Potion Making DND

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There are six different strengths of potion a player can make: lesser, common, adequate,

quality, exquisite, and perfect; with each being more potent in effect and more valuable in a
purely monetary sense.

Approximate effects of potions

Strength Duration Area of Effect Value (GP)

Lesser 1d6 30 sec 20ft 200

Common 1d6+2 2 min 40ft 400

Adequate 1d8+2 5 min 60ft 800

Quality 2d8+2 10 min 100ft 1,500

Exquisite 3d8+3 15 min 150ft 5,000

Perfect 6d8+6 30 min 300ft 20,000

Anyone can attempt to make a lesser potion but you must have the required potion making level
to make better potions.

Required potion making level

Lesser 0

Common 1

Adequate 5

Quality 10

Exquisite 15

Perfect 20
Your potion making level is equal to:

Your class levels of Cleric and Druid; plus,

A half of your class levels, rounded down, from Paladin, Ranger, Rouge, and Sorcerer;
A quarter of your class levels, rounded down, from Monk, Warlock, and Wizard; plus,
Your proficiency bonus if you are proficient with Alchemist's supplies, Herbalism kit, or
Poisoner's kit

Each potion strength takes consecutively longer to brew and requires a higher base DC check,
your DM may increase these depending on what you are brewing.

Brew time DC check

Lesser 8 hours 18 or 12 with 1+ potion

making levels

Common 1 day 15

Adequate 1 week 20

Quality 2 weeks 25

Exquisite 1 month 30

Perfect 3 months 40

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