water and essentials for around three , -
·= eks.
#' ,.. - & - '

- .·._, -

- _, ~ r -._~
, 3 "o I o 1
, ""'"''U,,/;O/ I///
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$ ~~ \ ' / ~ : _:_. ',
' ~~ 1/_ ~~ ~ )
.s-C.--Global c i rre~cy---Revaluatio~:Judy Note: It appears that the
. ¥1" -----~~·. .
~ / -/ \ ~ ::::- ~ - ~

Quantum Financial System will be fully integrated and running on the ... ·
7n. / , \ ' - _,...... .:..i,,,.. ~~ - 'li' ~
new secure Star Link Satellite System by Tues. 1 Aug. - the same date . . . , ·<.J!
President Trump was expected to return to his duly elected office as

President of the US. , ·~~,...:_:_...__,, · ~~- · ·~

·--~- ..,,,.--- _:y~y' ~ ·~~ .
.-. ~ •----- ·._;. ·a
~ ith pack 12 ~ GiveSen Go ··
Link in Descrip'-1'n
Prepare for activation of the Emergency Broad cast System in a version

of Martial Law, which could shut down

everything for up to a ten day
period while documentaries are shown in eight hour segments 24/7.

t ith pacall.2~on Co -t,

Link in Descripil1'n
- .
The purpose would be to educate the public about our new court and
government systems including
_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _llllllr
_ .......
our God-given Freedoms as outlined in
..- - - ~ • ~ J J!/D.
the original and inspired US Constitution. pacN 1·2 ~ ive enilGo " \ ~~


Li.nk i.n Descri.pil~n ~...:\'"",


• □ Thurs. ____ _________________
27 July Bruce: Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) will be notified

to set our appointments sometime between Fri. 28 July and Mon. 31

July. NESARA should be announced to the US general public on Sun. 30
July, or Mon. 31 July. Restitution allowances will come out the first
week of Aug. •- ,_ . ' '

~""'"!I ...
ith pacli..1!!2llllllf f l - - l lCo 1,~-" ·
Li.nk i.n Descri.pil~n ~~~~ ,_
88Sbll'H RBPUlllil:iCO

Those 60 and older can take it as a lump sum. Those younger will be -----

.start in Aug.
~ -~S!III----- -
paid out over ten years. Increases in SS up to $5,000 will supposedly
The real president will be back in office by Tues. 1 Aug. • •· ---
·-a..~ ..._ _ .._'- -
~ Wolverine: "Watch between now and Monday..,

' '~ \_

11,,th pa ~Go=f., ' a

Li.nk i.n Descr i.p- ~n ~~~·~
~· 71
·.-~ ;. :-f;• ,i~..(·•~ . c ~

~' • Ji ,IH
c~~,lc . ci:= ·. ; : _
. . ,
- ......._
• □The General Public Tier 5 could exchange currency at the new rates
~- - . - - ~- - - - - 1'\

-~ at a bank beginning on Thurs. 3 Aug .... Bruce• □We are in a critical time
-~-, -- ··r_ --....__r e ~

frame window of the Great Wealth Transfer until Wed. 9 Aug .... '
·- - .
..,.1.... - ~. ";

. . . .. .,. .

' '\ .. . ; :· official website ~ ~ stored

· , hpacWl2 I.

Li.nk i.n Descri.p- ~n ~~ · ,


•□ "The RV will happen after a Global Financial crisis." ... Charlie Ward • '

---- ,,
: • .. - . 'i

The New Financial System: GESARA, QFS, GCR/RV, ISO 20022, BASEL III, '
Protocol QFS 20, and DINAR - It's All Connected!
l _,.,· I

. ' .~
.,.1 ,.·..
t ~,·~·~
· ::.rrvs·a9a1n
.:.I.,;._. . .. " pack 12r.. -CiveSe Go 1.'. '-
\ ,,~ ~. official website ·. . •· . Link in Descrip1',n ~ ~ ~
~ D. Restored
_,,, - 1!l.
Republic:• □ Fuliford Update:
• •.
' -
Intel: • □ Chance Mcfaddin:
. ,_\11111______

~...... On Sat. 29 July afternoon 1-2 EST Basil 3, GESARA will be announced.

