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PRAGMATICS AND SEMANTICS ° DEIXIS DEIXIS + Etymology From the Greek, "pointing, show" Any linguistic form that we use to accomplish the task of pointing out is called deixis. The deictic words such as: 1 + we * you + he + she + this + that it + now + Then + Here + there + Tomorrow ete. Are different linguistic forms and are called deictic expressions. Wat is Obama saying? How is ho saying it intonationally? Ihe were to point only wile uitioring ono word, woul it matter which? DEICTIC EXPRESSION/OR DEIXIS A deictic expression (or deixis) is a word or phrase that points to the time, place, or situation in which a speaker is speaking. Deixis concerns on the interpretation of utterances such as: + who is speaking + the time or place of speaking + the gestures of the speaker, or + the current location in the discourse ‘The meanings of deictic expressions can be understood only in terms of speakers intended meanings. For example: + Speaker A: Have you brought the book? + Speaker B: Yes The word the is obviously a deictic expression whose exact meaning can only be understood in terms of speaker A's intended meaning. — Proximal terms (near speaker) : this, here, now — Distal terms (away from speaker) : that, there, then INDEXICAL When we indicate something we use expressions. These expressions are called indexical, e.g. + now + then “i * Come * goetc. These expressions require an addressee to be able to pick out a person, place or time relevant in understanding how the words refer. This is called deictic reference. + Itis now 12:15. . is Iqbal. + Letizea was the mother of Napoleon. In the above examples, the underlined words i.e. It, this, the, are deictic expressions or indexical. KINDS OF DEIXIS * Person Deixis ‘Any expression used to point a person is called person deixis. e.g. all pronouns such as |, you, he, she, me, him, them etc. Person deixis concerns the persons involved in an utterance, such as: + The persons directly involved e.g. the speaker and the addressee + The persons not directly involved e.g, those who hear the utterance but are not being directly addressed, ‘+ The persons mentioned in the utterance Certainly, the distinctions are generally indicated by pronouns, The following examples are self explanatory. Lam going to bazaar. ‘Would you like to have dinner. * Place Dei Place deixis is also described as spatial deixis, where the relative location of people and things is being indicated. Place deixis or spatial deixis usually expressed in this, these, there, here, that, and those. The following examples are worth mentio’ + Lenjoy living in this city. + Here is where we met last month, + She was sitting over there, W” Like THAT JAGUAR UP THERE WHO's ° Time Deixis Time deixis is also called as temporal deixis. In other words, time deixis concerns itself with the various times involved in and referred to in an utterance, such as, tonight, last week, yesterday, before, after etc. Actually, time deixis includes time adverbs like now, then, soon and so forth, and also different tenses. For explaining time deixis, a good example is the word tomorrow, which denotes the consecutive next day after every day. The tomorrow of a day last year was a different day from the tomorrow of a day next week, personal deixis spatial deixis temporal de

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