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Associate Degree Program (ADP) 4th Semester

Exam: Final Term Session: 2021-23

Paper: Introduction to Literary Studies
Time Allowed: 20 minutes Score: 20 Marks

Name: ________________________ Roll No.__________________

Part I (Objective)
Q # 1: Circle the Correct answer on this question paper only. Over writing is not
allowed. (1*20= 20)
1. The structure of a story; the sequence in which the author arranges events in a story is
(a) Pathetic Fallacy (b) Verisimilitude (c) Allusion (d) Plot
2. The characters that have many traits or aspects to their personality are called
(a) Static Character (b) Flat Character (c) Round Character
(d) Dynamic Character
3. The audience knows something that the characters in the drama do not. It is called
(a) Verbal Irony (b) Dramatic Irony (c) Situational Irony (d) Structural Irony
4. _____ is a literary style in which one’s thoughts and feelings are depicted in a
continuous and uninterrupted flow.
(a) Stream of Consciousness (b) Southern Gothic (c) Sonnet (d) Soliloquy
5. A lyric poem of fourteen lines whose rhyme scheme is mixed on the meter that is
iambic pentameter is called
(a) Soliloquy (b) Gothic (c) Picaresque Novel (d) Sonnet
6. A break with the past and the concurrent search for new forms of expression is:
(a) Naturalism (b) Malapropism (c) Modernism (d) Postmodernism
7. What does the term "alienation" mean in Marxist theory?
(a) Economic exploitation of the working class
(b) A sense of separation from one's own labor and its products
(c) Class Struggle (d) Class Difference
8. According to Marxist theory, which class is the ruling class in a capitalist society?
(a) The bourgeoisie (b) The proletariat (c) The petit bourgeoisie
(d) The lumpenproletariat.
9. What is the role of ideology in a capitalist society, according to Marxist theory?
(a) To create a sense of national identity and patriotism.
(b) To unite people from different classes through common beliefs and values.
(c) To provide a means of resistance for the working class against the ruling class.
(d) To maintain the dominance of the ruling class by shaping the beliefs and values of
the working class.
10. What is the first wave of feminism focused on?
(a) Women's suffrage (b) Women's workplace rights (c) Women's reproductive
rights (d) Women's education rights
11. What is the definition of patriarchy?
(a) A society ruled by men (b) A society ruled by women
(c) A society ruled by both (d) None of the above
12. The depiction of simple mode of life, language used by common men and love for
nature are some of the characteristics of literature of
(a) Renaissance Period (b) Modern Age (c) Romantic Period (d) Puritan Age
13. Which poets collaborated on the Lyrical Ballads of 1798, thus demonstrating the
“spirit of the age”.
(a) Mary Wollstonecraft and William Blake (b) Mary Wollstonecraft and P.B Shelley
(c) William Wordsworth and S.T Coleridge (d) Charles Lamb and William Hazlitt
14. Who described all good poetry as, “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings”.
(a) Sir Philip Sidney (b) Samuel Johnson (c) Jonathan Swift
(d) William Wordsworth
15. In which year did the Neoclassical period begin?
(a) 1760s (b) 1790s (c) 1850s (d) 1880s
16. Who was the Queen of England during the Victorian era?
(a) Queen Mary (b) Queen Victoria (c) Queen Anne (d) Queen Elizabeth I
17. Who is the most representative of Modern poetry?
(a) W.B. Yeats (b) T.S. Eliot (c) W.H. Davies (d) A.E. Houseman
18. Freud suggests that ___ are road to human unconscious.
(a) Deeds (b) Dreams (c) Likes (d) Dislikes
19. The Rape of the Lock is the example of
(a) Epic Poem (b) Elegy (c) Mock Epic (d) Ballad
20. Journals, newspapers, letter and diaries are the types of
(a) Fiction (b) Non Fiction (c) Short Fictional Narrative (d) Novel
Associate Degree Program (ADP) 4th Semester
Exam: Final Term Session: 2021-23
Paper: Introduction to Literary Studies
Time Allowed: 1Hour and 50 Minutes Score: 40 Marks

Part II (Short Questions)

Q: 2: Describe briefly: (5*4=20)

a) Characteristics of romantic movement in literature.

b) Imagery and its types.
c) Characteristics of neoclassical age.
d) Drama and its types.
Part III (Subjective)

Q: 3: What are the major concerns of Feminism associated with the different waves of
the movement? (10)

Q: 4: What is Modernist moment elucidate its common themes? (10)

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