,th pa iveSen · Co ··
Link i.n Descri.p~1'"
Ye.a, 1

Ong,nu OS

- - - - - - - -

Vendor Implementation I

- - - -- -

E. Apparent Timeline: Tues. 1 Aug. President

Trump will be back!!! Martial Law during

activation of the gold/ asset-backed Global __

Financial System of 209 countries. Ten days
of communication darkness worldwide.
Sat. 5 Aug. JFK Jr. will be back!!! Will those in the federal witness
I : . A'

protection program who tried to expose the truth, finally come forth
such as Elvis, Diana, Michael Jackson, Marilyn Monroe and other

11'!'JI a01ll~-a9ai pac Co 1,~ ~

official website Restored Republic.CO Link in Descrip~~n
• I
F. Fri. 28July JFK Jr. Private on Telegram:Hello Everyone, Do you
--·--· ;.., .. --m:a--111:111.-..
recognize me. My name is John. Some of you may know me as John F.
! . / ~ ·

Kennedy Jr.


~Y .,:.f,..~.
I spent most of my life in hidi'!2,· I did it to protect my family,
friends, the people and the world. In the upcoming months I will .1~ ~ ,-t..., -r
reveal something that will change a lot of things and make -thisw~r1d · I'.
a BETTER PLACE for EVERYBODY! ' _. _.-~~ _,-
/· .....

~ '

• Ir _ ~h r Iw,th
I. ~ - ~-.:illlll!IIIIIP. ..1, ,11_
pacli 12 on ilCo ~,.. " ' .,
Link in Descrip~ Cfn ~~
\.. ( (" ;: f ~~. : . . .
~,... ~J .i...: _:;. .
Who wanted me DEAD. Who tried to ASSASSINATE me.Who died in the
· plane accident . Who helped me get away . Who gave me shelter . Who
' SAVEo"; v -LIFE .All of this is bigger than you think. Over the years I -
had enough time to gather information on everything and everyone.

,th pacli 12 on
Go ·'" " '
Link in Descrip1'Cfn

~ 'a·-

Soon, I will publish everything. You will not believe your eyes when all
of this information comes out.

co ·t, .
~ ----~
G i.~
~ L.1 1 1,
. _1 l!.~

Join my channel and share it with the people you know and care about.
Everybody needs to SEE and HEAR this. I will go LIVE to EXPLAIN and

l'I pac I
ithpac Go "
- I ',

Link in Descrip~n

IJ, 1111 4
8 DAYS REMAINING! (to Sa,t. 5 Aug. 2023).• □ Sometime soon the tz·
·- ifflll \ ~•
Supre~e Court ~ould a~nounce their decision on t ~e Brunso~ ~ s~
and another 2020 Voter Fraud case before the Court. That decision was

•UII- • IDBI- S •- - - 1111- ,ma , ,
likely to reverse the 2020 Election due to massive Election Fraud.
'}. OShift
Resblred ReliubUC!CO
p '- 'L'')
I ~

◄ End
,._ • - I .. . -·, .. \ .
Such would then dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress
, - ------.
and likely be accompanied by activation of the Emergency Broadcast
•• • • • • • r ~ - ---l!!ii......
System where the Military would take o'!er for a short period of time
until new elections could be held.
_'f1J1strat10n '
h pacltl2 ·ive ilCo 1.~ ~.
Link in Descripil~n
.. .
• \ti
Restored Reou•

I ~.;
• □ Aug.

'\,-- . ~1 1 1 • -

2023: Exposure, Arr,e sts of Major Satanic Child Sacrifice and ,
..'l.--1~- ,,,,~1111" ··- - - - ~~-ea
Pedophile Groups.•□ Med Bed appointments could be made sometime •~.
r.) •

soon. :,~,_· ~:_;;, · ~

,t I

I '

• □When
Trump's presidency ended, JFK Jr. would come in as President,
while Trump would be elevated to Global Financial Ambassador to
aaill_. .,
make the GESARA changes around the Globe according to Bruce.

· f§-ugai pacli 2 on • Co -f.~~
official website Restored Republic.CO Link in Descripil~n "- _
• ...
•□ Fall
2023 Massive protests and riots were forecasted to shake ,~
1- -
Canada's core, ushering in a winter of discontent in the latter part of
: --~~-

2023 and early 2024.

-- Go-ff.~
Link in Descrip'1n
*· _ .- .,:
/, , ~~~~,
Restorell Raou•
r r:
.. - •~,;,e
,- '"": ,1-'-. • I '
.. -::.· ,.:., ~

. ;/'°"

· ·- •02026: U.S. (_eublic) Tribunal_s slated for 2026 would coincide with t....~
anadi~...n..J.'~i bunal~ and wo,rld Tribunals that would connect
l _
I ,,

- ~everything from Deep State Human Trafficking, to World Plandemic • , ,, ~ /

. Dee~ ~ ta~~ peratio.ns, to creati~n of the Virus. ·· : • ~ ~- : !'

I ,• t h pacWP.!111111.-.::'!llllllll~
12- ....,....llll--=-
II. Go -''r.. •" ·
Li.nk i.n Descri.p'-1" ~~ · ,
:~ ~.(,~~elp ~ve Our Constitution - It's H_a nging By A Thread: :□ The
Brunson Brothers have filed a number of petitions that sued members
. of c~~.ress . ,
., .. ... , .• u
•j ; I .-, ._ I •

•' ~. ,· . . . . i ,,
. . , ··. ''./.M ..
~ i .-.· .
•·. . "t.
. ...
. ~ -- • tf , •
, ~.... ...,·,

•f. ff!:,

--~ :
' ' ;#
:"'°: ' r ~•'l ,.
~\ . .
,,• -

lvith pack 12 on GiveSenilGo ··

Li.nk i.n Descr i.p'-,n
-~ ·

, r.._~.·
. _4.
the Biden Administration for violating ·t heir Oath
. ""fli/lTI W I D I
ft I
I II -
!y I
• ,.
/:t.111 protecting the People's Right to Fair Elections through certifying the r"'
. .· ~ aw I JI · I • I I ::
. 2020 Election before investigating 50 formally filed allegations of voter

with pacW 12 on P.:!lll•~ilCo -f.~-, ~

Link in Descrip~n ~ :: ~

t'>.1!!'81• .,. . . . . . '--~-'3111,:a 'lit..,,.....s: If
JIJ, ,.
• □ "Even
- -
. .
nation- will -be. on
the verge
of crumbling to pieces and
..,,J. . . ._ _ _ _ _111111111_ -- . . .r11. . ._ _ __

tumbling to the ground and when the Constitution is on the brink of

....- ,,-~ -.
ruin, this people will be the staff upon which the nation shall lean
,a-- - ~
- .. .
I. The Real News for Fri. 28July 2023:• □ Earthquakes in or near
._.__, ..,
. · ~l 'f',. ~ -·~
Switzerland past 48 hours, Dec 22, 2021. In Nov. Switzerland was
pounded t ~~: '· · f·' V

h pacli 12 on ~i Co 1.~ ,:\

"EARTHQUAKES" happening in Switzerland - this is only within the 30 ,
---a.s... ... . ,..
days. Swiss DS agents should of took the deal - military is the only · •
a. ~

. way. Swiss banks got rolled up too. Lots of banker arrest & step ,,
· · '\ downs.10• ;-EA~ONS "'!i:tv swHi ~.~LAND 1s THE SECRET HOME OF THE ~)CT #>·! ,-
NAZIS: ;~ ' "\, ,-if , -
-~ -. ' '

Co 1L~
., ·,· ..
Li.nk in Descrip1'1n ~~ _: , ,, - '-:'
Restoml IIBDUliliCJCO

_ _ budgets of
_ _ _,..._the
__ states
___ are dying! . They can't
~ last
~ .much
a . . longer!

NESARA baby! What happens. All the politicians are rounded up and
go to GITMO!

~11::Ve-'!!,.PFIHl:IICO " •

Link in Descrip~n ~. .~ ,

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